In [1]:
import os
import cv2
import h5py
import math
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from scipy import misc
import random as rand
from operator import add
import cPickle as pickle
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches
In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
In [3]:
training_directory = "data/train/"
training_filenames = []
# Note that training_filenames is 0-indexed, but that there is no 0.png
# so, x.png = training_filenames[x-1]
for i in range(1, 33403):
In [4]:
testing_directory = "data/test/"
testing_filenames = []
# Note that testing_filenames is 0-indexed, but that there is no 0.png
# so, x.png = testing_filenames[x-1]
for i in range(1, 13069):
In [5]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 7))
i = 1
rows = 3
columns = 5
for c in np.random.choice(len(training_filenames), rows * columns):
img = mpimg.imread(training_directory + training_filenames[c])
fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, i)
i += 1
The digitStruct.mat
file included with the SVHN dataset contains the labels of the digits in the dataset images, as well as bounding boxes that describe where in the image these digits occur.
This .mat
file is an HDF5 file format, which unfortunately I find to be too sparsely documented for me to work with (I will spare you the code boxes in which I floundered around with <HDF5 object reference>
and other objects I didn't know how to manipulate).
Accordingly, adopting the processing pipeline from master_yoda as described in the Udacity forums, we transfer the data contained within digitStruct.mat
into a Python dictionary for easier, more-frequently-documented manipulation.
After this (sort of lengthy) transcription has taken place, we pickle the data in accordance with master_yoda's previously-defined processing pipeline, so that on subsequent loadings of the jupyter
notebook, we can just load the pickle file.
In [6]:
def readAndSaveMetadata(train=True):
if train:
directory = training_directory
fn = "train_metadata.pickle"
directory = testing_directory
fn = "test_metadata.pickle"
# Load the given MatLab file
f = h5py.File(directory + 'digitStruct.mat', 'r')
# Create our empty dictionary
metadata= {}
metadata['height'] = []
metadata['label'] = []
metadata['left'] = []
metadata['top'] = []
metadata['width'] = []
# define a function to pass to h5py's visititems() function
def print_attrs(name, obj):
vals = []
if obj.shape[0] == 1:
for k in range(obj.shape[0]):
# Add information to metadata
for item in f['/digitStruct/bbox']:
# Save to a pickle file
pickle_file = directory + fn
pickleData = open(pickle_file, 'wb')
pickle.dump(metadata, pickleData, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
except Exception as e:
print 'Unable to save data to', pickle_file, ':', e
In [7]:
In [5]:
def loadMetadata(train=True):
if train:
directory = training_directory
fn = 'train_metadata.pickle'
directory = testing_directory
fn = 'test_metadata.pickle'
f = open(directory + fn, 'r')
return pickle.load(f)
In [6]:
training_metadata = loadMetadata(train=True)
testing_metadata = loadMetadata(train=False)
In [7]:
train_l = len(training_metadata['label'])
test_l = len(testing_metadata['label'])
In [8]:
training_metadata['label'][rand.randint(0, train_l - 1)]
In [9]:
testing_metadata['label'][rand.randint(0, test_l - 1)]
In [15]:
training_labels = []
for label_group in training_metadata['label']:
for label in label_group:
In [16]:
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(training_labels, bins=range(1,12), align='left')
plt.title("Training Set Label Frequency")
plt.ylabel("Frequency (# of Occurrences)")
plt.xlabel("Label (index)")
Recall that the labels the SVHN dataset presents us with are numbers in the inclusive range (1, 10), where the labels 1 through 9 represent the digits 1 through 9, and the label 10 represents the digit 0.
So, what we see is fascinating: The digits are not uniformly distributed.
We would expect a uniform distribution on rolls of a single die, or on the rank of cards drawn from a deck with replacement. That is to say, we would expect uniformity if it were equally likely that any enumerated outcome could occur.
What we notice here, however, is that 1
is much more likely to occur in this dataset than is 0
, and that 0
is marginally more likely to occur in this dataset than is 9
, which is the least likely of all.
Let's try to give more quantitative heft to this via norming our histogram:
In [17]:
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(labels, bins=range(1,12), normed=True, align='left')
plt.title("Training Set Label Probability")
plt.ylabel("Likelihood (probability of occurrence)")
plt.xlabel("Label (index)")
Revisiting our narrative from above, if we were to pick a digit at random from our dataset, there's ~20% chance that digit is a 1
, and a ~7.5% chance that digit is a 9
This is important to note, since if we see our model is correctly classify classifying 20% of the data, it could be the case that our model is guessing 1
for every classification.
Let's also look at this distribution for the testing set, although generally it's a bad idea to peer into the testing set too much prior to training, since knowledge of what the test set looks like invariably influences model-building decisions.
In [114]:
testing_labels = []
for label_group in testing_metadata['label']:
for label in label_group:
In [116]:
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(testing_labels, bins=range(1,12), align='left')
plt.title("Testing Set Label Frequency")
plt.ylabel("Frequency (# of Occurrences)")
plt.xlabel("Label (index)")
Note that the scale has been maintained between the training set and the testing set, mostly to convey that there are many more training examples than there are testing examples.
It appears that the distribution of labels in the testing set is roughly equivalent to the distribution of labels in the training set, but let's plot a probability chart to make that comparison easier.
In [117]:
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(testing_labels, bins=range(1,12), normed=True, align='left')
plt.title("Testing Set Label Probability")
plt.ylabel("Likelihood (probability of occurrence)")
plt.xlabel("Label (index)")
It would appear, then, that the distributions between the training set and the testing set are comparable.
In [18]:
label_count = []
for label_group in training_metadata['label']:
In [19]:
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(label_count, bins = range(1,7), align='left')
plt.title("Training Set Digit-Count Frequency")
plt.ylabel("Frequency (# of Occurrences)")
plt.xlabel("# of Digits in Image")
In [20]:
label_count.count(0), label_count.count(5), label_count.count(6)
Note that, in the above histogram, there are no images with 0
digits in them, and there is only one image with 6
digits in it.
It is thus perhaps the case that a Tensor which has been built to identify digits in a given image may be pre-disposed to look for two digits, regardless of whether there are 1 or 6 actually in the image.
House numbers aren't always straight. This is (1) because such precision is hard, and (2) because sometimes sloping numbers look better.
Let's explore how the numbers slope in the SVHN dataset
In [21]:
# Our bin from which to plot a degree histogram
avg_degrees = []
# Consider each image
for i in range(len(training_metadata['left'])):
# Images with only 1 number don't have a defined number slope
if len(training_metadata['left'][i]) == 1:
# Our bin from which to average the angle of the numbers
# This assumes that people _tried_ to put their house numbers on straight
degreeses = []
# for each coordinate index except the last:
for j in range(len(training_metadata['left'][i]) - 1):
# Handle zero-division
if training_metadata['left'][i][j]-training_metadata['left'][i][j+1] == 0:
# It's assumed that all vertical house numbers descend
# Convert slope to degrees, keeping in mind that slope calculation degrades Quadrant information
tmpDegrees = math.atan((training_metadata['top'][i][j+1]-training_metadata['top'][i][j])/(training_metadata['left'][i][j+1]-training_metadata['left'][i][j]))*180/math.pi
# Add Quadrant information back in
# i.e. whether a positive line points to Q1 or to Q3, or
# whether a negative line points to Q4 or Q2
diff = training_metadata['top'][i][j+1] - training_metadata['top'][i][j]
# A line is positive because it points to Q3
if diff < 0 and tmpDegrees > 0:
tmpDegrees -= 180
# A line is negative because it points to Q2
if diff > 0 and tmpDegrees < 0:
tmpDegrees += 180
# Store the average slope for the digits in this image
In [22]:
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(avg_degrees, bins=np.arange(-91.5,93,3), align='mid')
plt.xticks([-90, -60, -30, 0, 30, 60, 90])
plt.title("Training Set Average Digit Angle Frequency (linear y-axis)")
plt.ylabel("Frequency (# of Occurrences)")
plt.xlabel("Angle (Degrees)")
In [23]:
def gt_degrees(d):
gt = 0
for i in avg_degrees:
if i > d:
gt += 1
return gt
def lt_degrees(d):
lt = 0
for i in avg_degrees:
if i < d:
lt += 1
return lt
def bt_degrees(l, h):
bt = 0
for i in avg_degrees:
if l < i < h:
bt += 1
return bt
In [24]:
gt_degrees(30), gt_degrees(60), gt_degrees(75), gt_degrees(90)
In [25]:
bt_degrees(90, 93), bt_degrees(173,175)
In [26]:
lt_degrees(-30), lt_degrees(-60), lt_degrees(-75), lt_degrees(-90),
In [27]:
bt_degrees(-91.5, -88.5)
Interestingly, as can be seen above, there are 9 images in which the slope of the numbers suggests a bottom-to-top ordering. This almost certainly wasn't intentional.
Is this an error in the dataset? If so, it affects only a few of the images.
Note also that there aren't any images in which the house numbers are angled beyond -90 degrees. This suggests that no one placed numbers close enough to bottom-to-top orientation for the error inherent in placing numbers to cause that particular placement to exceed -90 degrees. Neat!
Let's view the same plot, but with a logarithmically-scaled y-axis, to better see the above-identified outliers.
In [28]:
plt.figure(1, figsize=(12,5))
plt.ylim(0.5, 10000)
plt.xlim(-96, 180)
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(avg_degrees, bins=np.arange(-91.5, 180, 3), align='mid')
plt.xticks([-90, -60, -30, 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180])
plt.title("Training Set Average Digit Angle Frequency (logarithmic y-axis)")
plt.ylabel("Frequency (# of Occurrences)")
plt.xlabel("Angle (Degrees)")
As we can see in the above histograms, house numbers are predominately flattish, but some slope upwards (have a positive Angle
), and some slope downwards (have a negative Angle
As expected, the tail on the negative side is fatter than on the positive side, meaning that more house numbers slope downwards than slope upwards.
This makes sense, as bottom-to-top ordering is not the reading convention anywhere.
This suggests that the house numbers are, by overwhelming majority, ordered left-to-right. Thus, after having identified digits in the SVHN images, digits can be ordered in the output based off of their x-coordinate
, or training_metadata['left']
value as referred to above.
The images in the SVHN dataset are many different sizes:
$ file *.png
28668.png: PNG image data, 153 x 73, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced
28669.png: PNG image data, 67 x 34, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced
2866.png: PNG image data, 44 x 21, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced
28670.png: PNG image data, 100 x 50, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced
28671.png: PNG image data, 83 x 34, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced
28672.png: PNG image data, 108 x 49, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced
Unfortunately, our neural net will need its input to be consistently-sized.
That is to say, we need to pick a size to which we resize all images, before we feed them to the neural net.
Images which are larger than the destination size are going to lose some information, while images which are the destination size or smaller aren't going to gain information.
Accordingly, we want to pick a size where information loss isn't significant.
A note here:
Just because we downsize the image doesn't mean that there is significant information loss.
A 3200x4800 image of the letter A
is probably still faithfully represented if downsized to 32x48, or smaller.
Let's get an idea of the input dimensions:
In [118]:
training_img_width, training_img_height = [], []
for f in training_filenames:
with + f) as im:
w, h = im.size
In [119]:
plt.figure(1, figsize=(12,5))
plt.hist2d(training_img_width, training_img_height, bins=100)
plt.title("Distribution of Image Sizes in Training Set")
plt.xlabel("Width (in pixel-lengths)")
plt.ylabel("Height (in pixel-lengths)")
In [120]:
testing_img_width, testing_img_height = [], []
for f in testing_filenames:
with + f) as im:
w, h = im.size
In [121]:
plt.figure(1, figsize=(12,5))
plt.hist2d(testing_img_width, testing_img_height, bins=100)
plt.title("Distribution of Image Sizes in Testing Set")
plt.xlabel("Width (in pixel-lengths)")
plt.ylabel("Height (in pixel-lengths)")
Notice that the above plot suggests that the vast majority of the images are less than 50-or-so pixels tall, and many of them are less than 100 pixels wide.
That is, we can probably downsize these images to 64 x 64 and (hopefully) not lose a lot of information.
In [122]:
training_img_pixels = []
for i in range(len(training_img_width)):
training_img_pixels.append(training_img_width[i] * training_img_height[i])
In [124]:
plt.figure(1, figsize=(12,5))
plt.hist(training_img_pixels, bins=200)
txt = "Mean: {:,.0f} pixels".format(np.mean(training_img_pixels))
txt += "\nMedian: {:,.0f} pixels".format(np.median(training_img_pixels))
plt.text(40000, 3000, txt)
plt.title("Distribution of Image Sizes in Training Set")
plt.xlabel("Size (in pixels)")
plt.ylabel("Frequency (# of occurrences)")
In [125]:
testing_img_pixels = []
for i in range(len(testing_img_width)):
testing_img_pixels.append(testing_img_width[i] * testing_img_height[i])
In [128]:
plt.figure(1, figsize=(12,5))
plt.hist(testing_img_pixels, bins=200)
txt = "Mean: {:,.0f} pixels".format(np.mean(testing_img_pixels))
txt += "\nMedian: {:,.0f} pixels".format(np.median(testing_img_pixels))
plt.text(40000, 3000, txt)
plt.title("Distribution of Image Sizes in Testing Set")
plt.xlabel("Size (in pixels)")
plt.ylabel("Frequency (# of occurrences)")
Let's arbitrarily go with 128x128 64x64, the size used by Goodfellow et al. for the internal public dataset.
But hold on, we can't just rescale our input images, or we'd get too-squished input like this:
In [33]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 7))
i = 12912
with open(training_directory + training_filenames[i-1]) as f:
plt.title(str(i) + ".png")
img = mpimg.imread(f)
img = misc.imresize(img, (128,128))
plt.title(str(i) + ".png (resized)")
We need to be more clever about how we downsize.
Goodfellow et al. describe the following steps to their image preprocessing:
Find the rectangular bounding box that will contain individual character bounding boxes.
Note that this means finding y_min
, y_max
, x_min
, and x_max
such that, for each image, no bounding box is clipped.
Note further that, for each individual character bounding box, x_min
is simply training_metadata['left'][i]
, and y_min
is training_metadata['top'][i]
(the y-axis is positive in the downward direction).
Then, y_max
can be found by adding training_metadata['height'][i]
to y_min
, and x_max
can be found by adding training_metadata['width'][i]
to x_min
Then, we simply take the lowest of the x_min
and y_min
, and the largest of the x_max
and y_max
Expand the rectangular bounding box by 30% in the x
and y
This seems like they are intending to increase from the rectangle's centroid, so that if we have a width
of 20, then x_min
decreases by 3, and x_max
increases by 3.
Crop the image to this bounding box.
Note that, if the expanded bounding box extends beyond the image dimensions, the box will have to be cropped to fit the image.
Resize the image to 64 x 64.
This step can make use of the pipeline we defined earlier, now that we have a better idea, for each image, where the pixels containing the digit information are located.
Crop several 54 x 54 images from random locations within the 64 x 64 image. This step increases the size of the dataset, which is good for training purposes. Note that this step may cause us to lose some digit information:
This is probably not a huge deal, but it's worth noting.
Subtract the mean of each image
Let's implement this preprocessing pipeline:
In [34]:
i = 31750
with open(training_directory + training_filenames[i - 1]) as f:
plt.title(str(i) + ".png")
img = mpimg.imread(f)
In [35]:
training_metadata['label'][i - 1]
In [36]:
x_min = min(training_metadata['left'][i-1])
y_min = min(training_metadata['top'][i-1])
x_min, y_min
In [37]:
map(add, training_metadata['left'][i-1], training_metadata['width'][i-1])
In [38]:
x_max = max(map(add, training_metadata['left'][i-1], training_metadata['width'][i-1]))
y_max = max(map(add, training_metadata['top'][i-1], training_metadata['height'][i-1]))
x_max, y_max
In [39]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
with open(training_directory + training_filenames[i - 1]) as f:
bbox = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((x_min, y_min),
x_max - x_min,
y_max - y_min,
fill=False) # remove background
plt.title(str(i) + ".png (with Rectangular Bounding Box)")
img = mpimg.imread(f)
Let's define a helper function for retrieving the bounding box:
In [10]:
def getBBox(i, train=True):
Given i, the desired i.png, returns
x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max,
the four numbers which define the small rectangular bounding
box that contains all individual character bounding boxes
if train:
metadata = training_metadata
metadata = testing_metadata
x_min = min(metadata['left'][i-1])
y_min = min(metadata['top'][i-1])
x_max = max(map(add, metadata['left'][i-1], metadata['width'][i-1]))
y_max = max(map(add, metadata['top'][i-1], metadata['height'][i-1]))
return x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max
In [11]:
In [42]:
x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = getBBox(i)
In [43]:
x_d = x_max - x_min
y_d = y_max - y_min
x_d, y_d
In [44]:
x_min -= (0.3 * x_d) // 2
x_max += (0.3 * x_d) // 2
y_min -= (0.3 * y_d) // 2
y_max += (0.3 * y_d) // 2
x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max
In [45]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
with open(training_directory + training_filenames[i - 1]) as f:
bbox = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((x_min, y_min),
x_max - x_min,
y_max - y_min,
fill=False) # remove background
plt.title(str(i) + ".png (with Rectangular Bounding Box)")
img = mpimg.imread(f)
Let's define a helper function for expanding the bounding box by 30%
In [12]:
def expandBBox(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max):
Given the four boundaries of the bounding box, returns
those boundaries expanded out from the centroid by 30%, as
x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max
# The delta will be 30% of the width or height, (integer) halved
x_d = ((x_max - x_min) * 0.3) // 2
y_d = ((y_max - y_min) * 0.3) // 2
return x_min - x_d, y_min - y_d, x_max + x_d, y_max + y_d
In [13]:
Now that we have our bounding box, we need to crop the given image to fit inside that box.
Recall that we also need to handle situations where the bounding box is outside the dimensions of the image.
In these situations, we will simply crop the part of the bounding box that extends outside of the image.
First, let's get our crop function working on an image whose expanded bounded box is inside the original image.
In [48]:
i = 31750
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
with open(training_directory + training_filenames[i - 1]) as f:
x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = expandBBox(*getBBox(i))
bbox = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((x_min, y_min),
x_max - x_min,
y_max - y_min,
fill=False) # remove background
plt.title(str(i) + ".png (with Rectangular Bounding Box)")
img = mpimg.imread(f)
print(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
In [49]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
with open(training_directory + training_filenames[i - 1]) as f:
x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = expandBBox(*getBBox(i))
bbox = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((x_min, y_min),
x_max - x_min,
y_max - y_min,
fill=False) # remove background
plt.title(str(i) + ".png (Cropped)")
img = mpimg.imread(f)
# Slice into the Image to crop it
plt.imshow(img[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max])
print(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
Next, let's get our crop function working on an image whose expanded bounded box is outside the original image.
In [50]:
i = 15094
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
with open(training_directory + training_filenames[i - 1]) as f:
x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = expandBBox(*getBBox(i))
bbox = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((x_min, y_min),
x_max - x_min,
y_max - y_min,
fill=False) # remove background
plt.title(str(i) + ".png (with Rectangular Bounding Box)")
img = mpimg.imread(f)
print(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
In [51]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
with open(training_directory + training_filenames[i - 1]) as f:
x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = expandBBox(*getBBox(i))
# crop our bounding box to fit within the given image
if x_min < 0: x_min = 0
if y_min < 0: y_min = 0
x_max = min(x_max, 60) # img.shape[1]
y_max = min(y_max, 31) # img.shape[0]
bbox = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((x_min, y_min),
x_max - x_min,
y_max - y_min,
fill=False) # remove background
plt.title(str(i) + ".png (Cropped)")
img = mpimg.imread(f)
plt.imshow(img[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max])
print(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
Let's define a helper function to crop the the bounding box for a given image
In [14]:
def cropBBox(img, x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max):
Given a numpy array representing an image, and
the four boundaries of the bounding box, returns
the cropped bounding box, as
x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max
x_min = max(0, x_min)
y_min = max(0, y_min)
x_max = min(img.shape[1], x_max)
y_max = min(img.shape[0], y_max)
return x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max
In [53]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
with open(training_directory + training_filenames[i - 1]) as f:
img = mpimg.imread(f)
x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = cropBBox(img, *expandBBox(*getBBox(i)))
bbox = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((x_min, y_min),
x_max - x_min,
y_max - y_min,
fill=False) # remove background
plt.title(str(i) + ".png (Cropped)")
plt.imshow(img[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max])
print(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max)
In [15]:
def getResized(f, train=True):
Given an open file f, representing the desired image file,
and a boolean representing whether this is a training image
or a testing image,
returns a numpy array, which is the portion of the
image enclosed by the bounding box around all digits,
resized to:
64 pixels by 64 pixels if train=True,
54 pixels by 54 pixels if train=False
# Read the file as a numpy array
img = mpimg.imread(f)
# Get the index i from our filename
if train:
i = int([11:].split('.')[0])
i = int([10:].split('.')[0])
# Get our final expanded, cropped digit-bounding box
x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = cropBBox(img, *expandBBox(*getBBox(i, train)))
# Return the cropped, resized numpy array
if train:
return misc.imresize(img[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max], (64,64))
return misc.imresize(img[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max], (54,54))
In [55]:
i = 31750
f = open(training_directory + str(i) + '.png')
In [56]:
i = 31750
f = open(training_directory + str(i) + '.png')
img = getResized(f)
In [16]:
def getRandomSmaller(img):
Given img, a 64 x 64 numpy array representing an image,
returns a randomly-sliced 54 x 54 numpy array,
representing a crop of the original image
x_min = rand.randint(0,10)
x_max = 64 - (10 - x_min)
y_min = rand.randint(0,10)
y_max = 64 - (10 - y_min)
return img[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max]
In [58]:
In [59]:
Recall that the images are stored as numpy arrays.
Thus, we can compute the mean of the numpy array, then subtract the mean from each index of the array.
Note that, after having done this, we will have negative values in the numpy array.
Thus, while the numpy array will still represent an image, it can't be displayed as an image without first handling the negatives in some way.
In [60]:
In [61]:
In [17]:
def subtractMean(img):
Given img, a numpy array representing an image,
subtracts the mean from the numpy array and returns
the mean-subtracted result
return img - np.mean(img)
In [63]:
In [64]:
# Note that Matplotlib is unable to display the mean-subtracted
# numpy array without distortion
In [65]:
def createAndSaveData(train=True, num_random_subsamples=5):
Given a boolean representing whether "train" or not (i.e. "test"),
returns an array of smaller, randomly-jittered, mean-subtracted images.
That array can then be saved to a numpy array file, and reloaded when needed,
rather than having to preprocess the data again.
im_array = []
fn = "54x54.npy"
fn_tenth = "54x54tenth.npy"
if train:
directory = "data/train/"
filenames = training_filenames
directory = "data/test/"
filenames = testing_filenames
for i in filenames:
with open(directory + i, 'r') as f:
img = getResized(f, train)
if train:
for j in range(num_random_subsamples):
im_array.append(subtractMean(img)) + fn, im_array) + fn_tenth, im_array[:len(im_array)//10])
In [71]:
In [72]:
Now, we need to generate labels that match the training data that we just created.
This should consist of [Length, d1(, d2, d3, d4, d5)]
In [36]:
def saveLabels(train=True, num_random_subsamples=5):
if train:
directory = training_directory
metadata = training_metadata
l = train_l
directory = testing_directory
metadata = testing_metadata
l = test_l
# where r stands for "randomCroppedLabels"
r0 = []
r1 = []
r2 = []
r3 = []
r4 = []
r5 = []
for i in range(0, l):
a = metadata['label'][i]
label = [len(a)]
for n in a:
while len(label) < 6:
if train:
for j in range(num_random_subsamples):
for i, r in enumerate([r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5]): + 'labels' + str(i) + '.npy', r) + 'labels' + str(i) + 'tenth.npy', r[:len(r)//10])
In [84]:
In [37]:
In [18]:
X_train = np.load('data/train/54x54.npy')
In [108]:
y0_train = np.load('data/train/labels0.npy')
y1_train = np.load('data/train/labels1.npy')
y2_train = np.load('data/train/labels2.npy')
y3_train = np.load('data/train/labels3.npy')
y4_train = np.load('data/train/labels4.npy')
y5_train = np.load('data/train/labels5.npy')
In [20]:
y0_train[0], y1_train[0], y2_train[0], y3_train[0], y4_train[0], y5_train[0]
In [21]:
X_test = np.load('data/test/54x54.npy')
In [109]:
y0_test = np.load('data/test/labels0.npy')
y1_test = np.load('data/test/labels1.npy')
y2_test = np.load('data/test/labels2.npy')
y3_test = np.load('data/test/labels3.npy')
y4_test = np.load('data/test/labels4.npy')
y5_test = np.load('data/test/labels5.npy')
In [16]:
test_size = 0.33
cut = int(((train_l * num_random_subsamples) // 10) * test_size)
In [17]:
X_train = np.load('data/train/54x54tenth.npy')
In [72]:
y0_train = np.load('data/train/labels0tenth.npy')
y1_train = np.load('data/train/labels1tenth.npy')
y2_train = np.load('data/train/labels2tenth.npy')
y3_train = np.load('data/train/labels3tenth.npy')
y4_train = np.load('data/train/labels4tenth.npy')
y5_train = np.load('data/train/labels5tenth.npy')
In [21]:
y0_train[0], y1_train[0], y2_train[0], y3_train[0], y4_train[0], y5_train[0]
We will be building a neural net to output the digits from input images. The architecture will try to follow, as closely as possible, that architecture described by Goodfellow et al., below:
Our best architecture consists of eight convolutional hidden layers, one locally connected hidden layer, and two densely connected hidden layers. All connections are feedforward and go from one layer to the next (no skip connections).
The first hidden layer contains maxout units (Goodfellow et al., 2013) (with three filters per unit) while the others contain rectifier units (Jarrett et al., 2009; Glorot et al., 2011).
The number of units at each spatial location in each layer is [48, 64, 128, 160] for the first four layers and 192 for all other locally connected layers. The fully connected layers contain 3,072 units each.
Each convolutional layer includes max pooling and subtractive normalization. The max pooling window size is 2 × 2. The stride alternates between 2 and 1 at each layer, so that half of the layers don’t reduce the spatial size of the representation.
All convolutions use zero padding on the input to preserve representation size. The subtractive normalization operates on 3x3 windows and preserves representation size.
All convolution kernels were of size 5 × 5. We trained with dropout applied to all hidden layers but not the input.
Below is a sketch of the model architecture that best comports with this description:
(0) input (54 x 54 x 3 image)
(1) same-pad 5 × 5 conv [48] -> 2 × 2 max pooling (stride 2) -> 3 × 3 subtractive normalization -> dropout -> 3-filter maxout
(2) same-pad 5 × 5 conv [64] -> 2 × 2 max pooling (stride 1) -> 3 × 3 subtractive normalization -> dropout -> ReLU
(3) same-pad 5 × 5 conv [128] -> 2 × 2 max pooling (stride 2) -> 3 × 3 subtractive normalization -> dropout -> ReLU
(4) same-pad 5 × 5 conv [160] -> 2 × 2 max pooling (stride 1) -> 3 × 3 subtractive normalization -> dropout -> ReLU
(5) same-pad 5 × 5 conv [192] -> 2 × 2 max pooling (stride 2) -> 3 × 3 subtractive normalization -> dropout -> ReLU
(6) same-pad 5 × 5 conv [192] -> 2 × 2 max pooling (stride 1) -> 3 × 3 subtractive normalization -> dropout -> ReLU
(7) same-pad 5 × 5 conv [192] -> 2 × 2 max pooling (stride 2) -> 3 × 3 subtractive normalization -> dropout -> ReLU
(8) same-pad 5 × 5 conv [192] -> 2 × 2 max pooling (stride 1) -> 3 × 3 subtractive normalization -> dropout -> ReLU
(9) flatten
(10) fully-connected [3072] -> dropout
(11) fully-connected [3072] -> dropout
(12) output
Note that the output itself is relatively complex (see image below), and will be dealt with in more detail after the hidden layers.
Note that the 128 x 128 x 3 referred to above is for the image processing pipeline for the private SVHN dataset, to which only Google has access.
For the public SVHN dataset, that portion of the above graphic should read 54 x 54 x 3, in accordance with the preprocessing pipeline which Goodfellow et al. define in their section 5.1, which this notebook attempts to recreate.
This model architecture will be implemented in TensorFlow, using Keras as a front-end to aid in layer construction and management.
In [103]:
from keras.callbacks import TensorBoard
from keras.layers import Input, Convolution2D, MaxPooling2D, Dropout, Flatten, MaxoutDense
from keras.layers.normalization import BatchNormalization
from keras.layers.core import Activation, Dense
from keras.models import Model
In [104]:
img_channels = 3
img_rows = 54
img_cols = 54
In [106]:
# Layer 0: Input
x = Input((img_rows, img_cols, img_channels))
# Layer 1: 48-unit maxout convolution
y = Convolution2D(nb_filter = 48, nb_row = 5, nb_col = 5, border_mode="same", name="1conv")(x)
y = MaxPooling2D(pool_size = (2, 2), strides = (2, 2), border_mode="same", name="1maxpool")(y)
# y = SubtractiveNormalization((3,3))(y)
y = Dropout(0.25, name="1drop")(y)
# y = MaxoutDense(output_dim = 48, nb_feature=3)(y)
y = Activation('relu', name="1activ")(y)
# Layer 2: 64-unit relu convolution
y = Convolution2D(nb_filter = 64, nb_row = 5, nb_col = 5, border_mode="same", name="2conv")(y)
y = MaxPooling2D(pool_size = (2, 2), strides = (1, 1), border_mode="same", name="2maxpool")(y)
# y = SubtractiveNormalization((3,3))(y)
y = Dropout(0.25, name="2drop")(y)
y = Activation('relu', name="2activ")(y)
# Layer 3: 128-unit relu convolution
y = Convolution2D(nb_filter = 128, nb_row = 5, nb_col = 5, border_mode="same", name="3conv")(y)
y = MaxPooling2D(pool_size = (2, 2), strides = (2, 2), border_mode="same", name="3maxpool")(y)
# y = SubtractiveNormalization((3,3))(y)
y = Dropout(0.25, name="3drop")(y)
y = Activation('relu', name="3activ")(y)
# Layer 4: 160-unit relu convolution
y = Convolution2D(nb_filter = 160, nb_row = 5, nb_col = 5, border_mode="same", name="4conv")(y)
y = MaxPooling2D(pool_size = (2, 2), strides = (1, 1), border_mode="same", name="4maxpool")(y)
# y = SubtractiveNormalization((3,3))(y)
y = Dropout(0.25, name="4drop")(y)
y = Activation('relu', name="4activ")(y)
# Layer 5: 192-unit relu convolution
y = Convolution2D(nb_filter = 192, nb_row = 5, nb_col = 5, border_mode="same", name="5conv")(y)
y = MaxPooling2D(pool_size = (2, 2), strides = (2, 2), border_mode="same", name="5maxpool")(y)
# y = SubtractiveNormalization((3,3))(y)
y = Dropout(0.25, name="5drop")(y)
y = Activation('relu', name="5activ")(y)
# Layer 6: 192-unit relu convolution
y = Convolution2D(nb_filter = 192, nb_row = 5, nb_col = 5, border_mode="same", name="6conv")(y)
y = MaxPooling2D(pool_size = (2, 2), strides = (1, 1), border_mode="same", name="6maxpool")(y)
# y = SubtractiveNormalization((3,3))(y)
y = Dropout(0.25, name="6drop")(y)
y = Activation('relu', name="6activ")(y)
# Layer 7: 192-unit relu convolution
y = Convolution2D(nb_filter = 192, nb_row = 5, nb_col = 5, border_mode="same", name="7conv")(y)
y = MaxPooling2D(pool_size = (2, 2), strides = (2, 2), border_mode="same", name="7maxpool")(y)
# y = SubtractiveNormalization((3,3))(y)
y = Dropout(0.25, name="7drop")(y)
y = Activation('relu', name="7activ")(y)
# Layer 8: 192-unit relu convolution
y = Convolution2D(nb_filter = 192, nb_row = 5, nb_col = 5, border_mode="same", name="8conv")(y)
y = MaxPooling2D(pool_size = (2, 2), strides = (1, 1), border_mode="same", name="8maxpool")(y)
# y = SubtractiveNormalization((3,3))(y)
y = Dropout(0.25, name="8drop")(y)
y = Activation('relu', name="8activ")(y)
# Layer 9: Flatten
y = Flatten()(y)
# Layer 10: Fully-Connected Layer
y = Dense(3072, activation=None, name="fc1")(y)
# Layer 11: Fully-Connected Layer
y = Dense(3072, activation=None, name="fc2")(y)
length = Dense(7, activation="softmax", name="length")(y)
digit1 = Dense(11, activation="softmax", name="digit1")(y)
digit2 = Dense(11, activation="softmax", name="digit2")(y)
digit3 = Dense(11, activation="softmax", name="digit3")(y)
digit4 = Dense(11, activation="softmax", name="digit4")(y)
digit5 = Dense(11, activation="softmax", name="digit5")(y)
model = Model(input=x, output=[length, digit1, digit2, digit3, digit4, digit5])
Now that we've defined our model, let's train it:
In [ ]:
model.compile(loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
y_val = [y0_test, y1_test, y2_test, y3_test, y4_test, y5_test],
[y0_train, y1_train, y2_train, y3_train, y4_train, y5_train],
callbacks=[TensorBoard(log_dir='logs', histogram_freq=0, write_graph=True, write_images=False)],
(The above output was truncated when the Jupyter Notebook was closed. The training continued, but in the background, and the Jupyter Notebook was not updated with the verbose output of that training.)
Obtain the number of images correctly interpreted as a string of digits.
In [42]:
Adding proper names to the rows above:
loss 33.787814994744288
length_loss 5.8117896247282284
digit1_loss 14.113818473979387
digit2_loss 11.330030459674594
digit3_loss 2.3841670357126388
digit4_loss 0.14677591633234982
digit5_loss 0.0012344748806895002
length_acc 0.63942454850633534
digit1_acc 0.12434955617001854
digit2_acc 0.29706152432512939
digit3_acc 0.852081420244994
digit4_acc 0.99089378636657621
digit5_acc 0.99992347719620445
Calculate our whole-sequence accuracy
In [43]:
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
correct_preds = 0
# Iterate over sample dimension
for i in range(X_test.shape[0]):
pred_list_i = [pred[i] for pred in y_pred]
val_list_i = [val[i] for val in y_val]
matching_preds = [pred.argmax(-1) == val.argmax(-1) for pred, val in zip(pred_list_i, val_list_i)]
correct_preds = int(np.all(matching_preds))
total_acc = (correct_preds / float(X_test.shape[0]))*100
Unfortunately, then, we didn't get any whole sequences right. This is a bit disappointing, but given that the implementation of the Goodfellow et al. neural net was severely hampered by an inability to discern key layers and functionality within their neural net (an issue apparently shared by at least a few OpenReviewers), this result is not exactly surprising.
Nevertheless, for posterity, we will preserve this model, should we need to resurrect it in the future.
In [44]:'models/GoodfellowApprox.h5')
In [ ]:
from keras.models import load_model
del model # deletes the existing model
# returns a compiled model
# identical to the previous one
model = load_model('models/GoodfellowApprox.h5')
Frankly, the model does not seem to learn.
There is always a first digit, and it is within the realm of chance that 12.43% of the first digits in the test set are all the same digit (that is, that the model is just guessing the same digit for each position).
Relatedly, it is within the realm of chance that ~64% of the images in the test set have the same length, suggesting that the model is just guessing the same length every time as its way of minimizing the loss function.
There was always a chance that, with enough of the Goodfellow et al. implementation missing, I would be unable to reproduce its performance. That appears to be the case here.
Since I cannot obtain more information about the Goodfellow et al. implementation than I have already gained, the only possible avenue for progress at this point is to use a different implementation.
Perhaps it is also the case that whole-sequence transcription is beyond my reach, in which case the neural net implementation would be bound to single-digit transcription. Certainly impressive still, in the grand cosmic scheme of things, but trivial given the number of models which have recently successfully completed this task.
Let's test some of these hypotheses by having our model classify some of the images from the training set.
In [220]:
plt.imshow(X_train[c] + abs(X_train[c].min()))
In [139]:
def getY_train(i):
Given i, the ith entry in the jittered training set, return a list
containing the label, and five digits for that entry.
ex. getY_train(1) -> [2, 1, 9, 11, 11, 11]
return [y0_train[i], y1_train[i], y2_train[i], y3_train[i], y4_train[i], y5_train[i]]
In [232]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 7))
i = 1
rows = 3
columns = 4
for c in np.random.choice(len(X_train), rows * columns):
fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, i)
i += 1
labels = getY_train(c)
titleString = "Actual | length: " + str(labels[0])
titleString += " \""
for j in range(1,6):
dig = int(labels[j])
if dig == 10:
dig = "-"
dig = str(dig)
titleString += dig + ","
titleString = titleString[:-1] + "\"\nPredicted | "
pred = model.predict(X_train[c:c+1])
titleString += "length:" + str(np.argmax(pred[0][0]))
titleString += " \""
for j in range(1,6):
dig = np.argmax(pred[j][0])
if dig == 10:
dig = "-"
dig = str(dig)
titleString += dig + ","
titleString = titleString[:-1] + "\""
plt.imshow(X_train[c] + abs(X_train[c].min()))
In the course of researching the implementation of Goodfellow et al.'s model, I stumbled across a Google Groups discussion of using a neural net to predict whole sequences.
That code is reproduced below, with full attribution to Ritchie Ng, in an attempt to reproduce at least someone's results.
In [ ]:
del x
del y
del model
In [67]:
x = Input((img_rows, img_cols, img_channels))
y = Convolution2D(32, 3, 3, border_mode='same')(x)
y = Activation('relu')(y)
y = Convolution2D(32, 3, 3, border_mode='same')(y)
y = Activation('relu')(y)
y = MaxPooling2D((2,2), strides=(2,2))(y)
y = Dropout(0.5)(y)
y = Flatten()(y)
y = Dense(1024, activation="relu")(y)
length = Dense(7, activation='softmax')(y)
digit_1 = Dense(11, activation='softmax')(y)
digit_2 = Dense(11, activation='softmax')(y)
digit_3 = Dense(11, activation='softmax')(y)
digit_4 = Dense(11, activation='softmax')(y)
digit_5 = Dense(11, activation='softmax')(y)
branches = [length, digit_1, digit_2, digit_3, digit_4, digit_5]
model = Model(input=x, output=branches)
# let's train the model using SGD + momentum
In [51]:
from keras.optimizers import SGD
In [ ]:
sgd = SGD(lr=0.01, decay=1e-6, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True)
model.compile(loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['categorical_accuracy'])
history =,
[y0_train, y1_train, y2_train, y3_train, y4_train, y5_train],
Train on 167010 samples, validate on 13068 samples
Epoch 1/10
167010/167010 [==============================] - 134s - loss: 51.2958 - dense_17_loss: 7.4131 - dense_18_loss: 12.7953 - dense_19_loss: 14.7238 - dense_20_loss: 15.7254 - dense_21_loss: 0.6103 - dense_22_loss: 0.0279 - dense_17_categorical_accuracy: 9.1013e-04 - dense_18_categorical_accuracy: 2.1556e-04 - dense_19_categorical_accuracy: 1.0778e-04 - dense_20_categorical_accuracy: 9.4605e-04 - dense_21_categorical_accuracy: 4.7901e-05 - dense_22_categorical_accuracy: 1.6167e-04 - val_loss: 49.4631 - val_dense_17_loss: 5.8118 - val_dense_18_loss: 12.8410 - val_dense_19_loss: 14.7885 - val_dense_20_loss: 15.8739 - val_dense_21_loss: 0.1468 - val_dense_22_loss: 0.0012 - val_dense_17_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_dense_18_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_dense_19_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_dense_20_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_dense_21_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_dense_22_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00
Epoch 2/10
167010/167010 [==============================] - 137s - loss: 51.4133 - dense_17_loss: 7.3695 - dense_18_loss: 13.0679 - dense_19_loss: 14.7332 - dense_20_loss: 15.6463 - dense_21_loss: 0.5921 - dense_22_loss: 0.0043 - dense_17_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - dense_18_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - dense_19_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - dense_20_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - dense_21_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - dense_22_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_loss: 49.4631 - val_dense_17_loss: 5.8118 - val_dense_18_loss: 12.8410 - val_dense_19_loss: 14.7885 - val_dense_20_loss: 15.8739 - val_dense_21_loss: 0.1468 - val_dense_22_loss: 0.0012 - val_dense_17_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_dense_18_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_dense_19_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_dense_20_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_dense_21_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_dense_22_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00
Epoch 3/10
167010/167010 [==============================] - 149s - loss: 51.4133 - dense_17_loss: 7.3695 - dense_18_loss: 13.0679 - dense_19_loss: 14.7332 - dense_20_loss: 15.6463 - dense_21_loss: 0.5921 - dense_22_loss: 0.0043 - dense_17_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - dense_18_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - dense_19_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - dense_20_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - dense_21_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - dense_22_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_loss: 49.4631 - val_dense_17_loss: 5.8118 - val_dense_18_loss: 12.8410 - val_dense_19_loss: 14.7885 - val_dense_20_loss: 15.8739 - val_dense_21_loss: 0.1468 - val_dense_22_loss: 0.0012 - val_dense_17_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_dense_18_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_dense_19_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_dense_20_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_dense_21_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - val_dense_22_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00
Epoch 4/10
103000/167010 [=================>............] - ETA: 57s - loss: 51.3994 - dense_17_loss: 7.3625 - dense_18_loss: 13.0683 - dense_19_loss: 14.7308 - dense_20_loss: 15.6425 - dense_21_loss: 0.5906 - dense_22_loss: 0.0045 - dense_17_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - dense_18_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - dense_19_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - dense_20_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - dense_21_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00 - dense_22_categorical_accuracy: 0.0000e+00
Since the above model suffers from the same problems with accuracy, it could be that the model is receiving data in a form which it is not expecting.
Instructively, the original code defined loss='categorical_crossentropy'
, but with the loss function defined in that way, the above model returned an error similar to:
Exception: Error when checking model target: expected length to have shape (None, 4) but got array with shape (111897, 1)
Which is bypassed by re-defining loss
as 'sparse_categorical_crossentropy'
Let's instead try to re-define loss
as categorical_crossentropy
In [75]:
from keras.utils.np_utils import to_categorical
From this GitHub issue, the problem appears to be that my model is expecting one-hot encoded labels, but I'm providing labels that are not one-hot encoded.
Accordingly, one-hot encode the labels before providing them to the model.
Likely, this could be introduced to the preprocessing step, before the labels are saved in a numpy array, so that they're ready for use in training immediately. Alternatively, one-hot encoding could be a huge space-waster, since instead of '1', we would be storing '0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0'.
In [ ]:
y0_train = to_categorical(y0_train, 7)
y1_train = to_categorical(y1_train, 11)
y2_train = to_categorical(y2_train, 11)
y3_train = to_categorical(y3_train, 11)
y4_train = to_categorical(y4_train, 11)
y5_train = to_categorical(y5_train, 11)
y0_test = to_categorical(y0_test, 7)
y1_test = to_categorical(y1_test, 11)
y2_test = to_categorical(y2_test, 11)
y3_test = to_categorical(y3_test, 11)
y4_test = to_categorical(y4_test, 11)
y5_test = to_categorical(y5_test, 11)
In [87]:
y_val = [y0_test, y1_test, y2_test, y3_test, y4_test, y5_test]
In [ ]:
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=sgd, metrics=['categorical_accuracy'])
history =,
[y0_train, y1_train, y2_train, y3_train, y4_train, y5_train],
It is now tempting to revisit the original, super deep model, with one-hot encoded labels, and test the accuracy there.
In [97]:
In [99]:
correct_preds = 0
# Iterate over sample dimension
for i in range(X_test.shape[0]):
pred_list_i = [pred[i] for pred in y_pred]
val_list_i = [val[i] for val in y_val]
matching_preds = [pred.argmax(-1) == val.argmax(-1) for pred, val in zip(pred_list_i, val_list_i)]
correct_preds = int(np.all(matching_preds))
total_acc = (correct_preds / float(X_test.shape[0]))*100
Well, at least my models are consistent. Let's save this model for posterity also, so that we don't have to retrain it in the future.
In [100]:'models/RitchieNg.h5')
In [ ]:
del model # deletes the existing model
# returns a compiled model
# identical to the previous one
model = load_model('models/RitchieNg.h5')
What is odd thought is that this model does not match the performance reported by the author and (presumably) first user of this model.
Certainly my preprocessing differs from his, but exactly how is unclear (and not resolvable), and why his model does not learn through my preprocessing is unclear.
Let's view the predictions this model would make.
In [237]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 7))
i = 1
rows = 3
columns = 4
for c in np.random.choice(len(X_train), rows * columns):
fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, i)
i += 1
labels = getY_train(c)
titleString = "Actual | length: " + str(labels[0])
titleString += " \""
for j in range(1,6):
dig = int(labels[j])
if dig == 10:
dig = "-"
dig = str(dig)
titleString += dig + ","
titleString = titleString[:-1] + "\"\nPredicted | "
pred = model.predict(X_train[c:c+1])
titleString += "length:" + str(np.argmax(pred[0][0]))
titleString += " \""
for j in range(1,6):
dig = np.argmax(pred[j][0])
if dig == 10:
dig = "-"
dig = str(dig)
titleString += dig + ","
titleString = titleString[:-1] + "\""
plt.imshow(X_train[c] + abs(X_train[c].min()))
Unfortunately, I was unable to reproduce the performance obtained by Goodfellow et al., namely a whole-sequence transcription accuracy of ~96% on the public SVHN dataset.
I am, however, able to identify factors which could contribute to the discrepancy between their performance and mine:
frontend to Google's TensorFlow
library, as that library is quickly becoming established in the Deep Learning community. DistBelief
implementation of a neural net. Although recreations of DistBelief
exist, and although it's possible to view TensorFlow
as an extension of DistBelief
, DistBelief
itself is not publicly available. Keras
. I am fairly certain that this is not comparable to the "six days" of training conducted by Goodfellow et al. on "10 replicas" within DistBelief
, but I also don't know how I could make my training regimen look closer to theirs.numpy
arrays, with one-hot-encoded labels) is left out of their paper. As such, I've had to guess at a representation that would work. One key difference is that "no digit" is an explicit class in my representation, which the individual classifiers need to correctly guess. This is a departure from the Goodfellow et al. training, in which unneeded classifiers were turned on or off based on the output of the length classifier.Given the number of identified differences above, it is almost not surprising that my recreation of the Goodfellow et al. model was unable to reproduce their performance.
However, fewer such differences exist between my recreation of the Ritchie Ng neural net and my own, and my implementation of that model was also unable to reproduce its performance.
While that model has a whole-sequence transcription accuracy of 0%, it notably achieved a ~92% first-digit accuracy, and an ~84% second-digit accuracy.
However, while the exact Keras
calls used to build the model described by Ritchie Ng was provided, his preprocessing scheme, and the representation he chose for his data, including the labels, was not provided. This discrepancy, I would assert, leaves enough room between his experiment and mine so as to greatly hinder comparing the two.
I suspect that, somewhere in this lengthy pipeline of SVHN images to neural net classifications, is a misrepresentation, a mistaken assumption, an incomplete implementation, or a combination of these, that, if identified and fixed, would allow this model to learn much better.
I would assert that the fundamental approach, that of using a deep neural net to output whole sequences of digits, has been valid for decades.
The trouble at present is in designing a model architecture that can output whole sequences of digits as they appear in the wild, with all the visual artifacts, distortions, and extra information those wild images contain.
As the motivation for undertaking this project, I would assert that Goodfellow et al. have solved this problem computationally, but that their implementation, being private, cannot easily be recreated.
However, to somewhat mirror the above section, I think the following improvements would greatly benefit this model:
array) should this image be stored in," and "what is the shape of that structure?"