In [ ]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

from lib import models, graph, coarsening, utils

import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.sparse
import numpy as np
import time, shutil

%matplotlib inline

In [ ]:
flags =

# Graphs.
flags.DEFINE_integer('number_edges', 16, 'Graph: minimum number of edges per vertex.')
flags.DEFINE_string('metric', 'cosine', 'Graph: similarity measure (between features).')
# TODO: change cgcnn for combinatorial Laplacians.
flags.DEFINE_bool('normalized_laplacian', True, 'Graph Laplacian: normalized.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('coarsening_levels', 0, 'Number of coarsened graphs.')

flags.DEFINE_string('dir_data', os.path.join('data', 'rcv1'), 'Directory to store data.')
flags.DEFINE_integer('val_size', 400, 'Size of the validation set.')


From Dropout (Bruna did the same). We took the dataset and split it into 63 classes based on the the 63 categories at the second-level of the category tree. We removed 11 categories that did not have any data and one category that had only 4 training examples. We also removed one category that covered a huge chunk (25%) of the examples. This left us with 50 classes and 402,738 documents. We divided the documents into equal-sized training and test sets randomly. Each document was represented using the 2000 most frequent non-stopwords in the dataset.

In [ ]:
# Fetch dataset from Scikit-learn.
dataset = utils.TextRCV1(data_home=FLAGS.dir_data)

# Pre-processing: transform everything to a-z and whitespace.

# Analyzing / tokenizing: transform documents to bags-of-words.
#stop_words = set(sklearn.feature_extraction.text.ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS)
# Or stop words from NLTK.
# Add e.g. don, ve.

In [ ]:
# Selection of classes.
keep = ['C11','C12','C13','C14','C15','C16','C17','C18','C21','C22','C23','C24',
assert len(keep) == 55  # There is 55 second-level categories according to LYRL2004.
keep.remove('C15')   # 151785 documents
keep.remove('GMIL')  # 5 documents only


In [ ]:
# Remove documents with multiple classes.

In [ ]:
# Remove short documents.
#wc = train.remove_short_documents(nwords=20, vocab='full')
#print('shortest: {}, longest: {} words'.format(wc.min(), wc.max()))
#plt.semilogy(wc, '.');

In [ ]:
# Feature selection.
# Other options include: mutual information or document count.
#freq = train.keep_top_words(1000, 20)

# Remove documents whose signal would be the zero vector.
#wc = train.remove_short_documents(nwords=5, vocab='selected')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
# Word embedding
#if True:
#    train.embed()
#    train.embed('data_word2vec/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin')
# Further feature selection. (TODO)

In [ ]:
perm = np.random.RandomState(seed=42).permutation([0])
Ntest =[0] // 2
perm_test = perm[:Ntest]
perm_train = perm[Ntest:]
train_data =[perm_train,:].astype(np.float32)
test_data =[perm_test,:].astype(np.float32)
train_labels = dataset.labels[perm_train]
test_labels = dataset.labels[perm_test]

if False:
    graph_data = train.embeddings.astype(np.float32)
    graph_data =

#del dataset

Feature graph

In [ ]:
t_start = time.process_time()
dist, idx = graph.distance_lshforest(graph_data.astype(np.float64), k=FLAGS.number_edges, metric=FLAGS.metric)
A = graph.adjacency(dist.astype(np.float32), idx)
print("{} > {} edges".format(A.nnz//2, FLAGS.number_edges*graph_data.shape[0]//2))
A = graph.replace_random_edges(A, 0)
graphs, perm = coarsening.coarsen(A, levels=FLAGS.coarsening_levels, self_connections=False)
L = [graph.laplacian(A, normalized=True) for A in graphs]
print('Execution time: {:.2f}s'.format(time.process_time() - t_start))
#del graph_data, A, dist, idx

