
The following columns are available:

  • admissiondrugid - primary key, has no meaning but identifies rows uniquely
  • drugOffset - number of minutes from unit admit time that the admission drug was administered
  • drugEnteredOffset - number of minutes from unit admit time that the admission drug was entered
  • drugNoteType - unique note picklist types e.g.: Comprehensive Progress Admission Intubation
  • specialtyType - physician specialty picklist types e.g.: anesthesiology gastroenterology oncology
  • userType - who documented the drug from eCareManager user picklist types e.g.: eICU Physician, Nurse, Attending Physician
  • rxincluded - Does the Note have associated Rx data: True or False
  • writtenIneICU - Was the Note written in the eICU: True or False
  • drugName - name of the selected admission drug e.g.: POTASSIUM CHLORIDE/D5NS METAXALONE PRAVACHOL
  • drugDosage - dosage of the admission drug e.g.: 20.0000 400.000
  • drugUnit - picklist units of the admission drug e.g.: mg mg/kg patch
  • drugAdmitFrequency - picklist frequency with which the admission drug is administred e.g.: PRN twice a day at bedtime
  • drughiclseqno - a code representing the drug (hierarchical ingredient code list, HICL)

We recommend configuring the config.ini file to allow for connection to the database without specifying your password each time.

In [1]:
# Import libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import psycopg2
import getpass
import pdvega

# for configuring connection 
from configobj import ConfigObj
import os

%matplotlib inline

/home/alistairewj/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/psycopg2/ UserWarning: The psycopg2 wheel package will be renamed from release 2.8; in order to keep installing from binary please use "pip install psycopg2-binary" instead. For details see: <>.

In [2]:
# Create a database connection using settings from config file

# connection info
conn_info = dict()
if os.path.isfile(config):
    config = ConfigObj(config)
    conn_info["sqluser"] = config['username']
    conn_info["sqlpass"] = config['password']
    conn_info["sqlhost"] = config['host']
    conn_info["sqlport"] = config['port']
    conn_info["dbname"] = config['dbname']
    conn_info["schema_name"] = config['schema_name']
    conn_info["sqluser"] = 'postgres'
    conn_info["sqlpass"] = ''
    conn_info["sqlhost"] = 'localhost'
    conn_info["sqlport"] = 5432
    conn_info["dbname"] = 'eicu'
    conn_info["schema_name"] = 'public,eicu_crd'
# Connect to the eICU database
print('Database: {}'.format(conn_info['dbname']))
print('Username: {}'.format(conn_info["sqluser"]))
if conn_info["sqlpass"] == '':
    # try connecting without password, i.e. peer or OS authentication
        if (conn_info["sqlhost"] == 'localhost') & (conn_info["sqlport"]=='5432'):
            con = psycopg2.connect(dbname=conn_info["dbname"],
            con = psycopg2.connect(dbname=conn_info["dbname"],
        conn_info["sqlpass"] = getpass.getpass('Password: ')

        con = psycopg2.connect(dbname=conn_info["dbname"],
query_schema = 'set search_path to ' + conn_info['schema_name'] + ';'

Database: eicu
Username: alistairewj

Examine a single patient

In [3]:
patientunitstayid = 2704494

In [4]:
query = query_schema + """
select *
from admissiondrug
where patientunitstayid = {}
order by drugoffset

df = pd.read_sql_query(query, con)

admissiondrugid patientunitstayid drugyear drugtime24 drugtime drugoffset drugenteredyear drugenteredtime24 drugenteredtime drugenteredoffset drugnotetype specialtytype usertype rxincluded writtenineicu drugname drugdosage drugunit drugadmitfrequency drughiclseqno
0 13383114 2704494 2014 16:13:00 evening -87132 2014 16:18:46 evening 2153 Comprehensive Progress eCM Primary THC Physician True False IMDUR 0.0 6341
1 13383119 2704494 2014 16:13:00 evening -87132 2014 16:18:46 evening 2153 Comprehensive Progress eCM Primary THC Physician True False ZAROXOLYN 0.0 3663
2 13383112 2704494 2014 16:13:00 evening -87132 2014 16:18:46 evening 2153 Comprehensive Progress eCM Primary THC Physician True False EXEMESTANE 0.0 20803
3 13383111 2704494 2014 16:13:00 evening -87132 2014 16:18:46 evening 2153 Comprehensive Progress eCM Primary THC Physician True False COREG 0.0 13795
4 13383116 2704494 2014 16:13:00 evening -87132 2014 16:18:46 evening 2153 Comprehensive Progress eCM Primary THC Physician True False PROTONIX 0.0 22008

In [5]:
# Look at a subset of columns
cols = ['admissiondrugid','patientunitstayid','drugoffset','drugenteredoffset','drugname','drughiclseqno']

admissiondrugid patientunitstayid drugoffset drugenteredoffset drugname drughiclseqno
0 13383114 2704494 -87132 2153 IMDUR 6341
1 13383119 2704494 -87132 2153 ZAROXOLYN 3663
2 13383112 2704494 -87132 2153 EXEMESTANE 20803
3 13383111 2704494 -87132 2153 COREG 13795
4 13383116 2704494 -87132 2153 PROTONIX 22008

Here we can see that these drugs were documented 2153 minutes (1.5 days) after ICU admission, but administered 87132 minutes (60 days) before ICU admission (thus, the negative offset). Since it's reasonable to assume the patient is still taking the drug (as this is the admissiondrug table), drugoffset can likely be treated as a start time for a prescription of the drug.

Identifying patients admitted on a single drug

Let's look for patients who were admitted on Zaroxolyn.

In [6]:
drug = 'ZAROXOLYN'
query = query_schema + """
  admissiondrugid, patientunitstayid
  , drugoffset, drugenteredoffset
  , drugname, drughiclseqno
from admissiondrug
where drugname = '{}'

df_drug = pd.read_sql_query(query, con)
print('{} unit stays with {}.'.format(df_drug['patientunitstayid'].nunique(), drug))

227 unit stays with ZAROXOLYN.

Instead of using the drug name, we could try to use the HICL code.

In [7]:
hicl = 3663
query = query_schema + """
  admissiondrugid, patientunitstayid
  , drugoffset, drugenteredoffset
  , drugname, drughiclseqno
from admissiondrug
where drughiclseqno = {}

df_hicl = pd.read_sql_query(query, con)

print('{} unit stays with HICL = {}.'.format(df_hicl['patientunitstayid'].nunique(), hicl))

533 unit stays with HICL = 3663.

As we can see, using the HICL returned many more observations. Let's take a look at a few:

In [8]:
# rows in HICL which are *not* in the drug dataframe
idx = ~df_hicl.index.isin(df_drug.index)
# count the drug names
df_hicl.loc[idx, 'drugname'].value_counts()

Name: drugname, dtype: int64

All the rows use the drug name "Metolazone". Metolazone is the generic name for the brand Zaroxolyn. This demonstrates the utility of using HICL codes to identify drugs - synonyms like these are very common and can be tedious to find.

Hospitals with data available

In [9]:
query = query_schema + """
  , count(pt.patientunitstayid) as number_of_patients
  , count(ad.patientunitstayid) as number_of_patients_with_admdrug
from patient pt
left join admissiondrug ad
  on pt.patientunitstayid = ad.patientunitstayid
group by pt.hospitalid

df = pd.read_sql_query(query, con)
df['data completion'] = df['number_of_patients_with_admdrug'] / df['number_of_patients'] * 100.0
df.sort_values('number_of_patients_with_admdrug', ascending=False, inplace=True)

hospitalid number_of_patients number_of_patients_with_admdrug data completion
165 420 342170 341168 99.707163
127 142 33887 33003 97.391330
90 382 29047 28871 99.394085
84 365 25941 25735 99.205890
94 281 25564 25092 98.153654
16 391 22992 22840 99.338900
180 394 23574 22485 95.380504
139 440 23644 22343 94.497547
187 283 20045 19724 98.398603
166 443 20072 18666 92.995217

In [10]:
df[['data completion']].vgplot.hist(bins=10,
                                    var_name='Number of hospitals',
                                    value_name='Percent of patients with data')

As is common in eICU-CRD, there are a subset of hospitals who routinely utilize this portion of the medical record (and thus have 90-100% data completion), while there are other hospitals who rarely use this interface and thus have poor data completion (0-10%).