TTim Exercise 1

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ttim import *

Consider a three-aquifer system. Aquifer properties are given in Table 1. All aquifers have elastic storage. A well is located at $(x,y)=(0,0)$ and is screened in layer 1. The well starts pumping at time $t=0$ with a discharge $Q=1000$ m$^3$/d. The radius of the well is 0.2 m.

Table 1 - Aquifer properties for exercise 1

Layer $k$ (m/d) $c$ (d) $S_s$ (m$^{-1}$) $z_t$ (m) $z_b$ (m)
Aquifer 0 1 - 0.0001 25 20
Leaky layer 1 - 1000 0 20 18
Aquifer 1 20 - 0.0001 18 10
Leaky layer 2 - 2000 0 10 8
Aquifer 2 2 - 0.0001 8 0

Exercise 1a

Compute the head as a function of time at $(x,y)=(50,0)$. Make a plot of the head vs. time from $t=0.1$ till $t=1000$ days using a linear scaling on both axis. Do the same using a logarithmic time axis.

In [2]:
ml = ModelMaq(kaq=[1, 20, 2],
              z=[25, 20, 18, 10, 8, 0],
              c=[1000, 2000],
              Saq=[1e-4, 1e-4, 1e-4],
              Sll=[0, 0],
w = Well(ml, xw=0, yw=0, rw=0.2, 

t = np.logspace(-1, 3, 100)
h = ml.head(50, 0, t)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.plot(t, h[0], label='layer 0')
plt.plot(t, h[1], label='layer 1')
plt.plot(t, h[2], label='layer 2')
plt.ylabel('head [m]')
plt.xlabel('time [days]')
plt.semilogx(t, h[0], label='layer 0')
plt.semilogx(t, h[1], label='layer 1')
plt.semilogx(t, h[2], label='layer 2')
plt.xlabel('time [days]');

self.neq  1
solution complete

Exercise 1b

Create a plot of the head vs. distance from the well after 10 days of pumping. Plot the head in all three layers up to a distance of 1000 m from the well. Make the same plot after 1000 days of pumping. Is there much difference between 100 and 1000 days of pumping?

In [3]:
ml.xsection(x1=-1000, x2=1000, y1=0, y2=0, npoints=100, t=10, layers=[0, 1, 2]) 
plt.xlabel('distance (m)')
plt.ylabel('head (m)')
ml.xsection(x1=-1000, x2=1000, y1=0, y2=0, npoints=100, t=1000, layers=[0, 1, 2]) 
plt.xlabel('distance (m)')
plt.ylabel('head (m)');

Exercise 1c

The well is turned off after 100 days. Compute the head as a function of time at $(x,y)=(50,0)$. Make a plot of the head vs. time from $t=0.1$ till $t=1000$ days using a logarithmic time axis.

In [4]:
ml = ModelMaq(kaq=[1, 20, 2],
              z=[25, 20, 18, 10, 8, 0],
              c=[1000, 2000],
              Saq=[1e-4, 1e-4, 1e-4],
              Sll=[0, 0],
w = Well(ml, xw=0, yw=0, rw=0.2, tsandQ=[(0,1000), (100,0)], layers=1)
t = np.logspace(-1, 3, 100)
h = ml.head(50, 0, t)
plt.semilogx(t, h[0], label='layer 0')
plt.semilogx(t, h[1], label='layer 1')
plt.semilogx(t, h[2], label ='layer 2')
plt.ylabel('head [m]')
plt.xlabel('time [days]');

self.neq  1
solution complete

Exercise 1d

Compute the head inside the well as a function of time from $t=0.1$ till $t=1000$ days using a logarithmic time axis. On the same graph, plot the head inside the well vs. time when the entry resistance of the well is 0.1 days.

In [5]:
h = w.headinside(t)
plt.semilogx(t, h[0], label='res=0')  # head from previous solution
w.res = 0.1
h = w.headinside(t)
plt.semilogx(t, h[0], label='res=0.1')
plt.ylabel('head [m]')
plt.xlabel('time [days]');

self.neq  1
solution complete

Exercise 1e

Conside again the case of a well without skin effect. Compute the head inside the well as a function of time from $t=1$ min till $t=1$ day using a logarithmic time axis. On the same graph, plot the head inside the well vs. time when the wellbore storage is taken into account.

In [6]:
tmin = 1.0 / 24 / 60  # 1 minute
ml = ModelMaq(kaq=[1, 20, 2],
              z=[25, 20, 18, 10, 8, 0],
              c=[1000, 2000],
              Saq=[1e-4, 1e-4, 1e-4],
              Sll=[0, 0],
w = Well(ml, xw=0, yw=0, rw=0.2, tsandQ=[(0,1000)], layers=1)
t = np.logspace(np.log10(tmin), 0, 100)
h = w.headinside(t)
plt.semilogx(t, h[0], label='no wellbore storage')  # head from previous solution
w.rc = 0.2
h = w.headinside(t)
plt.semilogx(t, h[0], label='wellbore storage')
plt.ylabel('head [m]')
plt.xlabel('time [days]');
plt.xticks([tmin, 10 * tmin, 60 * tmin, 1], ['1 min','10 min','1 hr','1 day']);

self.neq  1
solution complete
self.neq  1
solution complete