Abstract Priortiy Queues


  • Review queus
  • Two implelementation ways
    • Array of queues


  • Abstract lists

Introduction to Priority-Queus

  • Definition: use some keys

  • Example numeric priority based on $x$

    • $0$ has the highest priority
    • if $x>y$, $x$ has hiegher priority than $y$
  • Example Lexicographic Priority

Some applications

  • Processes requesting hardware components have prioirty

    Linux nice command: -20 highest priority and 19 means lowest prioirty

    $ nice -20 ./a.out


  • Using an array of queues
  • Using an AVL tree
  • Using heaps

Implement using an array of queues

  • Have an array with indexes from $0-M$. Each element points to a priority queue.
template <typename Type>
void Multiqueue<Type>::push(Type const &obj, int, pri) {
    if (pri > 0 || pri >=M) {
        throw illegal_argument();




Implement using an AVL tree

template<typename Type>
class AVL_priority_queue() {

bool AVL_priority_queue<Type>::empty() const {


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