TTim example of pumping test analysis

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from ttim import *

Load data of two observation wells

In [2]:
drawdown = np.loadtxt('data/oudekorendijk_h30.dat')
to1 = drawdown[:,0] / 60 / 24
ho1 = -drawdown[:,1]
ro1 = 30

drawdown = np.loadtxt('data/oudekorendijk_h90.dat')
to2 = drawdown[:,0] / 60 / 24
ho2 = -drawdown[:,1]
ro2 = 90

Pumping discharge

In [3]:
Qo = 788

Create model

In [4]:
ml = ModelMaq(kaq=60, z=(-18, -25), Saq=1e-4, tmin=1e-5, tmax=1)
w = Well(ml, xw=0, yw=0, rw=0.1, tsandQ=[(0, 788)], layers=0)

self.neq  1
solution complete

Create calibration object, add parameters and first series. Fit the model. The chi-square value is the mean of the squared residuals at the optimum.

In [5]:
cal = Calibrate(ml)
cal.set_parameter(name='kaq0', initial=10)
cal.set_parameter(name='Saq0', initial=1e-4)
cal.series(name='obs1', x=ro1, y=0, layer=0, t=to1, h=ho1)
print('rmse:', cal.rmse())
print('mse:', cal.rmse() ** 2 * len(ho1))
h1a = ml.head(ro1, 0, to1, 0) # simulated head
h2a = ml.head(ro2, 0, to2, 0) # simulated head

Fit succeeded.
[[Fit Statistics]]
    # fitting method   = leastsq
    # function evals   = 29
    # data points      = 34
    # variables        = 2
    chi-square         = 0.03407764
    reduced chi-square = 0.00106493
    Akaike info crit   = -230.786130
    Bayesian info crit = -227.733409
    kaq0:  68.6397730 +/- 1.43819795 (2.10%) (init = 10)
    Saq0:  1.6071e-05 +/- 1.5821e-06 (9.84%) (init = 0.0001)
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.100)
    C(kaq0, Saq0) = -0.891
optimal std perc_std pmin pmax initial parray
kaq0 68.6398 1.438198 2.09528 -inf inf 10 [68.63977303108574]
Saq0 1.60707e-05 0.000002 9.84458 -inf inf 0.0001 [1.6070732564873654e-05]
rmse: 0.031658860783793714
mse: 0.034077637848339476

In [6]:
# second observation well
cal = Calibrate(ml)
cal.set_parameter(name='kaq0', initial=50)
cal.set_parameter(name='Saq0', initial=1.5e-5)
cal.series(name='obs1', x=ro2, y=0, layer=0, t=to2, h=ho2)
h1b = ml.head(ro1, 0, to1, 0) # simulated head
h2b = ml.head(ro2, 0, to2, 0) # simulated head

Fit succeeded.
optimal std perc_std pmin pmax initial parray
kaq0 71.5825 1.573950 2.19879 -inf inf 50 [71.58246640830718]
Saq0 2.9107e-05 0.000002 6.65754 -inf inf 1.5e-05 [2.910701703574875e-05]

In [7]:
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
plt.semilogx(to1, ho1, 'C0.', label='observed 1')
plt.semilogx(to1, h1a[0], 'C0', label='model 1')
plt.semilogx(to2, ho2, 'C1.', label='observed 2')
plt.semilogx(to2, h2a[0], 'C1', label='model 2')
plt.title('calibrated well 1')
plt.xlabel('time (d)')
plt.ylabel('head (m)')
plt.semilogx(to1, ho1, 'C0.', label='observed 1')
plt.semilogx(to1, h1b[0], 'C0', label='model 1')
plt.semilogx(to2, ho2, 'C1.', label='observed 2')
plt.semilogx(to2, h2b[0], 'C1', label='model 2')
plt.title('calibrated well 2')
plt.xlabel('time (d)')
plt.ylabel('head (m)')

