In [1]:
import numpy as np
from enum import Enum
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
In [2]:
class gender(Enum):
male = 1
female = 2
class dayofweek(Enum):
Sunday = 1
Monday = 2
Tuesday = 3
Wednesday = 4
Thursday = 5
Friday = 6
Saturday = 7
class child():
def __init__(self, gender, birth_day):
self.gender = gender
self.birth_day = birth_day
class fam_2p():
def __init__(self, younger_sibling, older_sibling):
self.young = younger_sibling
self.old = older_sibling
In [3]:
N = 1000000
fams = []
for i in range(0, N):
youngen = child(gender(np.random.randint(1,3)), dayofweek(np.random.randint(1,8)))
oldmen = child(gender(np.random.randint(1,3)), dayofweek(np.random.randint(1,8)))
fams.append(fam_2p(youngen, oldmen))
In [4]:
fams_atleast1boy = []
fams_youngerisboy = []
fams_atleast1boytuesday = []
for fam in fams:
if fam.young.gender == gender.male:
if fam.young.birth_day == dayofweek.Tuesday:
elif fam.old.gender == gender.male:
if fam.old.birth_day == dayofweek.Tuesday:
print(len(fams_youngerisboy) / len(fams))
print(len(fams_atleast1boy) / len(fams))
num_fams_bothboys = 0
for fam in fams_youngerisboy:
if fam.old.gender == gender.male:
num_fams_bothboys += 1
print(num_fams_bothboys / len(fams_youngerisboy))
num_fams_bothboys = 0
for fam in fams_atleast1boy:
if fam.young.gender == gender.male and fam.old.gender == gender.male:
num_fams_bothboys += 1
print(num_fams_bothboys / len(fams_atleast1boy))
num_fams_bothboys = 0
for fam in fams_atleast1boytuesday:
if fam.young.gender == gender.male and fam.old.gender == gender.male:
num_fams_bothboys += 1
print(num_fams_bothboys / len(fams_atleast1boytuesday))
In [5]:
def draw_til_zero(N):
"""picks a number between 0 and N-1 with equal probabibility \
then repeats with the number drawn until reaching zero \
returns the number of iterations this takes"""
num_draws = 0
n = N
while n > 0:
n = np.random.randint(0, n)
num_draws += 1
return num_draws
def expectation_val(func, args, num_trials):
total = 0
n = 0
while n < num_trials:
total += func(*args)
n += 1
return total / num_trials
def harmonic_sum_simple(n):
sum = 0
for k in range(1, n+1):
sum += 1/k
return sum
In [6]:
N = 100
print(expectation_val(draw_til_zero, (N,), 10000))
testing variable scope
In [7]:
if True:
inscope = 5
In [2]:
import itertools
from fractions import Fraction
from __future__ import print_function
sex = 'BG'
def product(*variables):
return map(''.join, itertools.product(*variables))
two_kids = product(sex, sex)
In [17]:
g = itertools.product(sex, sex)
In [12]:
# at least one boy
one_boy = [s for s in two_kids if 'B' in s]
def two_boys(s): return s.count('B') == 2
def condP(predicate, event):
'''Conditional probability: P(predicate(s) | s in event)
The proportion of states in event for which predicate is true.'''
pred = [s for s in event if predicate(s)]
return Fraction(len(pred), len(event))
print(condP(two_boys, one_boy))
In [13]:
day = 'SMTWRFA'
#Thurs = R and Sat = A
two_kids_bday = product(sex, day, sex, day)
boy_tuesday = [s for s in two_kids_bday if 'BT' in s]
print(condP(two_boys, boy_tuesday))
In [ ]: