Earth's Energy Budget

In [77]:
from IPython.display import HTML

function code_toggle() {
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$( document ).ready(code_toggle);
<form action="javascript:code_toggle()"><input type="submit" value="Click here to toggle on/off the raw code."></form>''')


In [64]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import netCDF4'ggplot')
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 16, 10

In [2]:
my_example_nc_file = ''
fh = Dataset(my_example_nc_file, mode='r')

In [3]:
times = fh.variables['time']
time_np = netCDF4.num2date(times[:],times.units) - pd.offsets.Hour(8)

In [78]:
#print (fh.variables['ULWRF_L1_Avg_1'])
print (fh.variables['USWRF_L1_Avg_1'])

<class 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Variable'>
float32 USWRF_L1_Avg_1(time, lat, lon)
    long_name: Upward shortwave radiation flux
    product_description: 1-hour Average
    units: W m-2
    level: Ground or water surface
    _FillValue: 3.4e+38
    cell_methods: time: mean over hours
unlimited dimensions: time
current shape = (8764, 1, 1)
filling off

In [4]:
variables = {"SHTFL_L1_Avg_1" : "Sensible heat flux",
                 "DSWRF_L1_Avg_1" : "Downward shortwave radiation flux",
                 "CSDSF_L1_Avg_1" : "Clear sky downward solar flux",
                 "DSWRF_L1_Avg_1" : "Downward shortwave radiation flux",
                 "DLWRF_L1_Avg_1" : "Downward longwave radiation flux",
                 "CSULF_L1_Avg_1" : "Clear sky upward longwave flux",
                 "GFLUX_L1_Avg_1" : "Ground heat flux"}

Clear sky downward solar flux is considered to be equivalent to solar radiation after clouds

In [68]:
downward_solar_flux_np = fh.variables["CSDSF_L1_Avg_1"][:, 0, 0]
cfsr = pd.DataFrame({'datetime': time_np, 'solar rad': downward_solar_flux_np})

In [69]:
cimis = pd.read_pickle('cimis_2005_2010.pkl')

In [71]:
def compare(title):
    plt.plot(cfsr['datetime'][1:], cfsr['solar rad'][1:], label = "cfsr")
    plt.plot(cimis['datetime'][4:][::6], cimis['solar rad'][4:][::6], label = "cimis")
    plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 16, 10

compare CIMIS (measured on earth) with Clear Sky (CFSR)

In [72]:
compare('cfsr: downward longwave vs cimis: after clouds')

Clear sky overestimates the CIMIS data


  • simulation
  • locations are different. Distance between two points is 20 - 25 miles.

In [73]:
cfsr['month'] = cfsr.datetime.dt.month
grouped = cfsr.groupby('month').mean()
cimis['month'] = cimis.datetime.dt.month
grouped2 = cimis.groupby('month').mean()

In [74]:
x = grouped['month']
y = grouped['solar rad']
z = grouped2['solar rad']
ax = plt.subplot(111), y,width=0.2,color='b',align='center'), z,width=0.2,color='g',align='center')
plt.title('average solar radiation accross different months for cfsr and cimis')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x121da6550>

In [40]:
downward_shortwave = fh.variables['DSWRF_L1_Avg_1'][:, 0, 0]
downward_longwave = fh.variables['DLWRF_L1_Avg_1'][:, 0, 0]
upward_longwave = fh.variables['ULWRF_L1_Avg_1'][:, 0, 0]
upward_shortwave = fh.variables['USWRF_L1_Avg_1'][:, 0, 0]

Maybe clear sky is after clouds and downward waves are before clouds?

In [75]:
plt.plot(cfsr['datetime'], fh.variables['CSDSF_L1_Avg_1'][:, 0, 0] + fh.variables['CSDLF_L1_Avg_1'][:, 0, 0] , label = "clear sky")
plt.plot(cfsr['datetime'], fh.variables['DSWRF_L1_Avg_1'][:, 0, 0] + fh.variables['DLWRF_L1_Avg_1'][:, 0, 0] , label = "down")
plt.title('clear sky and downward wave comparison')
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 16, 10

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