Add wellbore storage

In [8]:
ml = ModelMaq(kaq=60, z=(-18, -25), Saq=1e-4, tmin=1e-5, tmax=1)
w = Well(ml, xw=0, yw=0, rw=0.1, rc=0.2, tsandQ=[(0, 788)], layers=0)

self.neq  1
solution complete

In [9]:
cal = Calibrate(ml)
cal.set_parameter(name='kaq0', initial=10)
cal.set_parameter(name='Saq0', initial=1e-5)
cal.set_parameter_by_reference(name='rc', parameter=w.rc[:], initial=0.2, pmin=0.01, pmax=1)
cal.series(name='obs1', x=ro1, y=0, layer=0, t=to1, h=ho1)
h1a = ml.head(ro1, 0, to1, 0) # simulated head
h2a = ml.head(ro2, 0, to2, 0) # simulated head

Fit succeeded.
optimal std perc_std pmin pmax initial parray
kaq0 80.8856 1.762533e+00 2.17904 -inf inf 10 [80.88563318907522]
Saq0 5.48726e-06 8.133163e-07 14.8219 -inf inf 1e-05 [5.4872587991125894e-06]
rc 0.289103 1.712507e-02 5.92351 0.01 1.0 0.2 [0.28910337107735706]

In [10]:
cal = Calibrate(ml)
cal.set_parameter(name='kaq0', initial=10)
cal.set_parameter(name='Saq0', initial=1e-5)
cal.set_parameter_by_reference(name='rc', parameter=w.rc[:], initial=0.2, pmin=0.01, pmax=1)
cal.series(name='obs2', x=ro2, y=0, layer=0, t=to2, h=ho2)
h1b = ml.head(ro1, 0, to1, 0) # simulated head
h2b = ml.head(ro2, 0, to2, 0) # simulated head

Fit succeeded.
optimal std perc_std pmin pmax initial parray
kaq0 88.1556 1.424251e+00 1.61561 -inf inf 10 [88.15561383825873]
Saq0 1.14684e-05 9.102371e-07 7.93689 -inf inf 1e-05 [1.1468428567176638e-05]
rc 0.640503 2.819260e-02 4.40164 0.01 1.0 0.2 [0.6405027193856927]

In [11]:
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
plt.semilogx(to1, ho1, 'C0.', label='observed 1')
plt.semilogx(to1, h1a[0], 'C0', label='model 1')
plt.semilogx(to2, ho2, 'C1.', label='observed 2')
plt.semilogx(to2, h2a[0], 'C1', label='model 2')
plt.title('calibrated well 1')
plt.xlabel('time (d)')
plt.ylabel('head (m)')
plt.semilogx(to1, ho1, 'C0.', label='observed 1')
plt.semilogx(to1, h1b[0], 'C0', label='model 1')
plt.semilogx(to2, ho2, 'C1.', label='observed 2')
plt.semilogx(to2, h2b[0], 'C1', label='model 2')
plt.title('calibrated well 2')
plt.xlabel('time (d)')
plt.ylabel('head (m)')

Two observation wells simultaneously

In [12]:
cal = Calibrate(ml)
cal.set_parameter(name='kaq0', initial=10)
cal.set_parameter(name='Saq0', initial=1e-5)
cal.set_parameter_by_reference(name='rc', parameter=w.rc[:], initial=0.2, pmin=0.01, pmax=1)
cal.series(name='obs1', x=ro1, y=0, layer=0, t=to1, h=ho1)
cal.series(name='obs2', x=ro2, y=0, layer=0, t=to2, h=ho2)

Fit succeeded.
optimal std perc_std pmin pmax initial parray
kaq0 66.097 1.881795 2.84702 -inf inf 10 [66.09703823087615]
Saq0 2.5394e-05 0.000003 11.4473 -inf inf 1e-05 [2.539403531306147e-05]
rc 0.0100104 2.504583 25019.7 0.01 1.0 0.2 [0.010010435955114824]

In [13]:
h1 = ml.head(ro1, 0, to1, 0)
plt.semilogx(to1, ho1, '.', label='obs1')
plt.semilogx(to1, h1[0], label='model')
h2 = ml.head(ro2, 0, to2, 0)
plt.semilogx(to2, ho2, '.', label='obs2')
plt.semilogx(to2, h2[0], label='model')
plt.title('two wells simulaneously')
plt.xlabel('time (d)')
plt.ylabel('head (m)')