In [1]:
%cd ~/NetBeansProjects/ExpLosion/
from notebooks.common_imports import *
from gui.output_utils import *
from gui.user_code import pairwise_significance_exp_ids

query = {'expansions__decode_handler': 'SignifiedOnlyFeatureHandler',
         'expansions__vectors__dimensionality': 100,
         'expansions__vectors__rep': 0,
         'expansions__vectors__unlabelled': 'turian'}


In [2]:
ids = Experiment.objects.filter(**query).values_list('id', flat=True)
print('ids are', ids)
df = dataframe_from_exp_ids(ids, {'Algorithm':'expansions__vectors__algorithm', 
                                  'Features': 'document_features_tr'})

ids are [38, 39, 40, 41, 42]
Features has 2500 values
Accuracy has 2500 values
folds has 2500 values
Composer has 2500 values
Algorithm has 2500 values

In [3]:
ids = list(ids.values_list('id', flat=True))
for eid in ids + [1]:
    exp = Experiment.objects.get(id=eid)
    mean, low, high, _ = get_ci(eid)
    print('%s & %.2f$\pm$%.2f \\\\'%(exp.expansions.vectors.composer, mean, (high-low)/2))

Add & 0.24$\pm$0.01 \\
Mult & 0.24$\pm$0.01 \\
Left & 0.23$\pm$0.01 \\
Right & 0.21$\pm$0.01 \\
Socher & 0.24$\pm$0.01 \\
random_neigh & 0.22$\pm$0.01 \\

In [4]:
pairwise_significance_exp_ids(zip(ids, [1]*len(ids)), name_format=['expansions__vectors__composer'])

Running significance for (38, 1)
Running significance for (39, 1)
Running significance for (40, 1)
Running significance for (41, 1)
Running significance for (42, 1)
name1 acc1 name2 acc2 mean_diff pval significant
0 Add 0.240961 RandN 0.217762 0.023199 0.000 True
1 Mult 0.238723 RandN 0.217762 0.020960 0.000 True
2 Left 0.229133 RandN 0.217762 0.011370 0.044 False
3 Right 0.213364 RandN 0.217762 0.004398 0.504 False
4 Socher 0.235399 RandN 0.217762 0.017637 0.000 True

In [5]:

Accuracy Algorithm Composer Features folds
0 0.228024 turian Add J+N+AN+NN 0
1 0.228832 turian Add J+N+AN+NN 1
2 0.229063 turian Add J+N+AN+NN 2
3 0.229294 turian Add J+N+AN+NN 3
4 0.229641 turian Add J+N+AN+NN 4

In [6]:
def f1(x):
    return '%1.2f' % x

# ddf = df.drop('folds', axis=1).groupby(['Composer', 'k']).agg([np.mean, np.std])
# ddf.columns = ddf.columns.droplevel(0)#.reset_index()
# ddf['Accuracy'] = ddf['mean'].map(f1) + "$\pm$" + ddf['std'].map(f1)
# ddf = ddf.drop(['mean', 'std'], axis=1).reset_index()
# print(ddf.pivot_table(values='Accuracy', index='k', 
#                       columns='Composer', aggfunc=lambda x: x).to_latex(escape=False))

ddf = df.drop(['folds', 'Algorithm'], axis=1).groupby(['Composer', 'Features']).agg('mean').reset_index() # no need to drop unwanted columns
res = ddf.pivot_table(values='Accuracy', index='Composer', columns='Features')
print(res.to_latex(float_format=f1, na_rep='N/A'))

Features &  J+N+AN+NN \\
Composer &            \\
Add      &       0.24 \\
Left     &       0.23 \\
Mult     &       0.24 \\
Right    &       0.21 \\
Socher   &       0.24 \\

Composer Add Left Mult Right Socher
J+N+AN+NN 0.241018 0.229331 0.238747 0.213341 0.235099

In [7]:
for c in res.columns:
    print(res[[c]].to_latex(float_format=f1, na_rep='N/A'))

{} &  J+N+AN+NN \\
Add    &       0.24 \\
Left   &       0.23 \\
Mult   &       0.24 \\
Right  &       0.21 \\
Socher &       0.24 \\

Add 0.241018
Left 0.229331
Mult 0.238747
Right 0.213341
Socher 0.235099

Compare to word2vec qualitatively

In [8]:
from discoutils.thesaurus_loader import Vectors
from discoutils.tokens import DocumentFeature

In [9]:
v1 = Vectors.from_tsv('../FeatureExtractionToolkit/socher_vectors/turian_unigrams.h5')

