In [ ]:
%run ./msgc_experiments_ct_init.ipynb
# the other imports are not necessary

In [1]:
%pylab inline

import sys
import os.path as op
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
# sys.path.insert(0, "/home/mjirik/projects/pyseg_base/")
sys.path.insert(0, op.abspath("../"))
import scipy
import time
import pandas as pd

from imcut import pycut
import sed3
import itertools
import data2tex as dtt
import io3d

latex_dir = Path("../../papers/cmbbeiv19/tmp/")

# sh 155,160, r10, dpoff 3, seeds 3
# dp_ircad_id = [1, 11]
# dp_ircad_id = [1, 5, 6, 7]
dp_ircad_id = [1, 5, 6, 7, 11, 20]
# dp_ircad_id = [11, 20]
# dp_ircad_id = [1]
dp_keys = ["left_kidney"]

dp_ircad_id_key = [
#     [1, "left_kidney"],
#     [5, "left_kidney"],
#     [6, "left_kidney"],
#     [7, "left_kidney"],
#     [11, "left_kidney"],
#     [20, "left_kidney"],
    [3, "right_kidney"],

working_voxelsize_mm = None
# working_voxelsize_mm = [1.5, 1.5, 1.5]
working_voxelsize_mm = [1.3, 1.3, 1.3]
# working_voxelsize_mm = [1.7, 1.7, 1.7]
# working_voxelsize_mm = "orig*2"
# working_voxelsize_mm=[2, 2, 2]
# working_voxelsize_mm=[2.2, 2.5, 2.5]

fname = "exp062-multiscale_delme.csv"
fnamenew = "msgc_experiment_ct.csv"


dpi = 400

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [ ]:

In [2]:
# dry_run = True
dry_run = False
force_rewrite = False
# force_rewrite = True

In [3]:


Methods setup

In [4]:
# block size bylo 10
segparams0 = {
#     'method':'multiscale_graphcut',
    'use_boundary_penalties': True,
    'boundary_dilatation_distance': 2,
    'boundary_penalties_weight': 1,
    'block_size': 10,
    'tile_zoom_constant': 1

segparams1 = {
    # 'method':'graphcut',
    'use_boundary_penalties': True,
    'boundary_dilatation_distance': 2,
    'boundary_penalties_weight': 1,
    'block_size': 10,
    'tile_zoom_constant': 1

segparams2 = {
    # 'method':'graphcut',
    'use_boundary_penalties': True,
    'boundary_dilatation_distance': 2,
    'boundary_penalties_weight': 1,
    'block_size': 10,
    'tile_zoom_constant': 1

labels = [
    "ssgc ",
    "msgc_hi2lo ",
    "msgc_lo2hi ",

In [5]:
data_seeds_path = Path(io3d.datasets.join_path("medical", "orig", "ircad1b_seeds", get_root=True)) 
d01_pth = data_seeds_path / "ircadb1-01.pklz"

datap =

dict_keys(['series_number', 'datadir', 'voxelsize_mm', 'version', 'crinfo', 'segmentation', 'apriori', 'slab', 'orig_shape', 'vessel_tree', 'saved_seeds', 'processing_information', 'experiment_caption', 'lisa_operator_identifier', 'data3d'])

In [6]:
# io3d.write(datap, data_seeds_path / "ircad1b01.hdf5")
# / "ircad1b01.hdf5")

In [7]:
# datap['saved_seeds']["left_kidney"]

In [8]:
# pth_data3d = Path(io3d.datasets.join_path("medical", "orig", "3Dircadb1.{}", "PATIENT_DICOM", get_root=True)) 
# pth_ground_true = Path(io3d.datasets.join_path("medical", "orig", "3Dircadb1.{}", "MASKS_DICOM", "{}"  get_root=True)) 
# pth_seeds = Path(io3d.datasets.join_path("medical", "orig", "ircad1b_seeds", "ircad1b{:02d}.pklz", get_root=True)) 
# print(pth_data3d)
# print(pth_seeds)

