CSCS530 Winter 2015

Complex Systems 530 - Computer Modeling of Complex Systems (Winter 2015)

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Basic ABM Parameter Sweep Experiment

In this notebook, we'll take our simple HIV model from notebook 001-hiv.ipynb and use it to perform a parameter sweep experiment.

Specifically, we'll investigate how the level of institutional subsidy affects the percentage of population infected after 500 time steps.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

# Standard imports
import copy
import itertools

# Scientific computing imports
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx
import pandas
import seaborn; seaborn.set()

# Import widget methods
from IPython.html.widgets import *

:0: FutureWarning: IPython widgets are experimental and may change in the future.

Define our Person and Model

In [2]:
class Person(object):
    Person class, which encapsulates the entire behavior of a person.
    def __init__(self, model, person_id, is_infected=False, condom_budget=1.0, prob_hookup=0.5):
        Constructor for Person class.  By default,
          * not infected
          * will always buy condoms
          * will hookup 50% of the time
        Note that we must "link" the Person to their "parent" Model object.
        # Set model link and ID
        self.model = model
        self.person_id = person_id
        # Set Person parameters.
        self.is_infected = is_infected
        self.condom_budget = condom_budget
        self.prob_hookup = prob_hookup
    def decide_condom(self):
        Decide if we will use a condom.
        if self.condom_budget >= (self.model.condom_cost - self.model.condom_subsidy):
            return True
            return False
    def decide_hookup(self):
        Decide if we want to hookup with a potential partner.
        if numpy.random.random() <= self.prob_hookup:
            return True
            return False
    def get_position(self):
        Return position, calling through model.
        return self.model.get_person_position(self.person_id)
    def get_neighbors(self):
        Return neighbors, calling through model.
        return self.model.get_person_neighbors(self.person_id)

    def __repr__(self):
        Return string representation.
        skip_none = True
        repr_string = type(self).__name__ + " ["
        except_list = "model"

        elements = [e for e in dir(self) if str(e) not in except_list]
        for e in elements:
            # Make sure we only display "public" fields; skip anything private (_*), that is a method/function, or that is a module.
            if not e.startswith("_") and eval('type(self.{0}).__name__'.format(e)) not in ['DataFrame', 'function', 'method', 'builtin_function_or_method', 'module', 'instancemethod']:
                    value = eval("self." + e)
                    if value != None and skip_none == True:
                        repr_string += "{0}={1}, ".format(e, value)

        # Clean up trailing space and comma.
        return repr_string.strip(" ").strip(",") + "]"

In [1]:
class Model(object):
    Model class, which encapsulates the entire behavior of a single "run" in our HIV ABM.
    def __init__(self, grid_size, num_people, min_subsidy=0.0, max_subsidy=1.0,
                     min_condom_budget=0.0, max_condom_budget=2.0,
                     condom_cost=1.0, min_prob_hookup=0.0, max_prob_hookup=1.0,
                    prob_transmit=0.9, prob_transmit_condom=0.1):
        Class constructor.
        # Set our model parameters; this is long but simple!
        self.grid_size = grid_size
        self.num_people =  num_people
        self.min_subsidy = min_subsidy
        self.max_subsidy = max_subsidy
        self.min_condom_budget = min_condom_budget
        self.max_condom_budget = max_condom_budget
        self.condom_cost = condom_cost
        self.min_prob_hookup = min_prob_hookup
        self.max_prob_hookup = max_prob_hookup
        self.prob_transmit = prob_transmit
        self.prob_transmit_condom = prob_transmit_condom
        # Set our state variables
        self.t = 0 = numpy.array((0,0))
        self.condom_subsidy = 0.0
        self.people = []
        self.num_interactions = 0
        self.num_interactions_condoms = 0
        self.num_infected = 0
        # Setup our history variables.
        self.history_space = []
        self.history_space_infected = []
        self.history_interactions = []
        self.history_num_infected = []
        self.history_num_interactions = []
        self.history_num_interactions_condoms = []
        # Call our setup methods to initialize space, people, and institution.
    def setup_space(self):
        Method to setup our space.
        # Initialize a space with a NaN's = numpy.full((self.grid_size, self.grid_size), numpy.nan)
    def setup_people(self):
        Method to setup our space.
        # First, begin by creating all agents without placing them.
        for i in xrange(self.num_people):
                                      condom_budget=numpy.random.uniform(self.min_condom_budget, self.max_condom_budget),
                                      prob_hookup=numpy.random.uniform(self.min_prob_hookup, self.max_prob_hookup)))
        # Second, once created, place them into the space.
        for person in self.people:
            # Loop until unique
            is_occupied = True
            while is_occupied:
                # Sample location
                random_x = numpy.random.randint(0, self.grid_size)
                random_y = numpy.random.randint(0, self.grid_size)
                # Check if unique
                if numpy.isnan([random_x, random_y]):
                    is_occupied = False
                    is_occupied = True
            # Now place the person there by setting their ID.
  [random_x, random_y] = person.person_id
        # Third, pick one person to be infected initially.
        random_infected = numpy.random.choice(range(self.num_people))
        self.people[random_infected].is_infected = True
        self.num_infected += 1

    def setup_institution(self):
        Method to setup our space.
        # Randomly sample a subsidy level
        self.condom_subsidy = numpy.random.uniform(self.min_subsidy, self.max_subsidy)
    def get_neighborhood(self, x, y, distance=1):
        Get a Moore neighborhood of distance from (x, y).
        neighbor_pos = [ ( x % self.grid_size, y % self.grid_size)
                                for x, y in itertools.product(xrange(x-distance, x+distance+1),
                                xrange(y-distance, y+distance+1))]
        return neighbor_pos
    def get_neighbors(self, x, y, distance=1):
        Get any neighboring persons within distance from (x, y).
        neighbor_pos = self.get_neighborhood(x, y, distance)
        neighbor_list = []
        for pos in neighbor_pos:
            # Skip identity
            if pos[0] == x and pos[1] == y:
            # Check if empty
            if not numpy.isnan([pos[0], pos[1]]):
                neighbor_list.append(int([pos[0], pos[1]]))
        return neighbor_list
    def get_person_position(self, person_id):
        Get the position of a person based on their ID.
        # Find the value that matches our ID in, then reshape to a 2-element list.
        return numpy.reshape(numpy.where( == person_id), (1, 2))[0].tolist()

    def get_person_neighbors(self, person_id, distance=1):
        Get the position of a person based on their ID.
        # Find the value that matches our ID in, then reshape to a 2-element list.
        x, y = self.get_person_position(person_id)
        return self.get_neighbors(x, y, distance)   
    def move_person(self, person_id, x, y):
        Move a person to a new (x, y) location.
        # Get original
        original_position = self.get_person_position(person_id)
        # Check target location
        if not numpy.isnan([x, y]):
            raise ValueError("Unable to move person {0} to ({1}, {2}) since occupied.".format(person_id, x, y))
        # Otherwise, move by emptying and setting.[original_position[0], original_position[1]] = numpy.nan[x, y] = person_id
    def step_move(self):
        Model step move function, which handles moving agents randomly around.
        # Get a random order for the agents.
        random_order = range(self.num_people)
        # Iterate in random order.
        for i in random_order:
            # Get current position
            x, y = self.get_person_position(i)
            # Move our agent between -1, 0, +1 in each dimension
            x_new = (x + numpy.random.randint(-1, 2)) % self.grid_size
            y_new = (y + numpy.random.randint(-1, 2)) % self.grid_size
            # Try to move them
                self.move_person(i, x_new, y_new)
            except ValueError:
                # Occupied, so fail.
    def step_interact(self):
        "Interact" the agents by seeing if they will hookup and spread.
        # Get a random order for the agents.
        random_order = range(self.num_people)
        # Track which pairs we've tested.  Don't want to "interact" them twice w/in one step.
        seen_pairs = []
        # Iterate in random order.
        for i in random_order:
            # Get neighbors
            neighbors = self.get_person_neighbors(i)
            # Iterate over neighbors
            for neighbor in neighbors:
                # Check if we've already seen.
                a = min(i, neighbor)
                b = max(i, neighbor)
                if (a, b) not in seen_pairs:
                    seen_pairs.append((a, b))
                # Check if hookup if not seen.
                hookup_a = self.people[a].decide_hookup()
                hookup_b = self.people[b].decide_hookup()
                if hookup_a and hookup_b:
                    # Hookup going to happen.  
                    self.num_interactions += 1
                    # Check now for condoms and use resulting rate.
                    if self.people[a].decide_condom() or self.people[b].decide_condom():
                        # Using a condom.
                        self.num_interactions_condoms += 1
                        use_condom = True
                        if self.people[a].is_infected or self.people[b].is_infected:
                            is_transmission = numpy.random.random() <= self.prob_transmit_condom
                            is_transmission = False
                        # Not using a condom.
                        use_condom = False
                        if self.people[a].is_infected or self.people[b].is_infected:
                            is_transmission = numpy.random.random() <= self.prob_transmit
                            is_transmission = False
                    # Now infect.
                    self.history_interactions.append((self.t, a, b, use_condom, is_transmission))
                    if is_transmission:
                        self.people[a].is_infected = True
                        self.people[b].is_infected = True
    def get_num_infected(self):
        Get the number of infected persons.
        # Count
        infected = 0
        for person in self.people:
            if person.is_infected:
                infected += 1
        return infected
    def step(self):
        Model step function.
        # "Interact" agents.
        # Move agents
        # Increment steps and track history.
        self.t += 1
        self.num_infected = self.get_num_infected()

    def get_space_infected(self, t=None):
        Return a projection of the space that shows which cells have an infected person.
        if t == None:
            # Initialize empty
            infected_space = numpy.zeros_like(
            # Iterate over persons and set.
            for p in self.people:
                x, y = self.get_person_position(p.person_id)
                if p.is_infected:
                    infected_space[x, y] = +1
                    infected_space[x, y] = -1
            # Return
            return infected_space
            # Return historical step
            return self.history_space_infected[t]

    def __repr__(self):
        Return string representation.
        skip_none = True
        repr_string = type(self).__name__ + " ["

        elements = dir(self)
        for e in elements:
            # Make sure we only display "public" fields; skip anything private (_*), that is a method/function, or that is a module.
            e_type = eval('type(self.{0}).__name__'.format(e))
            if not e.startswith("_") and e_type not in ['DataFrame', 'function', 'method', 'builtin_function_or_method', 'module', 'instancemethod']:
                    value = eval("self." + e)
                    if value != None and skip_none == True:
                        if e_type in ['list', 'set', 'tuple']:
                            repr_string += "\n\n\t{0}={1},\n\n".format(e, value)
                        elif e_type in ['ndarray']:
                            repr_string += "\n\n\t{0}=\t\n{1},\n\n".format(e, value)
                            repr_string += "{0}={1}, ".format(e, value)

        # Clean up trailing space and comma.
        return repr_string.strip(" ").strip(",") + "]"

Setup our parameter sweep

In [36]:
# Set number of samples per value and steps per sample
num_samples = 20
num_steps = 100

# Set basic model parameters
grid_size = 20
num_people = 25

# Set subsidy values to "sweep" over
subsidy_sweep_values = [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 
                        0.6, 0.8, 1.0]
subsidy_sweep_output = []

# Iterate over values
for subsidy_value in subsidy_sweep_values:
    print("Running {0} samples for sweep value {1}"\
              .format(num_samples, subsidy_value))
    for n in xrange(num_samples):
        # Output info
        m = Model(grid_size=grid_size,
        for t in xrange(num_steps):
        subsidy_sweep_output.append((subsidy_value, n, m.num_infected,

Running 20 samples for sweep value 0.0
Running 20 samples for sweep value 0.2
Running 20 samples for sweep value 0.4
Running 20 samples for sweep value 0.6
Running 20 samples for sweep value 0.8
Running 20 samples for sweep value 1.0

Pandas DataFrame

Once we've created our list of model samples in subsidy_sweep_output, we'll convert this list into a pandas DataFrame. This format will allow us to easily perform "group-by" calculations and other spreadsheet-like operations.

In [52]:
# Setup the pandas DataFrame
subsidy_sweep_df = pandas.DataFrame(subsidy_sweep_output,
                 columns=["subsidy", "sample_number", "num_infected", 
                         "num_interactions", "num_interactions_condoms"])
subsidy_sweep_df["percent_condom"] = subsidy_sweep_df["num_interactions_condoms"].astype(float) / subsidy_sweep_df["num_interactions"]

subsidy sample_number num_infected num_interactions num_interactions_condoms percent_condom
0 0 0 44 493 0 0
1 0 1 26 416 0 0
2 0 2 42 359 0 0
3 0 3 48 522 0 0
4 0 4 40 336 0 0

Average run outputs by parameter value

In the code below, we use the pandas group-by logic to calculate the mean and standard deviation sample values for a fixed subsidy value.

Read the pandas split-apply-combine tutorial to get a better idea of what we're doing.

In [60]:
# Get means and std. dev.'s
sweep_means = subsidy_sweep_df.groupby("subsidy")["num_infected"].mean()
sweep_std = subsidy_sweep_df.groupby("subsidy")["num_infected"].std()

# % of interactions
sweep_pct_means = subsidy_sweep_df.groupby("subsidy")["percent_condom"].mean()
sweep_pct_std = subsidy_sweep_df.groupby("subsidy")["percent_condom"].std()

pandas.DataFrame([sweep_means, sweep_std])

subsidy 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
num_infected 41.950000 25.300000 13.050000 8.900000 3.700000 5.15000
num_infected 9.489468 14.907081 10.292946 6.672015 4.181413 6.17529


Finally, we'll plot our means with error bars as a function of subsidy value.

In [61]:
# Create figure
f = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
_ = plt.errorbar(sweep_means.index, sweep_means, 2 * sweep_std)
_ = plt.title("Effect of condom subsidy on number of infected")
_ = plt.xlabel("Subsidy level")
_ = plt.ylabel("Number of infected at $t=100$ ($2 \sigma$ errors)")

# Create figure
f = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
_ = plt.errorbar(sweep_pct_means.index, sweep_pct_means, 2 * sweep_pct_std)
_ = plt.title("Effect of condom subsidy on percent of protected interactions")
_ = plt.xlabel("Subsidy level")
_ = plt.ylabel("Percent of interactions protected at $t=100$ ($2 \sigma$ errors)")

In [ ]: