The Containers tutorial shows examples of each of the container types in HoloViews, and it is useful to work through that before focusing on this one.

This tutorial shows you how to combine the various container types, in order to build data structures that can contain all of the data that you want to visualize or analyze, in an extremely flexible way. For instance, you may have a large set of measurements of different types of data (numerical, image, textual notations, etc.) from different experiments done on different days, with various different parameter values associated with each one. HoloViews can store all of this data together, which will allow you to select just the right bit of data "on the fly" for any particular analysis or visualization, by indexing, slicing, selecting, and sampling in this data structure.

To illustrate the full functionality provided, we will create an example of the maximally nested object structure currently possible with HoloViews:

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import holoviews as hv
%reload_ext holoviews.ipython

In [ ]:

def sine_curve(phase, freq, amp, power, samples=102):
    xvals = [0.1* i for i in range(samples)]
    return [(x, amp*np.sin(phase+freq*x)**power) for x in xvals]

phases =      [0, np.pi/2, np.pi, 3*np.pi/2]
powers =      [1,2,3]
amplitudes =  [0.5,0.75, 1.0]
frequencies = [0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75]

gridspace = hv.GridSpace(kdims=['Amplitude', 'Power'], group='Parameters', label='Sines')

for power in powers:
    for amplitude in amplitudes:
        holomap = hv.HoloMap(kdims=['Frequency'])
        for frequency in frequencies:
            sines = {phase : hv.Curve(sine_curve(phase, frequency, amplitude, power))
                     for phase in phases}
            ndoverlay = hv.NdOverlay(sines , kdims=['Phase']).relabel(group='Phases',
                                                                      label='Sines', depth=1)
            overlay = ndoverlay * hv.Points([(i,0) for i in range(0,10)], group='Markers', label='Dots')
            holomap[frequency] = overlay
        gridspace[amplitude, power] = holomap

penguins = hv.RGB.load_image('../assets/penguins.png').relabel(group="Family", label="Penguin")

layout = gridspace + penguins

This code produces what looks like a relatively simple animation of two side-by-side figures, but is actually a deeply nested data structure:

In [ ]:

The structure of this object can be seen in the repr():

In [ ]:

Nesting hierarchy

To help us understand this structure, here is a schematic for us to refer to as we unpack this object, level by level:

Everything that is displayable in HoloViews has this same basic structure, although any of the levels can be omitted in simpler cases, and many different Element types (not containers) can be substituted for any other.

Since HoloViews 1.3.0 you are allowed to build data-structures that violate this hierarchy (e.g you can put Layout objects into HoloMaps) but the resulting object cannot be displayed. Instead, you will be prompted with a message to call the collate method. Using the collate method will allow you to generate the appropriate object that correctly obeys the hierarchy shown above.

As shown in the diagram, there are three different types of container involved:

  • Basic Element: elementary HoloViews object containing raw data, typically a Numpy array.
  • Homogenous container (UniformNdMapping): collections of Elements or other HoloViews components that are all the same type. These are indexed using array-style key access with values sorted along some dimension(s), e.g. [0.50] or ["a",7.6].
  • Heterogenous container (AttrTree): collections of data of different types, e.g. different types of Element. These are accessed by categories using attributes, e.g. .Parameters.Sines, which does not assume any ordering of a dimension

We will now go through each of the containers of these different types, at each level.

Layout Level

Above, we have already viewed the highest level of our data structure as a layout. Here is the repr of entire layout object which reflects all the levels shown in the diagram:

In [ ]:

GridSpace Level

As shown in the Introductory tutorial, elements of a Layout, such as the GridSpace in this example, are reached via attribute access:

In [ ]:

HoloMap Level

This GridSpace consists of nine HoloMaps arranged in a two-dimensional space. Let's now select one of these HoloMap objects, the one at [Amplitude,Power] [0.5,1.0], i.e. the lowest amplitude and power:

In [ ]:
layout.Parameters.Sines[0.5, 1]

As shown in the schematic above, a HoloMap contains many elements with associated keys. In this example, these keys are indexed with a dimension Frequency, which is why the Frequency varies when you play the animation here.

Overlay Level

The repr() showed us that the HoloMap is composed of Overlay objects, six in this case (giving six frames to the animation above). Let us access one of these elements, i.e. one frame of the animation above, an Overlay associated with the key with a Frequency of 1.0:

In [ ]:
layout.Parameters.Sines[0.5, 1][1.0]

NdOverlay Level

As the repr() shows, the Overlay contains a Points object and an NdOverlay object. We can access either one of these using the attribute access supported by Overlay:

In [ ]:
(layout.Parameters.Sines[0.5, 1][1].Phases.Sines +
 layout.Parameters.Sines[0.5, 1][1].Markers.Dots)

Curve Level

The NdOverlay is so named because it is an overlay of items indexed by dimensions, unlike the regular attribute-access overlay types. In this case it is indexed by Phase, with four values. If we select one of these values, we will get an individual Curve, e.g. the one with zero phase:

In [ ]:
l=layout.Parameters.Sines[0.5, 1][1].Phases.Sines[0.0]

In [ ]:

Data Level

At this point, we have reached the end of the HoloViews objects; below this object is only the raw data as a Numpy array:

In [ ]:
type(layout.Parameters.Sines[0.5, 1][1].Phases.Sines[0.0].data)

Of course, you can keep going down into the Numpy array as far as it goes, to get down to a single datapoint, in this case the value at x=5.2. Note that the supplied index has to match the x-value of the underlying data exactly to floating point precision, so only use this if you know exactly what you are doing:

In [ ]:
layout.Parameters.Sines[0.5, 1][1].Phases.Sines[0.0][5.2]

Here the value returned is the y-value of the underlying data, at last! Of course, you can also use all of the access methods provided by the numpy array itself, using .data, e.g. .data[52], but note that this will use the native indexing scheme of the array, i.e. integer access, starting at zero, not the continuous coordinate system we provide through HoloViews.

Indexing using .select

The curve displayed immediately above shows the final, deepest access possible in HoloViews for this object.

layout.Parameters.Sines[0.5, 1][1].Phases.Sines[0.0]

This is the curve with an amplitude of 0.5, raised to a power of 1.0 with frequency of 1.0 and 0 phase. These are all the numbers, in order, used in the access shown above.

The .select method is a more explicit way to use key access, with both of these equivalent to each other:

In [ ]:
o1 =, Power=1.0).select(Frequency=1.0)
o2 =, Power=1.0, Frequency=1.0)
o1 + o2

The second form demonstrates HoloViews' deep indexing feature. This is as far as we can index before reaching a heterogeneous type (the Overlay), where we need to use attribute access. Here is the more explicit method of indexing down to a curve:

In [ ]:,Power=1.0, 


As you can see, HoloViews lets you compose objects of heterogenous types, and objects covering many different numerical or other dimensions, laying them out spatially or as overlays where appropriate. The resulting data structures are complex, but they are composed of simple elements with well-defined interactions, making it feasible to express nearly any relationship that will characterize your data. In practice, you will probably not need this many levels, but given this complete example, you should be able to construct an appropriate organization for whatever type of data that you do want to organize or visualize.

As emphasized above, it is not possible to combine these objects in other orderings. Of course, any Element can be substituted for any other, which doesn't change the structure. But you cannot e.g. have an Overlay or HoloMap of Layout objects. Confusingly, the objects may act as if you have these arrangements. For instance, a Layout of HoloMap objects will be animated, like HoloMap objects, but only because of the extra dimension(s) provided by the enclosed HoloMap objects, not because the Layout itself has data along those dimensions. Similarly, you cannot have a Layout of Layout objects, even though it looks like you can. E.g. the + operator on two Layout objects will not create a Layout of Layout objects; it just creates a new Layout object containing the data from both of the other objects. Similarly for the Overlay of Overlay objects using *; only a single combined Overlay is returned.

If you are confused about how all of this works in practice, you can use the examples in the tutorials to guide you, especially the Exploring Data tutorial.