RNN Character Model + Lots More

This example trains a RNN to create plausible words from a corpus. But it includes lots of interesting "bells and whistles"

The data used for training is one of :

  • a vocabulary/dictionary collected from the 1-Billion-Word Corpus
  • a list of Indian names (voters rolls, by year) : TODO

Adversarial networks : http://carpedm20.github.io/faces/

Doing this with RNNs may be pretty novel : https://www.quora.com/Can-generative-adversarial-networks-be-used-in-sequential-data-in-recurrent-neural-networks-How-effective-would-they-be

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import theano

import lasagne
#from lasagne.utils import floatX

import pickle
import gzip
import random

import time


In [ ]:
# Load an interesting corpus (vocabulary words with frequencies from 1-billion-word-corpus) :

with gzip.open('../data/RNN/ALL_1-vocab.txt.gz') as f:
    lines = [ l.strip().lower().split() for l in f.readlines() ]

In [ ]:
# Here are our characters : '[a-z\- ]'
import re
invalid_chars = r'[^a-z\- ]'
lines_valid = [ l for l in lines if not re.search(invalid_chars, l[0]) ]
#lines_valid = lines_valid[0:50000]
lines_valid[0:10], len(lines_valid)

In [ ]:
# /usr/share/dict/linux.words
with open('/usr/share/dict/linux.words','rt') as f:
    linux_words = [ l.strip() for l in f.readlines() ]
linux_wordset = set(linux_words)
#'united' in wordset
lines_filtered = [l for l in lines_valid 
                     if len(l[0])>=3               # Require each word to have 3 or more characters
                        and l[0] in linux_wordset  # Require each word to be found in regular dictionary
                        and len(l[0])<WORD_LENGTH_MAX  # And limit length (to avoid crazy roll-out of RNN)
lines_filtered[0:10], len(lines_filtered)

In [ ]:
# Split apart the words and their frequencies (Assume these are in sorted order, at least initial few)
words = [ l[0] for l in lines_filtered ]
wordset = set(words)
wordsnp = np.array(words)
freqs_raw = np.array( [ int(l[1]) for l in lines_filtered ] )

freq_tot = float(freqs_raw.sum())

# Frequency weighting adjustments
freqs = freqs_raw / freq_tot

cutoff_index = 30   # All words with highter frequencies will be 'limited' at this level
freqs[0:cutoff_index] = freqs[cutoff_index]

freqs = freqs / freqs.sum()

In [ ]:
test_cum = np.array( [.1, .5, .9, 1.0] )
test_cum.searchsorted([ .05, 0.45, .9, .95])

In [ ]:
# Cumulative frequency, so that we can efficiently pick weighted random words...
#   using http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.searchsorted.html
freqs_cum = freqs.cumsum()
freqs_cum[:10], freqs_cum[-10:],

Network Parameters from Corpus

Find the set of characters used in the corpus and construct mappings between characters, integer indices, and one hot encodings

In [ ]:
CHARS_VALID = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz- "

CHAR_TO_IX = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(CHARS_VALID)}
IX_TO_CHAR = {i: c for i, c in enumerate(CHARS_VALID)}
CHAR_TO_ONEHOT = {c: np.eye(CHARS_SIZE)[i] for i, c in enumerate(CHARS_VALID)}

Unigram frequency distribution

In [ ]:
# Single letter frequencies
unigram_freq = np.zeros( (CHARS_SIZE,))
idx_end = CHAR_TO_IX[' ']
for i,w in enumerate(words):
    word_freq = freqs[i]
    for c in w:
        unigram_freq[ CHAR_TO_IX[c] ] += word_freq
    unigram_freq[ idx_end ] += word_freq
unigram_freq /= unigram_freq.sum()
unigram_freq_cum = unigram_freq.cumsum()
[ (CHARS_VALID[i], "%6.3f" % f) for i,f in enumerate(unigram_freq.tolist()) ]
#CHARS_VALID[ unigram_freq_cum.searchsorted(0.20) ]