In [ ]:
assert FLAGS.coarsening_levels is 0
#t_start = time.process_time()
#train_data = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(coarsening.perm_data(train_data.toarray(), perm))
#test_data = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(coarsening.perm_data(test_data.toarray(), perm))
#print('Execution time: {:.2f}s'.format(time.process_time() - t_start))
#del perm


In [ ]:
# Training set is shuffled already.
#perm = np.random.permutation(train_data.shape[0])
#train_data = train_data[perm,:]
#train_labels = train_labels[perm]

# Validation set.
if False:
    val_data = train_data[:FLAGS.val_size,:]
    val_labels = train_labels[:FLAGS.val_size]
    train_data = train_data[FLAGS.val_size:,:]
    train_labels = train_labels[FLAGS.val_size:]
    val_data = test_data
    val_labels = test_labels

In [ ]:
if False:
    utils.baseline(train_data, train_labels, test_data, test_labels)

In [ ]:
common = {}
common['dir_name']       = 'rcv1/'
common['num_epochs']     = 4
common['batch_size']     = 100
common['decay_steps']    = len(train_labels) / common['batch_size']
common['eval_frequency'] = 200
common['filter']         = 'chebyshev5'
common['brelu']          = 'b1relu'
common['pool']           = 'mpool1'
C = max(train_labels) + 1  # number of classes

model_perf = utils.model_perf()

In [ ]:
if True:
    name = 'softmax'
    params = common.copy()
    params['dir_name'] += name
    params['regularization'] = 0
    params['dropout']        = 1
    params['learning_rate']  = 1e3
    params['decay_rate']     = 0.95
    params['momentum']       = 0.9
    params['F']              = []
    params['K']              = []
    params['p']              = []
    params['M']              = [C]
    model_perf.test(models.cgcnn(L, **params), name, params,
                    train_data, train_labels, val_data, val_labels, test_data, test_labels)

In [ ]:
if True:
    name = 'fc_softmax'
    params = common.copy()
    params['dir_name'] += name
    params['regularization'] = 0
    params['dropout']        = 1
    params['learning_rate']  = 0.1
    params['decay_rate']     = 0.95
    params['momentum']       = 0.9
    params['F']              = []
    params['K']              = []
    params['p']              = []
    params['M']              = [2500, C]
    model_perf.test(models.cgcnn(L, **params), name, params,
                    train_data, train_labels, val_data, val_labels, test_data, test_labels)

In [ ]:
if True:
    name = 'fc_fc_softmax'
    params = common.copy()
    params['dir_name'] += name
    params['regularization'] = 0
    params['dropout']        = 1
    params['learning_rate']  = 0.1
    params['decay_rate']     = 0.95
    params['momentum']       = 0.9
    params['F']              = []
    params['K']              = []
    params['p']              = []
    params['M']              = [2500, 500, C]
    model_perf.test(models.cgcnn(L, **params), name, params,
                    train_data, train_labels, val_data, val_labels, test_data, test_labels)

In [ ]:
if True:
    name = 'cgconv_softmax'
    params = common.copy()
    params['dir_name'] += name
    params['regularization'] = 1e-3
    params['dropout']        = 1
    params['learning_rate']  = 0.1
    params['decay_rate']     = 0.999
    params['momentum']       = 0
    params['F']              = [1]
    params['K']              = [5]
    params['p']              = [1]
    params['M']              = [C]
    model_perf.test(models.cgcnn(L, **params), name, params,
                    train_data, train_labels, val_data, val_labels, test_data, test_labels)

In [ ]:
if True:
    name = 'cgconv_fc_softmax'
    params = common.copy()
    params['dir_name'] += name
    params['regularization'] = 0
    params['dropout']        = 1
    params['learning_rate']  = 0.1
    params['decay_rate']     = 0.999
    params['momentum']       = 0
    params['F']              = [5]
    params['K']              = [15]
    params['p']              = [1]
    params['M']              = [100, C]
    model_perf.test(models.cgcnn(L, **params), name, params,
                    train_data, train_labels, val_data, val_labels, test_data, test_labels)

In [ ]: