In [2]:
from ipywidgets import interact
First we define a simple function that the widgets will activate.
In [3]:
def f(x):
return x
Next We create the widgets by calling the interact function, using an argument type for x. The choice of x will give use sliders, check boxes, or text entry boxes.
In [4]:
In [5]:
In [6]:
In [7]:
interact(f,x='Hello World')
In [8]:
%matplotlib inline
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
First we define the update function which will plot something interesting for us. In this case we plot the function $$f(x) = x^k$$ for various values of $k$.
The show command in the function is important, to get the plot to display.
In [9]:
def update(k=0):
Now we can the interact commad using the update function, and a slider.
In [10]:
We can do more complex plots with many sliders. For instance, let's explore the sine funciton as it ofter appears in signal processing. It can have an amplitude, frequency and phase. We define the appropriate function and include sliders for this.
$$t\mapsto A\sin(2\pi f t + \phi ).$$When we define the function, we can include some default values in the argument list.
In [11]:
t = linspace(0,1,1000)
def plot_sine(A=4,f=2,phi=0):
plot(t,A*sin(2*pi*f*t + phi))
When calling the interact function, makes sure the list of parameters have the same name as the action function.
In [12]:
interact(plot_sine,A=(0,10), f=(1,10), phi=(0,2*pi))
In [13]:
import networkx as nx
In [14]:
# wrap a few graph generation functions so they have the same signature
def random_lobster(n, m, k, p):
return nx.random_lobster(n, p, p / m)
def powerlaw_cluster(n, m, k, p):
return nx.powerlaw_cluster_graph(n, m, p)
def erdos_renyi(n, m, k, p):
return nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n, p)
def newman_watts_strogatz(n, m, k, p):
return nx.newman_watts_strogatz_graph(n, k, p)
def plot_random_graph(n, m, k, p, generator):
g = generator(n, m, k, p)
In [15]:
interact(plot_random_graph, n=(2,30), m=(1,10), k=(1,10), p=(0.0, 1.0, 0.001),
'lobster': random_lobster,
'power law': powerlaw_cluster,
'Newman-Watts-Strogatz': newman_watts_strogatz,
u'Erdős-Rényi': erdos_renyi,