Create interfaces

This section is meant for the more advanced user. In it we will discuss how you can create your own interface, i.e. wrapping your own code, so that you can use it with Nipype.

In this notebook we will show you:

  1. Example of an already implemented interface
  2. What are the main parts of a Nipype interface?
  3. How to wrap a CommandLine interface?
  4. How to wrap a Python interface?
  5. How to wrap a MATLAB interface?

But before we can start, let's recap again the difference between interfaces and workflows.

Interfaces vs. Workflows

Interfaces are the building blocks that solve well-defined tasks. We solve more complex tasks by combining interfaces with workflows:

Interfaces Workflows
Wrap *unitary* tasks Wrap *meta*-tasks
  • implemented with nipype interfaces wrapped inside ``Node`` objects
  • subworkflows can also be added to a workflow without any wrapping
  • Keep track of the inputs and outputs, and check their expected types Do not have inputs/outputs, but expose them from the interfaces wrapped inside
    Do not cache results (unless you use [interface caching](advanced_interfaces_caching.ipynb)) Cache results
    Run by a nipype plugin Run by a nipype plugin

    Example of an already implemented interface

    For this notebook, we'll work on the following T1-weighted dataset located in /data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz:

    In [ ]:
    from nilearn.plotting import plot_anat
    %matplotlib inline
    In [ ]:
    plot_anat('/data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz', dim=-1);

    Example of interface: FSL's BET

    Nipype offers a series of Python interfaces to various external packages (e.g. FSL, SPM or FreeSurfer) even if they themselves are written in programming languages other than python. Such interfaces know what sort of options their corresponding tool has and how to execute it.

    To illustrate why interfaces are so useful, let's have a look at the brain extraction algorithm BET from FSL. Once in its original framework and once in the Nipype framework.

    The tool can be run directly in a bash shell using the following command line:

    In [ ]:
    bet /data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz \

    ... which yields the following:

    In [ ]:
    plot_anat('/data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w_bet.nii.gz', dim=-1);

    Using nipype, the equivalent is a bit more verbose:

    • line 1: The first line imports the interface
    • line 2: Then, the interface is instantiated. We provide here the input file.
    • line 3: Finally, we run the interface
    • line 4: The output file name can be automatically handled by nipype, and we will use that feature here
    In [ ]:
    from nipype.interfaces.fsl import BET
    skullstrip = BET(in_file='/data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz')
    res =

    Now we can verify that the result is exactly the same as before. Please note that, since we are using a Python environment, we use the result of the execution to point our plot_anat function to the output image of running BET:

    In [ ]:
    plot_anat(res.outputs.out_file, dim=-1);

    What are the main parts of a Nipype interface?

    Nipype is designed to ease writing interfaces for new software. Nipype interfaces are designed with three elements that are intuitive:

    • A specification of inputs (or the InputSpec)
    • A specification of outputs (or the OutputSpec)
    • An interface core which implements the run() method we've seen before for BET, and which puts together inputs and outputs.

    The CommandLine interface

    A quick example

    The easiest and quickest way to run any command line is the CommandLine interface, which has a very simple specification of inputs ready to use:

    In [ ]:
    from nipype.interfaces.base import CommandLine

    As a quick example, let's wrap bash's ls with Nipype:

    In [ ]:
    nipype_ls = CommandLine('ls', args='-lh', terminal_output='allatonce')

    Now, we have a Python object nipype_ls that is a runnable nipype interface. After execution, Nipype interface returns a result object. We can retrieve the output of our ls invocation from the result.runtime property:

    In [ ]:
    result =

    Create your own CommandLine interface

    Let's create a Nipype Interface for a very simple tool called antsTransformInfo from the ANTs package. This tool is so simple it does not even have a usage description for bash. Using it with a file, gives us the following result:

    In [ ]:
    antsTransformInfo /home/neuro/nipype_tutorial/notebooks/scripts/transform.tfm

    So let's plan our implementation:

    1. The command line name is antsTransformInfo.
    2. It only accepts one text file (containing an ITK transform file) as input, and it is a positional argument.
    3. It prints out the properties of the transform in the input file. For the purpose of this notebook, we are only interested in extracting the translation values.

    For the first item of this roadmap, we will just need to derive a new Python class from the nipype.interfaces.base.CommandLine base. To indicate the appropriate command line, we set the member _cmd:

    In [ ]:
    class TransformInfo(CommandLine):
        _cmd = 'antsTransformInfo'

    This is enough to have a nipype compatible interface for this tool:

    In [ ]:

    Specifying the inputs

    However, the args argument is too generic and does not deviate much from just running it in bash, or directly using subprocess.Popen. Let's define the inputs specification for the interface, extending the nipype.interfaces.base.CommandLineInputSpec class.

    The inputs are implemented using the Enthought traits package. For now, we'll use the File trait extension of nipype:

    In [ ]:
    from nipype.interfaces.base import CommandLineInputSpec, File
    class TransformInfoInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec):
        in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, argstr='%s',
                       position=0, desc='the input transform file')

    Some settings are done for this File object:

    • exists=True indicates Nipype that the file must exist when it is set
    • mandatory=True checks that this input was set before running because the program would crash otherwise
    • argstr='%s' indicates how this input parameter should be formatted
    • position=0 indicates that this is the first positional argument

    We can now decorate our TransformInfo core class with its input, by setting the input_spec member:

    In [ ]:
    class TransformInfo(CommandLine):
        _cmd = 'antsTransformInfo'
        input_spec = TransformInfoInputSpec

    Our interface now has one mandatory input, and inherits some optional inputs from the CommandLineInputSpec:

    In [ ]:

    One interesting feature of the Nipype interface is that the underlying command line can be checked using the object property cmdline. The command line can only be built when the mandatory inputs are set, so let's instantiate our new Interface for the first time, and check the underlying command line:

    In [ ]:
    my_info_interface = TransformInfo(in_file='/home/neuro/nipype_tutorial/notebooks/scripts/transform.tfm')

    Nipype will make sure that the parameters fulfill their prescribed attributes. For instance, in_file is mandatory. An error is issued if we build the command line or try to run this interface without it:

    In [ ]:
    except(ValueError) as err:
        print('It crashed with...')
        print("ValueError:", err)

    It will also complain if we try to set a non-existent file:

    In [ ]:
        my_info_interface.inputs.in_file = 'idontexist.tfm'
    except(Exception) as err:
        print('It crashed with...')
        print("TraitError:", err)

    Specifying the outputs

    The outputs are defined in a similar way. Let's define a custom output for our interface which is a list of three float element. The output traits are derived from a simpler base class called TraitedSpec. We also import the two data representations we need List and Float:

    In [ ]:
    from nipype.interfaces.base import TraitedSpec, traits
    class TransformInfoOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
        translation = traits.List(traits.Float, desc='the translation component of the input transform')
    class TransformInfo(CommandLine):
        _cmd = 'antsTransformInfo'
        input_spec = TransformInfoInputSpec
        output_spec = TransformInfoOutputSpec

    And now, our new output is in place:

    In [ ]:

    We are almost there - final needs

    If we run the interface, we'll be able to see that this tool only writes some text to the standard output, but we just want to extract the Translation field and generate a Python object from it.

    In [ ]:
    my_info_interface = TransformInfo(in_file='/home/neuro/nipype_tutorial/notebooks/scripts/transform.tfm',
    result =
    In [ ]:

    We need to complete the functionality of the run() member of our interface to parse the standard output. This is done extending its _run_interface() member.

    When we define outputs, generally they need to be explicitly wired in the _list_outputs() member of the core class. Let's see how we can complete those:

    In [ ]:
    class TransformInfo(CommandLine):
        _cmd = 'antsTransformInfo'
        input_spec = TransformInfoInputSpec
        output_spec = TransformInfoOutputSpec
        def _run_interface(self, runtime):
            import re
            # Run the command line as a natural CommandLine interface
            runtime = super(TransformInfo, self)._run_interface(runtime)
            # Search transform in the standard output
            expr_tra = re.compile('Translation:\s+\[(?P<translation>[0-9\.-]+,\s[0-9\.-]+,\s[0-9\.-]+)\]')
            trans = [float(v) for v in'translation').split(', ')]
            # Save it for later use in _list_outputs
            setattr(self, '_result', trans)
            # Good to go
            return runtime
        def _list_outputs(self):
            # Get the attribute saved during _run_interface
            return {'translation': getattr(self, '_result')}

    Let's run this interface (we set terminal_output='allatonce' to reduce the length of this manual, default would otherwise be 'stream'):

    In [ ]:
    my_info_interface = TransformInfo(in_file='/home/neuro/nipype_tutorial/notebooks/scripts/transform.tfm',
    result =

    Now we can retrieve our outcome of interest as an output:

    In [ ]:

    Summary of a CommandLine interface

    Now putting it all togehter, it looks as follows:

    In [ ]:
    from nipype.interfaces.base import (CommandLine, CommandLineInputSpec,
                                        TraitedSpec, traits, File)
    class TransformInfoInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec):
        in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, argstr='%s', position=0,
                       desc='the input transform file')
    class TransformInfoOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
        translation = traits.List(traits.Float, desc='the translation component of the input transform')
    class TransformInfo(CommandLine):
        _cmd = 'antsTransformInfo'
        input_spec = TransformInfoInputSpec
        output_spec = TransformInfoOutputSpec
        def _run_interface(self, runtime):
            import re
            # Run the command line as a natural CommandLine interface
            runtime = super(TransformInfo, self)._run_interface(runtime)
            # Search transform in the standard output
            expr_tra = re.compile('Translation:\s+\[(?P<translation>[0-9\.-]+,\s[0-9\.-]+,\s[0-9\.-]+)\]')
            trans = [float(v) for v in'translation').split(', ')]
            # Save it for later use in _list_outputs
            setattr(self, '_result', trans)
            # Good to go
            return runtime
        def _list_outputs(self):
            # Get the attribute saved during _run_interface
            return {'translation': getattr(self, '_result')}
    In [ ]:
    my_info_interface = TransformInfo(in_file='/home/neuro/nipype_tutorial/notebooks/scripts/transform.tfm',
    result =

    Wrapping up - fast use case for simple CommandLine wrapper

    For more standard neuroimaging software, generally we will just have to specify simple flags, i.e. input and output images and some additional parameters. If that is the case, then there is no need to extend the run() method.

    Let's look at a quick, partial, implementation of FSL's BET:

    In [ ]:
    from nipype.interfaces.base import CommandLineInputSpec, File, TraitedSpec
    class CustomBETInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec):
        in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, argstr='%s', position=0, desc='the input image')
        mask = traits.Bool(mandatory=False, argstr='-m', position=2, desc='create binary mask image')
        # Do not set exists=True for output files!
        out_file = File(mandatory=True, argstr='%s', position=1, desc='the output image')
    class CustomBETOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
        out_file = File(desc='the output image')
        mask_file = File(desc="path/name of binary brain mask (if generated)")
    class CustomBET(CommandLine):
        _cmd = 'bet'
        input_spec = CustomBETInputSpec
        output_spec = CustomBETOutputSpec
        def _list_outputs(self):
            # Get the attribute saved during _run_interface
            return {'out_file': self.inputs.out_file,
                    'mask_file': self.inputs.out_file.replace('brain', 'brain_mask')}
    In [ ]:
    my_custom_bet = CustomBET()
    my_custom_bet.inputs.in_file = '/data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz'
    my_custom_bet.inputs.out_file = 'sub-01_T1w_brain.nii.gz'
    my_custom_bet.inputs.mask = True
    result =
    In [ ]:
    plot_anat(result.outputs.out_file, dim=-1);

    Create your own Python interface

    CommandLine interface is great, but my tool is already in Python - can I wrap it natively?

    Sure. Let's solve the following problem: Let's say we have a Python function that takes an input image and a list of three translations (x, y, z) in mm, and then writes a resampled image after the translation has been applied:

    In [ ]:
    def translate_image(img, translation, out_file):
        import nibabel as nb
        import numpy as np
        from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import affine_transform
        # Load the data
        nii = nb.load(img)
        data = nii.get_data()
        # Create the transformation matrix
        matrix = np.eye(3)
        trans = (np.array(translation) / nii.header.get_zooms()[:3]) * np.array([1.0, -1.0, -1.0])
        # Apply the transformation matrix
        newdata = affine_transform(data, matrix=matrix, offset=trans)
        # Save the new data in a new NIfTI image
        nb.Nifti1Image(newdata, nii.affine, nii.header).to_filename(out_file)
        print('Translated file now is here: %s' % out_file)

    Let's see how this function operates:

    In [ ]:
    orig_image = '/data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz'
    translation = [20.0, -20.0, -20.0]
    translated_image = 'translated.nii.gz'
    # Let's run the translate_image function on our inputs

    Now that the function was executed, let's plot the original and the translated image.

    In [ ]:
    plot_anat(orig_image, dim=-1);
    In [ ]:
    plot_anat('translated.nii.gz', dim=-1);

    Perfect, we see that the translation was applied.

    Quick approach - Function interface

    Don't reinvent the wheel if it's not necessary. If like in this case, we have a well-defined function we want to run with Nipype, it is fairly easy to solve it with the Function interface:

    In [ ]:
    from nipype.interfaces.utility import Function
    my_python_interface = Function(
        input_names=['img', 'translation', 'out_file'],

    The arguments of translate_image should ideally be listed in the same order and with the same names as in the signature of the function. The same should be the case for the outputs. Finally, the Function interface takes a function input that is pointed to your python code.

    Note: The inputs and outputs do not pass any kind of conformity checking: the function node will take any kind of data type for their inputs and outputs.

    There are some other limitations to the Function interface when used inside workflows. Additionally, the function must be totally self-contained, since it will run with no global context. In practice, it means that all the imported modules and variables must be defined within the context of the function.

    For more, check out the Function Node notebook.

    Back to our Function interface. You can run it as any other interface object of Nipype:

    In [ ]:
    # Set inputs
    my_python_interface.inputs.img = '/data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz'
    my_python_interface.inputs.translation = [-35.0, 35.0, 35.0]
    my_python_interface.inputs.out_file = 'translated_functioninterface.nii.gz'
    In [ ]:
    # Run the interface
    result =
    In [ ]:
    # Plot the result
    plot_anat('translated_functioninterface.nii.gz', dim=-1);

    Complete approach - pure Python interface

    Now, we face the problem of interfacing something different from a command line. Therefore, the CommandLine base class will not help us here. The specification of the inputs and outputs, though, will work the same way.

    Let's start from that point on. Our Python function takes in three inputs: (1) the input image, (2) the translation and (3) an output image.

    The specification of inputs and outputs must be familiar to you at this point. Please note that now, input specification is derived from BaseInterfaceInputSpec, which is a bit thinner than CommandLineInputSpec. The output specification can be derived from TraitedSpec as before:

    In [ ]:
    from nipype.interfaces.base import BaseInterfaceInputSpec, File, TraitedSpec
    class TranslateImageInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
        in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc='the input image')
        out_file = File(mandatory=True, desc='the output image') # Do not set exists=True !!
        translation = traits.List([50.0, 0.0, 0.0], traits.Float, usedefault=True,
                                  desc='the translation component of the input transform')
    class TranslateImageOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
        out_file = File(desc='the output image')

    Similarily to the change of base class for the input specification, the core of our new interface will derive from BaseInterface instead of CommandLineInterface:

    In [ ]:
    from nipype.interfaces.base import BaseInterface
    class TranslateImage(BaseInterface):
        input_spec = TranslateImageInputSpec
        output_spec = TranslateImageOutputSpec

    At this point, we have defined a pure python interface but it is unable to do anything because we didn't implement a _run_interface() method yet.

    In [ ]:

    What happens if we try to run such an interface without specifying the _run_interface() function?

    In [ ]:
    will_fail_at_run = TranslateImage(
    In [ ]:
        result =
    except(NotImplementedError) as err:
        print('It crashed with...')
        print("NotImplementedError:", err)

    So, let's implement the missing part. As we would imagine, this needs to be very similar to what we did before with the TransformInfo interface:

    In [ ]:
    class TranslateImage(BaseInterface):
        input_spec = TranslateImageInputSpec
        output_spec = TranslateImageOutputSpec
        def _run_interface(self, runtime):
            # Call our python code here:
            # And we are done
            return runtime

    If we run it know, our interface will get further:

    In [ ]:
    half_works = TranslateImage(
    In [ ]:
        result =
    except(NotImplementedError) as err:
        print('It crashed with...')
        print("NotImplementedError:", err)

    ... but still, it crashes becasue we haven't specified any _list_outputs() method. I.e. our python function is called, but the interface crashes when the execution arrives to retrieving the outputs.

    Let's fix that:

    In [ ]:
    from nipype.interfaces.base import BaseInterfaceInputSpec, BaseInterface, File, TraitedSpec
    class TranslateImageInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
        in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc='the input image')
        out_file = File(mandatory=True, desc='the output image') # Do not set exists=True !!
        translation = traits.List([50.0, 0.0, 0.0], traits.Float, usedefault=True,
                                  desc='the translation component of the input transform')
    class TranslateImageOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
        out_file = File(desc='the output image')
    class TranslateImage(BaseInterface):
        input_spec = TranslateImageInputSpec
        output_spec = TranslateImageOutputSpec
        def _run_interface(self, runtime):
            # Call our python code here:
            # And we are done
            return runtime
        def _list_outputs(self):
            return {'out_file': self.inputs.out_file}

    Now, we have everything together. So let's run it and visualize the output file.

    In [ ]:
    this_works = TranslateImage(
    result =
    In [ ]:
    plot_anat(result.outputs.out_file, dim=-1);

    Create your own MATLAB interface

    Last but not least, let's take a look at how we would create a MATLAB interface. For this purpose, let's say we want to run some matlab code that counts the number of voxels in an MRI image with intensity larger than zero. Such a value could give us an estimation of the brain volume (in voxels) of a skull-stripped image.

    In MATLAB, our code looks as follows:

      load input_image.mat;
      total = sum(data(:) > 0)

    The following example uses to convert the input image to MATLAB format. Once the file is loaded we can quickly extract the estimated total volume.

    Note: For the purpose of this example, we will be using the freely available MATLAB alternative Octave. But the implementation of a MATLAB interface will be identical.


    As before, we need to specify an InputSpec and an OutputSpec class. The input class will expect a file as an input and the script containing the code that we would like to run, and the output class will give us back the total volume.

    In the context of a MATLAB interface, this is implemented as follows:

    In [ ]:
    from nipype.interfaces.base import (CommandLine, traits, TraitedSpec,
                                        BaseInterface, BaseInterfaceInputSpec, File)
    class BrainVolumeMATLABInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
        in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True)
        script_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True)
    class BrainVolumeMATLABOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
        volume = traits.Int(desc='brain volume')
    class BrainVolumeMATLAB(BaseInterface):
        input_spec = BrainVolumeMATLABInputSpec
        output_spec = BrainVolumeMATLABOutputSpec

    Step by step implementation

    Now, we have to specify what should happen, once the interface is run. As we said earlier, we want to:

    1. load the image data and save it in a mat file
    2. load the script
    3. replace the put the relevant information into the script
    4. run the script
    5. extract the results

    This all can be implemented with the following code:

    In [ ]:
    # Specify the interface inputs
    in_file = '/data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz'
    script_file = '/home/neuro/nipype_tutorial/notebooks/scripts/brainvolume.m'
    In [ ]:
    !cat scripts/brainvolume.m
    In [ ]:
    import re
    import nibabel as nb
    from import savemat
    # 1. save the image in matlab format as tmp_image.mat
    tmp_image = 'tmp_image'
    data = nb.load(in_file).get_data()
    savemat(tmp_image, {b'data': data}, do_compression=False)
    In [ ]:
    # 2. load script
    with open(script_file) as script_file:
        script_content =
    In [ ]:
    # 3. replace the input_image.mat file with the actual input of this interface
    with open('newscript.m', 'w') as script_file:
        script_file.write(script_content.replace('input_image.mat', 'tmp_image.mat'))
    In [ ]:
    # 4. run the matlab script
    mlab = CommandLine('octave', args='newscript.m', terminal_output='stream')
    result =
    In [ ]:
    # 5. extract the volume estimation from the output
    expr_tra = re.compile('total\ =\s+(?P<total>[0-9]+)')
    volume = int(['total'])

    Putting it all together

    Now we just need to put this all together in the _run_interface() method and add a _list_outputs() function:

    In [ ]:
    from nipype.interfaces.base import (CommandLine, traits, TraitedSpec,
                                        BaseInterface, BaseInterfaceInputSpec, File)
    import re
    import nibabel as nb
    from import savemat
    class BrainVolumeMATLABInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
        in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True)
        script_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True)
    class BrainVolumeMATLABOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
        volume = traits.Int(desc='brain volume')
    class BrainVolumeMATLAB(BaseInterface):
        input_spec = BrainVolumeMATLABInputSpec
        output_spec = BrainVolumeMATLABOutputSpec
        def _run_interface(self, runtime): 
            # Save the image in matlab format as tmp_image.mat
            tmp_image = 'tmp_image'
            data = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file).get_data()
            savemat(tmp_image, {b'data': data}, do_compression=False)
            # Load script
            with open(self.inputs.script_file) as script_file:
                script_content =
            # Replace the input_image.mat file for the actual input of this interface
            with open('newscript.m', 'w') as script_file:
                script_file.write(script_content.replace('input_image.mat', 'tmp_image.mat'))
            # Run a matlab command
            mlab = CommandLine('octave', args='newscript.m', terminal_output='stream')
            result =
            expr_tra = re.compile('total\ =\s+(?P<total>[0-9]+)')
            volume = int(['total'])
            setattr(self, '_result', volume)
            return result.runtime
        def _list_outputs(self):
            outputs = self._outputs().get()
            outputs['volume'] = getattr(self, '_result')
            return outputs

    Let's test it:

    In [ ]:
    matlab = BrainVolumeMATLAB(in_file='/data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz',
    result =
    In [ ]:

    We see in the example above that everything works fine. But now, let's say that we want to save the total brain volume to a file and give the location of this file back as an output. How would you do that?


    Modify the BrainVolumeMATLAB interface so that it has one more output called out_file, that points to a text file where we write the volume in voxels. The name of the out_file can be hard coded to volume.txt.

    In [ ]:
    # Write your solution here
    In [ ]:
    from nipype.interfaces.base import (CommandLine, traits, TraitedSpec,
                                        BaseInterface, BaseInterfaceInputSpec, File)
    import os
    import re
    import nibabel as nb
    from import savemat
    class BrainVolumeMATLABInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
        in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True)
        script_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True)
    class BrainVolumeMATLABOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
        volume = traits.Int(desc='brain volume')
        out_file = File(desc='output file containing total brain volume')  # This line was added
    class BrainVolumeMATLAB(BaseInterface):
        input_spec = BrainVolumeMATLABInputSpec
        output_spec = BrainVolumeMATLABOutputSpec
        def _run_interface(self, runtime): 
            # Save the image in matlab format as tmp_image.mat
            tmp_image = 'tmp_image'
            data = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file).get_data()
            savemat(tmp_image, {b'data': data}, do_compression=False)
            # Load script
            with open(self.inputs.script_file) as script_file:
                script_content =
            # Replace the input_image.mat file for the actual input of this interface
            with open('newscript.m', 'w') as script_file:
                script_file.write(script_content.replace('input_image.mat', 'tmp_image.mat'))
            # Run a matlab command
            mlab = CommandLine('octave', args='newscript.m', terminal_output='stream')
            result =
            expr_tra = re.compile('total\ =\s+(?P<total>[0-9]+)')
            volume = int(['total'])
            setattr(self, '_result', volume)
            # Write total brain volume into a file
            out_fname = os.path.abspath('volume.txt')
            setattr(self, '_out_file', out_fname)
            with open('volume.txt', 'w') as out_file:
                out_file.write('%d' %volume)
            return result.runtime
        def _list_outputs(self):
            outputs = self._outputs().get()
            outputs['volume'] = getattr(self, '_result')
            outputs['out_file'] = getattr(self, '_out_file')
            return outputs

    Now, let's test if it works.

    In [ ]:
    matlab = BrainVolumeMATLAB(in_file='/data/ds000114/sub-01/ses-test/anat/sub-01_ses-test_T1w.nii.gz',
    result =

    No errors, perfect. Did we get the right file?

    In [ ]:

    And what about the content of this file?

    In [ ]:
    !cat volume.txt