In [1]:
%pylab inline
In [2]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os.path as op
from pprint import pprint as pp
import scipy.stats
import seaborn as sns
import copy
In [3]:
datapath = "~/teigen_data/output_rows.csv"
paper_dpi = 600
In [4]:
available_radius_methods = [
"inscribed", "circumscribed",
"cylinder volume",
"cylinder volume + sphere error",
"cylinder volume + sphere error + man",
"cylinder volume + sphere error + join error",
"cylinder surface",
"cylinder surface + sphere error",
"cylinder surface + sphere error + join error",
"cylinder surface + sphere error + join error man",
In [5]:
plotkw ={
"figsize": [9, 6],
"fontsize": 14,
plot_title_size = 40
plot_linewidth = 3
plot_title_size = None
plot_linewidth = None
plot_boxprops = {
"linewidth": plot_linewidth
boxplotkw = {
"figsize": [9, 6],
"fontsize": 14,
"boxprops": plot_boxprops,
"medianprops": plot_boxprops,
"whiskerprops": plot_boxprops,
"capprops": plot_boxprops,
figurekw = {
"figsize": [9, 6]
plotkw = {}
boxplotkw = {}
figurekw = {}
In [6]:
run_label_key = "run_label"
In [7]:
def read_data(datapath):
df = pd.read_csv(op.expanduser(datapath))
# remove duplicates
ks = copy.copy(list(df.keys()))
# ks.remove("processing_info datetime")
ks = list_filter(ks, notstartswith="processing_info")
df = df.drop_duplicates(ks)
df["volume [mm^3]"] = df["measurement volume [mm^3]"]
df["numeric volume [mm^3]"] = df["measurement numeric volume [mm^3]"]
df["surface [mm^2]"] = df["measurement surface [mm^2]"]
df["numeric surface [mm^2]"] = df["measurement numeric surface [mm^2]"]
df["surface difference [mm^2]"] = df["numeric surface [mm^2]"] - df["surface [mm^2]"]
df["surface difference [-]"] = df["surface difference [mm^2]"] / df["surface [mm^2]"]
df["surface difference [%]"] = df["surface difference [mm^2]"] / df["surface [mm^2]"] * 100
df["volume difference [mm^3]"] = df["numeric volume [mm^3]"] - df["volume [mm^3]"]
df["volume difference [-]"] = df["volume difference [mm^3]"] / df["volume [mm^3]"]
df["volume difference [%]"] = df["volume difference [mm^3]"] / df["volume [mm^3]"] * 100
df["surface error [mm^2]"] = np.abs(df["surface difference [mm^2]"])
df["surface error [-]"] = np.abs(df["surface difference [-]"])
df["surface error [%]"] = np.abs(df["surface difference [%]"])
df["volume error [mm^3]"] = np.abs(df["volume difference [mm^3]"])
df["volume error [-]"] = np.abs(df["volume difference [-]"])
df["volume error [%]"] = np.abs(df["volume difference [%]"])
df["measurement_resolution"] = df["config postprocessing measurement_resolution"]
df["length_distribution_mean"] = df["config generators Unconnected tubes length_distribution_mean"]
df["radius_distribution_mean"] = df["config generators Unconnected tubes radius_distribution_mean"]
df["element_number"] = df["config generators Unconnected tubes element_number"]
df["element number"] = df["element_number"]
df["measurement resolution"] = df["measurement_resolution"]
df["step 1 time [s]"] = df["processing_info step1_total_time_s"]
df["step 2 time [s]"] = df["processing_info step2_total_time_s"]
df["total time [s]"] = df["step 1 time [s]"] + df["step 2 time [s]"]
df["radius method"] = df["config measurement polygon_radius_selection_method"]
return df
# read_data(datapath)
def savefig(fn, dpi=None, dataframe=None):
if dpi is None:
dpi = paper_dpi
plt.savefig(fn + ".pdf", bbox_inches='tight')
plt.savefig(fn + ".png", bbox_inches='tight', dpi=dpi)
if dataframe is not None:
dataframe.to_csv(fn + ".csv", index=False)
dataframe.to_excel(fn + ".xls")
desc = dataframe.describe()
desc.to_csv(fn + "_describe.csv", index=False)
desc.to_excel(fn + "_describe.xls")
def append_dataframe_to_csv(df, filename):
import pandas as pd
filename = op.expanduser(filename)
if op.exists(filename):
dfin = pd.read_csv(filename)
df = pd.concat([dfin, df])
df.to_csv(filename, index=False)
def remove_rows_from_csv(filename, n=1):
filename = op.expanduser(filename)
if op.exists(filename):
dfin = pd.read_csv(filename)
df = dfin[:-n]
df.to_csv(filename, index=False)
In [8]:
def list_filter(lst, startswith=None, notstartswith=None, contain=None, notcontain=None):
keeped = []
for item in lst:
keep = False
if startswith is not None:
if item.startswith(startswith):
keep = True
if notstartswith is not None:
if not item.startswith(notstartswith):
keep = True
if contain is not None:
if contain in item:
keep = True
if notcontain is not None:
if not notcontain in item:
keep = True
if keep:
return keeped
lst = ["aa" , "sss", "aaron", "rew"]
output = list_filter(lst, notstartswith="aa")
assert(["sss", "rew"] == output)
output = list_filter(lst, contain="ro")
# list_filter(lst, notstartswith="a")
In [9]:
df = read_data(datapath)
In [10]:
note_key = list_filter(df.keys(), contain="note")[0]
step2_datetime_key = list_filter(df.keys(), contain="step2_finish_datetime")[0]
step1_datetime_key = list_filter(df.keys(), contain="step1_init_datetime")[0]
# print(step2_datetime_key)
In [11]:
def newer_data(df, timestamp_string="today"):
timestamp_string: f.e. 2017-07-05
which_keep = pd.to_datetime(df[step2_datetime_key]) > pd.to_datetime(timestamp_string)
return df[which_keep]
dfs = newer_data(df)
print("{}/{}".format(len(dfs), len(df)))
In [12]:
def select_df(df, note=None, note_contains=None, newer_than=None, older_than=None, remove=False, print_log=False):
timestamp_string: f.e. 2017-07-05
ldf = len(df)
which_keep = [True] * len(df)
if newer_than is not None:
which_keep_time = pd.to_datetime(df[step2_datetime_key]) > pd.to_datetime(newer_than)
which_keep = which_keep_time
if older_than is not None:
which_keep_time = pd.to_datetime(df[step2_datetime_key]) < pd.to_datetime(older_than)
which_keep = which_keep & which_keep_time
if note is not None:
which_keep_note = df[note_key] == note
which_keep = which_keep & which_keep_note
if note_contains is not None:
which_keep_note = df[note_key].str.contains(note_contains)
which_keep = which_keep & which_keep_note
if remove:
which_keep = np.logical_not( which_keep)
# print(which_keep)
dfout = df[which_keep]
ldfo = len(dfout)
if print_log:
print("{}/{}".format(ldfo, ldf))
return dfout
dfs1 = select_df(df, newer_than="today")
dfs2 = select_df(df, "mix 4 inscribed", newer_than="today")
dfs3 = select_df(df, "mix 4 inscribed", newer_than="today", remove=True)
ldfs1 = len(dfs1)
ldfs2 = len(dfs2)
ldfs3 = len(dfs3)
ldf = len(df)
# print ldfs1, ldfs2, ldfs3
assert(ldfs1 >= ldfs2)
assert((ldfs2 + ldfs3) == ldf)
# print("{}/{}".format(len(dfs), len(df)))
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [13]:
def dfplot(dfs, plotkw, radius_method=""):
dfsp = dfs[["surface error [%]", "volume error [%]", "measurement_resolution"]].sort_values(
return show_error(dfsp, radius_method=radius_method)
In [14]:
# df = pd.read_csv(op.expanduser(datapath))
# # remove duplicates
# ks = copy.copy(list(df.keys()))
# # ks.remove("processing_info datetime")
# ks = list_filter(ks, notstartswith="processing_info")
# df = df.drop_duplicates(ks)
# df["volume [mm^3]"] = df["measurement volume [mm^3]"]
# df["numeric volume [mm^3]"] = df["measurement numeric volume [mm^3]"]
# df["surface [mm^2]"] = df["measurement surface [mm^2]"]
# df["numeric surface [mm^2]"] = df["measurement numeric surface [mm^2]"]
# df["surface [mm^2]"][120]
# df["numeric surface [mm^2]"][120]
# df["numeric surface [mm^2]"] - df["surface [mm^2]"]
# i = 1242
# aa = df["numeric surface [mm^2]"][i]
# bb = df["surface [mm^2]"][i]
# print("pozor ", i , aa, bb)
# float(aa) - float(bb)
# pd.to_numeric(df["numeric surface [mm^2]"][156:])
# k- pd.to_numeric(df["surface [mm^2]"])
# df["numeric surface [mm^2]"]
# # df["numeric surface [mm^2]"][1]
# for i in range(0, len(df["numeric surface [mm^2]"])):
# try:
# aa = df["numeric surface [mm^2]"][i]
# bb = df["surface [mm^2]"][i]
# print("pozor ", i , aa, bb)
# float(aa) - float(bb)
# except e:
# pass
In [15]:
def statistic_tests(dfs, wxparams={}):
print ("Deprecated. Use wilcoxon_from_df and spearman_from df. Check the output values order.")
def wilcoxon_from_df(dfs, wxparams={}):
# wilcoxon - čím větší, tím lepší
vol_w = scipy.stats.wilcoxon(x=dfs["volume [mm^3]"], y=dfs["numeric volume [mm^3]"], **wxparams)
# wilcoxon - čím větší, tím lepší, alespoň 0.05
surf_w = scipy.stats.wilcoxon(x=dfs["surface [mm^2]"], y=dfs["numeric surface [mm^2]"], **wxparams)
return surf_w, vol_w
def spearman_from_df(dfs):
# print dfs.keys()
# spearman čím menší, tím lepší
surf_s = scipy.stats.spearmanr(dfs["surface [mm^2]"], dfs["numeric surface [mm^2]"])
# surf_sh = scipy.stats.shapiro(dfs["surface [mm^2]"] - dfs["numeric surface [mm^2]"])
# spearman čím menší, tím lepší
vol_s = scipy.stats.spearmanr(dfs["volume [mm^3]"], dfs["numeric volume [mm^3]"])
return surf_s, vol_s
def mannthitneyu_from_df(dfs, maximal_error):
if len(dfs) > 3:
# serr = np.abs((dfs["surface [mm^2]"] - dfs["numeric surface [mm^2]"]) / dfs["surface [mm^2]"] )
# verr = np.abs((dfs["volume [mm^3]"] - dfs["numeric volume [mm^3]"]) / dfs["volume [mm^3]"] )
# serr = np.abs((dfs["surface [mm^2]"] - dfs["numeric surface [mm^2]"]) / dfs["surface [mm^2]"] )
# verr = np.abs((dfs["volume [mm^3]"] - dfs["numeric volume [mm^3]"]) / dfs["volume [mm^3]"] )
serr = dfs["surface error [-]"]
verr = dfs["volume error [-]"]
# surf_mann = scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu(np.ones_like(serr)*maximal_error, serr, alternative="less")[1]
# vol_mann = scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu(np.ones_like(verr)*maximal_error, verr, alternative="less")[1]
surf_mann = scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu(serr, np.ones_like(serr)*maximal_error, alternative="less")[1]
vol_mann = scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu(verr, np.ones_like(verr)*maximal_error, alternative="less")[1]
surf_mann = NaN
vol_mann = NaN
serr = NaN
verr = NaN
return surf_mann, vol_mann
def show_error(dfs, x_key="measurement_resolution", radius_method="", plotkw={}, boxplotkw={}, figurekw={},
# sns.set_style("whitegrid")
# sns.set_context("talk")
# sns.set_context("paper")
# print "show_error"
# print dfs.keys()
dfsp = dfs[["surface {} [%]".format(parameter), "volume {} [%]".format(parameter),
if len(dfsp) < 1:
return dfsp
wxparams = {
# "correction": True,
"correction": False,
"zero_method": "pratt"
#"zero_method": "wilcox"
# vol_w, vol_s, surf_w, surf_s = statistic_tests(dfs, wxparams)
surf_w, vol_w = wilcoxon_from_df(dfs, wxparams)
surf_s, vol_s = spearman_from_df(dfs)
# # wilcoxon - čím větší, tím lepší
# vol_w = scipy.stats.wilcoxon(x=dfs["volume [mm^3]"], y=dfs["numeric volume [mm^3]"], **wxparams)
# # spearman čím menší, tím lepší
# vol_s = scipy.stats.spearmanr(dfs["volume [mm^3]"], dfs["numeric volume [mm^3]"])
# # print dfs.keys()
# # wilcoxon - čím větší, tím lepší, alespoň 0.05
# surf_w = scipy.stats.wilcoxon(x=dfs["surface [mm^2]"], y=dfs["numeric surface [mm^2]"], **wxparams)
# # spearman čím menší, tím lepší
# surf_s = scipy.stats.spearmanr(dfs["surface [mm^2]"], dfs["numeric surface [mm^2]"])
# print radius_method, len(dfsp), ":\nvolume (w/s): \n", vol_w, "\n",vol_s, "\n", "surface (w/s): \n" , surf_w,"\n", surf_s, "\n"
fig = plt.figure(**figurekw)
ax = plt.subplot(142)
dfsp[["volume {} [%]".format(parameter), x_key]].plot(
ax=ax, x=x_key,
# linewidth=plot_linewidth,
ax = plt.subplot(141)
dfsp[["surface {} [%]".format(parameter), x_key]].plot(
ax=ax, x=x_key,
# linewidth=plot_linewidth,
ax = plt.subplot(144)
# sns.set_style("whitegrid")
# sns.set_context("talk")
# sns.boxplot(
# y="surface error [%]",
# # x="config output note",
# # x="surface",
# # data=df,
# data=df,
# palette="muted"
# )
dfsp[["volume {} [%]".format(parameter)]].plot(
ax=ax, kind="box", **boxplotkw)
ax = plt.subplot(143)
dfsp[["surface {} [%]".format(parameter)]].plot(
ax=ax, kind="box", **boxplotkw)
plt.suptitle("{} \nvolume wx {} sp {} \nsurface wx {} sp {}".format(
# size=plot_title_size
return dfsp
# show_error(df)
def show_box(dfs, x_key="measurement_resolution", radius_method="", plotkw={}, boxplotkw={}, figurekw={},
# sns.set_style("whitegrid")
# sns.set_context("talk")
# sns.set_context("paper")
# print "show_error"
# print dfs.keys()
dfsp = dfs[["surface {} [%]".format(parameter), "volume {} [%]".format(parameter),
if len(dfsp) < 1:
return dfsp
wxparams = {
# "correction": True,
"correction": False,
"zero_method": "pratt"
#"zero_method": "wilcox"
surf_w, vol_w = wilcoxon_from_df(dfs, wxparams)
surf_s, vol_s = spearman_from_df(dfs)
# vol_w, vol_s, surf_w, surf_s = statistic_tests(dfs, wxparams)
# # wilcoxon - čím větší, tím lepší
# vol_w = scipy.stats.wilcoxon(x=dfs["volume [mm^3]"], y=dfs["numeric volume [mm^3]"], **wxparams)
# # spearman čím menší, tím lepší
# vol_s = scipy.stats.spearmanr(dfs["volume [mm^3]"], dfs["numeric volume [mm^3]"])
# # print dfs.keys()
# # wilcoxon - čím větší, tím lepší, alespoň 0.05
# surf_w = scipy.stats.wilcoxon(x=dfs["surface [mm^2]"], y=dfs["numeric surface [mm^2]"], **wxparams)
# # spearman čím menší, tím lepší
# surf_s = scipy.stats.spearmanr(dfs["surface [mm^2]"], dfs["numeric surface [mm^2]"])
# print radius_method, len(dfsp), ":\nvolume (w/s): \n", vol_w, "\n",vol_s, "\n", "surface (w/s): \n" , surf_w,"\n", surf_s, "\n"
fig = plt.figure(**figurekw)
# ax = plt.subplot(141)
# dfsp[["volume {} [%]".format(parameter), x_key]].plot(
# ax=ax, x=x_key,
# # linewidth=plot_linewidth,
# **plotkw)
# ax = plt.subplot(142)
# dfsp[["surface {} [%]".format(parameter), x_key]].plot(
# ax=ax, x=x_key,
# # linewidth=plot_linewidth,
# **plotkw)
ax = plt.subplot(122)
# sns.set_style("whitegrid")
# sns.set_context("talk")
# sns.boxplot(
# y="surface error [%]",
# # x="config output note",
# # x="surface",
# # data=df,
# data=df,
# palette="muted"
# )
dfsp[["volume {} [%]".format(parameter)]].plot(
ax=ax, kind="box", **boxplotkw)
ax = plt.subplot(121)
dfsp[["surface {} [%]".format(parameter)]].plot(
ax=ax, kind="box", **boxplotkw)
plt.suptitle("{} ".format(
# vol_w.pvalue,
# vol_s.pvalue,
# surf_w.pvalue,
# surf_s.pvalue
# plt.suptitle("{} \nvolume wx {} sp {} \nsurface wx {} sp {}".format(
# radius_method,
# vol_w.pvalue,
# vol_s.pvalue,
# surf_w.pvalue,
# surf_s.pvalue
# )
# size=plot_title_size
return dfsp
In [16]:
def show_violin(df, parameter="difference"):
dfs = df[["surface {} [%]".format(parameter), "volume {} [%]".format(parameter), "config output note"]].rename(
"surface {} [%]".format(parameter): "surface",
"volume {} [%]".format(parameter): "volume"
df_long = pd.melt(
"config output note",
value_name="{} [%]".format(parameter)
# sns.set_style("whitegrid")
# sns.set_context("talk")
# sns.boxplot(
# y="surface error [%]",
# # x="config output note",
# # x="surface",
# # data=df,
# data=df,
# palette="muted"
# )
# # df_long = df_long.rename(columns={"surface error [%]": "surface"})
# sns.boxplot(
y="{} [%]".format(parameter),
# x="config output note",
# data=df,
# hue="config output note",
def show_violin_separated(df, parameter="difference"):
sns.violinplot(y="surface {} [%]".format(parameter), data=df)
sns.violinplot(y="volume {} [%]".format(parameter), data=df)
# show_violin(df)
# show_violin_separated(df)
In [17]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def bland_altman_plot(data1, data2, *args, **kwargs):
data1 = np.asarray(data1)
data2 = np.asarray(data2)
mean = np.mean([data1, data2], axis=0)
diff = data1 - data2 # Difference between data1 and data2
md = np.mean(diff) # Mean of the difference
sd = np.std(diff, axis=0) # Standard deviation of the difference
plt.scatter(mean, diff, *args, edgecolors="face", **kwargs)
yline_plus = md + 1.96*sd
yline_minus = md - 1.96*sd
plt.axhline(md, color='blue', linestyle='-')
plt.axhline(yline_plus, color='red', linestyle='--')
plt.axhline(yline_minus, color='red', linestyle='--')
# text
axes = plt.gca()
mxlim = axes.get_xlim()
mylim = axes.get_ylim()
ywidth = mylim[1] - mylim[0]
xwidth = mxlim[1] - mxlim[0]
mxlim[0] + 0.02 * xwidth ,
md + 0.02 * ywidth,
"mean", color="b")
mxlim[0] + 0.02 * xwidth ,
md - 0.06 * ywidth,
"{:.2E}".format(md), color="b")
# in the case that red line is to close to the plot bordre
# the text is moved slightly based on this constant
text_offset = 0.007 * plt.rcParams["font.size"]
text_offset_plus = 0
if yline_plus + (0.05 * ywidth) > mylim[1] :
text_offset_plus = - text_offset * ywidth
mxlim[0] + 0.02 * xwidth ,
yline_plus + 0.02 * ywidth + text_offset_plus,
"+1.96SD", color="r")
mxlim[0] + 0.02 * xwidth ,
yline_plus - 0.06 * ywidth + text_offset_plus,
"{:.2E}".format(md + 1.96 * sd), color="r")
text_offset_minus = 0
if yline_minus - (0.05 * ywidth) < mylim[0] :
print("Not enough space under red line")
text_offset_minus = + text_offset * ywidth
print("text offset", text_offset_minus)
# md - 1.96 * sd + 0.02 * ywidth,
mxlim[0] + 0.02 * xwidth ,
yline_minus + 0.02 * ywidth + text_offset_minus,
"+1.96SD", color="r")
mxlim[0] + 0.02 * xwidth ,
yline_minus - 0.06 * ywidth + text_offset_minus,
"{:.2E}".format(yline_minus), color="r")
plt.title("Bland-Altman Plot")
plt.ylabel("difference between two measures")
plt.xlabel("average of two measures")
return mean, diff
# data1 = np.random.normal(10, size=[20])
# data2 = data1 + np.random.normal(0., 0.1, size=[20])
# bland_altman_plot(data1, data2)
In [18]:
In [19]:
In [20]:
# import pybloqs.block.table_formatters as tf
In [21]:
def evaluate_based_on_note(df, note):
# for radius_method in ["cylinder volume + sphere compensation"]:
for radius_method in available_radius_methods:
dfs = df[
df[note_key] == note + radius_method
dfsp = show_error(dfs, radius_method=radius_method, plotkw=plotkw)
In [22]:
# import logging
# logger = logging.getLogger()
# logging.basicConfig()
# for x in range(10):
# logger.warning('{0}\r'.format(x))
# print 'uu{0}\r'.format(x),
# print
In [23]:
def run_configs(configs, loglevel=None):
teigen_ok_fail_list = "~/teigen_ok_fail_list.csv"
if loglevel is None:
import logging
debuglevel = logging.WARNING
tg = teigen.tgmain.Teigen()
for i, config in enumerate(configs):
# old failing
# tg = teigen.tgmain.Teigen()
# config = tg.get_default_config()
gc = config["generators"]["Unconnected tubes"]
print (str(i) + " / " + str(len(configs)))
print (config["output"]["note"])
print("rng {}, r {}, l {}, res {}".format(
rowcfg = tg.config_to_row_dataframe()
append_dataframe_to_csv(rowcfg, teigen_ok_fail_list)
print("step1 finished")
print("step2 finished")
# del(tg)
def select_configs(all_configs, run_list):
configs = []
for config in all_configs:
if config["output"][run_label_key] in run_list:
return configs