In [1]:
from IPython.display import display
import spot
In Spot a Parity acceptance is defined by an kind, a style and a numsets (number of acceptance sets):
Some parity acceptance examples:
max | min | |
odd | Fin(1) | Fin(1) |
even | Inf(0) | Inf(0) |
max | min | |
odd | Inf(1) | Fin(0) | Fin(1) & Inf(0) |
even | Fin(0) & Inf(1) | Inf(0) | Fin(1) |
max | min | |
odd | Fin(2) & (Inf(1) | Fin(0)) | Inf(2) | (Fin(1) & Inf(0)) |
even | Fin(0) & (Inf(1) | Fin(2)) | Inf(0) | (Fin(1) & Inf(2)) |
max | min | |
odd | Inf(3) | (Fin(2) & (Inf(1) | Fin(0))) | Fin(3) & (Inf(2) | (Fin(1) & Inf(0))) |
even | Fin(0) & (Inf(1) | (Fin(2) & Inf(3))) | Inf(0) | (Fin(1) & (Inf(2) | Fin(3))) |
According to the given examples, we can remark that:
In [2]:
aut_max_odd5 = tuple(spot.automata("randaut -A 'parity max odd 5' -Q4 2|"))[0]
The new indexes of the acceptance sets:
In [3]:
aut_max_odd5_to_even = spot.change_parity(aut_max_odd5, spot.parity_kind_any, spot.parity_style_even)
In [4]:
aut_min_odd5 = tuple(spot.automata("randaut -A 'parity min odd 5' -Q4 2|"))[0]
The new indexes of the acceptance sets:
In [5]:
aut_min_odd5_to_even = spot.change_parity(aut_min_odd5, spot.parity_kind_any, spot.parity_style_even)
In [6]:
aut_max_odd5 = tuple(spot.automata("randaut -A 'parity max odd 5' -Q4 2|"))[0]
The new indexes of the acceptance sets:
In [7]:
aut_max_odd5_to_min = spot.change_parity(aut_max_odd5, spot.parity_kind_min, spot.parity_style_any)
In [8]:
aut_max_odd4 = tuple(spot.automata("randaut -A 'parity max odd 4' -Q4 2|"))[0]
The new indexes of the acceptance sets:
In [9]:
aut_max_odd4_to_min = spot.change_parity(aut_max_odd4, spot.parity_kind_min, spot.parity_style_any)
To keep the same style a new acceptance set is introduced, thus the style is toggled once again.
The new indexes of the acceptance sets are:
In [10]:
aut_max_odd4_to_min_bis = spot.change_parity(aut_max_odd4, spot.parity_kind_min, spot.parity_style_same)
An automaton with a parity acceptance is not necessarily a parity automaton. It must be colored to be qualified like this.
Transitions with multiple acceptance sets are purified by keeping only the set with the greatest index.
If there is a transition that do not belong to any acceptance set, a new acceptance set is introduced at the least significant place.
The least significant place of a parity max acceptance is where the indexes are the lowest, so all the existing acceptance sets' indexes will be shifted.
In [11]:
aut_max_odd4 = tuple(spot.automata("randaut -A 'parity max odd 4' -Q4 2|"))[0]
In [12]:
aut_max_odd4_colored = spot.colorize_parity(aut_max_odd4, False)
You can notice that the style has been toggled.
To prevent colorize_parity from this we can add one extra acceptance set in the acceptance condition.
The new acceptance sets are now:
In [13]:
aut_max_odd4_colored_bis = spot.colorize_parity(aut_max_odd4, True)
Transitions with multiple acceptance sets are purified by keeping only the set with the lowest index.
If there is a transition that do not belong to any acceptance set, a new acceptance set is introduced at the least significant place.
The least significant place of a parity min acceptance is where the indexes are the greatest.
In [14]:
aut_min_odd4 = tuple(spot.automata("randaut -A 'parity min odd 4' -Q4 2|"))[0]
In [15]:
aut_min_odd4_colored_bis = spot.colorize_parity(aut_min_odd4, True)
Remark: colorizing a parity min won't change the style of the acceptance.