$\newcommand{jX}{\mathcal{X}}$ $\newcommand{jE}{\mathcal{E}}$ $\newcommand{R}{\mathbb{R}}$


  • a convex body is a compact convex set with non-empty interior.
  • a convex polyhedron is the intersection of a finite set of closed half-spaces.
  • a convex polytope is a bounded convex polyhedron.
  • we embed $\R^n$ with a $p$-norm $||\cdot||$ for some $1 \leq p \leq \infty$. In polyhedron_tools.asphericity, the infinity norm is used.

Remark. Although the following notions and algorithms also apply to the more general context of convex bodies, we only work with convex polytopes.

Asphericity at an interior point

Let $\mathcal{X} \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a convex polytope.

The asphericity at $x$ is defined as the ratio of the circumradius to the inradius with common center $x$; more precisely:

Def. The asphericity at point $x \in \textrm{int }\mathcal{X}$ is: $$ p_{\mathcal{X}}(x) := \dfrac{R(x)}{r(x)}, $$ where:

  • circumradius: $$R(x) := \max_{y \in \mathcal{X}} ||x-y||$$ is the radius of the ball of center $x$ that contains $\mathcal{X}$ of minimal volume.
  • inradius: $$r(x) := \min_{y \in \overline{\mathcal{X}^C}} ||x-y||$$ is the radius of the ball of center $x$ that is contained in $\mathcal{X}$ and is of maximal volume.

Asphericity of a convex polytope

The asphericity of a polytope $\mathcal{X}$ is defined as: $$ p_{\mathcal{X}} := \min_{x \in \mathcal{X}} p_{\mathcal{X}}(x). $$


  • intuition: $p_{\mathcal{X}}-1$ somehow measures the difference of $\mathcal{X}$ from a ball (in the given norm).
  • complications:
    • $R(x)$ is convex, and $r(x)$ is concave.
    • $p_{\mathcal{X}}$ can be non-smooth, neither convex, nor concave.

Computation: sequence of LP problems

Theorem. The asphericity can be approximated with arbitrary accuracy by the sequence of convex problems: $$ p_{\mathcal{X}}^{(k)}(x) := \min_{x \in \mathcal{X}} R(x) - \alpha_k r(x) $$ where $\alpha_k := p^{(k)}_{\mathcal{X}}(x_k)$, and $x_{k+1} \in \mathcal{X}$ is the solution of the problem above. In the sup-norm, these reduces to a sequence of LP problems.

See: Method for Finding an Approximate Solution of the Asphericity Problem for a Convex Body, S. I. Dudov and E. A. Meshcheryakova.


We implement the computation of the asphericity of a convex polytope in the infinity norm. See Dudov and Meshcheryakova 2013 for further details.


We created a program to compute the asphericity (in the sup-norm), given an input polytope $P$. The functions are on polyhedron_tools.

To illustrate it, let's consider a random polygon with $10$ vertices, and find its asphericity. Then, we plot the original set and its bounding boxes at the aspericity center that was found.

In [1]:
%display typeset

In [2]:
from polyhedron_tools.polygons import random_polygon_2d

from polyhedron_tools.misc import BoxInfty

from polyhedron_tools.asphericity import asphericity_polytope, circumradius, inradius

In [17]:
# create a random polygon with 10 vertices
P = random_polygon_2d(10)

The algorithm requires an initial interior point $x_0$. We use as starting point the Chebyshev center of the polytope.

In [20]:
from polyhedron_tools.misc import chebyshev_center

x0 = chebyshev_center(P)

In [21]:
P.plot(alpha=0.2, color='green') + point(x0)


Next, we compute the asphericity and the corresponding center:

In [22]:
# compute asphericity
[asph, x_asph] = asphericity_polytope(P)
print 'The asphericity of P is : ', asph, ', with center of asphericity ', x_asph

The asphericity of P is :  1.41264318049 , with center of asphericity  (0.02206986652707576, -0.06248306721074004)

We plot the inner and outer boxes with respect to the asphericity center.

In [24]:
# add the initial set P together with the optimal point
examplePlot = P.plot(alpha=0.2,color='green') + point(x_asph, size=100,color='black',marker='x')

# add smallest box with center x_asph that contains P
examplePlot += BoxInfty(center=x_asph, radius=circumradius(P, x_asph)).plot(wireframe='red',fill=False)

# add biggest box with center x_asph that is contained in P
examplePlot += BoxInfty(center=x_asph, radius=inradius(P, x_asph)).plot(wireframe='red',fill=False)



Multi-dimensional case

The multidimensional case can be handled similarly, here are some examples.

In [47]:
P = polytopes.hypercube(6)

In [48]:
asphericity_polytope(random_matrix(QQ, 6) * P)


In [31]:
P = polytopes.octahedron()

In [33]:
