Creating a mass plot from CERN OpenData

In this example, we'll import some detector data and make a plot of the masses of the particles detected.

To begin, click the "play" icon or press shift+ENTER to execute each cell.

In [1]:
# First, we'll "import" the software packages needed.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
inline_rc = dict(mpl.rcParams)

# Starting a line with a hashtag tells the program not to read the line.
# That way we can write "comments" to humans trying to figure out what the code does.
# Blank lines don't do anything either, but they can make the code easier to read.

Importing a data set

Now let's choose some data to plot. In this example we'll pull data from CERN's CMS detector and make a histogram of invariant mass. You can find more at CERN OpenData. This next cell will take a little while to run since it's grabbing a pretty big data set. This one contains 100,000 collision events. The cell label will look like "In [*]" while it's still thinking and "In [2]" when it's finished.

In [2]:
# Here's dimuon data:
data = pd.read_csv('')

# Analyze dielectron data instead by un-commenting this URL instead:

We can view the first few rows of the file we just imported.

In [3]:
# The .head(n) command displays the first n rows of the file.

Type Run Event E1 px1 py1 pz1 pt1 eta1 phi1 Q1 E2 px2 py2 pz2 pt2 eta2 phi2 Q2 M
0 GT 146511 25343052 7.33390 2.060420 5.88580 -3.85836 6.23602 -0.584812 1.234060 -1 5.20755 -1.55016 -1.81976 4.62525 2.39050 1.414110 -2.276360 1 11.82820
1 GG 146511 25341481 18.46720 8.033950 -3.94072 -16.15410 8.94839 -1.352990 -0.456026 -1 10.72950 6.29476 -2.52441 -8.31349 6.78208 -1.032390 -0.381397 1 2.58406
2 GG 146511 25390065 7.70222 -0.248771 4.08338 6.52511 4.09095 1.246340 1.631640 -1 6.90202 -3.02439 3.75129 4.94041 4.81862 0.899132 2.249320 1 3.11929

Part 1: Make a histogram

CMS software calculated the invariant mass of a possible parent particle, based on the two particles' energies and momenta. It's in the last column, labeled "M". The code below makes a histogram of those mass values.

In [4]:
# adding a ; at the end of the next line will  "suppress" the text output of the histogram's frequency table
plt.hist(data.M, bins=120, range=[0,120], log=True)
plt.title("CMS Dimuon Mass Plot")
plt.xlabel("mass (GeV)")
plt.ylabel("number of events")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fdd68ede278>

Try editing the number of bins or bin range in the previous code cell. To re-exectue the code, click the play icon in the toolbar or press SHIFT + ENTER.

Part 2: Hunt for a particle

Try to create a new histogram to show the production of one of the following particles: J/$\Psi$, Upsilon ($\Upsilon$), or Z. You can edit the cell above or paste the code into the empty cell below.

In [ ]:

Part Three

Try selecting a subset of the events to analyze. This is called "applying cuts" to your data. Below are a few examples you may find useful.

In [5]:
# create a new data set of only the events containing oppositely charges particles
data2 = data[data.Q1 != data.Q2] # change != to == for same charge

In [6]:
# create a new data set of only events in a certain mass range
data3 = data[(data.M > 50) & (data.M < 80)] # this choses 50 to 80 GeV

In [7]:
# make a scatterplot of two columns
# plt.scatter(x_column, y_column, s=point_size, other parameters)
plt.scatter(data.eta1, data.phi1, s=.001)

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7fdd68907390>

In [8]:
# make your plots look like they're from

# plt.hist can stack two histograms
d1 = data[data.Q1 == data.Q2]
d2 = data[data.Q1 != data.Q2]

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.hist([d1.M, d2.M], range=[2,5], stacked=True, label=["events with same Q","events with opp Q"], bins=20, log=True)
plt.title("Cutting on net charge")
plt.xlabel("mass (GeV)")
plt.ylabel("log number of events")

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fdd688d06a0>
/home/main/anaconda2/envs/python3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: findfont: Font family ['Humor Sans', 'Comic Sans MS'] not found. Falling back to Bitstream Vera Sans
  (prop.get_family(), self.defaultFamily[fontext]))

In [9]:
# to make normal-looking plots again