In [ ]:
def unigram_word():
    while True:
        idx = np.searchsorted(unigram_freq_cum, np.random.uniform())
        c = IX_TO_CHAR[idx]
        if c==' ':
            if len(s)>0:
    return ''.join(s)
' '.join([ unigram_word() for i in range(0,20) ])

Bigram frequency distribution

In [ ]:
# two-letter frequencies
bigram_freq = np.zeros( (CHARS_SIZE,CHARS_SIZE) )
for i,w in enumerate(words):
    w2 = ' '+w+' '
    word_freq = freqs[i]
    for j in range(0, len(w2)-1):
        bigram_freq[ CHAR_TO_IX[ w2[j] ], CHAR_TO_IX[ w2[j+1] ] ] += word_freq
#[ (CHARS_VALID[i], "%6.3f" % f) for i,f in enumerate(bigram_freq[ CHAR_TO_IX['q'] ].tolist()) ]
bigram_freq /= bigram_freq.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] # Trick to enable unflattening of sum()
bigram_freq_cum = bigram_freq.cumsum(axis=1)
#[ (CHARS_VALID[i], "%6.3f" % f) for i,f in enumerate(bigram_freq_cum[ CHAR_TO_IX['q'] ].tolist()) ]

In [ ]:
#(bigram_freq/ bigram_freq.sum(axis=1)).sum(axis=0)
#bigram_freq[CHAR_TO_IX['q'], :].sum()
#(bigram_freq / bigram_freq.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]).cumsum(axis=1)
#Letter relative frequency for letters following 'q'
[ (CHARS_VALID[i], "%6.3f" % f) for i,f in enumerate(bigram_freq[ CHAR_TO_IX['q'] ].tolist()) if f>0.001]

In [ ]:
def bigram_word():
    idx_last = CHAR_TO_IX[' ']
    while True:
        idx = np.searchsorted(bigram_freq_cum[idx_last], np.random.uniform())
        c = IX_TO_CHAR[idx]
        if c==' ':
            if len(s)>0:
                #if len(s)<50: continue
    return ''.join(s)
' '.join([ bigram_word() for i in range(0,20) ])

Trigram frequency distribution

In [ ]:
# Three-letter frequencies
trigram_freq = np.zeros( (CHARS_SIZE,CHARS_SIZE,CHARS_SIZE) )
for i,w in enumerate(words):
    w3 = '  '+w+'  '
    word_freq = freqs[i]
    for j in range(0, len(w3)-2):
        trigram_freq[ CHAR_TO_IX[ w3[j] ], CHAR_TO_IX[ w3[j+1] ], CHAR_TO_IX[ w3[j+2] ] ] += word_freq
trigram_freq /= trigram_freq.sum(axis=2)[:, :, np.newaxis] # Trick to enable unflattening of sum()
trigram_freq_cum = trigram_freq.cumsum(axis=2)
[ "ex-%s %6.3f" % (CHARS_VALID[i], f) 
    for i,f in enumerate(trigram_freq[ CHAR_TO_IX['e'],  CHAR_TO_IX['x'] ].tolist()) if f>0.001 ]

In [ ]:
def trigram_word():
    idx_1 = idx_2 = CHAR_TO_IX[' ']
    while True:
        idx = np.searchsorted(trigram_freq_cum[idx_1, idx_2], np.random.uniform())
        c = IX_TO_CHAR[idx]
        if c==' ':
            if len(s)>0:
                #if len(s)<50: continue
        idx_1, idx_2 = idx_2, idx
    return ''.join(s) 
' '.join([ trigram_word() for i in range(0,20) ])

Generate base-line scores

In [ ]:
ngram_hits = [0,0,0]
for w in [ unigram_word() for i in range(0, sample_size) ]:
    if w in wordset: ngram_hits[0] += 1
    #print("%s %s" % (("YES" if w in wordset else " - "), w, ))
for w in [ bigram_word() for i in range(0, sample_size) ]:
    if w in wordset: ngram_hits[1] += 1
    #print("%s %s" % (("YES" if w in wordset else " - "), w, ))
for w in [ trigram_word() for i in range(0, sample_size) ]:
    if w in wordset: ngram_hits[2] += 1
    #print("%s %s" % (("YES" if w in wordset else " - "), w, ))
for i,hits in enumerate(ngram_hits):
    print("%d-gram : %4.2f%%"  % (i+1, hits*100./sample_size ))
#[ (i,w) for i,w in enumerate(words) if 'mq' in w]

In [ ]:
# Find the distribution of unigrams by sampling (sanity check)
if False:
    for w in [ unigram_word() for i in range(0, sample_size) ]:
    s = ' '.join(arr)
    s_len = len(s)
    for c in CHARS_VALID:
        f = len(s.split(c))-1
        print("%s -> %6.3f%%" % (c, f*100./s_len))

RNN Main Parameters

In [ ]:

An RNN 'discriminator'

Instead of having a binary 'YES/NO' decision about whether a word is valid (via a lookup in the vocabulary), it may make it simpler to train a word-generator if we can assign a probability that a given word is valid.

To do this, let's create a recurrent neural network (RNN) that accepts a (one-hot-encoded) word as input, and (at the end of the sequence) gives us an estimate of the probability that the word is valid.

Actually, rather than descriminate according to whether the word is actually valid, let's 'just' try to decide whether it was produced directly from the dictionary or from the generate_bigram_word() source.

This can be tested by giving it lists of actual words, and lists of words generated by generate_bigram_word() and seeing whether they can be correctly classified.

The decision about what to do in the 12% of cases when the bigram function results in a valid word can be left until later... (since the distribution is so heavily skewed towards producing non-words).

Create Training / Testing dataset

And a 'batch generator' function that delivers data in the right format for RNN training

In [ ]:
def batch_dictionary(size=BATCH_SIZE/2):
    uniform_vars = np.random.uniform( size=(size,) )
    idx = freqs_cum.searchsorted(uniform_vars)
    return wordsnp[ idx ].tolist()
def batch_bigram(size=BATCH_SIZE/2):
    return [ bigram_word()[0:WORD_LENGTH_MAX] for i in range(size) ]

In [ ]:
# Test it out
#batch_test = lambda : batch_dictionary(size=4)
batch_test = lambda : batch_bigram(size=4)

In [ ]:
# After sampling a data batch, we transform it into a one hot feature representation with a mask
def prep_batch_for_network(batch_of_words):
    word_max_length = np.array( [ len(w) for w in batch_of_words ]).max()
    # translate into one-hot matrix, mask values and targets
    input_values = np.zeros((len(batch_of_words), word_max_length, CHARS_SIZE), dtype='float32')
    mask_values  = np.zeros((len(batch_of_words), word_max_length), dtype='int32')
    for i, word in enumerate(batch_of_words):
      for j, c in enumerate(word):
        input_values[i,j] = CHAR_TO_ONEHOT[ c ]
      mask_values[i, 0:len(word) ] = 1

    return input_values, mask_values

Define the Descriminating Network Symbolically

In [ ]:
# Symbolic variables for input. In addition to the usual features and target,
# we need initial values for the RNN layer's hidden states
disc_input_sym = theano.tensor.tensor3()
disc_mask_sym  = theano.tensor.imatrix()

disc_target_sym = theano.tensor.matrix()  # probabilities of being from the dictionary (i.e. a single column matrix)

In [ ]:
# Our network has two stacked GRU layers processing the input sequence.
disc_input = lasagne.layers.InputLayer( (None, None, CHARS_SIZE) )  # batch_size, sequence_len, chars_size
disc_mask  = lasagne.layers.InputLayer( (None, None, CHARS_SIZE) )  # batch_size, sequence_len, chars_size

disc_rnn1 = lasagne.layers.GRULayer(disc_input,
                only_return_final=True, # Only the state at the last timestep is needed

disc_decoder = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(disc_rnn1,

disc_final = disc_decoder

In [ ]:
# Finally, the output stage
disc_output = lasagne.layers.get_output(disc_final, {
                             disc_input: disc_input_sym, 
                             disc_mask: disc_mask_sym, 

Loss Function for Training

In [ ]:
disc_loss = theano.tensor.nnet.binary_crossentropy(disc_output, disc_target_sym).mean()

... and the Training and Prediction functions

In [ ]:
# For stability during training, gradients are clipped and a total gradient norm constraint is also used

disc_params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(disc_final, trainable=True)

disc_grads = theano.tensor.grad(disc_loss, disc_params)
#disc_grads = [theano.tensor.clip(g, -GRAD_CLIP_BOUND, GRAD_CLIP_BOUND) for g in disc_grads]
#disc_grads, disc_norm = lasagne.updates.total_norm_constraint( disc_grads, MAX_GRAD_NORM, return_norm=True)

disc_updates = lasagne.updates.adam(disc_grads, disc_params)

disc_train = theano.function([disc_input_sym, disc_target_sym, disc_mask_sym],  # , disc_rnn1_t0_sym
                          [disc_loss],  #  , disc_output, norm, hid_out_last, hid2_out_last

disc_predict = theano.function([disc_input_sym, disc_mask_sym], [disc_output])
print("Discriminator network functions defined")

Finally, the Discriminator Training Loop

  • Training takes a while :: 1000 iteration takes about 20 seconds on a CPU
  • ... you may want to skip this and the next cell, and load the pretrained weights instead

In [ ]:
t0, iterations_complete = time.time(), 0

In [ ]:
epochs = 10*1000
t1, iterations_recent = time.time(), iterations_complete
for epoch_i in range(epochs):
    # create a batch of words : half are dictionary, half are from bigram
    batch_of_words = batch_dictionary() + batch_bigram()
    # get the one-hot input values and corresponding mask matrix
    disc_input_values, disc_mask_values = prep_batch_for_network(batch_of_words)

    # and here are the assocated target values 
    disc_target_values= np.zeros((len(batch_of_words),1), dtype='float32')
    disc_target_values[ 0:(BATCH_SIZE/2), 0 ] = 1.0 # First half are dictionary values
    for i, word in enumerate(batch_of_words):
      if True and i>BATCH_SIZE/2 and word in wordset:
        disc_target_values[ i , 0 ] = 1.0 # bigram has hit a dictionary word by luck...

    # Now train the discriminator RNN
    disc_loss_, = disc_train(disc_input_values, disc_target_values, disc_mask_values)
    #disc_output_, = disc_predict(disc_input_values, disc_mask_values)
    iterations_complete += 1
    if iterations_complete % 250 == 0:
        secs_per_batch = float(time.time() - t1)/ (iterations_complete - iterations_recent)
        eta_in_secs = secs_per_batch*(epochs-epoch_i)
        print("Iteration {:5d}, loss_train: {:.4f} ({:.1f}s per 1000 batches)  eta: {:.0f}m{:02.0f}s".format(
                iterations_complete, float(disc_loss_), 
                secs_per_batch*1000., np.floor(eta_in_secs/60), np.floor(eta_in_secs % 60) 
        #print('Iteration {}, output: {}'.format(iteration, disc_output_, ))  # , output: {}
        t1, iterations_recent = time.time(), iterations_complete
print('Iteration {}, ran in {:.1f}sec'.format(iterations_complete, float(time.time() - t0)))

Save the learned parameters

Uncomment the pickle.dump() to actually save to disk

In [ ]:
disc_param_values = lasagne.layers.get_all_param_values(disc_final)
disc_param_dictionary = dict(
     params = disc_param_values,
#pickle.dump(disc_param_dictionary, open('../data/RNN/disc_trained.pkl','w'), protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

Load pretrained weights into network

In [ ]:
disc_param_dictionary = pickle.load(open('../data/RNN/disc_trained_64x310k.pkl', 'r'))
lasagne.layers.set_all_param_values(disc_final, disc_param_dictionary['params'])

Check that the Discriminator Network 'works'

In [ ]:
test_text_list = ["shape", "shast", "shaes", "shafg", "shaqw"]
test_text_list = ["opposite", "aposite", "apposite", "xposite", "rrwqsite", "deposit", "idilic", "idyllic"]

In [ ]:
disc_input_values, disc_mask_values = prep_batch_for_network(test_text_list)

disc_output_, = disc_predict(disc_input_values, disc_mask_values)

for i,v in enumerate(disc_output_.tolist()):
    print("%s : %5.2f%%" % ((test_text_list[i]+' '*20)[:20], v[0]*100.))

Create a Generative network

Next, let's build an RNN that produces text, and train it using (a) a pure dictionary look-up, and (b) the correctness signal from the Discriminator above.

Plan of attack :

  • Create a GRU that outputs a character probability distribution for every time step
  • Run the RNN several times :
    • each time is an additional character input longer
    • with the next character chosen according to the probability distribution given
    • and then re-run with the current input words (up to that point)
  • Stop adding characters when they've all reached 'space'

This seems very inefficient (since the first RNN steps are being run multiple times on the same starting letters), but is the same as in https://github.com/Lasagne/Recipes/blob/master/examples/lstm_text_generation.py

In [ ]:
# Let's pre-calculate the logs of the bigram frequencies, since they may be mixed in below
bigram_min_freq = 1e-10 # To prevent underflow in log...
bigram_freq_log = np.log( bigram_freq + bigram_min_freq ).astype('float32')

In [ ]:
# Symbolic variables for input. In addition to the usual features and target,
gen_input_sym = theano.tensor.ftensor3()
gen_mask_sym  = theano.tensor.imatrix()

gen_words_target_sym = theano.tensor.imatrix() # characters generated (as character indicies)

# probabilities of being from the dictionary (i.e. a single column matrix)
gen_valid_target_sym = theano.tensor.fmatrix( )

# This is a single mixing parameter (0.0 = pure RNN, 1.0=pure Bigram)
gen_bigram_overlay  = theano.tensor.fscalar()

# This is 'current' since it reflects the bigram field as far as it is known during the call
gen_bigram_freq_log_field = theano.tensor.ftensor3()

In [ ]:
gen_input = lasagne.layers.InputLayer( (None, None, CHARS_SIZE) )  # batch_size, sequence_len, chars_size
gen_mask  = lasagne.layers.InputLayer( (None, None, CHARS_SIZE) )  # batch_size, sequence_len, chars_size

#gen_rnn1_t0 = lasagne.layers.InputLayer( (None, RNN_HIDDEN_SIZE) )  # batch_size, RNN_hidden_size=chars_size

#n_batch, n_time_steps, n_features = gen_input.input_var.shape
n_batch, n_time_steps, n_features = gen_input_sym.shape

gen_rnn1 = lasagne.layers.GRULayer(gen_input,
                only_return_final=False, # Need all of the output states

# Before the decoder layer, we need to reshape the sequence into the batch dimension,
# so that timesteps are decoded independently.
gen_reshape = lasagne.layers.ReshapeLayer(gen_rnn1, (-1, RNN_HIDDEN_SIZE) )

gen_prob_raw = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(gen_reshape, 
                nonlinearity=lasagne.nonlinearities.linear # No squashing (yet)

gen_prob = lasagne.layers.ReshapeLayer(gen_prob_raw, (-1, n_time_steps, CHARS_SIZE))

gen_prob_theano = lasagne.layers.get_output(gen_prob, {
                        gen_input: gen_input_sym, 
                        gen_mask: gen_mask_sym, 

gen_prob_mix = gen_bigram_overlay*gen_bigram_freq_log_field + (1.0-gen_bigram_overlay)*gen_prob_theano

gen_prob_mix_flattened = theano.tensor.reshape(gen_prob_mix, (-1, CHARS_SIZE))
gen_prob_softmax_flattened = theano.tensor.nnet.nnet.softmax(gen_prob_mix_flattened)

#gen_prob_final = lasagne.layers.SliceLayer(gen_prob_raw, indices=(-1), axis=1)

In [ ]:
# Finally, the output stage - this is for the training (over all the letters in the words)
#gen_output = gen_prob_softmax_flattened

# And for prediction (which is done incrementally, adding one letter at a time)
gen_output_last = gen_prob_softmax_flattened.reshape( (-1, n_time_steps, CHARS_SIZE) )[:, -1]

In [ ]:
# The generative network is trained by encouraging the outputs across time to match the given sequence of letters

# We flatten the sequence into the batch dimension before calculating the loss
#def gen_word_cross_ent(net_output, targets):
#    preds_raw = theano.tensor.reshape(net_output, (-1, CHARS_SIZE))
#    preds_softmax = theano.tensor.nnet.nnet.softmax(preds_raw)
#    targets_flat = theano.tensor.flatten(targets)
#    cost = theano.tensor.nnet.categorical_crossentropy(preds_softmax, targets_flat)
#    return cost

targets_flat = theano.tensor.flatten(gen_words_target_sym)
gen_cross_entropy_flat = theano.tensor.nnet.categorical_crossentropy(gen_prob_softmax_flattened, targets_flat)
gen_cross_entropy = theano.tensor.reshape(gen_cross_entropy_flat, (-1, n_time_steps) )

gen_loss_weighted = theano.tensor.dot( gen_valid_target_sym.T, gen_cross_entropy )
gen_loss = gen_loss_weighted.mean()

In [ ]:
# For stability during training, gradients are clipped and a total gradient norm constraint is also used

gen_predict = theano.function([gen_input_sym, 
                               gen_bigram_overlay, gen_bigram_freq_log_field, 
                               gen_mask_sym], [gen_output_last])

gen_params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(gen_prob, trainable=True)

gen_grads = theano.tensor.grad(gen_loss, gen_params)
#gen_grads = [theano.tensor.clip(g, -GRAD_CLIP_BOUND, GRAD_CLIP_BOUND) for g in gen_grads]
#gen_grads, gen_norm = lasagne.updates.total_norm_constraint( gen_grads, MAX_GRAD_NORM, return_norm=True)

gen_updates = lasagne.updates.adam(gen_grads, gen_params)

gen_train = theano.function([gen_input_sym, 
                             gen_bigram_overlay, gen_bigram_freq_log_field, 
                             gen_words_target_sym, gen_valid_target_sym, 

gen_debug = theano.function([gen_input_sym, 
                             gen_bigram_overlay, gen_bigram_freq_log_field, 
                             gen_words_target_sym, gen_valid_target_sym, 
print("Generator network functions defined")

Use the Generative Network to create sample words

The network above can be used to generate text...

The following set-up allows for the output of the RNN at each timestep to be mixed with the letter frequency that the bigram model would suggest - in a proportion bigram_overlay which can vary from 0 (being solely RNN derived) to 1.0 (being solely bigram frequencies, with the RNN output being disregarded).

The input is a 'random field' matrix that is used to chose each letter in each slot from the generated probability distribution.

Once a space is output for a specific word, then it stops being extended (equivalently, the mask is set to zero going forwards).

Once spaces have been observed for all words (or the maximum length reached), the process ends, and a list of the created words is returned.

In [ ]:
def generate_rnn_words(random_field, bigram_overlay=0.0):
    batch_size, max_word_length  = random_field.shape
    idx_spc = CHAR_TO_IX[' ']
    def append_indices_as_chars(words_current, idx_list):
        for i, idx in enumerate(idx_list):
            if idx == idx_spc:
                pass # Words end at space
                #words_current[i] += 'x'
                words_current[i] += IX_TO_CHAR[idx]
        return words_current
    # Create a 'first character' by using the bigram transitions from 'space' (this is fair)
    idx_initial = [ np.searchsorted(bigram_freq_cum[idx_spc], random_field[i, 0]) for i in range(batch_size) ]

    bigram_freq_log_field = np.zeros( (batch_size, max_word_length, CHARS_SIZE), dtype='float32')
    bigram_freq_log_field[:,0] = bigram_freq_log[ np.array(idx_initial) , :]
    words_current = [ '' for _ in range(batch_size) ]
    words_current = append_indices_as_chars(words_current, idx_initial)
    col = 1
    while True:
        gen_input_values, gen_mask_values = prep_batch_for_network(words_current)
        #gen_out_, = gen_predict(gen_input_values, gen_mask_values)

        if gen_input_values.shape[1]<col:  # Early termination
            print("Early termination")
            col -= 1
        #print(gen_input_values.shape, gen_mask_values.shape, bigram_freq_log_field.shape, col)
        probs, = gen_predict(gen_input_values, bigram_overlay, bigram_freq_log_field[:,0:col], gen_mask_values)
        # This output is the final probability[CHARS_SIZE], so let's cumsum it, etc.
        probs_cum = probs.cumsum(axis=1)
        idx_next = [ # Only add extra letters if we haven't already passed a space (i.e. mask[-1]==0)
            idx_spc if gen_mask_values[i,-1]==0 else np.searchsorted(probs_cum[i], random_field[i, col]) 
            for i in range(batch_size) 
        words_current = append_indices_as_chars(words_current, idx_next)
        words_current_max_length = np.array( [ len(w) for w in words_current ]).max()
        # If the words have reached the maximum length, or we didn't extend any of them...
        if words_current_max_length>=max_word_length:  # Finished 
            col += 1
        # Guarded against overflow on length...
        bigram_freq_log_field[:, col] = bigram_freq_log[ np.array(idx_next) , :]
        col += 1

    return words_current, bigram_freq_log_field[:,0:col]

def view_rnn_generator_sample_output(bigram_overlay=0.9):
    # Create a probability distribution across all potential positions in the output 'field'
    random_field = np.random.uniform( size=(BATCH_SIZE, WORD_LENGTH_MAX) )

    gen_words_output, _underlying_bigram_field = generate_rnn_words(random_field, bigram_overlay=bigram_overlay)

    print( '\n'.join(gen_words_output))

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Remember the initial (random) Network State

This will come in handy when we need to reset the network back to 'untrained' later.

In [ ]:
gen_param_values_initial = lasagne.layers.get_all_param_values(gen_prob)

Now, train the Generator RNN based on the Dictionary itself

Once we have an output word, let's reward the RNN based on a specific training signal. We'll encapsulate the training in a function that takes the input signal as a parameter, so that we can try other training schemes (later).

In [ ]:
def is_good_output_dictionary(output_words):
    return np.array(
        [ (1.0 if w in wordset else 0.0) for w in output_words ],

t0, iterations_complete = time.time(), 0
def reset_generative_network():
    global t0, iterations_complete
    t0, iterations_complete = time.time(), 0
    lasagne.layers.set_all_param_values(gen_prob, gen_param_values_initial)

def prep_batch_for_network_output(mask_values, batch_of_words):
    output_indices = np.zeros(mask_values.shape, dtype='int32')

    for i, word in enumerate(batch_of_words):
      word_shifted = word[1:]+' '
      for j, c in enumerate(word_shifted):
        output_indices[i,j] = CHAR_TO_IX[ c ]

    return output_indices

In [ ]:
def train_generative_network(is_good_output_function=is_good_output_dictionary, epochs=10*1000, bigram_overlay=0.0):
    if bigram_overlay>=1.0: 
        print("Cannot train with pure bigrams...")
    global t0, iterations_complete
    t1, iterations_recent = time.time(), iterations_complete
    for epoch_i in range(epochs):
        random_field = np.random.uniform( size=(BATCH_SIZE, WORD_LENGTH_MAX) )

        gen_words_output, underlying_bigram_field = generate_rnn_words(random_field, bigram_overlay=bigram_overlay)
        # Now, create a training set of input -> output, coupled with an intensity signal
        #   first the step-by-step network inputs
        gen_input_values, gen_mask_values = prep_batch_for_network(gen_words_output)
        #  now create step-by-step network outputs (strip off first character, add spaces) as *indicies*
        gen_output_values_int = prep_batch_for_network_output(gen_mask_values, gen_words_output)
        #print(gen_output_values_int.shape, underlying_bigram_field.shape)
        #print(gen_output_values_int[0])  # makes sense
        # And, since we have a set of words, we can also determine their 'goodness'
        is_good_output = is_good_output_function(gen_words_output)
        #print(is_good_output[0])  Starts at all zero.  i.e. the word[0] is bad

        # This looks like it is the wrong way 'round...
        target_valid_row = -(np.array(is_good_output) - 0.5)
        ## i.e. higher values for more-correct symbols : This goes -ve, and wrong, quickly
        #target_valid_row = (np.array(is_good_output) - 0.5)  
        #target_valid_row = np.ones( (gen_mask_values.shape[0],), dtype='float32' )
        target_valid = target_valid_row[:, np.newaxis]
        if False:
            # Now debug the generator RNN
            gen_debug_, = gen_debug(gen_input_values, 
                                    bigram_overlay, underlying_bigram_field, 
                                    gen_output_values_int, target_valid, 
        # Now train the generator RNN
        gen_loss_, = gen_train( gen_input_values, 
                                bigram_overlay, underlying_bigram_field, 
                                gen_output_values_int, target_valid, 
        # Hmm - this loss is ~ a character-level loss, and isn't comparable to a word-level score, 
        #       which is a pity, since the 'words' seem to get worse, not better...
        iterations_complete += 1

        if iterations_complete % 10 == 0:
            secs_per_batch = float(time.time() - t1)/ (iterations_complete - iterations_recent)
            eta_in_secs = secs_per_batch*(epochs-epoch_i)
            print("Iteration {:5d}, loss_train: {:.2f} word-score: {:.2f}% ({:.1f}s per 1000 batches)  eta: {:.0f}m{:02.0f}s".format(
                    iterations_complete, float(gen_loss_), 
                    secs_per_batch*1000., np.floor(eta_in_secs/60), np.floor(eta_in_secs % 60), )
            print( ' '.join(gen_words_output[:10]) )
            #print('Iteration {}, output: {}'.format(iteration, disc_output_, ))  # , output: {}
            t1, iterations_recent = time.time(), iterations_complete

    print('Iteration {}, ran in {:.1f}sec'.format(iterations_complete, float(time.time() - t0)))

In [ ]:
#theano.config.exception_verbosity='high'  # ... a little pointless with RNNs
#  See: http://deeplearning.net/software/theano/tutorial/debug_faq.html

In [ ]:
train_generative_network(is_good_output_function=is_good_output_dictionary, epochs=1*1000, bigram_overlay=0.9)

How are we doing?

In [ ]:

Use training signal from Discriminator

In [ ]:
#def is_good_output_dictionary(output_words):
#    return np.array(
#        [ (1.0 if w in wordset else 0.0) for w in output_words ],
#        dtype='float32'
#    )

def is_good_output_discriminator(output_words):
    disc_input_values, disc_mask_values = prep_batch_for_network(output_words)
    disc_output_, = disc_predict(disc_input_values, disc_mask_values)
    return disc_output_.reshape( (-1,) )

In [ ]:
train_generative_network(is_good_output_function=is_good_output_discriminator, epochs=1*1000, bigram_overlay=0.9)
#train_generative_network(is_good_output_function=is_good_output_dictionary, epochs=1*1000, bigram_overlay=0.9)

How are we doing?

In [ ]:


In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:


  1. Make the above work...
  2. Try the Indian Names Corpus

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