
We are proposing to compete in the Kaggle competition setup by Rossman Stores to predict store sales for the next 6 weeks of business from previous business data.. All the information on the dataset is \textcolor{blue}{\href{https://www.kaggle.com/c/rossmann-store-sales/data}{here}}. There's information about competitors, daily sales grosses, etc.

Code Location

Our exploratory code is found \textcolor{blue}{\href{https://github.com/meissnereric/rossman_predictor}{on Eric's github}.}

Descriptive Statistics and Discussion

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Our data came in three major files: train, test, and store. Training has the training data including daily sales and customers over a period of ~2 years (~1 million data points). , while test data has a period of 6 weeks for particular stores (not all of them, notably). Store has metadata about each store, which presumably affects the sales of a the stores. We first merge the store and training data together for ease of analysis, and display general information. We also clean the StateHoliday field for string/int happiness.

In [2]:
#Partial code taken from (https://www.kaggle.com/mmourafiq/rossmann-store-sales/data-viz/notebook): 

train = pd.read_csv('data/train.csv')
store = pd.read_csv('data/store.csv')
all_data = pd.merge(train, store, on='Store', how='left')
test = pd.read_csv('data/test.csv')
all_data['StateHoliday'][all_data['StateHoliday'] == 0 ] = '0'

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pandas/io/parsers.py:1164: DtypeWarning: Columns (7) have mixed types. Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
  data = self._reader.read(nrows)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:9: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy

Basic stats of the data. Notice particularly the standard deviation is high for both sales and customers, ipmlyign the data is highly variable and reassuring us that a predictor is necessary.

Unsurprisingly, a state holiday strongly affects sales.

In [3]:
print test

          Id  Store  DayOfWeek        Date  Open  Promo StateHoliday  \
0          1      1          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
1          2      3          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
2          3      7          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
3          4      8          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
4          5      9          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
5          6     10          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
6          7     11          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
7          8     12          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
8          9     13          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
9         10     14          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
10        11     15          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
11        12     16          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
12        13     19          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
13        14     20          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
14        15     21          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
15        16     22          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
16        17     23          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
17        18     24          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
18        19     25          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
19        20     27          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
20        21     29          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
21        22     30          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
22        23     31          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
23        24     32          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
24        25     33          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
25        26     35          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
26        27     36          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
27        28     38          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
28        29     39          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
29        30     40          4  2015-09-17     1      1            0   
...      ...    ...        ...         ...   ...    ...          ...   
41058  41059   1077          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41059  41060   1078          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41060  41061   1079          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41061  41062   1080          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41062  41063   1083          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41063  41064   1084          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41064  41065   1086          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41065  41066   1087          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41066  41067   1088          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41067  41068   1089          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41068  41069   1091          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41069  41070   1092          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41070  41071   1094          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41071  41072   1096          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41072  41073   1097          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41073  41074   1099          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41074  41075   1100          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41075  41076   1101          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41076  41077   1102          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41077  41078   1103          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41078  41079   1104          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41079  41080   1105          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41080  41081   1106          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41081  41082   1107          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41082  41083   1109          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41083  41084   1111          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41084  41085   1112          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41085  41086   1113          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41086  41087   1114          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   
41087  41088   1115          6  2015-08-01     1      0            0   

0                  0  
1                  0  
2                  0  
3                  0  
4                  0  
5                  0  
6                  0  
7                  0  
8                  0  
9                  0  
10                 0  
11                 0  
12                 0  
13                 0  
14                 0  
15                 0  
16                 0  
17                 0  
18                 0  
19                 0  
20                 0  
21                 0  
22                 0  
23                 0  
24                 0  
25                 0  
26                 0  
27                 0  
28                 0  
29                 0  
...              ...  
41058              0  
41059              0  
41060              1  
41061              0  
41062              1  
41063              1  
41064              1  
41065              1  
41066              0  
41067              0  
41068              0  
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41072              0  
41073              0  
41074              0  
41075              0  
41076              0  
41077              1  
41078              0  
41079              0  
41080              0  
41081              0  
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41083              0  
41084              0  
41085              0  
41086              0  
41087              1  

[41088 rows x 8 columns]

In [4]:
avg_stateholiday = all_data[['Sales', 'Customers', 'StateHoliday']].groupby('StateHoliday').mean()

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f906d08ab10>

Notably, having a promotion running for a particular day increases sales by quite a large amount, while not increasing customers by nearly the same rate. This implies people are spending more during those days, instead of having simply higher rates of customers.

In [5]:
avg_promotion = all_data[['Sales', 'Customers', 'Promo']].groupby('Promo').mean()

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f906cff06d0>

Competition distances are clustered around having close competitors, and in general it doesn't appear to affect sales strongly.

In [6]:

array([[<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f906cebcd50>]], dtype=object)

In [7]:
# Bin the competition distance with 10 bins
bins = np.linspace(all_data['CompetitionDistance'].min(), all_data.CompetitionDistance.max(), 10)

competition_bins = all_data[['Sales', 'Customers']].groupby(pd.cut(all_data['CompetitionDistance'], bins))
competition_avg = competition_bins.mean()

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f906ce07a10>

Sundays have almost no sales.

Sales peak in July and December, the peak of summer and Christmas season (The data is from Rossman stores, which are based in Germany so Christmas would be a major holiday.)

In [8]:
#Done By Neal
train['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(train['Date'])
train['DayOfWeek'] = train['Date'].dt.dayofweek
train['Month'] = train['Date'].dt.month
train['Year'] = train['Date'].dt.year
avg_month = train[['Sales', 'Month']].groupby('Month').mean()
avg_day = train[['Sales', 'DayOfWeek']].groupby('DayOfWeek').mean()
#sales by day of week
sale_dayofweek = pd.pivot_table(train, values='Sales', index=['Year','Store'], columns=['DayOfWeek'])

#sales by month
sale_month = pd.pivot_table(train, values='Sales', index=['Year','Store'], columns=['Month'])

Place in Data Science Model

Our model will use a typical data science procedure for batch data analysis including a cleaning phase that feeds into a predictive regression model for sales prediction.

Next Steps

The next steps mainly include deciding on a particular predictive mode, through both empirical testing and looking at what popular methods for time series regression are used in the field.

Because our goal is to build a sales predictor, visualization of the results isn't a particular goal, though we plan to visualize and discuss major patterns in the data that our analysis finds, such as having a store with a promotion increasing sales by X or discussing the relation of stores to their competitors. We will also include a visualization of our predictor if relevant.

Final Product - The Predictor

So for the model I just used a simple linear regression (ordinary least squares) because A) it's not a classification or clustering problem so the fancy things aren't really helpful and B) because it's super easy and the problem honestly looked like it would be captured well by a linear model.

So here I drop columns that weren't helpful / difficult to clean and merge it with the store data. I also clean everything to be numbers and turn the categorical variables into dummy variables.

The next cell takes ~1-2 minutes to run since it's doing element wise operations.

In [9]:
string_cols = ['Date']
drop_cols = ['Promo2', 'Promo2SinceWeek', 'Promo2SinceYear', 'PromoInterval']
tw_pre = train.drop(string_cols, axis=1).applymap(lambda x: int(x)
                            if str.isdigit(str(x))
                            else np.nan)
tw = pd.merge(tw_pre, store, on='Store', how='left')
tw = tw.drop(drop_cols, axis=1)
#tw['Date'] = train['Date']

In [10]:
st_dummies = pd.get_dummies(tw.StoreType, prefix='store').iloc[:, 1:]
assort_dummies = pd.get_dummies(tw.Assortment, prefix='assort').iloc[:, 1:]
tw_F = pd.concat([tw, st_dummies, assort_dummies ], axis=1)


Store DayOfWeek Sales Customers Open Promo StateHoliday SchoolHoliday Month Year StoreType Assortment CompetitionDistance CompetitionOpenSinceMonth CompetitionOpenSinceYear
0 1 4 5263 555 1 1 0 1 7 2015 c a 1270 9 2008
1 2 4 6064 625 1 1 0 1 7 2015 a a 570 11 2007
2 3 4 8314 821 1 1 0 1 7 2015 a a 14130 12 2006
3 4 4 13995 1498 1 1 0 1 7 2015 c c 620 9 2009
4 5 4 4822 559 1 1 0 1 7 2015 a a 29910 4 2015

We only want to use those features in the training data that also exist in the test data, since we're just using a linear model.

In [11]:
feature_cols = ['DayOfWeek', 'Open', 'Promo', 'StateHoliday', 'SchoolHoliday', 
                'CompetitionDistance', 'CompetitionOpenSinceMonth', 'CompetitionOpenSinceYear',
                'store_b', 'store_c', 'store_d', 'assort_b', 'assort_c']

all_test = pd.merge(test.drop(string_cols, axis=1).applymap(lambda x: int(x)
                            if str.isdigit(str(x))
                            else 0), store, on='Store', how='left')
all_test = all_test.drop(drop_cols, axis=1)
all_test = pd.concat([all_test, st_dummies, assort_dummies ], axis=1)

Here I interpolate missing data in the set using Pandas built-in stuff (which does it using a linear model as well) because it looked like it worked well, and it's the easiest way to clean it up.

Then we build a simple ordinary least squares regression model and fit the data to it! Runs pretty fast.

The coefficients are simple coefficients for our model that looks more or less like $$Sales = x_1 \cdot DayOfWeek + x_2 \cdot Open + \cdots + x_n \cdot assort_c$$

In [12]:
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

X = tw_F[feature_cols].interpolate()
tstX = all_test[feature_cols].interpolate()
y = tw_F.Sales.interpolate()

# instantiate, fit
lm = LinearRegression()
lm.fit(X, y)

# print coefficients
print zip(feature_cols, lm.coef_)

[('DayOfWeek', -115.40549422234382), ('Open', 5773.5998894642316), ('Promo', 2077.8644682123872), ('StateHoliday', 1.4702938265765719e-12), ('SchoolHoliday', 64.892674989404995), ('CompetitionDistance', -0.013191911933166035), ('CompetitionOpenSinceMonth', -18.011177289364802), ('CompetitionOpenSinceYear', 2.1290352834617328), ('store_b', 5223.9145880647429), ('store_c', -94.351286575149203), ('store_d', -245.26100339374534), ('assort_b', -3128.6809364533688), ('assort_c', 700.21287024484195)]

So here we're predicting! $r$ is the error of the predictions for a given datum. $y_{pred}$ is the predicted value. $y$ is the ground truth. $mean_{sq}$ is the mean-squared-error of the predictions.

We can run the results on the test data, but we have no way to test how good our predictions and thus no way to check error.

For visualizations if you run the tstX line then plot that data "appended" to the training data we can probably visually see how well our predictions were. I know they're not great, but at least it does something :).

Cheers! - Eric

In [22]:
y_pred = lm.predict(X)
#y_pred = lm.predict(tstX)
y_mean = np.mean(y)
r =  y - y_pred
mean_sq = sum(map(lambda x: (y_mean - x) ** 2, y_pred))
print zip(y, y_pred, r)[:10]
print mean_sq

[(5263, 7611.554166074935, -2348.554166074935), (6064, 7676.9884011411104, -1612.9884011411104), (8314, 7477.9658627545523, 836.03413724544771), (13995, 8322.4708143597982, 5672.5291856402018), (4822, 7433.0482283152651, -2611.0482283152651), (5651, 7675.1813326551401, -2024.1813326551401), (15344, 8206.9672275181965, 7137.0327724818035), (8492, 7618.2190374792026, 873.7809625207974), (8565, 8397.071364847392, 167.92863515260797), (7185, 7683.1017743798639, -498.10177437986385)]

In [25]:
whole_set = pd.DataFrame([pd.Series(np.append(train['Sales'], y_pred)), train['Date']

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f90397ebcd0>]

Proceed at your own risk to this bottom portion. I started building a neural network to work on the data but it's just too big for my computer honestly. We can talk about that in the slides though! Feel free to play around; it's only working with the first ~10,000 values right now so that it's trainable in a reasonable amount of time. Doesn't work well though of course.

In [14]:
from pybrain.structure.modules import SoftmaxLayer, LinearLayer
from pybrain.utilities import percentError
from pybrain.tools.shortcuts import buildNetwork
from pybrain.datasets import SupervisedDataSet
from pybrain.supervised.trainers import BackpropTrainer
#ds = SupervisedDataSet( len(X.columns), 1 )
#for i, item in X.iterrows():
#    if i > 10000:
#        break
#    ds.appendLinked( item, y[i])

In [15]:
#tstdata, trndata = ds.splitWithProportion( 0 )
#print len(ds.getField('target'))

In [16]:
#print "Number of training patterns: ", len(trndata)
#print "Number of testing patterns: ", len(tstdata)
#print "Input and output dimensions: ", trndata.indim, trndata.outdim
#print "First sample (input, target, class):"
#print trndata['input'][0], trndata['target'][0]
#print trndata['input'][-1], trndata['target'][-1]

In [17]:
#fnn = buildNetwork( trndata.indim, 1, trndata.outdim, outclass=LinearLayer)
#trainer = BackpropTrainer( fnn, dataset=trndata, verbose=True)#,  learningrate=0.001)# momentum=0.05, weightdecay=0.005)

In [18]:

In [19]:
#for i in range(15):
#    trainer.trainEpochs( 10 )
#    #trainer.trainUntilConvergence(maxEpochs=30)
#    print 
#    test1 = fnn.activate(trndata['input'][0])
#    test2 = fnn.activate(trndata['input'][-1])
#    print test1, test2

In [ ]: