In [2]:
import pandas as pd
import pandautils as pup
import numpy as np
from rootpy.vector import LorentzVector
from import get_style, set_style
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [3]:
# -- open a file to save the names of the branches we are interested in (the ones containing Muons or Jets)
from import root_open
f = root_open("../MxAOD/Truth_11-30/user.mpaganin.mc15_13TeV.341175.A14NNPDF23LO_X350tohh_yybb.merge.DAOD_HIGG1D1.e3873_a766_a768_r6282_p2421.Truth_11-30_MxAOD.root/user.mpaganin.7141844._000001.MxAOD.root", "read")
t = f["CollectionTree"]
features = [key.GetName() for key in t.GetListOfBranches() if (('HGamMuonsAuxDyn' in key.GetName()) or ('HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn' in key.GetName()))]
In [4]:
# -- Open background MxAODs and save them in df, only accessing interesting branches:
# X350_df = pup.root2panda("../MxAOD/muons/muons/user.mpaganin.mc15_13TeV.341175.A14NNPDF23LO_X350tohh_yybb.merge.DAOD_HIGG1D1.e3873_a766_a768_r6282_p2421.muons_MxAOD.root/*", "CollectionTree",
# branches = features)
# H300_df = pup.root2panda("../MxAOD/muons/muons/user.mpaganin.mc15_13TeV.341004.A14NNPDF23LO_H300_Xtohh_yybb.merge.DAOD_HIGG1D1.e3846_a766_a768_r6282_p2421.muons_MxAOD.root/*", "CollectionTree",
# branches = features)
# X275_df = pup.root2panda("../MxAOD/muons/muons/user.mpaganin.mc15_13TeV.341173.A14NNPDF23LO_X275tohh_yybb.merge.DAOD_HIGG1D1.e3873_a766_a768_r6282_p2421.muons_MxAOD.root/*", "CollectionTree",
# branches = features)
# X325_df = pup.root2panda("../MxAOD/muons/muons/user.mpaganin.mc15_13TeV.341174.A14NNPDF23LO_X325tohh_yybb.merge.DAOD_HIGG1D1.e3873_a766_a768_r6282_p2421.muons_MxAOD.root/*", "CollectionTree",
# branches = features)
# sm_df = pup.root2panda("../MxAOD/muons/muons/user.mpaganin.mc15_13TeV.341559.A14NNPDF23LO_sm_hh_yybb.merge.DAOD_HIGG1D1.e4038_s2608_s2183_r6765_r6282_p2421.muons_MxAOD.root/*", "CollectionTree",
# branches = features)
yybb = pup.root2panda("../MxAOD/muons/muons/user.mpaganin.mc15_13TeV.341061.A14NNPDF23LO_yybb.merge.DAOD_HIGG1D1.e3939_a766_a768_r6282_p2421.muons_MxAOD.root/*", "CollectionTree",
branches = features)
ybbj = pup.root2panda("../MxAOD/muons/muons/user.mpaganin.mc15_13TeV.341062.A14NNPDF23LO_ybbj.merge.DAOD_HIGG1D1.e4292_a766_a777_p2419.muons_MxAOD.root/*", "CollectionTree",
branches = features)
yybj = pup.root2panda("../MxAOD/muons/muons/user.mpaganin.mc15_13TeV.341063.A14NNPDF23LO_yybj.merge.DAOD_HIGG1D1.e4292_a766_a777_p2419.muons_MxAOD.root/*", "CollectionTree",
branches = features)
ybjj = pup.root2panda("../MxAOD/muons/muons/user.mpaganin.mc15_13TeV.341064.A14NNPDF23LO_ybjj.merge.DAOD_HIGG1D1.e4292_a766_a777_p2419.muons_MxAOD.root/*", "CollectionTree",
branches = features)
yjjj = pup.root2panda("../MxAOD/muons/muons/user.mpaganin.mc15_13TeV.341066.A14NNPDF23LO_yjjj.merge.DAOD_HIGG1D1.e4292_a766_a777_p2419.muons_MxAOD.root/*", "CollectionTree",
branches = features)
In [5]:
# -- concatenate all backgrounds into one df
#signal_df = pd.concat([X350_df,X325_df,H300_df,X275_df], ignore_index=True)
signal_df = pd.concat([yybb, ybbj, yybj, ybjj, yjjj], ignore_index=True)
In [6]:
# -- list of 4 vectors of all jets
jet4vecs = pup.match_shape(np.asarray([(pt,eta,phi,m) for (pt,eta,phi,m) in zip(pup.flatten(signal_df['']),
In [7]:
# -- list of 4 vectors of all muons
muon4vecs = pup.match_shape(np.asarray([(pt,eta,phi,105.6583715) for (pt,eta,phi) in zip(pup.flatten(signal_df['']),
In [8]:
# -- CUT: only consider muons with pt > 4 GeV
muon4vecs = [np.delete(muon4vecs[ev], np.where([muon4vecs[ev][muon][0] < 4000 for muon in xrange(len(muon4vecs[ev]))]), 0) for ev in xrange(len(muon4vecs))]
In [9]:
def deltaR(eta1, eta2, phi1, phi2):
import math
Function that calculates DR between two objects given their etas and phis
eta1 = float, eta of first object
eta2 = float, eta of second object
phi1 = float, phi of first object
phi2 = float, phi of second object
deltaR = float, distance between the two objects
DEta = abs(eta1-eta2)
DPhi = math.acos(math.cos( abs( phi1-phi2 ) ) ) # hack to avoid |phi1-phi2| larger than 180 degrees
return math.sqrt( pow(DEta,2) + pow(DPhi,2) )
In [10]:
# -- list of distances of all jets from all muons
dr = [
for muon in xrange(len(muon4vecs[ev]))
if (len(muon4vecs[ev]) != 0)]
for jet in xrange(len(jet4vecs[ev]))]
for ev in xrange(len(jet4vecs)) ]
# -- considering all jets and all muons with pt > 4 GeV!
In [11]:
DRMIN = 0.4
Save lists of:
In [12]:
# -- define lists to save --> these will be lists of lists (event,jet structure)
corrected_jets_allmuons = []
corrected_jets_onemuon = []
original_jets = []
muons_corrections = []
onemuon_correction = []
NmuonsInJ = []
# -- loop thru events
for ev in xrange(len(dr)):
# -- define event-level sub-lists to then append to the lists defined above
corrected_jets_allmuons_per_event = []
corrected_jets_onemuon_per_event = []
original_jets_per_event = []
NmuonsInJ_per_event = []
muons_corrections_per_event = []
onemuon_correction_per_event = []
# -- loop thru jets
for jet in xrange(len(dr[ev])):
pjet = LorentzVector() # instantiate 4 vector of the jet
pjet.SetPtEtaPhiM(*jet4vecs[ev][jet]) # fill 4 vector of the jet
drmin = DRMIN
pmuons = LorentzVector() # instantiate container for all muons' 4 vector sum
pmin = LorentzVector() # instantiate container for closest muon's 4 vector
ctr = 0
# -- loop thru muons
for muon in xrange(len(dr[ev][jet])):
# -- check whether the muon is within the jet
if ((len(dr[ev][jet]) > 0) and (dr[ev][jet][muon] < DRMIN)):
ctr += 1 # counter for number of muons in the jet
pcurrmuon = LorentzVector() # instantiate 4 vector of current muon
pcurrmuon.SetPtEtaPhiM(*muon4vecs[ev][muon]) # fill 4 vector of current muon
pmuons += pcurrmuon # add the current muon to the total 4 vector of all the muons in the jet
# -- check whether it's the closest muon to the jet
if (dr[ev][jet][muon] < drmin):
drmin = dr[ev][jet][muon] # save the current dr as the minimum one
pmin = pcurrmuon
In [14]:
# -- CUT: remove all jets that are not b-tagged!
# -- SLOW...
corrected_jets_allmuons = [
corrected_jets_allmuons[ev][jet] for jet in xrange(len(corrected_jets_allmuons[ev]))
if signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85'].ix[ev][jet] == 1
for ev in xrange(len(corrected_jets_allmuons))]
corrected_jets_onemuon = [
corrected_jets_onemuon[ev][jet] for jet in xrange(len(corrected_jets_onemuon[ev]))
if signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85'].ix[ev][jet] == 1
for ev in xrange(len(corrected_jets_onemuon))]
original_jets = [
original_jets[ev][jet] for jet in xrange(len(original_jets[ev]))
if signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85'].ix[ev][jet] == 1
for ev in xrange(len(original_jets))]
In [15]:
# -- CUT: only consider events with == 2 b-tagged jets (Two_Tag Category)
corrected_jets_allmuons = [ev for ev in corrected_jets_allmuons if len(ev) == 2]
corrected_jets_onemuon = [ev for ev in corrected_jets_onemuon if len(ev) == 2]
original_jets = [ev for ev in original_jets if len(ev) == 2]
In [16]:
# -- calculate reconstructed bb mass
corrected_recomass = [(corrected_jets_allmuons[ev][0]+corrected_jets_allmuons[ev][1]).M()
for ev in xrange(len(corrected_jets_allmuons)) if len(corrected_jets_allmuons[ev]) == 2]
onemuon_corrected_recomass = [(corrected_jets_onemuon[ev][0]+corrected_jets_onemuon[ev][1]).M()
for ev in xrange(len(corrected_jets_onemuon)) if len(corrected_jets_onemuon[ev]) == 2]
recomass = [(original_jets[ev][0]+original_jets[ev][1]).M()
for ev in xrange(len(original_jets)) if len(original_jets[ev]) == 2]
In [17]:
def non_param_fit(hist, kernel = 'cosine', bandwidth = 45):
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
kde = KernelDensity(kernel=kernel, bandwidth=bandwidth).fit(hist[:, np.newaxis])
log_dense = kde.score_samples(hist[:, np.newaxis])
return log_dense
In [18]:
def get_peak(hist, log_dense):
return hist[np.argmax(log_dense)]
In [19]:
set_style('ATLAS', mpl=True)
hista = np.asarray(corrected_recomass)/1000
histb = np.asarray(onemuon_corrected_recomass)/1000
histc = np.asarray(recomass)/1000
a, bina, _ = plt.hist(hista, label = 'Corrected, All Muons', linewidth = 2,
bins = np.linspace(0,400, 50), histtype = 'step', alpha = 1, color = 'green', normed = True)
b, binb, _ = plt.hist(histb, label = 'Corrected, Closest Muon', linewidth = 2,
bins = np.linspace(0,400, 50), histtype = 'step', alpha = 1, color = 'blue', normed = True)
c, binc, _= plt.hist(histc, label = 'No Correction', linewidth = 2,
bins = np.linspace(0,400, 50), histtype = 'step', alpha = 1, color = 'red', normed = True)
hista_sliced = hista[:1000][hista[:1000] < 400]
histb_sliced = histb[:1000][histb[:1000] < 400]
histc_sliced = histc[:1000][histc[:1000] < 400]
ixa = np.argsort(hista_sliced)
ixb = np.argsort(histb_sliced)
ixc = np.argsort(histc_sliced)
log_dense_a = non_param_fit(hista_sliced)
log_dense_b = non_param_fit(histb_sliced)
log_dense_c = non_param_fit(histc_sliced)
plt.plot(hista_sliced[ixa], np.exp(log_dense_a)[ixa], '-',# label = 'Non-Parametric Fit CCM',
color = 'blue' )
plt.plot(histb_sliced[ixb], np.exp(log_dense_b)[ixb], '-',# label = 'Non-Parametric Fit CAM',
color = 'green' )
plt.plot(histc_sliced[ixc], np.exp(log_dense_c)[ixc], '-',# label = 'Non-Parametric Fit NC',
color = 'red' )
plt.xlabel(r'$m_{b\bar{b}}\ (\mathsf{GeV})$')
plt.title('Invariant Mass of bb system, 2-Tag Category')
In [20]:
print 'Peak for Corrected, All Muons = {}'.format(get_peak(hista_sliced, log_dense_a))
print 'Peak for Corrected, Closest Muon = {}'.format(get_peak(histb_sliced, log_dense_b))
print 'Peak for Non Corrected = {}'.format(get_peak(histc_sliced, log_dense_c))
In [21]:
print 'Number of events with 2 muons = {}'.format(len([len(event) for event in muon4vecs if len(event)==2]))
print 'Number of events with 1 muon = {}'.format(len([len(event) for event in muon4vecs if len(event)==1]))
print 'Number of events with 0 muon = {}'.format(len([len(event) for event in muon4vecs if len(event)==0]))
In [22]:
# -- this is looking at ALL JETS IN ALL EVENTS, not just b-jets, and not just events with == 2 jets
tot = float(len(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)))
print 'Number of jets with > 5 muons = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ) > 5),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten (NmuonsInJ) > 5))/
print 'Number of jets with 5 muons = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)==5),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten (NmuonsInJ)==5))/
print 'Number of jets with 4 muons = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)==4),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten (NmuonsInJ)==4))/
print 'Number of jets with 3 muons = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)==3),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten (NmuonsInJ)==3))/
print 'Number of jets with 2 muons = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)==2),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten (NmuonsInJ)==2))/
print 'Number of jets with 1 muon = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)==1),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten (NmuonsInJ)==1))/
print 'Number of jets with 0 muons = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)==0),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten (NmuonsInJ)==0))/
In [23]:
plt.hist(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ), bins = np.linspace(0,5,6))
plt.ylabel('N of Jets')
plt.xlabel('N of Muons in Jet')
plt.title('Number of muons in jet for all jets in all events')
In [24]:
# -- this is looking only at b-tagged jets in all events, not just events with == 2 jets
tot = float(len(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)[pup.flatten(signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85']) == 1]))
print 'Number of jets with > 5 muons = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(
sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)[pup.flatten(signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85']) == 1]>5),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)[pup.flatten(signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85']) == 1]>5))/
print 'Number of jets with 5 muons = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(
sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)[pup.flatten(signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85']) == 1]==5),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)[pup.flatten(signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85']) == 1]==5))/
print 'Number of jets with 4 muons = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(
sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)[pup.flatten(signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85']) == 1]==4),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)[pup.flatten(signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85']) == 1]==4))/
print 'Number of jets with 3 muons = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(
sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)[pup.flatten(signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85']) == 1]==3),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)[pup.flatten(signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85']) == 1]==3))/
print 'Number of jets with 2 muons = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(
sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)[pup.flatten(signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85']) == 1]==2),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)[pup.flatten(signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85']) == 1]==2))/
print 'Number of jets with 1 muon = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(
sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)[pup.flatten(signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85']) == 1]==1),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)[pup.flatten(signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85']) == 1]==1))/
print 'Number of jets with 0 muon = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(
sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)[pup.flatten(signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85']) == 1]==0),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)[pup.flatten(signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85']) == 1]==0))/
In [25]:
plt.hist(pup.flatten(NmuonsInJ)[pup.flatten(signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85']) == 1],
bins = np.linspace(0,5,6))
plt.ylabel('N of b-Jets')
plt.xlabel('N of Muons in b-Jet')
plt.title('Number of muons in jet for b-jets in all events')
In [26]:
def select_b(event, truth):
return np.array(event)[truth == 1].tolist()
d = [
select_b(NmuonsInJ[ev], signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85'].ix[ev])
for ev in xrange(len(NmuonsInJ))
if sum(signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85'].ix[ev]) == 2
In [27]:
# -- this is looking only at b-tagged jets in all events, not just events with == 2 jets
print 'Number of jets with > 5 muons = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(
sum(pup.flatten(d) > 5),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten(d) > 5))/
float(len(pup.flatten(d))) )
print 'Number of jets with 5 muons = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(
sum(pup.flatten(d) == 5),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten(d) == 5))/
float(len(pup.flatten(d))) )
print 'Number of jets with 4 muons = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(
sum(pup.flatten(d) == 4),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten(d) == 4))/
float(len(pup.flatten(d))) )
print 'Number of jets with 3 muons = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(
sum(pup.flatten(d) == 3),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten(d) == 3))/
float(len(pup.flatten(d))) )
print 'Number of jets with 2 muons = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(
sum(pup.flatten(d) == 2),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten(d) == 2))/
float(len(pup.flatten(d))) )
print 'Number of jets with 1 muon = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(
sum(pup.flatten(d) == 1),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten(d) == 1))/
float(len(pup.flatten(d))) )
print 'Number of jets with 0 muon = {}. Percentage = {}'.format(
sum(pup.flatten(d) == 0),
100*float(sum(pup.flatten(d) == 0))/
float(len(pup.flatten(d))) )
In [28]:
plt.hist(pup.flatten(d), bins = np.linspace(0,5,6))
plt.ylabel('N of b-Jets')
plt.xlabel('N of Muons in b-Jet')
plt.title('Number of muons in jet for b-jets in events with == 2 b-jets')
About 5% of jets have more than one muon in their correction. Therefore, we would expect the correction from all muons to be larger than the correction from one muon only. This would not be the case if the non-leading muons have very low pT or if they point in very different directions.
In [29]:
# -- corrections from all muons for b-jets, for events with == 2 b-jets
mc2bb = [select_b(muons_corrections[ev], signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85'].ix[ev])
for ev in xrange(len(muons_corrections))
if sum(signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85'].ix[ev] == 1) == 2]
# -- corrections from the closest muon for b-jets, for events with == 2 b-jets
one_mc2bb = [select_b(onemuon_correction[ev], signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85'].ix[ev])
for ev in xrange(len(onemuon_correction))
if sum(signal_df['HGamAntiKt4EMTopoJetsAuxDyn.MV2c20_85'].ix[ev] == 1) == 2]
In [30]:
# -- difference in m_bb if we correct for all muons vs only the closest one
mass_correction_difference = [np.asarray( ( (mc2bb[ev][0]+mc2bb[ev][1]-one_mc2bb[ev][0]-one_mc2bb[ev][1] ).M() ) )/1000
for ev in xrange(len(mc2bb))]
# Note:
# This also includes 0 mass corrections for those events in which the jets had no muons in them
In [31]:
#plt.hist([np.asarray((mc2bb[ev][0]+mc2bb[ev][1]).M())/1000 for ev in xrange(len(mc2bb))],
#bins = np.linspace(0,100,100), histtype = 'stepfilled', alpha = 0.5, normed = True)
#plt.hist([np.asarray((one_mc2bb[ev][0]+one_mc2bb[ev][1]).M())/1000 for ev in xrange(len(one_mc2bb))],
#bins = np.linspace(0,100,100), histtype = 'stepfilled', alpha = 0.5, normed = True, color = 'red')
plt.hist( [mass_correction_difference[ev] for ev in xrange(len(mass_correction_difference))
if (mass_correction_difference[ev] != 0)],
bins = np.linspace(0,40,100), histtype = 'stepfilled', alpha = 0.5) #, normed = True)
plt.title('Mass Correction from All Muons BUT the Closest One, for 2-Tag Category')
plt.xlabel(r'$m_{b\bar{b}}$ Correction (GeV)')
plt.ylabel('Number of Events')
When plotting, I removed the events that have 0 mass correction due to the fact that the jets have no muons in them.
This would make the difference a bit unfair, because those events would show 0 difference between correcting for all
muons and correcting for the closest one only -- but this 0 difference wouldn't mean much given that there are no
muons at all.
In general, though, one could make this plot considering the events with no muon correction at all, because they
contribute to the idea that in most case correcting for one or all muons doesn't make much of a difference.
From the last plot, we see that the difference in $m_{b\bar{b}}$ correction when we use all muons versus when we only use the closest muon is mostly very small, for the large majority of events.
In [32]:
print 'Only {:.2f}% of events in the 2-Tag Category receive a correction > 5 GeV to m_bb when \
including all muons versus only the closest muon, even when we exclude all events in which there \
is no correction at all due to the complete absence of muons in jets.'.format(
for ev in xrange(len(mass_correction_difference))
if (mass_correction_difference[ev] > 5)])) /
for ev in xrange(len(mass_correction_difference)) #])))
if (mass_correction_difference[ev] != 0)])))
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [105]:
def _dR(ev):
if len(ev) < 2:
return 99
return deltaR(ev[0][1], ev[1][1], ev[0][2], ev[1][2])
dr_muons = [_dR(muon4vecs[event]) for event in xrange(len(muon4vecs))]
In [142]:
# _ = plt.hist([muon4vecs[event][0][0]/1000 for event in xrange(len(muon4vecs)) if len(muon4vecs[event])==1],
# histtype = 'stepfilled', bins = np.linspace(0,60,100), alpha = 0.5, normed =True)
# _ = plt.hist([muon4vecs[event][0][0]/1000 for event in xrange(len(muon4vecs)) if ((len(muon4vecs[event])==2) and (dr_muons[event] < 0.4))],
# histtype = 'stepfilled', bins = np.linspace(0,60,100), alpha = 0.5, color = 'red', normed = True)
#_ = plt.hist([muon4vecs[event][1][0]/1000 for event in xrange(len(muon4vecs)) if ((len(muon4vecs[event])==2) and (dr_muons[event] < 0.4))],
# histtype = 'stepfilled', bins = np.linspace(0,60,100), alpha = 0.5, color = 'green', normed = True)
#_ = plt.hist(
#[ np.asarray(muon4vecs[event][0][0]+muon4vecs[event][1][0])/1000 for event in xrange(len(muon4vecs)) if ((len(muon4vecs[event])==2) and (dr_muons[event] < 0.4))],
# histtype = 'stepfilled', bins = np.linspace(0,60,100), alpha = 0.5, color = 'green', normed = True)
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