Theano is an optimizing compiler for symbolic math expressions.
( Credit for this workbook : Eben Olson :: )
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import theano
import theano.tensor as T
Rather than manipulate values directly, Theano has to be able to build up the answer from the inputs - so that it can then optimise how to get to the solution (using the CPU or GPU as efficiently as possible). Therefore, the basic building blocks are 'symbolic variables' (as opposed to variables with concrete values) :
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x = T.scalar()
Variables can be used in expressions, but (IMPORTANT!) the result is symbolic as well :
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y = 3*(x**2) + x
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In [ ]:
from IPython.display import SVG
SVG(theano.printing.pydotprint(y, return_image=True, format='svg'))
In [ ]:
y.eval({x: 2})
Or compile a function
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f = theano.function([x], y)
Compiled function has been transformed
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SVG(theano.printing.pydotprint(f, return_image=True, format='svg'))
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X = T.vector()
X = T.matrix()
X = T.tensor3()
X = T.tensor4()
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X = T.vector()
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In [ ]:
X[ [1,2,3] ]
Many functions/operations are available through theano.tensor
or variable methods
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y = X.argmax()
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y = T.cosh(X)
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y = T.outer(X, X)
But don't try to use numpy functions on Theano variables. Results may vary!
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x = T.scalar()
y = T.log(x)
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gradient = T.grad(y, x)
gradient.eval({x: 2})
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import numpy as np
x = theano.shared(np.zeros((2, 3), dtype=theano.config.floatX))
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We can get and set the variable's value
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values = x.get_value()
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Shared variables can be used in expressions as well
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(x + 2) ** 2
Their value is used as input when evaluating
In [ ]:
((x + 2) ** 2).eval()
In [ ]:
theano.function([], (x + 2) ** 2)()
In [ ]:
count = theano.shared(0)
new_count = count + 1
updates = {count: new_count}
g = theano.function([], count, updates=updates)
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In [ ]:
x = T.matrix()
y = 3*(x**2) + x
h = theano.function([x], y)
h( 2 )
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h( np.array( [ [ 2. ] ] ) )
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h( np.array( [ [ 2. ] ], dtype='float32' ) )
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h( np.array( [ [ 2., 3. ], [ 4., 5. ] ], dtype='float32' ) )
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h( np.array( [ [ 2., 3., 4. ], [ 6., 7., 8. ] ], dtype='float32' ) )
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