Authors: Victor Kristof and William Trouleau
The click-bait headline of the title, published on November 14, 2016 by the Huffington Post, is clearly fake (and on purpose). It cleverly shades light on an issue that became mainstream with the recent US election: fake-news propaganda on social networks. Indeed, an analysis of user engagement performed by BuzzFeed concluded that fake-news stories raised more engagement on Facebook than the top election story from 19 major news outlets combined. The idea of this project is to analyze posts from famous Facebook pages publishing articles related to the US elections and to measure the impact of misinformation on the elections.
In particular, we follow the analysis of BuzzFeed on nine famous Facebook pages actively publishing articles related to the US elections:
BuzzFeed manually anotated all articles posted by these nine pages during one week in September 2016, and rated them according to the accuracy of the information published. More information on these ratings is developed in Section 1. However, their analysis was limited to the exploration of engagement metrics like the number of reactions, comments or shares generated by fake-news articles.
In this project, we extract additional features of the posts like the text message, the type of content, and so on. We then apply Machine Learning techniques to automatically detect fake-news ratings from unlabelled posts.
In Section 1. (Acquisition), we first detail the scraping process to acquire the Facebook posts used throughout the project. We then clean the data and save it to a csv file for future use.
In Section 2. (Exploration), we then explore the scraped data. We first investigate the volume of data that was scraped for each page and for each political orientation. We then dig deeper and investigate the text messages that will later be used for exploitation. We explore how these messages relate to the truthfulness of the articles. Since we also extracted other kind of features, we investigate them in the same way.
In Section 3. (Exploitation/Evaluation), we finally use the scraped data to build a detection algorithm to predict wether or not a given Facebook post is propaganda. We tackle this problem with three different approaches.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import scipy
import matplotlib as mpl
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from cycler import cycler
palette = ['#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#d62728', '#9467bd', '#8c564b', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f', '#bcbd22', '#17becf']
'axes.prop_cycle': cycler(color=palette),
'font.sans-serif': 'Helvetica',
'': 'normal',
'font.size': 10,
import warnings
import pandas as pd
# Load internal libraries
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import lib
from lib.acquisition import Feature, FacebookScraper
from lib import exploration, exploration_helper
from lib import ntds_utils
from lib import utils
from lib import config
NOTE: In order to run the data acquisition process, one needs to obtain a token to connect to the Facebook Graph API. This token needs to be saved in a credentials file (by default credentials.ini
in the current directory).
We collect data from nine famous Facebook pages actively publishing articles related to the US elections:
Each collected post includes the name of the page in addition to:
, created_time
when the post was created , type
(i.e. status, link, video, photo), message
of the post, share_count
.To have better flexibility on the scraping process, we collect data using the low-level approach with the requests
library. The code of the scraper FacebookScraper
, as well as all the code corresponding to the data collection part, is contained in the acquisition
The FacebookScraper
takes an iterable of Feature
s which represents the fields we want to query on the Facebook Graph API and provide a convenient way to query, clean and save the raw data into a well-formatted pandas.DataFrame
In [2]:
# Credential file containing the Facebook authentication token
credentials_file = 'credentials.ini'
# List of pages to scrape
page_list = ['ABCNewsPolitics', 'cnnpolitics', 'politico',
'AddictingInfoOrg', 'OccupyDemocrats', 'TheOther98',
'FreedomDailyNews', 'OfficialRightWingNews', 'theEagleisRising']
# Define the date range to scrape
start_date = '2016/01/01'
end_date = '2016/12/05'
# Define the fields to query
field_list = [
Feature('id', name='post_id'),
Feature('permalink_url', name='post_url'),
formatter=lambda data: data.get('reactions', {'summary':{'total_count':0}})['summary']['total_count'],
formatter=lambda data: data.get('comments', {'summary':{'total_count':0}})['summary']['total_count'],
formatter=lambda data: data.get('shares', {'count': 0})['count'],
print('We collect data corresponding to fields:', ', '.join([f.fbquery for f in field_list]))
print('from the Facebook pages: ', ', '.join(page_list))
Run the web scraper.
WARNING: By running this cell, you will crawl ~60Mb of data from Facebook.
In [ ]:
# Initialize the Facebook web scraper
scraper = FacebookScraper(field_list)
# Iterate over the Facebook pages
for page in page_list:
print('Scrape data from the Facebook page: {}...'.format(page))
# Collect data in the requested date range, since=start_date, until=end_date)
print('{} articles collected'.format(len(
except Exception as e:
In [ ]:
# Split the `account_id` and the `post_id` from the field `post_id`['account_id'] =['post_id'].apply(lambda s: s.split('_')[0])['post_id'] =['post_id'].apply(lambda s: s.split('_')[1])
# Convert string times to datetime objects['created_time'] = pd.to_datetime(['created_time'])
# Clean the name of the pages
page_name_map = {
'politico': 'Politico',
'cnnpolitics': 'CNN Politics',
'ABCNewsPolitics': 'ABC News Politics',
'TheOther98': 'The Other 98%',
'AddictingInfoOrg': 'Addicting Info',
'OccupyDemocrats': 'Occupy Democrats',
'theEagleisRising': 'The Eagle is Rising',
'OfficialRightWingNews': 'Right Wing News',
'FreedomDailyNews': 'Freedom Daily'
}['page_name'] = row: page_name_map[row['page']], axis=1)
We now augment the dataset with the political orientation of each page as well as the manually annotated rating of fact checking performed by BuzzFeed in this article.
In [ ]:
# Page overall political orientation category: mainstrean, left, right
categories = {
'politico': 'mainstream',
'cnnpolitics': 'mainstream',
'ABCNewsPolitics': 'mainstream',
'TheOther98': 'left',
'AddictingInfoOrg': 'left',
'OccupyDemocrats': 'left',
'theEagleisRising': 'right',
'OfficialRightWingNews': 'right',
'FreedomDailyNews': 'right'
}['category'] = row: categories[row['page']], axis=1)
To write their article, BuzzFeed already collected this data for one week in September 2016. Then they manually annotated it to add a rating on the content truthfulness. According to their article, their methodology was the following:
Posts could be rated “mostly true,” “mixture of true and false,” or “mostly false.” If we encountered a post that was satirical or opinion-driven, or that otherwise lacked a factual claim, we rated it “no factual content.” (We chose to rate things as “mostly” true or false in order to allow for smaller errors or accurate facts within otherwise true or false claims or stories.)
In [ ]:
# Load the BuzzFeed dataset
buzzfeed_df = pd.read_csv('data/buzzfeed-fact-check.csv')
# Join both on the `post_id` field = pd.merge(, buzzfeed_df[['post_id', 'rating']], on='post_id', how='left')
# Fill the null values with str 'NaN'['rating'] =['rating'].fillna('UNKNOWN')
In [ ]:
# Save the dataset in a csv file'data/dataset.csv', index=False)
In [ ]:
# Free the memory for the next steps
del scraper
In [2]:
# Load the dataset
df = utils.load_dataset('data/dataset.csv')
In [3]:
The two most active pages are the two mainstream pages Politico (with ~19k articles posted) and CNN (with ~15k articles posted). In contrast, the two least active pages are the pro-democrat pages The Other 98% (with ~4k articles posted) and Occupy Democrats (with ~6k articles posted).
In [4]:
exploration.barplot_engagement(df, agg_func='median')
It is interesting to note that the two pages that posted the least are the ones who generated, in average, the most user engagement (in terms of number of reactions, comments and shares).
In [5]:
# Extract the week number when the article was created
df['created_week'] = df['created_time'].apply(lambda row: row.isocalendar()[1])
In [6]:
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from import output_notebook
In [7]:
p = figure(title='Number of articles published each week for each page', plot_width=950, plot_height=400)
for i, page_name in enumerate(df.page_name.unique()):
s = df[df.page_name==page_name]['created_week'].value_counts().sort_index()
p.line(x=s.index, y=np.array(s), color=palette[i], legend=page_name, line_width=2)
p.xaxis.axis_label = 'Week of the year 2016'
p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Number of articles published'
p.legend.location = 'top_left'
The three mainstream pages (i.e. Politico, CNN and ABCNewsPolitics) exhibit the same peak around weeks 29-30. This time period corresponds to the primary election of the Democratic National Convention. In addition, the peak at week 45 corresponds to articles released on the week of the election which was held on November 8. We can clearly see a big drop for all pages 2 weeks after the election was held.
In [8]:
p = figure(title='Number of comments published each week for each page', plot_width=950, plot_height=400)
for i, page_name in enumerate(df.page_name.unique()):
s = df[df.page_name==page_name].groupby('created_week').sum()['comment_count']
p.line(x=s.index, y=np.array(s), color=palette[i], legend=page_name, line_width=2)
p.xaxis.axis_label = 'Week of the year 2016'
p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Number of comments'
p.legend.location = 'top_left'
In [9]:
# Compute the length of each text message
df['Message length'] = df['message'].fillna('').apply(lambda s: len(s))
How does the message length differ between political orientation categories?
In [10]:
exploration.aggregate_message_length(df, by='category', agg_funcs=['median']).T
How does the message length differ between each page?
In [11]:
exploration.aggregate_message_length(df, by='page_name', agg_funcs=['median']).T
On the first table above, we see that the mainstream pages have longer messages than the others. If we look closer to the median length of messages per page, we see that The Other 98%
(democrat oriented) and Right Wing News
(republican oriented) have much shorter text messages than any other pages. Let us look at a few examples of such short messages for the page The Other 98%
In [12]:
df['message'][('TheOther98')&(df['Message length'] < 10)&(df['Message length'] > 0)][:15]
We can see that these short messages are undeniably subjective and biased. In contrast, we can see below that long messages seem to be more objective. This observation might be interpreted as short click-bait messages versus long story-telling articles.
In [13]:
pd.options.display.max_colwidth = 100
print(df['message'][('cnnpolitics')&(df['Message length'] > 100)][:5])
In [14]:
X, vectorizer = exploration_helper.vectorize_messages(df.message.fillna(''))
print("There are {} messages with {} bag-of-word features.".format(*X.shape))
In [15]:
counts = exploration.count_words(X, vectorizer)
Only the labelled messages will actually be useful to us to train the models in the exploitation section. Do the words used in posts rated as mostly true
differ from the ones rated as mostly false
On the tables below, we can see that the top words of both classes share many common words like trump
, domald
, obama
, clinton
, hillary
, ... However, it is interesting to note that the 10-th most used word of the mostly false
articles is muslim
and that the 17-th one is lie
In [16]:
# Define the masks for the true and false articles.
mask_true = np.array(df.rating == 'mostly true')
mask_false = np.array(df.rating == 'mostly false')
In [17]:
# Count the word frequency of posts rated as `mostly true`
counts = exploration.count_words(X[mask_true,:], vectorizer)
# Print the top 50 words
pd.set_option("display.max_columns", 50)
In [18]:
# Count the word frequency of posts rated as `mostly false`
counts = exploration.count_words(X[mask_false,:], vectorizer)
# Print the top 50 words
pd.set_option("display.max_columns", 50)
In [19]:
# Mask all articles that have not been manually annotated
mask_labelled = df.rating != 'UNKNOWN'
In [20]:
exploration.count_group(df[mask_labelled], by=['rating', 'category'])
Let us now analyze this behavior per page in more depth, with the number of mostly false
news for each page. The no factual content
rating from the mainstream media correspond in 100% of the cases to news advertising for their own content. The ones for the right and left media are all jokes and subjective content. The Figure below clearly shows that the pro-left Occupy Democrats
and the pro-right The Eagle is Rising
are to two most active distributors of fake-news.
In [47]:
mask_false = (df.rating == 'mostly false')
exploration.count_group(df[mask_false], by=['rating', 'page_name'], figsize=(12,3), rot=10)
Now that we know which are the most likely pages to publish fake-news, it is natural to wonder whether the type
of content published (i.e. status
, link
, photo
, video
) distinguishes the truthfulness of the articles.
On the table below, we can see that most articles are links. A manual inspection actually shows that they are links to full articles hosted on the websites of the respective pages, with a short summary text message. There is no clear difference between mostly true
and mostly false
articles. However, we clearly see that articles with no factual content
(i.e. articles that are satirical, opinion-driven, or that otherwise lacked a factual claim) are mostly photos and videos, whereas both types are mostly absent of all other rating classes.
In [22]:
exploration.count_group(df[mask_labelled], by=['rating', 'type'], figsize=(8,8))
Let us finally explore which articles raised the most engagement and what is their rating. On the plots below, we show the number of reactions, comments and shares with respect to the article rating for each political orientation category. The 9 plots are organized as follows:
We see that the posts published by pro-democrat pages that raised the most engagement are the ones with no factual content
(i.e. posts that are satirical, opinion-driven, or that otherwise lacked a factual claim). In contrast, pro-republican posts rated as mostly false
(i.e. fake-news posts) are the ones that raised the most engagement from their readers. Finally, we also see that the posts published by mainstream pages that raised the most engagement are rated as mixture of true and false
It is interesting to note that, for each category, results agree for all three engagement metrics (i.e. number of reactions, comments and shares).
In [23]:
RATINGS = ['no factual content', 'mostly false', 'mixture of true and false', 'mostly true']
CATEGORIES = ['left', 'mainstream', 'right']
ENGAGEMENT_COLUMNS = ['reaction_count','comment_count','share_count']
fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(CATEGORIES), len(ENGAGEMENT_COLUMNS), figsize=(12,12))
for i, cat in enumerate(CATEGORIES):
for j, col in enumerate(ENGAGEMENT_COLUMNS):
data = df[df.category==cat][['rating',col]].groupby('rating').agg('median').reindex(RATINGS)[i][j], rot=20, legend=False)
axs[i][j].set_title('{} - {}'.format(cat,col))
Now that we have a pretty good idea of the data we are dealing with, we can implement a model to detect fake-news articles for the various features we discussed earlier. To tackle this task, we take inspiration from sentiment analysis models whose goal is to detect happiness and sadness in text data.
In [24]:
# (Re)load the dataset
df = utils.load_dataset('data/dataset.csv')
A widly used model for sentiment classification is the Naive Bayes model. The assumption behind this model is that all features (i.e. words in the vocabulary) are conditionally independent given the class. This assumption allows a nice and simple mathematical derivation of the learning algorithm.
In [25]:
from lib.exploitation import NaiveBayesClassifier
Format the dataframe and split the dataset into a training and a held out testing set.
Using the bag-of-words assumption, the messages are tokenized into words and we use the widely used "tf-idf" normalization of features, whose formula is as follows:
$$\text{tf-idf}(w,m) = \frac{\text{Number of times word } w \text{ appears in message } m}{\text{Number of messages in which word } w \text{ occurs}}.$$This measure emphasizes words that occur a lot in a single message but are rare in the whole corpus.
In [26]:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer, TfidfVectorizer
In [27]:
# Filter the data to consider only posts labeled as 'mostly true' and 'mostly false'
mask_true_false = (df.rating == 'mostly true') | (df.rating == 'mostly false')
X, vectorizer = exploration_helper.vectorize_messages(df[mask_true_false].message.fillna(''), vectorizerObj=TfidfVectorizer)
y = np.array(df[mask_true_false].rating == 'mostly false', dtype='bool')
print("There are {} labeled messages with {} bag-of-word features.".format(*X.shape))
print("There are {} legitimate messages and {} fake ones.".format((y==0).sum(), (y==1).sum()))
In [28]:
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
print("There are {} legitimate messages and {} fake ones in the training set.".format((y_train==0).sum(), (y_train==1).sum()))
print("There are {} legitimate messages and {} fake ones in the testing set.".format((y_test==0).sum(), (y_test==1).sum()))
The Naive Bayes model has two hyperparameters that need to be tuned.
used to avoid overfitting due to features with very small probabilities. class_prior
parameter which aims at reducing the bias due to unbalanced data.The first plot (on the left) below shows that small alpha
(.e.g 1.0
) should be used. A higher value seems to smooth the features too much, thus reducing their discriminative power. The other plot (on the right) shows that a prior between 0.3
and 0.4
should be used for the fake-news class.
In [29]:
# Tune the `alpha` hyperparameter
nb_classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier(class_prior=[0.7, 0.3])
alpha_search_space = np.linspace(0.1, 50.0, 50.0)
alpha_search_perf = nb_classifier.tune_alpha(X_train, y_train, alpha_search_space)
# Tune the `class_prior` hyperparameter
nb_classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier(alpha=1.0)
prior_search_space = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 50.0)
prior_search_perf = nb_classifier.tune_prior(X_train, y_train, prior_search_space)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12,4))
axs[0].plot(alpha_search_space, alpha_search_perf)
axs[0].set_ylabel("F1-Score"); axs[0].set_xlabel("Smoothing parameter `alpha`");
axs[0].set_title("`alpha` hyperparameter tuning on validation set")
axs[1].plot(prior_search_space, prior_search_perf)
axs[1].set_ylabel("F1-Score"); axs[1].set_xlabel("Prior probability of class `mostly false`");
axs[1].set_title("`class_prior` hyperparameter tuning on validation set");
Once the hyperparameters are tuned, we can evaluate the performances of the Naive Bayes model on the held out testing dataset. We can see below that the the model achieves a good accuracy. However, since our dataset is highly unbalanced, accuracy actually hides the fact that the model is only performing well at classifying the mostly true
articles. Looking at the second line of the confusion matrix shows that, among the $19$ fake-news articles of the testing set, the model is actually wrongly classifying $11$ as legitimate.
Due to the class imbalance, it is thus much more relevant to evaluate the model using the $F_1$-score. Indeed, this metric defined as:
$$F_1 = 2 \cdot \frac{\text{precision}\cdot\text{recall}}{\text{precision}+\text{recall}},$$where $$\text{precision} = \frac{\text{True positive}}{\text{True positive}+\text{False positive}}, ~\text{and}~ \text{recall} = \frac{\text{True positive}}{\text{True positive}+\text{False negative}}.$$
Taking into account both the precision
and recall
instead of the accuracy
avoids high scores due to imbalanced datasets.
In [30]:
nb_classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier(alpha=1.0, class_prior=[0.6, 0.4])
# Train the model on the trainin set, y_train)
# Evaluate the model on the heldout testing set
_, nb_performance_metrics = nb_classifier.predict(X_test, y_test)
print('Accuracy:', nb_performance_metrics['accuracy'])
print('F1 score:', nb_performance_metrics['f1_score'])
print('Confusion Matrix:\n', nb_performance_metrics['confusion_matrix'])
We implement here a method to predict the truthfulness of a post using a Convolutional Neural Network. We vectorize the sentences by mapping each word to an index in the vocabulary of the whole corpus. The extracted vocabulary has size 6490. Word embeddings are then learned directly by the network. The architecture is built such that filters of different sizes (2, 3, 4 and 5 in our case) consecutively process the embedded words, sliding over different numbers of words at the same time (i.e. convolution).
We use a dropout probability $p=0.5$, as well as an $L_2$-regularizer with $\lambda = 0.1$ in order to countereffect overfitting.
In [31]:
from lib.exploitation_helper import preprocessing
X, y, vocabulary = preprocessing(df)
print("There are {} labeled messages whose maximum length is {}.".format(*X.shape))
print("There are {} true messages and {} false ones.".format(y[:, 0].sum(), y[:, 1].sum()))
Train the CNN on the data. Batches of size 64 samples are randomly generated and the whole training set is processed for 10 epochs.
The evaluation is done simultaneously by testing the model on a heldout testing dataset.
Note: the nan
values displayed for the F1 score for a couple of iterations is due to the highly unbalanced data.
In [32]:
from lib.exploitation import CNNClassifier
model = CNNClassifier(X,
filter_sizes=[2, 3, 4, 5],
loss, accuracy, f1_score =
In [33]:
print("Test accuracy: %.4f" % accuracy)
print("Test F1-Score: %.4f" % f1_score)
INFO: works only in Chrome.
In [34]:
In [ ]:
!tensorboard --logdir runs/1484506616/summaries/
In [40]:
x_raw = ["Hillary just admitted Trump should be elected president.",
"Trump to resign from the race to the White House.",
"ALERT: Police Pull Over Islamic Refugee, Horrified To See What Was In The Car!!! The media has swept this under the rug, but it is a severe national security threat.",
"If Trump becomes President, this will not end well.",]
predictions = model.predict(x_raw)
for pred, message in zip(predictions, x_raw):
if pred == 0:
print("TRUE: ", message)
print("FAKE: ", message)
The two previous models were only based on the text messages written with the Facebook post. However, as seen in the exploration section, other non-textual features like the type of content published (i.e. video, photo, link or status) or the number of comments, shares and reactions are alors discriminative of the truthfulness of the information.
Therefore, we take these features, map the categorical ones to dummy variables (a.k.a. one hot vectors) and try detect the fake-news articles based on a K-nearest neighbors model. This model is appealing since it does not make any linearity assumption on the classification boundaries.
In [8]:
from lib.exploitation import KNNClassifier
In [42]:
# Filter the data to consider only posts labeled as 'mostly true' and 'mostly false'
mask_true_false = (df.rating == 'mostly true') | (df.rating == 'mostly false')
filtered_df = df[mask_true_false]
# Choose the features
knn_data = filtered_df[['comment_count', 'share_count', 'reaction_count']]
knn_data = knn_data.join(pd.get_dummies(filtered_df[['type', 'page']]))
# Rescale the features
for col in ['comment_count', 'share_count', 'reaction_count']:
knn_data[col] = knn_data[col] / knn_data[col].max()
X = knn_data.values
y = np.array(filtered_df['rating'] == 'mostly false', dtype='bool')
print("There are {} labeled messages with {} features.".format(*X.shape))
print("There are {} legitimate messages and {} fake ones.".format((y==0).sum(), (y==1).sum()))
In [43]:
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
print("There are {} legitimate messages and {} fake ones in the training set.".format((y_train==0).sum(), (y_train==1).sum()))
print("There are {} legitimate messages and {} fake ones in the testing set.".format((y_test==0).sum(), (y_test==1).sum()))
The only hyperparameter to tune for the $K$-nearest neigbhors model is the number of neighbors $K$ to use in the majority vote computation.
On the plot below, we see that using only $K=1$ neighbor is the value leading to the best F1-score on the validation set using cross-validation. This behavior may be explained by the imbalance of the dataset and the lack of fake-news samples in the training set.
In [44]:
# Tune the hyperparameter `n_neighbors` (the number of nearest neighbors)
nb_classifier = KNNClassifier()
n_search_space = np.arange(5)*2 + 1
n_search_perf = nb_classifier.tune_n_neighbors(X_train, y_train, n_search_space)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6,4))
ax.plot(n_search_space, n_search_perf)
ax.set_ylabel("F1-Score"); ax.set_xlabel("Number of nearest neighbors");
ax.set_title("Number of neighbors hyperparameter tuning on validation set");
In [45]:
knn_classifier = KNNClassifier(n_neighbors=1)
# Train the model on the training set, y_train)
# Evaluate the model on the heldout testing set
_, nb_performance_metrics = knn_classifier.predict(X_test, y_test)
print('Accuracy:', nb_performance_metrics['accuracy'])
print('F1 score:', nb_performance_metrics['f1_score'])
print('Confusion Matrix:\n', nb_performance_metrics['confusion_matrix'])
In this project, inspired by the work from BuzzFeed, we scraped data from nine Facebook pages posting actively about the U.S. presidential elections to analyze the truthfulness of the information published. We saw that pages publishing mostly fake news typically use less words in their messages, suggesting that they are trying to craft click-bait posts. We also noticed that right-winged pages are more prone to publish mostly fake messages and mainstream pages usually publish mostly true ones.
We then tried two text-based classifiers, namely Naive Bayes and Convolutional Neural Network, in order to fit a dataset of labelled messages. Due to a small amount of data, as well as very unbalanced classes, we could not obtain convincing results. We moreover tried to add domain-specific features to improve our predictions. For the same reasons as before, the results were not promising.
To improve upon our work, we should tackle the unbalance issue. Some techniques exist, such as subsampling or cost-sensitive classification, and should be considered. The labelled dataset covers a week of Facebook activity and we collected data over a year. This fresh data should be labelled in order to increase the size of our train set.