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.. currentmodule:: mlens.parallel

Learner Mechanics

ML-Ensemble is designed to provide an easy user interface. But it is also designed to be extremely flexible, all the wile providing maximum concurrency at minimal memory consumption. The lower-level API that builds the ensemble and manages the computations is constructed in as modular a fashion as possible.

The low-level API introduces a computational graph-like environment that you can directly exploit to gain further control over your ensemble. In fact, building your ensemble through the low-level API is almost as straight forward as using the high-level API. In this tutorial, we will walk through the basics :class:Learner and :class:Transformer class.

The Learner API ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


The base estimator of ML-Ensemble is the :class:Learner instance. A learner is a wrapper around a generic estimator along with a cross-validation strategy. The job of the learner is to manage all sub-computations required for fitting and prediction. In fact, it's public methods are generators from sub-learners, that do the actual computation. A learner is the parent node of an estimator's computational sub-graph induced by the cross-validation strategy.

A learner is created by specifying an estimator and an indexer, along with a set of optional arguments, most notably the name of the learner. Naming is important, is it is used for cache referencing. If setting it manually, ensure you give the learner a unique name.

In [ ]:
from mlens.utils.dummy import OLS
from mlens.parallel import Learner, Job
from mlens.index import FoldIndex

indexer = FoldIndex(folds=2)
learner = Learner(estimator=OLS(),

The learner doesn't do any heavy lifting itself, it manages the creation a sub-graph of auxiliary :class:SubLearner nodes for each fold during estimation. This process is dynamic: the sub-learners are temporary instances created for each estimation.

To fit a learner, we need a cache reference. When fitting all estimators from the main process, this reference can be a list. If not (e.g. multiprocessing), the reference should instead be a str pointing to the path of the cache directory. Prior to running a job (fit, predict, transform), the learner must be configured on the given data by calling the setup method. This takes cares of indexing the training set for cross-validation, assigning output columns et.c.

In [ ]:
import os, tempfile
import numpy as np

X = np.arange(20).reshape(10, 2)
y = np.random.rand(10)

# Specify a cache directory
path = []

# Run the setup routine
learner.setup(X, y, 'fit')

# Run
for sub_learner in learner.gen_fit(X, y):

print("Cached items:\n%r" % path)

Fitting the learner puts three copies of the OLS estimator in the path: one for each fold and one for the full dataset. These are named as [name].[col_id].[fold_id]. To load these into the learner, we need to call collect.

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The main estimator, fitted on all data, gets stored into the learner_ attribute, while the others are stored in the sublearners_. These attributes are generators that create new sub-learners with fitted estimators when called upon.

To generate predictions, we can either use the sublearners_ generator create cross-validated predictions, or learner_ generator to generate predictions for the whole input set.

Similarly to above, we predict by specifying the job and the data to use. Now however, we must also specify the output array to populate. In particular, the learner will populate the columns given in the output_columns attribute, which is set with the setup call. If you don't want it to start populating from the first column, you can pass the n_left_concats argument to setup. Here, we use the transform task, which uses the sublearners_ generator to produce cross-validated predictions.

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path = []
P = np.zeros((y.shape[0], 2))
learner.setup(X, y, 'transform', n_left_concats=1)
for sub_learner in learner.gen_transform(X, P):

In the above loop, a sub-segment of P is updated by each sublearner spawned by the learner. To instead produce predictions for the full dataset using the estimator fitted on all training data, task the learner to predict.

To streamline job generation across tasks and different classes, ML-Ensemble features a :class:Job class that manages job parameters. The job class prevents code repetition and allows us to treat the learner as a callable, enabling task-agnostic code:

In [ ]:
job = Job(
    predict_out=np.zeros((y.shape[0], 1))

learner.setup(job.predict_in, job.targets, job.job)
for sub_learner in learner(job.args(), 'main'):

ML-Ensemble follows the Scikit-learn API, so if you wish to update any hyper-parameters of the estimator, use the get_params and set_params API:

In [ ]:
print("Params before:")

learner.set_params(estimator__offset=1, indexer__folds=3)

print("Params after:")


Updating the indexer on one learner updates the indexer on all

learners that where initiated with the same instance.


We can create several other types of learners by varying the estimation strategy. An especially interesting strategy is to partition the training set and create several learners fitted on a given partition. This will create one prediction feature per partition. In the following example we fit the OLS model using two partitions and three fold CV on each partition. Note that by passing the output array as an argument during 'fit', we perform a fit and transform operation.

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from mlens.index import SubsetIndex

def mse(y, p): return np.mean((y - p) ** 2)

indexer = SubsetIndex(partitions=2, folds=2, X=X)
learner = Learner(estimator=OLS(),

job.job = 'fit'
job.predict_out = np.zeros((y.shape[0], 2))

learner.setup(job.predict_in, job.targets, job.job)
for sub_learner in learner(job.args(), 'main'):


Each sub-learner records fit and predict times during fitting, and if a scorer is passed scores the predictions as well. The learner aggregates this data into a raw_data attribute in the form of a list. More conveniently, the data attribute returns a dict with a specialized representation that gives a tabular output directly: Standard data is fit time (ft), predict time (pr). If a scorer was passed to the learner, cross-validated test set prediction scores are computed. For brevity, -m denotes the mean and -s denotes standard deviation.

In [ ]:
print("Data:\n%s" %


We can easily create a preprocessing pipeline before fitting the estimator. In general, several estimators will share the same preprocessing pipeline, so we don't want to pipeline the transformations in the estimator itself– this will result in duplicate transformers.

As with estimators, transformers too define a computational sub-graph given a cross-validation strategy. Preprocessing pipelines are therefore wrapped by the :class:Transformer class, which is similar to the :class:Learner class. The input to the Transformer is a :class:Pipeline instance that holds the preprocessing pipeline.


When constructing a :class:`Pipeline` for use with the :class:`Transformer`, the ``return_y`` argument must be ``True``.

To link the transformer's sub-graph with the learner's sub-graph, we set the preprocess argument of the learner equal to the name of the :class:Transformer. Note that any number of learners can share the same transformer and in fact should when the same preprocessing is desired.

In [ ]:
from mlens.utils.dummy import Scale
from mlens.parallel import Transformer, Pipeline

pipeline = Pipeline([('trans', Scale())], return_y=True)

transformer = Transformer(estimator=pipeline,

To build the learner we pass the name of the transformer as the preprocess argument:

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learner = Learner(estimator=OLS(),

We now repeat the above process to fit the learner, starting with fitting the transformer. By using the :class:Job class, we can write task-agnostic boiler-plate code. Note that the transformer is called as an 'auxiliary' task, while the learner is called as the 'main' task.

In [ ]:
# Reset the prediction output array
job.predict_out = np.zeros((y.shape[0], 2))

transformer.setup(job.predict_in, job.targets, job.job)
learner.setup(job.predict_in, job.targets, job.job)

# Turn split off when you don't want the args() call to spawn a new sub-cache
job.split = False
for subtransformer in transformer(job.args(), 'auxiliary'):

for sublearner in learner(job.args(), 'main'):


Note that the cache now contains the transformers as well:

In [ ]:
for item in job.dir['task_%i' % job._n_dir]:

And estimation data is collected on a partition basis:

In [ ]:
print("Data:\n%s" %

Parallel estimation

Since the learner and transformer class do not perform estimations themselves, we are free to modify the estimation behavior. For instance, to parallelize estimation with several learners, we don't want a nested loop over each learner, but instead flatten the for loops for maximal concurrency. This is the topic of our next walk through. Here we show how to parallelize estimation with a single learner using multiple threads:

In [ ]:
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool

def run(est): est()

args = job.args()
job.predict_out = np.zeros((y.shape[0], 2))
job.job = 'predict'
Pool(4).map(run, list(learner(args, 'main')))

For a slightly more high-level API for parallel computation on a single instance (of any accepted class), we can turn to the :func:run function. This function takes care of argument specification, array creation and all details we would otherwise need to attend to. For instance, to transform a dataset using the preprocessing pipeline fitted on the full training set, use :func:run to call predict:

In [ ]:
from mlens.parallel import run

    run(transformer, 'predict', X)

Next we handle several learners by grouping them in a layer in the layer mechanics tutorial <layer_tutorial>.