Michaël Defferrard, Kirell Benzi, Pierre Vandergheynst, Xavier Bresson, EPFL LTS2.
From raw_*.csv
, this notebook generates:
: per-track / album / artist metadata.genres.csv
: genre hierarchy.echonest.csv
: cleaned Echonest features.A companion script, creation.py:
, raw_albums.csv
, raw_artists.csv
and raw_genres.csv
In [ ]:
import os
import ast
import pickle
import IPython.display as ipd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import utils
import creation
In [ ]:
AUDIO_DIR = os.environ.get('AUDIO_DIR')
BASE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(AUDIO_DIR))
FMA_FULL = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'fma_full')
FMA_LARGE = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'fma_large')
by HTTPS for each track id (only if we don't have it already).Todo:
, album_image_file
, artist_image_file
). Beware the quality.Dataset update:
In [ ]:
# ./creation.py metadata
# ./creation.py data /path/to/fma/fma_full
# ./creation.py clips /path/to/fma
#!cat creation.py
In [ ]:
# converters={'genres': ast.literal_eval}
tracks = pd.read_csv('raw_tracks.csv', index_col=0)
albums = pd.read_csv('raw_albums.csv', index_col=0)
artists = pd.read_csv('raw_artists.csv', index_col=0)
genres = pd.read_csv('raw_genres.csv', index_col=0)
not_found = pickle.load(open('not_found.pickle', 'rb'))
In [ ]:
def get_fs_tids(audio_dir):
tids = []
for _, dirnames, files in os.walk(audio_dir):
if dirnames == []:
tids.extend(int(file[:-4]) for file in files)
return tids
audio_tids = get_fs_tids(FMA_FULL)
clips_tids = get_fs_tids(FMA_LARGE)
In [ ]:
print('tracks: {} collected ({} not found, {} max id)'.format(
len(tracks), len(not_found['tracks']), tracks.index.max()))
print('albums: {} collected ({} not found, {} in tracks)'.format(
len(albums), len(not_found['albums']), len(tracks['album_id'].unique())))
print('artists: {} collected ({} not found, {} in tracks)'.format(
len(artists), len(not_found['artists']), len(tracks['artist_id'].unique())))
print('genres: {} collected'.format(len(genres)))
print('audio: {} collected ({} not found, {} not in tracks)'.format(
len(audio_tids), len(not_found['audio']), len(set(audio_tids).difference(tracks.index))))
print('clips: {} collected ({} not found, {} not in tracks)'.format(
len(clips_tids), len(not_found['clips']), len(set(clips_tids).difference(tracks.index))))
assert sum(tracks.index.isin(audio_tids)) + len(not_found['audio']) == len(tracks)
assert sum(tracks.index.isin(clips_tids)) + len(not_found['clips']) == sum(tracks.index.isin(audio_tids))
assert len(clips_tids) + len(not_found['clips']) + len(not_found['audio']) == len(tracks)
In [ ]:
N = 5
, remove html markup in free-form text.ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -f null -
In [ ]:
df, column = tracks, 'tags'
null = sum(df[column].isnull())
print('{} null, {} non-null'.format(null, df.shape[0] - null))
In [ ]:
drop = [
'license_image_file', 'license_image_file_large', 'license_parent_id', 'license_url', # keep title only
'track_file', 'track_image_file', # used to download only
'track_url', 'album_url', 'artist_url', # only relevant on website
'track_copyright_c', 'track_copyright_p', # present for ~1000 tracks only
# 'track_composer', 'track_lyricist', 'track_publisher', # present for ~4000, <1000 and <2000 tracks
'track_disc_number', # different from 1 for <1000 tracks
'track_explicit', 'track_explicit_notes', # present for <4000 tracks
'track_instrumental' # ~6000 tracks have a 1, there is an instrumental genre
tracks.drop(drop, axis=1, inplace=True)
tracks.rename(columns={'license_title': 'track_license', 'tags': 'track_tags'}, inplace=True)
In [ ]:
tracks['track_duration'] = tracks['track_duration'].map(creation.convert_duration)
In [ ]:
def convert_datetime(df, column, format=None):
df[column] = pd.to_datetime(df[column], infer_datetime_format=True, format=format)
convert_datetime(tracks, 'track_date_created')
convert_datetime(tracks, 'track_date_recorded')
In [ ]:
tracks['album_id'].fillna(-1, inplace=True)
tracks['track_bit_rate'].fillna(-1, inplace=True)
tracks = tracks.astype({'album_id': int, 'track_bit_rate': int})
In [ ]:
def convert_genres(genres):
genres = ast.literal_eval(genres)
return [int(genre['genre_id']) for genre in genres]
tracks['track_genres'].fillna('[]', inplace=True)
tracks['track_genres'] = tracks['track_genres'].map(convert_genres)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
drop = [
'artist_name', 'album_url', 'artist_url', # in tracks already (though it can be different)
'album_image_file', 'album_images', # todo: shall be downloaded
#'album_producer', 'album_engineer', # present for ~2400 albums only
albums.drop(drop, axis=1, inplace=True)
albums.rename(columns={'tags': 'album_tags'}, inplace=True)
In [ ]:
convert_datetime(albums, 'album_date_created')
convert_datetime(albums, 'album_date_released')
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
drop = [
'artist_website', 'artist_url', # in tracks already (though it can be different)
'artist_image_file', 'artist_images', # todo: shall be downloaded
'artist_donation_url', 'artist_paypal_name', 'artist_flattr_name', # ~1600 & ~400 & ~70, not relevant
'artist_contact', # ~1500, not very useful data
# 'artist_active_year_begin', 'artist_active_year_end', # ~1400, ~500 only
# 'artist_associated_labels', # ~1000
# 'artist_related_projects', # only ~800, but can be combined with bio
artists.drop(drop, axis=1, inplace=True)
artists.rename(columns={'tags': 'artist_tags'}, inplace=True)
In [ ]:
convert_datetime(artists, 'artist_date_created')
for column in ['artist_active_year_begin', 'artist_active_year_end']:
artists[column].replace(0.0, np.nan, inplace=True)
convert_datetime(artists, column, format='%Y.0')
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
not_found['albums'] = [int(i) for i in not_found['albums']]
not_found['artists'] = [int(i) for i in not_found['artists']]
In [ ]:
tracks = tracks.merge(albums, left_on='album_id', right_index=True, sort=False, how='left', suffixes=('', '_dup'))
n = sum(tracks['album_title_dup'].isnull())
print('{} tracks without extended album information ({} tracks without album_id)'.format(
n, sum(tracks['album_id'] == -1)))
assert sum(tracks['album_id'].isin(not_found['albums'])) == n
assert sum(tracks['album_title'] != tracks['album_title_dup']) == n
tracks.drop('album_title_dup', axis=1, inplace=True)
assert not any('dup' in col for col in tracks.columns)
In [ ]:
# Album artist can be different than track artist. Keep track artist.
#tracks[tracks['artist_name'] != tracks['artist_name_dup']].select(lambda x: 'artist_name' in x, axis=1)
In [ ]:
tracks = tracks.merge(artists, left_on='artist_id', right_index=True, sort=False, how='left', suffixes=('', '_dup'))
n = sum(tracks['artist_name_dup'].isnull())
print('{} tracks without extended artist information'.format(n))
assert sum(tracks['artist_id'].isin(not_found['artists'])) == n
assert sum(tracks['artist_name'] != tracks[('artist_name_dup')]) == n
tracks.drop('artist_name_dup', axis=1, inplace=True)
assert not any('dup' in col for col in tracks.columns)
In [ ]:
columns = []
for name in tracks.columns:
names = name.split('_')
columns.append((names[0], '_'.join(names[1:])))
tracks.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(columns)
assert all(label in ['track', 'album', 'artist'] for label in tracks.columns.get_level_values(0))
In [ ]:
# Todo: fill other columns ?
tracks['album', 'tags'].fillna('[]', inplace=True)
tracks['artist', 'tags'].fillna('[]', inplace=True)
columns = [('album', 'favorites'), ('album', 'comments'), ('album', 'listens'), ('album', 'tracks'),
('artist', 'favorites'), ('artist', 'comments')]
for column in columns:
tracks[column].fillna(-1, inplace=True)
columns = {column: int for column in columns}
tracks = tracks.astype(columns)
In [ ]:
def keep(index, df):
old = len(df)
df = df.loc[index]
new = len(df)
print('{} lost, {} left'.format(old - new, new))
return df
tracks = keep(tracks.index, tracks)
In [ ]:
# Audio not found or could not be trimmed.
tracks = keep(tracks.index.difference(not_found['audio']), tracks)
tracks = keep(tracks.index.difference(not_found['clips']), tracks)
Errors from the features.py
In [ ]:
# Feature extraction failed.
FAILED = [1440, 26436, 28106, 29166, 29167, 29168, 29169, 29170, 29171, 29172,
29173, 29179, 38903, 43903, 56757, 57603, 59361, 62095, 62954, 62956,
62957, 62959, 62971, 75461, 80015, 86079, 92345, 92346, 92347, 92348,
92349, 92350, 92351, 92352, 92353, 92354, 92355, 92356, 92357, 92358,
92359, 92360, 92361, 96426, 104623, 106719, 109714, 114448, 114501,114528,
115235, 117759, 118003, 118004, 127827, 130296, 130298, 131076, 135804, 136486,
144769, 144770, 144771, 144773, 144774, 144775, 144776, 144777, 144778, 152204,
tracks = keep(tracks.index.difference(FAILED), tracks)
In [ ]:
# License forbids redistribution.
tracks = keep(tracks['track', 'license'] != 'FMA-Limited: Download Only', tracks)
print('{} licenses'.format(len(tracks[('track', 'license')].unique())))
In [ ]:
#sum(tracks['track', 'title'].duplicated())
In [ ]:
genres.drop(['genre_handle', 'genre_color'], axis=1, inplace=True)
genres.rename(columns={'genre_parent_id': 'parent', 'genre_title': 'title'}, inplace=True)
In [ ]:
genres['parent'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
genres = genres.astype({'parent': int})
In [ ]:
# 13 (Easy Listening) has parent 126 which is missing
# --> a root genre on the website, although not in the genre menu
genres.at[13, 'parent'] = 0
# 580 (Abstract Hip-Hop) has parent 1172 which is missing
# --> listed as child of Hip-Hop on the website
genres.at[580, 'parent'] = 21
# 810 (Nu-Jazz) has parent 51 which is missing
# --> listed as child of Easy Listening on website
genres.at[810, 'parent'] = 13
# 763 (Holiday) has parent 763 which is itself
# --> listed as child of Sound Effects on website
genres.at[763, 'parent'] = 16
# Todo: should novelty be under Experimental? It is alone on website.
In [ ]:
# Genre 806 (hiphop) should not exist. Replace it by 21 (Hip-Hop).
print('{} tracks have genre 806'.format(
sum(tracks['track', 'genres'].map(lambda genres: 806 in genres))))
def change_genre(genres):
return [genre if genre != 806 else 21 for genre in genres]
tracks['track', 'genres'] = tracks['track', 'genres'].map(change_genre)
genres.drop(806, inplace=True)
In [ ]:
def get_parent(genre, track_all_genres=None):
parent = genres.at[genre, 'parent']
if track_all_genres is not None:
return genre if parent == 0 else get_parent(parent, track_all_genres)
# Get all genres, i.e. all genres encountered when walking from leafs to roots.
def get_all_genres(track_genres):
track_all_genres = list()
for genre in track_genres:
get_parent(genre, track_all_genres)
return list(set(track_all_genres))
tracks['track', 'genres_all'] = tracks['track', 'genres'].map(get_all_genres)
In [ ]:
# Number of tracks per genre.
def count_genres(subset=tracks.index):
count = pd.Series(0, index=genres.index)
for _, track_all_genres in tracks.loc[subset, ('track', 'genres_all')].items():
for genre in track_all_genres:
count[genre] += 1
return count
genres['#tracks'] = count_genres()
genres[genres['#tracks'] == 0]
In [ ]:
def get_top_genre(track_genres):
top_genres = set(genres.at[genres.at[genre, 'top_level'], 'title'] for genre in track_genres)
return top_genres.pop() if len(top_genres) == 1 else np.nan
# Top-level genre.
genres['top_level'] = genres.index.map(get_parent)
tracks['track', 'genre_top'] = tracks['track', 'genres'].map(get_top_genre)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
fma_medium = pd.DataFrame(tracks)
In [ ]:
# Missing meta-information.
# Missing extended album and artist information.
fma_medium = keep(~fma_medium['album', 'id'].isin(not_found['albums']), fma_medium)
fma_medium = keep(~fma_medium['artist', 'id'].isin(not_found['artists']), fma_medium)
# Untitled track or album.
fma_medium = keep(~fma_medium['track', 'title'].isnull(), fma_medium)
fma_medium = keep(fma_medium['track', 'title'].map(lambda x: 'untitled' in x.lower()) == False, fma_medium)
fma_medium = keep(fma_medium['album', 'title'].map(lambda x: 'untitled' in x.lower()) == False, fma_medium)
# One tag is often just the artist name. Tags too scarce for tracks and albums.
#keep(fma_medium['artist', 'tags'].map(len) >= 2, fma_medium)
# Too scarce.
#fma_medium = keep(~fma_medium['album', 'information'].isnull(), fma_medium)
#fma_medium = keep(~fma_medium['artist', 'bio'].isnull(), fma_medium)
#fma_medium = keep(~fma_medium['artist', 'website'].isnull(), fma_medium)
#fma_medium = keep(~fma_medium['artist', 'wikipedia_page'].isnull(), fma_medium)
# Too scarce.
#fma_medium = keep(~fma_medium['artist', 'location'].isnull(), fma_medium)
#fma_medium = keep(~fma_medium['artist', 'latitude'].isnull(), fma_medium)
#fma_medium = keep(~fma_medium['artist', 'longitude'].isnull(), fma_medium)
In [ ]:
# Technical quality.
# Todo: sample rate
fma_medium = keep(fma_medium['track', 'bit_rate'] > 100000, fma_medium)
# Choosing standard bit rates discards all VBR.
#fma_medium = keep(fma_medium['track', 'bit_rate'].isin([320000, 256000, 192000, 160000, 128000]), fma_medium)
In [ ]:
fma_medium = keep(fma_medium['track', 'duration'] >= 60, fma_medium)
fma_medium = keep(fma_medium['track', 'duration'] <= 600, fma_medium)
fma_medium = keep(fma_medium['album', 'tracks'] >= 1, fma_medium)
fma_medium = keep(fma_medium['album', 'tracks'] <= 50, fma_medium)
In [ ]:
# Lower popularity bound.
fma_medium = keep(fma_medium['track', 'listens'] >= 100, fma_medium)
fma_medium = keep(fma_medium['track', 'interest'] >= 200, fma_medium)
fma_medium = keep(fma_medium['album', 'listens'] >= 1000, fma_medium);
# Favorites and comments are very scarce.
#fma_medium = keep(fma_medium['artist', 'favorites'] >= 1, fma_medium)
In [ ]:
# Targeted genre classification.
fma_medium = keep(~fma_medium['track', 'genre_top'].isnull(), fma_medium);
#keep(fma_medium['track', 'genres'].map(len) == 1, fma_medium);
In [ ]:
# Adjust size with popularity measure. Should be of better quality.
N_TRACKS = 25000
# Observations
# * More albums killed than artists --> be sure not to kill diversity
# * Favorites and preterites genres differently --> do it per genre?
# Normalization
# * mean, median, std, max
# * tracks per album or artist
# Test
# * 4/5 of same tracks were selected with various set of measures
# * <5% diff with max and mean
popularity_measures = [('track', 'listens'), ('track', 'interest')] # ('album', 'listens')
# ('track', 'favorites'), ('track', 'comments'),
# ('album', 'favorites'), ('album', 'comments'),
# ('artist', 'favorites'), ('artist', 'comments'),
normalization = {measure: fma_medium[measure].max() for measure in popularity_measures}
def popularity_measure(track):
return sum(track[measure] / normalization[measure] for measure in popularity_measures)
fma_medium['popularity_measure'] = fma_medium.apply(popularity_measure, axis=1)
fma_medium = keep(fma_medium.sort_values('popularity_measure', ascending=False).index[:N_TRACKS], fma_medium)
In [ ]:
tmp = genres[genres['parent'] == 0].reset_index().set_index('title')
tmp['#tracks_medium'] = fma_medium['track', 'genre_top'].value_counts()
tmp.sort_values('#tracks_medium', ascending=False)
Main characteristic: genre balanced (and echonest features).
In [ ]:
N_TRACKS = 1000
top_genres = tmp.sort_values('#tracks_medium', ascending=False)[:N_GENRES].index
fma_small = pd.DataFrame(fma_medium)
fma_small = keep(fma_small['track', 'genre_top'].isin(top_genres), fma_small)
In [ ]:
to_keep = []
for genre in top_genres:
subset = fma_small[fma_small['track', 'genre_top'] == genre]
drop = subset.sort_values('popularity_measure').index[:-N_TRACKS]
fma_small.drop(drop, inplace=True)
assert len(fma_small) == N_GENRES * N_TRACKS
In [ ]:
SUBSETS = ('small', 'medium', 'large')
tracks['set', 'subset'] = pd.Series().astype('category', categories=SUBSETS, ordered=True)
tracks.loc[tracks.index, ('set', 'subset')] = 'large'
tracks.loc[fma_medium.index, ('set', 'subset')] = 'medium'
tracks.loc[fma_small.index, ('set', 'subset')] = 'small'
In [ ]:
echonest = pd.read_csv('raw_echonest.csv', index_col=0, header=[0, 1, 2])
echonest = keep(~echonest['echonest', 'temporal_features'].isnull().any(axis=1), echonest)
echonest = keep(~echonest['echonest', 'audio_features'].isnull().any(axis=1), echonest)
echonest = keep(~echonest['echonest', 'social_features'].isnull().any(axis=1), echonest)
echonest = keep(echonest.index.isin(tracks.index), echonest);
keep(echonest.index.isin(fma_medium.index), echonest);
keep(echonest.index.isin(fma_small.index), echonest);
In [ ]:
for genre in genres.index:
tracks['genre', genres.at[genre, 'title']] = tracks['track', 'genres_all'].map(lambda genres: genre in genres)
SPLITS = ('training', 'test', 'validation')
PERCENTAGES = (0.8, 0.1, 0.1)
tracks['set', 'split'] = pd.Series().astype('category', categories=SPLITS)
for subset in SUBSETS:
tracks_subset = tracks['set', 'subset'] <= subset
# Consider only top-level genres for small and medium.
genre_list = list(tracks.loc[tracks_subset, ('track', 'genre_top')].unique())
if subset == 'large':
genre_list = list(genres['title'])
while True:
if len(genre_list) == 0:
# Choose most constrained genre, i.e. genre with the least unassigned artists.
tracks_unsplit = tracks['set', 'split'].isnull()
count = tracks[tracks_subset & tracks_unsplit].set_index(('artist', 'id'), append=True)['genre']
count = count.groupby(level=1).sum().astype(np.bool).sum()
genre = np.argmin(count[genre_list])
# Given genre, select artists.
tracks_genre = tracks['genre', genre] == 1
artists = tracks.loc[tracks_genre & tracks_subset & tracks_unsplit, ('artist', 'id')].value_counts()
#print('-->', genre, len(artists))
current = {split: np.sum(tracks_genre & tracks_subset & (tracks['set', 'split'] == split)) for split in SPLITS}
# Assign artists with most tracks first.
for artist, count in artists.items():
choice = np.argmin([current[split] / percentage for split, percentage in zip(SPLITS, PERCENTAGES)])
current[SPLITS[choice]] += count
#assert tracks.loc[tracks['artist', 'id'] == artist, ('set', 'split')].isnull().all()
tracks.loc[tracks['artist', 'id'] == artist, ('set', 'split')] = SPLITS[choice]
# Tracks without genre can only serve as unlabeled data for training, e.g. for semi-supervised algorithms.
no_genres = tracks['track', 'genres_all'].map(lambda genres: len(genres) == 0)
no_split = tracks['set', 'split'].isnull()
assert not (no_split & ~no_genres).any()
tracks.loc[no_split, ('set', 'split')] = 'training'
# Not needed any more.
tracks.drop('genre', axis=1, level=0, inplace=True)
In [ ]:
for dataset in 'tracks', 'genres', 'echonest':
eval(dataset).sort_index(axis=0, inplace=True)
eval(dataset).sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True)
params = dict(float_format='%.10f') if dataset == 'echonest' else dict()
eval(dataset).to_csv(dataset + '.csv', **params)
In [ ]:
# ./creation.py normalize /path/to/fma
# ./creation.py zips /path/to/fma
In [ ]:
tracks = utils.load('tracks.csv')
In [ ]:
N = 5