
making sure normalization looks correct

In [1]:
import os
import progressbar
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import time
%matplotlib inline

data processing functions

In [3]:
def get_variance(training_target):
    returns variance of the target data. used in normalizing the error.
    all_pixels = training_target.flatten()
    return all_pixels.var()

def normalize_input(train_data, test_data):
    normailizing input across each pixel an each channel (i.e. normalize for each input to network).
    mean, std_dev = np.mean(train_data, axis=0), np.std(train_data, axis=0)
    return (train_data - mean) / std_dev, (test_data - mean) / std_dev

def get_epoch(x, y, n):
    splits entire data set into an epoch with minibatch of size n. returns a dict with key being the 
    minibatch number and the value being a length 2 list with the features in first index and 
    targets in the second.
    input_size = x.shape[0]
    number_batches = input_size // n
    extra_examples = input_size % n
    batches = {}
    batch_indices = np.arange(input_size)
    for i in range(number_batches):
        temp_indices = batch_indices[n*i:n*(i+1)]
        temp_x = []
        temp_y = []
        for j in temp_indices:
        batches[i] = [np.asarray(temp_x), np.asarray(temp_y)]
    if extra_examples != 0:
        extra_indices = batch_indices[input_size-extra_examples:input_size]
        temp_x = []
        temp_y = []
        for k in extra_indices:
        batches[i+1] = [np.asarray(temp_x), np.asarray(temp_y)]
    return batches

network setup

In [4]:
filter_dim, filter_dim2 = 11, 1
batch_size = 4
image_dim, result_dim = 96, 86
input_layer, first_layer, second_layer, third_layer, output_layer = 4, 17, 9, 4, 1
learning_rate = .01
epochs = 300

In [5]:
# data input
data_path = ''

# train data --- 500 images, 96x96 pixels
orig_500 = pd.read_csv('{}orig_500.txt'.format(data_path), header=None, delim_whitespace = True)
recon_500 = pd.read_csv('{}recon_500.txt'.format(data_path), header=None, delim_whitespace = True)

# test data --- 140 images, 96x96 pixels
orig_140 = pd.read_csv('{}orig_140.txt'.format(data_path), header=None, delim_whitespace = True)
recon_140 = pd.read_csv('{}recon_140.txt'.format(data_path), header=None, delim_whitespace = True)

# train target --- 500 images, 86x86 pixels (dimension reduction due no zero padding being used)
ssim_500 = pd.read_csv('{}ssim_500_nogauss.csv'.format(data_path), header=None)
ssim_140 = pd.read_csv('{}ssim_140_nogauss.csv'.format(data_path), header=None)

now we have the raw data, we want to get the inputs normalized and shaped correctly.

In [6]:
# getting 4 input channels for train and test --- (orig, recon, orig squared, recon squared)
original_images_train = orig_500.values
original_images_train_sq = orig_500.values**2
reconstructed_images_train = recon_500.values
reconstructed_images_train_sq = recon_500.values**2

original_images_test = orig_140.values
original_images_test_sq = orig_140.values**2
reconstructed_images_test = recon_140.values
reconstructed_images_test_sq = recon_140.values**2

# stack inputs
training_input = np.dstack((original_images_train, reconstructed_images_train, original_images_train_sq, reconstructed_images_train_sq))
testing_input = np.dstack((original_images_test, reconstructed_images_test, original_images_test_sq, reconstructed_images_test_sq))

# normalize inputs
training_input_normalized, testing_input_normalized = normalize_input(training_input, testing_input)

In [8]:
# get size of training and testing set
train_size = original_images_train.shape[0]
test_size = original_images_test.shape[0]

# reshaping features to (num images, 96x96, 4 channels)
train_features = np.reshape(training_input_normalized, [train_size,image_dim,image_dim,input_layer])
test_features =  np.reshape(testing_input_normalized, [test_size,image_dim,image_dim,input_layer])

# reshaping features to (num images, 96x96, 4 channels) non normalized
train_features_nn = np.reshape(training_input, [train_size,image_dim,image_dim,input_layer])
test_features_nn =  np.reshape(testing_input, [test_size,image_dim,image_dim,input_layer])

lets make sure normalized images look like original images

In [11]:
f, axarr = plt.subplots(nrows=3,ncols=4, figsize=(15,9))
for i in range(3):
    axarr[i,0].imshow(train_features[i,:,:,0], cmap='gray')
    axarr[i,1].imshow(train_features[i,:,:,1], cmap='gray')
    axarr[i,2].imshow(train_features_nn[i,:,:,0], cmap='gray')
    axarr[i,3].imshow(train_features_nn[i,:,:,1], cmap='gray')

axarr[0,0].set_title('original norm')
axarr[0,1].set_title('reconstructed norm')
axarr[0,2].set_title('orig no norm')
axarr[0,3].set_title('recon no norm')
for ax_row in axarr:
    for ax in ax_row:

f.suptitle('training data sample', size=20)

this looks right. now lets look at the plot of the normalization.

In [25]:
train_flat = train_features.flatten()
train_flat_nn = train_features_nn.flatten()
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))
ax.plot(train_nn_flat[::10000], train_flat[::10000], 'k.')
ax.set_ylabel('normalized values', size=20)
ax.set_xlabel('normal values', size=20)

looks fine to me.