In [10]:
v2 = Vectors.from_tsv('../FeatureExtractionToolkit/word2vec_vectors/word2vec-wiki-15perc.unigr.strings.rep0')

In [11]:
def compare_neighbours(vectors, names, words=[], n_neighbours=5):
    if not words:
        words = random.sample([x for x in vectors[0].keys() if not x.count('_')], 10)
    words_clean = [DocumentFeature.from_string(w).tokens[0].text for w in words]
    data = []
    for w, w_clearn in zip(words, words_clean):
        this_row = []
        for v in vectors:
            neigh = v.get_nearest_neighbours(w)
            # remove neigh with the same PoS (for turian)
            new_neigh = []
            for n, _ in neigh:
                n1 = DocumentFeature.from_string(n).tokens[0].text
#                 print(n, n1)
                if n1 not in new_neigh:
                    if n1 != w_clearn:
#             print(new_neigh)
            if neigh:
                this_row.append(', '.join(n for n in new_neigh[:n_neighbours]))
    return pd.DataFrame(data, index=words_clean, columns=names)

In [12]:
# bunch of random words contained in both
words = 'andrade/N giant/J seize/V fundamental/J affidavit/N claim/V sikh/N rest/V israel/N arrow/N preventative/J torrential/J'.split()
df = compare_neighbours([v1, v2], ['turian', 'w2v'], words, n_neighbours=5)

turian w2v
andrade aslam, rahman, aguirre, weinstein, chandra souza, camilo, vives, leopoldo, barros
giant monopoly, retailer, group, utility, unit gigantic, legless, man-eating, serpentine, horned
seize dissolve, renew, suppress, restore, donate capture, re-take, attack, demoralise, crush
fundamental inflationary, external, structural, speculativ... principle, epistemic, objective, indeterminism...
affidavit organization, affair, squad, essay, audience testimony, al-arian, subpoena, demjanjuk, minkow
claim request, link, plan, challenge, drive allege, assert, believe, suggest, acknowledge
sikh gambian, tutsi, bugging, zairean, rioting sikhs, hindus, shi'ite, hindu, shiite
rest size, duration, bottom, end, depth dais, keep, gorge, gibbet, parihaka
israel beijing, washington, bonn, pakistan, russia iran, palestine, al-sadr, gush, salafi
arrow atlantic, mississippi, mall, iberian, caribbean bullet, quiver, gauntlet, upturned, sword
preventative periodic, disgrace, compensatory, conclusive, ... preventive, prophylactic, life-saving, high-ri...
torrential intermittent, severe, persistent, gusty, planting downpour, monsoonal, rainstorm, freezing, sleet

In [13]:

{} &                                             turian \\
andrade      &         aslam, rahman, aguirre, weinstein, chandra \\
giant        &           monopoly, retailer, group, utility, unit \\
seize        &         dissolve, renew, suppress, restore, donate \\
fundamental  &  inflationary, external, structural, speculativ... \\
affidavit    &       organization, affair, squad, essay, audience \\
claim        &              request, link, plan, challenge, drive \\
sikh         &          gambian, tutsi, bugging, zairean, rioting \\
rest         &                 size, duration, bottom, end, depth \\
israel       &        beijing, washington, bonn, pakistan, russia \\
arrow        &    atlantic, mississippi, mall, iberian, caribbean \\
preventative &  periodic, disgrace, compensatory, conclusive, ... \\
torrential   &  intermittent, severe, persistent, gusty, planting \\

In [14]:

{} &                                                w2v \\
andrade      &             souza, camilo, vives, leopoldo, barros \\
giant        &  gigantic, legless, man-eating, serpentine, horned \\
seize        &        capture, re-take, attack, demoralise, crush \\
fundamental  &  principle, epistemic, objective, indeterminism... \\
affidavit    &   testimony, al-arian, subpoena, demjanjuk, minkow \\
claim        &      allege, assert, believe, suggest, acknowledge \\
sikh         &              sikhs, hindus, shi'ite, hindu, shiite \\
rest         &                dais, keep, gorge, gibbet, parihaka \\
israel       &             iran, palestine, al-sadr, gush, salafi \\
arrow        &          bullet, quiver, gauntlet, upturned, sword \\
preventative &  preventive, prophylactic, life-saving, high-ri... \\
torrential   &    downpour, monsoonal, rainstorm, freezing, sleet \\

How many words of each PoS type are there in turian's unigrams

Code below largely copied from

In [15]:
from import loadmat
mat = loadmat('../FeatureExtractionToolkit/socher_vectors/vars.normalized.100.mat')
words = [w[0] for w in mat['words'].ravel()]

In [17]:
import nltk
from nltk import WordNetLemmatizer
import string
from collections import defaultdict

lmtzr = WordNetLemmatizer()
clean_to_dirty = defaultdict(list)  # canonical -> [non-canonical]
dirty_to_clean = dict()  # non-canonical -> canonical
to_keep = set()  # which non-canonical forms forms we will keep
#  todo this can be done based on frequency or something

for w in words:
    if set(w).intersection(set(string.punctuation).union(set('0123456789'))):
        # not a real word- contains digits or punctuation

    lemma = lmtzr.lemmatize(w.lower())
    dirty_to_clean[w] = lemma

# decide which of possibly many non-canonical forms with the same lemma to keep
# prefer shorter and lowercased non-canonical forms
for lemma, dirty_list in clean_to_dirty.items():
    if len(dirty_list) > 1:
        best_lemma = min(dirty_list, key=lambda w: (len(w), not w.islower()))
        best_lemma = dirty_list[0]

In [18]:
pos_tagged = [nltk.pos_tag([w]) for w in to_keep]

In [19]:
from collections import defaultdict
pos_coarsification_map = defaultdict(lambda: "UNK")
pos_coarsification_map.update({"JJ": "J",
                               "JJN": "J",
                               "JJS": "J",
                               "JJR": "J",

                               "VB": "V",
                               "VBD": "V",
                               "VBG": "V",
                               "VBN": "V",
                               "VBP": "V",
                               "VBZ": "V",

                               "NN": "N",
                               "NNS": "N",
                               "NNP": "N",
                               "NPS": "N",
                               "NP": "N",

                               "RB": "RB",
                               "RBR": "RB",
                               "RBS": "RB",

                               "DT": "DET",
                               "WDT": "DET",

                               "IN": "CONJ",
                               "CC": "CONJ",

                               "PRP": "PRON",
                               "PRP$": "PRON",
                               "WP": "PRON",
                               "WP$": "PRON",

                               ".": "PUNCT",
                               ":": "PUNCT",
                               ":": "PUNCT",
                               "": "PUNCT",
                               "'": "PUNCT",
                               "\"": "PUNCT",
                               "'": "PUNCT",
                               "-LRB-": "PUNCT",
                               "-RRB-": "PUNCT"})

In [20]:
pos_tags = [pos_coarsification_map[x[0][1]] for x in pos_tagged]

In [21]:
from collections import Counter

Counter({'N': 23160, 'V': 5939, 'J': 2160, 'RB': 1082, 'CONJ': 421, 'PRON': 186, 'DET': 39, 'UNK': 27})

Let's look at the embeddings

In [60]:
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize

def draw_tsne_embeddings(v):
    # pairs of words from Mikolov et al (2013)- Distributed word reprs and their compositionality
    # ignored some pairs that do not have a vectors
    words = 'china/N beijing/N russia/N moscow/N japan/N tokyo/N turkey/N ankara/N france/N \
            paris/N italy/N rome/N greece/N athens/N germany/N berlin/N portugal/N lisbon/N spain/N madrid/N'.split()
    mat = np.vstack([v.get_vector(w).A for w in words])
    reduced = TSNE(init='pca').fit_transform(normalize(mat))
#     ax = plt.fig
    plt.scatter(reduced[:, 0], reduced[:, 1]);

    # point labels
    for i, txt in enumerate(words):
        plt.annotate(txt, (reduced[i, 0], reduced[i, 1]), fontsize=20);

    # lines between country-capital pairs
    for i in range(len(words)):
        if i %2 != 0:
        plt.plot([reduced[i, 0], reduced[i+1, 0]],
                 [reduced[i, 1], reduced[i+1, 1]], alpha=0.5, color='black')
    # remove all junk from plot
    sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True)

In [115]:
v = Vectors.from_tsv('../FeatureExtractionToolkit/word2vec_vectors/word2vec-wiki-100perc.unigr.strings.rep0') # look very good 
plt.savefig('plot-mikolov-tsne-w2v-wiki.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1)

In [117]:
v = Vectors.from_tsv('../FeatureExtractionToolkit/word2vec_vectors/word2vec-gigaw-100perc.unigr.strings.rep0') # ok 
plt.savefig('plot-mikolov-tsne-w2v-gigaw.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1)

In [118]:
v = Vectors.from_tsv('../FeatureExtractionToolkit/socher_vectors/turian_unigrams.h5') # terrible
plt.savefig('plot-mikolov-tsne-turian.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1)

In [116]:
v = Vectors.from_tsv('../FeatureExtractionToolkit/glove/vectors.miro.h5') # terrible
plt.savefig('plot-mikolov-tsne-glove-wiki.pdf', format='pdf', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1)

In [ ]: