This notebook shows an example of a non-deterministic automaton that Seminator can turn into a semi-deterministic automaton that is smaller than the minimal equivalent deterministic automaton.

Beside the Spot bindinges (that start with spot.) we use two functions exported by Seminator: the seminator() function offer services similar to the command-line tool, and the highlight_components() can be used to color the first (purple) and second (green) components of a semi-deterministic automaton.

In [1]:
import spot
from spot.jupyter import display_inline
from spot.seminator import seminator, highlight_components
spot.setup(show_default='.v') # vertical display

In [2]:
nba = spot.translate('F(a & GFb) R c')
sdba = seminator(nba)
dba = spot.postprocess(nba, 'det')
# add some colors
spot.highlight_nondet_edges(nba, 5)

In [3]:
display_inline(nba, sdba, dba)

Inf( ) [Büchi] 0 0 I->0 0->0 c 1 1 0->1 a & c 2 2 0->2 !a & c 1->1 !b 1->1 b 2->1 a 2->2 !a
Inf( ) [Büchi] 0 0 I->0 0->0 c 1 1 0->1 c 2 2 0->2 a & c 3 3 0->3 !a & c 1->1 c 2->2 !b 2->2 b 3->2 a 3->3 !a
Inf( ) [Büchi] 0 0 I->0 1 1 0->1 !a & c 2 2 0->2 a & c 1->1 !a & c 1->2 a & c 3 3 1->3 !a & !c 4 4 1->4 a & !c 2->2 c 2->4 !c 3->3 !a 3->4 a 4->4 !b 4->4 b

To show that the deterministic Büchi automaton on the right is minimal, we use Spot's sat_minimize() function, that uses a SAT-solver to find a smaller equivalent DBA if one exists.

In [4]:
assert dba.num_states() == spot.sat_minimize(dba).num_states()