In [9]:
import imma

Help on function resize_to_mm in module imma.image:

resize_to_mm(data3d, voxelsize_mm, new_voxelsize_mm, mode='reflect', order=1)
    Function can resize data3d or segmentation to specifed voxelsize_mm
    :new_voxelsize_mm: requested voxelsize. List of 3 numbers, also
        can be a string 'orig', 'orig*2' and 'orig*4'.
    :voxelsize_mm: size of voxel
    :mode: default is 'edge'. Modes match the behaviour of numpy.pad

In [10]:
def prepare_data(i, seeds_key):
    ground_true_key = seeds_key.replace("_", "")
    pth_data3d = Path(io3d.datasets.join_path("medical", "orig", "3Dircadb1.{}", "PATIENT_DICOM", get_root=True)) 
    pth_ground_true = Path(io3d.datasets.join_path("medical", "orig", "3Dircadb1.{}", "MASKS_DICOM", "{}", get_root=True)) 
    pth_seeds = Path(io3d.datasets.join_path("medical", "orig", "ircad1b_seeds", "ircadb1-{:02d}.pklz", get_root=True)) 
    datap_data3d =
    datap_seeds =
    datap_ground_true =, ground_true_key))
    seeds = datap_seeds["saved_seeds"][seeds_key]
    data3d = datap_data3d["data3d"]
    seg_true = datap_ground_true["data3d"]
    vs  = datap_data3d["voxelsize_mm"]
    if working_voxelsize_mm is not None:
        if working_voxelsize_mm == "orig*2":
            wvs = np.asarray(vs) * 2
            wvs = working_voxelsize_mm
        data3d = imma.image_manipulation.resize_to_mm(data3d, vs, wvs)
        seg_true = imma.image_manipulation.resize_to_mm(seg_true, vs,  wvs, order=0)
        seeds = imma.image_manipulation.resize_to_mm(seeds, vs, wvs, order=0)
    return data3d, seg_true, seeds, wvs, vs

In [11]:
# [0.3, 5.5] * 2.

In [12]:


In [13]:
data3d, true_segmentation, seeds, voxelsize_mm, orig_vs_mm = prepare_data(1, "left_kidney")
# sed3.show_slices(data3d, seeds=seeds, contour=true_segmentation, shape=[3, 4])

#     seeds=seeds, 
    contour=(true_segmentation > 0).astype( * 2, 
    shape=[4, 5]), 
#     show=False

Unable to read dicom file dicomdir.pkl
File is missing DICOM File Meta Information header or the 'DICM' prefix is missing from the header. Use force=True to force reading.
Unable to read dicom file dicomdir.pkl
File is missing DICOM File Meta Information header or the 'DICM' prefix is missing from the header. Use force=True to force reading.

In [14]:
# help(sed3.show_slices)

In [15]:

dict_keys(['processing_time', 'time_start', 'oseg_input_params', 'organ_interactivity_counter', 'seeds'])

Data screenshots

In [16]:
img, seg, seeds, voxelsize_mm, orig_vs_mm = prepare_data(1, "left_kidney")
# plt.figure(figsize=(10,15))
import copy
imgview = copy.copy(img)
imgview[:,:,-1] = 0
imgview[:,-1,:] = 0
imgview[-1,:,:] = 0
# sed3.show_slices(imgview, contour=seg, seeds=seeds, show=False, slice_step=16.9, first_slice_offset_to_see_seed_with_label=2)
                 contour=(true_segmentation > 0).astype( * 3, 
                 show=False, shape=[3,3], 
#                  first_slice_offset_to_see_seed_with_label=2
# plt.savefig("../graphics/msgc-ct-imgsample_separated.png")

    latex_dir / "ircadb01_slices_uncropped.png", 
    dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight')

Unable to read dicom file dicomdir.pkl
File is missing DICOM File Meta Information header or the 'DICM' prefix is missing from the header. Use force=True to force reading.
Unable to read dicom file dicomdir.pkl
File is missing DICOM File Meta Information header or the 'DICM' prefix is missing from the header. Use force=True to force reading.

In [17]:

array([0, 1, 2], dtype=uint8)

LaTeX export functions

In [18]:
def to_latex_file(df, fn):
    with open(fn, "w") as f:
def latex_float(f, precision=4):
    float_str = "{0:." + str(int(precision)) + "g}"
    float_str = float_str.format(f)
    if "e" in float_str:
        base, exponent = float_str.split("e")
        return r"{0} \times 10^{{{1}}}".format(base, int(exponent))
        return float_str
def float_to_latex_file(fl, fn, precision=4):
    string = latex_float(fl, precision=precision)
    with open(fn, "w") as f:

def num2latex(num, filename=None, precision=4):
    if type(num) is str:
        float_str = num
        float_str = "{0:." + str(int(precision)) + "g}"
        float_str = float_str.format(num)
    if float_str[:4] == r"\num":
        float_str = "\\num{" + float_str + "}" 
    if filename is not None:
        with open(filename, "w") as f:
    return float_str

def to_file(text, fn):
    with open(fn, "w") as f:

CT data, opakovaný experiment

In [19]:
def process_gc_stats(stats1, prefix=None):
    if prefix is None:
        prefix = ""
    outstats = {}
    for key in stats1:
        outstats[prefix + key] = stats1[key]
    outstats[prefix + "nlinks number"] = np.sum(np.asarray(outstats[prefix + "nlinks shape"]), axis=0)[0]
    outstats[prefix + "tlinks number"] = np.sum(np.asarray(outstats[prefix + "tlinks shape"]), axis=0)[0]
    outstats.pop(prefix + "tlinks shape")
    outstats.pop(prefix + "nlinks shape")
    outstats[prefix + "edge number"] = outstats[prefix + "nlinks number"] + outstats[prefix + "tlinks number"]

    return outstats

def merge_stats(stats0, stats1, stats2, labels=None):
    if labels is None:
        labels = [""] * 3
    stats0 = process_gc_stats(stats0, labels[0])
    stats1 = process_gc_stats(stats1, labels[1])
    stats2 = process_gc_stats(stats2, labels[2])
    stats = {}

    return stats

def run_gc_with_defined_setup(img, segparams, seeds, true_seg, dry_run=False):
    start = time.time()
    gc = pycut.ImageGraphCut(img, segparams=segparams)
    if dry_run:
        thr = np.mean([np.min(img), np.max(img)])
        sg1 = (img < thr).astype(np.uint8)
        stats1 = {"nlinks shape": [[5, 5]], "tlinks shape": [[5, 5]]}
        sg1 = gc.segmentation
        stats1 = gc.stats
    elapsed1 = (time.time() - start)
    err1 = np.sum(np.abs(true_seg - (1 - sg1)))
    stats1["time"] = elapsed1
    stats1["error"] = err1
    stats1["data segmentation size px"] = np.sum(sg1 > 0)
    return stats1

def add_data_and_algoritm_info(stats, data_params_dict, segparams, start, true_segmentation, voxelsize_mm, orig_vs_mm):
    #     stats['msgc time'] = elapsed1
#     stats['normal time'] = elapsed2
#     stats['data id'] = data_params[0]
#     stats['data offset'] = data_params[1]
#     stats['target organ'] = data_params[1]
#     stats['data radius'] = data_params[2]
#     stats['data size'] = data_params[0]
    stats["data size 0"] = true_segmentation.shape[0]
    stats["data size 1"] = true_segmentation.shape[1]
    stats["data size 2"] = true_segmentation.shape[2]
    stats["data size px"] =
    stats["data target size px"] = np.sum(true_segmentation > 0)
    stats["data voxelsize mm^3"] =
    stats["data voxelsize mm 0"] = voxelsize_mm[0]
    stats["data voxelsize mm 1"] = voxelsize_mm[1]
    stats["data voxelsize mm 2"] = voxelsize_mm[2]
    stats["data orig voxelsize mm 0"] = orig_vs_mm[0]
    stats["data orig voxelsize mm 1"] = orig_vs_mm[1]
    stats["data orig voxelsize mm 2"] = orig_vs_mm[2]
    stats["block size"] = segparams["block_size"]
#     stats["data seedsz"] = data_params[3]
#     stats["GC error"] = err2
#     stats["MSGC error"] = err1
    stats['machine hostname'] = machine_hostname
    stats['experiment iteration start time'] = start
    return stats

def add_data_seaborn(stats, data_params_dict, segparams, start, i, label, true_segmentation, voxelsize_mm, orig_vs_mm):
    stats = process_gc_stats(stats, "")
    stats = add_data_and_algoritm_info(stats, data_params_dict, segparams, start, true_segmentation, voxelsize_mm, orig_vs_mm)
    stats["method"] = label
    dfinew = pd.DataFrame(stats, index=[i*3 + 0])
    #dfnew = dfnew.append(dfinew, sort=True)
    return dfinew

In [20]:
#for par in it:
#    print par
i = 0

In [21]:
if op.exists(fname) and not force_rewrite:
    df = pd.read_csv(fname)#, index_col=0)
    df = pd.DataFrame([])
if op.exists(fnamenew) and not force_rewrite:
    dfnew = pd.read_csv(fnamenew)#, index_col=0)
    dfnew = pd.DataFrame([])

i = 0

import platform
machine_hostname = platform.node()

# it = itertools.product(dp_ircad_id, dp_keys)
it = itertools.product(dp_ircad_id_key)
for data_params in it:
# dp_ircad_id = [1, 10, 11]
# dp_keys = ["left_kidney"]

    start = time.time()
    img, true_seg, seeds, voxelsize_mm, orig_vs_mm = prepare_data(data_params[0], data_params[1])
    stats0 = run_gc_with_defined_setup(img, segparams0, seeds, true_seg, dry_run=dry_run)
    stats1 = run_gc_with_defined_setup(img, segparams1, seeds, true_seg, dry_run=dry_run)
    stats2 = run_gc_with_defined_setup(img, segparams2, seeds, true_seg, dry_run=dry_run)

    data_params_dict = dict(zip(["data id", "data organ key"], data_params))
#     stats = merge_stats(stats0, stats1, stats2, labels)
#     stats = add_data_and_algoritm_info(stats, data_params_dict, segparams0, start, seg, voxelsize_mm)
#     dfi = pd.DataFrame(stats, index=[i])
#     # display(df)
#     df = df.append(dfi, sort=True)
#     df.to_csv(fname, index=False)
    dfinew = add_data_seaborn(stats0, data_params_dict, segparams0, start, i, labels[0], true_seg, voxelsize_mm, orig_vs_mm)
    dfnew = dfnew.append(dfinew, sort=True)
    dfinew = add_data_seaborn(stats1, data_params_dict, segparams1, start, i, labels[1], true_seg, voxelsize_mm, orig_vs_mm)
    dfnew = dfnew.append(dfinew, sort=True)
    dfinew = add_data_seaborn(stats2, data_params_dict, segparams2, start, i, labels[2], true_seg, voxelsize_mm, orig_vs_mm)
    dfnew = dfnew.append(dfinew, sort=True)
    dfnew.to_csv(fnamenew, index=False)
    i += 1

#     plt.figure(figsize=[10,15])
#     sed3.show_slices(img, contour=sg1, seeds=seeds, slice_step=10)
#     plt.figure(figsize=[10,15])
#     sed3.show_slices(img, contour=sg2, seeds=seeds, slice_step=10)

Unable to read dicom file dicomdir.pkl
File is missing DICOM File Meta Information header or the 'DICM' prefix is missing from the header. Use force=True to force reading.
Unable to read dicom file dicomdir.pkl
File is missing DICOM File Meta Information header or the 'DICM' prefix is missing from the header. Use force=True to force reading.
Unable to read dicom file dicomdir.pkl
File is missing DICOM File Meta Information header or the 'DICM' prefix is missing from the header. Use force=True to force reading.
Unable to read dicom file dicomdir.pkl
File is missing DICOM File Meta Information header or the 'DICM' prefix is missing from the header. Use force=True to force reading.
Unable to read dicom file dicomdir.pkl
File is missing DICOM File Meta Information header or the 'DICM' prefix is missing from the header. Use force=True to force reading.
Unable to read dicom file dicomdir.pkl
File is missing DICOM File Meta Information header or the 'DICM' prefix is missing from the header. Use force=True to force reading.
Unable to read dicom file dicomdir.pkl
File is missing DICOM File Meta Information header or the 'DICM' prefix is missing from the header. Use force=True to force reading.
Unable to read dicom file dicomdir.pkl
File is missing DICOM File Meta Information header or the 'DICM' prefix is missing from the header. Use force=True to force reading.
Unable to read dicom file dicomdir.pkl
File is missing DICOM File Meta Information header or the 'DICM' prefix is missing from the header. Use force=True to force reading.
Unable to read dicom file dicomdir.pkl
File is missing DICOM File Meta Information header or the 'DICM' prefix is missing from the header. Use force=True to force reading.
Unable to read dicom file dicomdir.pkl
File is missing DICOM File Meta Information header or the 'DICM' prefix is missing from the header. Use force=True to force reading.
Unable to read dicom file dicomdir.pkl
File is missing DICOM File Meta Information header or the 'DICM' prefix is missing from the header. Use force=True to force reading.

In [22]:

array([0, 1, 2], dtype=uint8)

In [23]:


In [24]:
# export all to latex, "raw_table")

In [25]:

{'tlinks shape': [(35311067, 2)],
 'nlinks shape': [(105610054, 3)],
 '_create_nlinks time': 27.883443117141724,
 'gc time': 658.4494686126709,
 'time': 700.6485996246338,
 'error': 13638081,
 'data segmentation size px': 34620298}

In [26]:
# gc

Data processing graphs, statistics

In [27]:
df = pd.read_csv(fnamenew)
df.rename(columns={"msgc time": "MSGC time"})
# dfs = df[(df["data seedsz"]==3) & (df["data offset"] == 3) & (df["data radius"] == 10)]
# dfs_plus = dfs[dfs['data size'] > 160]
dfs = df

import seaborn as sns

In [28]:

Index(['_create_nlinks time', 'block size', 'data id', 'data organ key',
       'data orig voxesize mm 0', 'data orig voxesize mm 1',
       'data orig voxesize mm 2', 'data segmentation size px', 'data size 0',
       'data size 1', 'data size 2', 'data size px', 'data target size px',
       'data voxesize mm 0', 'data voxesize mm 1', 'data voxesize mm 2',
       'data voxesize mm^3', 'edge number', 'error',
       'experiment iteration start time', 'gc time', 'low level image voxels',
       'low level object voxels', 'machine hostname', 'method',
       'nlinks number', 't graph 01', 't graph 10', 't graph 11', 't graph 13',
       't graph 14', 't graph high', 't graph low', 't split 01', 't split 02',
       't split 03', 't split 04', 't split 05', 't split 06', 't split 07',
       't split 08', 't split 081', 't split 082', 't split 0821',
       't split 09', 't split 10', 't1', 't10', 't2', 't3', 't3.1', 't3.2',
       't3.3', 't4', 't5', 't6', 't7', 't8', 't9', 'time', 'tlinks number'],

In [29]:

_create_nlinks time block size data id data organ key data orig voxesize mm 0 data orig voxesize mm 1 data orig voxesize mm 2 data segmentation size px data size 0 data size 1 ... t3.2 t3.3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 time tlinks number
0 5.766579 10 1 left_kidney 1.6 0.570000 0.570000 7899696 159 225 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 56.486965 8049375
1 2.253976 10 1 left_kidney 1.6 0.570000 0.570000 7958982 159 225 ... NaN NaN 2.202110 4.526894 13.892885 21.441667 43.985390 44.034261 58.131531 2153571
2 0.004987 10 1 left_kidney 1.6 0.570000 0.570000 7953037 159 225 ... 0.485666 227.106728 227.106728 229.774595 230.287257 230.287257 NaN 230.415882 239.389953 2515427
3 8.892193 10 5 left_kidney 1.6 0.782000 0.782000 16002264 172 308 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 131.103456 16316608
4 3.779895 10 5 left_kidney 1.6 0.782000 0.782000 16072293 172 308 ... NaN NaN 3.491663 7.412213 23.513129 36.919284 74.184645 74.247510 99.370304 4746648
5 0.006981 10 5 left_kidney 1.6 0.782000 0.782000 16069107 172 308 ... 0.781909 592.355162 592.355162 597.108421 598.019982 598.019982 NaN 598.240394 614.604673 4255371
6 8.848342 10 6 left_kidney 1.6 0.782000 0.782000 15510422 167 308 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 124.833223 15842288
7 3.644224 10 6 left_kidney 1.6 0.782000 0.782000 15644231 167 308 ... NaN NaN 3.202471 6.996336 22.665397 39.062556 73.092567 73.162410 104.594336 5624068
8 0.004986 10 6 left_kidney 1.6 0.782000 0.782000 15643220 167 308 ... 0.772932 977.186014 977.187012 981.809653 982.652398 982.652398 NaN 982.918688 1007.032177 5477224
9 10.910827 10 7 left_kidney 1.6 0.782000 0.782000 17330866 186 308 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 175.228526 17644704
10 3.779893 10 7 left_kidney 1.6 0.782000 0.782000 17391063 186 308 ... NaN NaN 3.474710 7.402208 24.192315 37.641355 78.677632 78.750469 104.212322 4687641
11 0.007978 10 7 left_kidney 1.6 0.782000 0.782000 17391000 186 308 ... 0.793877 756.337708 756.337708 762.026527 763.137525 763.137525 NaN 763.409798 784.689900 4832717
12 7.427141 10 11 left_kidney 1.6 0.720000 0.720000 10929775 163 284 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 127.265665 13146928
13 2.886281 10 11 left_kidney 1.6 0.720000 0.720000 11549862 163 284 ... NaN NaN 2.752641 5.754649 19.132875 40.978434 67.773789 67.831632 164.715584 7519698
14 0.006981 10 11 left_kidney 1.6 0.720000 0.720000 11566496 163 284 ... 0.788856 1494.759283 1494.759283 1498.708720 1499.472678 1499.472678 NaN 1499.808781 1583.823178 6705910
15 27.883443 10 20 left_kidney 2.0 0.808594 0.808594 34620298 347 319 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 700.648600 35311067
16 9.295110 10 20 left_kidney 2.0 0.808594 0.808594 34920616 347 319 ... NaN NaN 5.912340 15.558511 43.878979 69.524804 129.317830 129.444491 197.966729 10965441
17 0.018950 10 20 left_kidney 2.0 0.808594 0.808594 34918795 347 319 ... 1.513890 2276.638704 2276.638704 2285.125973 2286.824434 2286.824434 NaN 2287.238327 2334.101257 9444298

18 rows × 61 columns

In [30]:
sns.boxplot(data=df, y="time", x="method")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x20715f7d9b0>

In [31]:
uu = pd.melt(df.rename(columns={"gc time": "gc", "time": "total"}), value_vars=["gc", "total"], id_vars=["method"], var_name="time type", value_name="time")
sns.boxplot(data=uu, hue="time type",y="time", x="method")
plt.savefig(op.join(latex_dir, "msgc_time_boxplot_ct.pdf"), dpi=1000)

In [32]:
# uu["method"] == "msgc_lo2hi"
uu[uu["method"] == "msgc_lo2hi "]

method time type time
2 msgc_lo2hi gc 7.987640
5 msgc_lo2hi gc 14.618911
8 msgc_lo2hi gc 22.565665
11 msgc_lo2hi gc 19.598596
14 msgc_lo2hi gc 82.400678
17 msgc_lo2hi gc 43.752438
20 msgc_lo2hi total 239.389953
23 msgc_lo2hi total 614.604673
26 msgc_lo2hi total 1007.032177
29 msgc_lo2hi total 784.689900
32 msgc_lo2hi total 1583.823178
35 msgc_lo2hi total 2334.101257

In [33]:
table = pd.pivot_table(
    dfs, values=['gc time', 'time', "t3", "t4", "t5", "t6", "t7", "t8"], index=['method'], 
    aggfunc={'gc time': np.mean, 'time': [np.mean, min, max], "t3": np.mean,"t4": np.mean, "t5": np.mean, "t6": np.mean, "t7": np.mean, "t8": np.mean}

gc time t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 time
mean mean mean mean mean mean mean max mean min
msgc_hi2lo 41.811891 0.485222 3.505989 7.941802 24.545930 40.928017 77.838642 197.966729 121.498467 58.131531
msgc_lo2hi 31.820655 0.596543 1054.064100 1059.092315 1060.065712 1060.065712 NaN 2334.101257 1093.940190 239.389953
ssgc 200.208196 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 700.648600 219.261072 56.486965

In [34]:
table = pd.pivot_table(
    dfs, values=['gc time', 'time', "t2", "t3", "t3.1", "t3.2", "t3.3", "t4", "t5", "t6", "t7", "t8", "low level image voxels", "low level object voxels"], index=['method'], 

gc time low level image voxels low level object voxels t2 t3 t3.1 t3.2 t3.3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 time
msgc_hi2lo 13.063071 8464.0 38.0 0.263294 0.267288 NaN NaN NaN 2.202110 4.526894 13.892885 21.441667 43.98539 58.131531
msgc_lo2hi 7.987640 8464.0 45.0 0.335105 0.340055 0.340055 0.485666 227.106728 227.106728 229.774595 230.287257 230.287257 NaN 239.389953
ssgc 46.332080 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 56.486965

In [35]:
table = pd.pivot_table(
    dfs, values=['gc time', 'time', "t graph 01", "t graph 10", "t graph 11", "t graph 13", "t graph 14", "low level image voxels", "low level object voxels"], index=['method'], 

gc time low level image voxels low level object voxels t graph 01 t graph 10 t graph 11 t graph 13 t graph 14 time
msgc_hi2lo 41.811891 18415.833333 225.166667 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 121.498467
msgc_lo2hi 31.820655 18415.833333 230.333333 0.254824 0.25898 0.259645 1052.582909 1053.466392 1093.940190
ssgc 200.208196 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 219.261072

In [36]:
table = pd.pivot_table(
    dfs, values=[
        'gc time', 'time',  
        "t graph low",
        "t graph high",
        "t split 01",
        "t split 02",
        "t split 03",
        "t split 04",
        "t split 05",
        "t split 06",
        "t split 07",
        "t split 08",
        "t split 081",
        "t split 082",
        "t split 09",
        "t split 10",
        "low level image voxels", "low level object voxels"], index=['method'], 

gc time low level image voxels low level object voxels t graph high t graph low t split 01 t split 02 t split 03 t split 04 t split 05 t split 06 t split 07 t split 08 t split 081 t split 082 t split 09 t split 10 time
msgc_hi2lo 41.811891 18415.833333 225.166667 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 121.498467
msgc_lo2hi 31.820655 18415.833333 230.333333 1052.120787 0.171895 0.002 0.019803 0.044086 0.296497 0.30996 0.649394 1.001618 416.392635 0.0 0.0 712.456573 1009.965425 1093.940190
ssgc 200.208196 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 219.261072

In [37]:

Index(['_create_nlinks time', 'block size', 'data id', 'data organ key',
       'data orig voxesize mm 0', 'data orig voxesize mm 1',
       'data orig voxesize mm 2', 'data segmentation size px', 'data size 0',
       'data size 1', 'data size 2', 'data size px', 'data target size px',
       'data voxesize mm 0', 'data voxesize mm 1', 'data voxesize mm 2',
       'data voxesize mm^3', 'edge number', 'error',
       'experiment iteration start time', 'gc time', 'low level image voxels',
       'low level object voxels', 'machine hostname', 'method',
       'nlinks number', 't graph 01', 't graph 10', 't graph 11', 't graph 13',
       't graph 14', 't graph high', 't graph low', 't split 01', 't split 02',
       't split 03', 't split 04', 't split 05', 't split 06', 't split 07',
       't split 08', 't split 081', 't split 082', 't split 0821',
       't split 09', 't split 10', 't1', 't10', 't2', 't3', 't3.1', 't3.2',
       't3.3', 't4', 't5', 't6', 't7', 't8', 't9', 'time', 'tlinks number'],