In [69]:
# Render our plots inline
%matplotlib inline
%pylab inline  
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [70]:
# General Plotting Parameters
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (8,5)
mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2.5
mpl.rcParams['font.weight'] = 'bold'
mpl.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 1.5
mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 14.
mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 12.
mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 12.
mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 10.
mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 10.
mpl.rcParams['xtick.minor.pad'] = 4
mpl.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'out'
mpl.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'out'
#Git says this is patched, but it doesn't work from Pip --upgrade 26-mar-2015
#mpl.rcParams['xtick.minor.visible'] = True  

# These are the "Tableau 20" colors as RGB.  
tableau20 = [(31, 119, 180), (174, 199, 232), (255, 127, 14),
             (255, 187, 120), (44, 160, 44), (152, 223, 138),
              (148, 103, 189),
             (197, 176, 213), (140, 86, 75), (196, 156, 148),  
             (227, 119, 194), (247, 182, 210), (127, 127, 127),
             (199, 199, 199), (188, 189, 34), (219, 219, 141),
             (23, 190, 207), (158, 218, 229),(214, 39, 40), (255, 152, 150)]  
# Scale the RGB values to the [0, 1] range,
# which is the format matplotlib accepts.  
for i in range(len(tableau20)): 
    r, g, b = tableau20[i]  
    tableau20[i] = (r / 255., g / 255., b / 255.)  

# Specific Plotting Params
i_leu = 0
i_delta = 2
i_heu = 4

ps = 0

compare Random (FixedSeed) Processing through Cyclist to Cyan (or Every)

In [71]:
dir = 'data/testing/cyan_tests/'
man_E1 = dir + 'run-man.csv'
man_R1 = dir + 'run-man-R1.csv'

raw_man_E1 = pd.read_csv(man_E1) 
#raw_man_E1 = pd.read_csv(man_R1)

In [72]:
#cyan_16 = dir + 'run-1-fac-16.dat'
#cyan_17 = dir + 'run-1-fac-17.dat'
#cyan_18 = dir + 'run-1-fac-18.dat'

cyan_16 = dir + 'run-1-fac-16-R1.dat'
cyan_17 = dir + 'run-1-fac-17-R1.dat'
cyan_18 = dir + 'run-1-fac-18-R1.dat'

raw_cyan_16 = pd.read_csv(cyan_16,sep='\s+')
raw_cyan_17 = pd.read_csv(cyan_17,sep='\s+')
raw_cyan_18 = pd.read_csv(cyan_18,sep='\s+')

In [73]:
man_LEU_E1 = raw_man_E1[raw_man_E1['Prototype'] == "LEU"].reset_index(drop=True)
man_delta_LEU_E1 = raw_man_E1[raw_man_E1['Prototype'] == "delta_LEU"].reset_index(drop=True)
man_covert_HEU_E1 = raw_man_E1[raw_man_E1['Prototype'] == "covert_HEU"].reset_index(drop=True)

In [74]:
cyan_LEU_tp = raw_cyan_16['Quantity'] - raw_cyan_16['Quantity'].shift(1)
cyan_delta_LEU_tp = raw_cyan_17['Quantity'] - raw_cyan_17['Quantity'].shift(1)
cyan_covert_HEU_tp = raw_cyan_18['Quantity'] - raw_cyan_18['Quantity'].shift(1)

In [75]:
man_LEU_tp_E1 =(man_LEU_E1[' Quantity']- man_LEU_E1[' Quantity'].shift(1))
man_delta_LEU_tp_E1 =  man_delta_LEU_E1[' Quantity']- man_delta_LEU_E1[' Quantity'].shift(1)
man_covert_HEU_tp_E1 =  man_covert_HEU_E1[' Quantity']- man_covert_HEU_E1[' Quantity'].shift(1)

In [76]:
plt.plot(man_LEU_E1['Time'],(man_LEU_tp_E1), label='Net LEU (manual)', color=tableau20[i_leu])
plt.plot(raw_cyan_16['Time'],(cyan_LEU_tp), label='Net LEU (cyan)', color=tableau20[i_leu+2])

plt.legend(loc = 'best')
plt.ylabel('Throughput (kg)')
plt.title("Regular Diversion, v1.2")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x1128443d0>

In [77]:
plt.plot(man_delta_LEU_E1['Time'],(man_delta_LEU_tp_E1), label='Delta LEU (man)', color=tableau20[i_delta])
plt.plot(raw_cyan_17['Time'],(cyan_delta_LEU_tp), label='Delta LEU (cyan)', color=tableau20[i_delta+2])

plt.legend(loc = 'best')
plt.ylabel('Throughput (kg)')
plt.title("Regular Diversion, v1.2")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x11291b810>

In [78]:
plt.plot(man_covert_HEU_E1['Time'],(man_covert_HEU_tp_E1), label='Covert HEU (man)', color=tableau20[i_heu])
plt.plot(raw_cyan_18['Time'],(cyan_covert_HEU_tp), label='Covert HEU (cyan)', color=tableau20[i_heu+2])

plt.legend(loc = 'best')
plt.ylabel('Throughput (kg)')
plt.title("Regular Diversion, v1.2")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x112a07b50>

Check Seeding Random on Time

In [79]:
no_seed_16 = dir + '16_time_seed_no.sqlite.dat'
no_seed_18 = dir + '18_time_seed_no.sqlite.dat'
L_seed_16 = dir + '16_time_seed_L1.sqlite.dat'
L_seed_18 = dir + '18_time_seed_L1.sqlite.dat'
H_seed_16 = dir + '16_time_seed_H1.sqlite.dat'
H_seed_18 = dir + '18_time_seed_H1.sqlite.dat'
all_seed_16 = dir + '16_time_seed_yes.sqlite.dat'
all_seed_18 = dir + '18_time_seed_yes.sqlite.dat'

raw_no_seed_16 = pd.read_csv(no_seed_16,sep='\s+')
raw_no_seed_18 = pd.read_csv(no_seed_18,sep='\s+')
raw_L_seed_16 = pd.read_csv(L_seed_16,sep='\s+')
raw_L_seed_18 = pd.read_csv(L_seed_18,sep='\s+')
raw_H_seed_16 = pd.read_csv(H_seed_16,sep='\s+')
raw_H_seed_18 = pd.read_csv(H_seed_18,sep='\s+')
raw_all_seed_16 = pd.read_csv(all_seed_16,sep='\s+')
raw_all_seed_18 = pd.read_csv(all_seed_18,sep='\s+')

In [80]:
no_seed_LEU_tp = raw_no_seed_16['Quantity'] - raw_no_seed_16['Quantity'].shift(1)
L_seed_LEU_tp = raw_L_seed_16['Quantity'] - raw_L_seed_16['Quantity'].shift(1)
H_seed_LEU_tp = raw_H_seed_16['Quantity'] - raw_H_seed_16['Quantity'].shift(1)
all_seed_LEU_tp = raw_all_seed_16['Quantity'] - raw_all_seed_16['Quantity'].shift(1)

For LEU Signal, 'H seed' should match 'no seed' because both of them have deterministic NormalDist.

In [81]:
#plt.plot(raw_no_seed_16['Time'],(no_seed_LEU_tp), label='Net LEU (no seed)', color=tableau20[i_leu])
plt.plot(raw_L_seed_16['Time'],(L_seed_LEU_tp), label='Net LEU (L seed)', color=tableau20[i_leu+2])
plt.plot(raw_H_seed_16['Time'],(H_seed_LEU_tp), label='Net LEU (H seed)', color=tableau20[i_leu+4])
#plt.plot(raw_all_seed_16['Time'],(all_seed_LEU_tp), label='Net LEU (all seed)', color=tableau20[i_leu+6])

plt.legend(loc = 'best')
plt.ylabel('Throughput (kg)')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x112b26990>

In [82]:
no_seed_HEU_tp = raw_no_seed_18['Quantity'] - raw_no_seed_18['Quantity'].shift(1)
L_seed_HEU_tp = raw_L_seed_18['Quantity'] - raw_L_seed_18['Quantity'].shift(1)
H_seed_HEU_tp = raw_H_seed_18['Quantity'] - raw_H_seed_18['Quantity'].shift(1)
all_seed_HEU_tp = raw_all_seed_18['Quantity'] - raw_all_seed_18['Quantity'].shift(1)

For HEU signal, 'no seed' should match 'L seed' because both have deterministic HEU frequency (EveryRandomX) However, it does not match because currently RNG is still seeded only once per sim, and is being seeded by the LEU trade because it comes first. Therefore only LEU seed flag will alter the result of the simulations.

In [83]:
#plt.plot(raw_no_seed_16['Time'],(no_seed_HEU_tp), label='Net LEU (no seed)', color=tableau20[i_leu])
plt.plot(raw_L_seed_16['Time'],(L_seed_HEU_tp), label='Net LEU (L seed)', color=tableau20[i_leu+2])
plt.plot(raw_H_seed_16['Time'],(H_seed_HEU_tp), label='Net LEU (H seed)', color=tableau20[i_leu+4])
#plt.plot(raw_all_seed_16['Time'],(all_seed_HEU_tp), label='Net LEU (all seed)', color=tableau20[i_leu+6])

plt.legend(loc = 'best')
plt.ylabel('Throughput (kg)')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x112c1a8d0>

Make a histogram of one example plot from dataset sent to UM

In [84]:
UM_dir = 'data/UM_data/initial_tests_v1.2/'
LEU_file = UM_dir + 'run-1-fac-16.dat'

ylab = "Throughput (kg)"
plot_dir = UM_dir + 'png/'
ps =1

In [85]:
from manip_data import trunc_flt
from manip_data import import_data_cyan

time, LEU_tp = import_data_cyan(LEU_file)

In [86]:


pre_hist = LEU_tp[:999].plot(kind='hist', bins=bins,color=tableau20[i_delta+1],
                            alpha=1.0,range=(xmin,xmax),normed=1,label='baseline LEU')

pre_mean = np.mean(LEU_tp[:999])
pre_variance = np.var(LEU_tp[:999])
pre_sigma = np.sqrt(pre_variance)
x = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,100)

         label='$\mu$=' + trunc_flt(pre_mean, precision) + ', $\sigma_{\mu}$=' + trunc_flt(pre_sigma, precision))


plt.title("Baseline Declared LEU")

if ps == 1:
    savefig(plot_dir + 'baseline_LEU.png')
    plt.title("Baseline Declared LEU")

In [87]:
post_hist = LEU_tp[1000:].plot(kind='hist', bins=bins,color=tableau20[i_leu+1],
              alpha=1.0,range=(xmin,xmax),normed=1,label='declared LEU')

post_mean = np.mean(LEU_tp[1000:])
post_variance = np.var(LEU_tp[1000:])
post_sigma = np.sqrt(post_variance)
x = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,100)

         label='$\mu$=' + trunc_flt(pre_mean, precision) + ', $\sigma_{\mu}$=' + trunc_flt(pre_sigma, precision))

        label='$\mu$=' + trunc_flt(post_mean, precision) + ', $\sigma_{\mu}$=' + trunc_flt(post_sigma, precision))


plt.title("Suspect Declared LEU")
if ps == 1:
    savefig(plot_dir + 'suspect_LEU.png')
    plt.title("Suspect Declared LEU")

27-July-2015: Reordered randomsink so that RNG is only called in Tick of cc. files, NEVER anywhere else, AND only called when actually needed. Now running up to 1000 sims with 50 timesteps each are repeatible: ~/git/data_analysis/data/testing/determinism/results/

In [92]:
det_dir = 'data/testing/v1.3_merge/'
#here 'no_seed' means that HEU does not trade - so should be 'natural LEU demand'
no_seed_16 = det_dir + '16_baseline.sqlite.dat'
no_seed_17 = det_dir + '17_baseline.sqlite.dat'
no_seed_18 = det_dir + '18_baseline.sqlite.dat'
# 'all_seed' means that HEU does trade (using a fixed seed) - so includes effects of diversion
all_seed_16 = det_dir + '16_heu.sqlite.dat'
all_seed_17 = det_dir + '17_heu.sqlite.dat'
all_seed_18 = det_dir + '18_heu.sqlite.dat'

time_no, LEU_no_tp = import_data_cyan(no_seed_16)
time_no, delta_no_tp = import_data_cyan(no_seed_17)

time_yes, LEU_yes_tp = import_data_cyan(all_seed_16)
time_yes, delta_yes_tp = import_data_cyan(all_seed_17)
time_HEU_yes, HEU_yes_tp = import_data_cyan(all_seed_18)

In [95]:
plt.plot(time_no,LEU_no_tp, label='Net LEU (no diversion)', color=tableau20[i_leu])
plt.plot(time_yes,LEU_yes_tp, label='Net LEU (w/diversion)', color=tableau20[i_leu+1])

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x112f11550>]

In [97]:
plt.plot(time_HEU_yes, (HEU_yes_tp)*2000, label='Net LEU (w/diversion)', color=tableau20[i_heu+1])

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x11341db50>]

In [94]:
plt.plot(time_no,delta_no_tp, label='delta LEU (no diversion)', color=tableau20[i_delta])
plt.plot(time_yes,delta_yes_tp, label='delta LEU (w/diversion)', color=tableau20[i_delta+1])

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x112ec00d0>]

In [ ]:

In [ ]: