Scientific Programming in Python

Topic 4: Just in Time Compilation: Numba and NumExpr

Notebook created by Martín Villanueva - - DI UTFSM - April 2017.

In [102]:
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext memory_profiler

import numpy as np
import numexpr as ne
import numba
import math
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy as sp
import sys

The memory_profiler extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext memory_profiler

1.- Just in Time Compilation

A JIT compiler runs after the program has started and compiles the code (usually bytecode) on the fly (or just-in-time, as it's called) into a form that's usually faster, typically the host CPU's native instruction set. A JIT has access to dynamic runtime information whereas a standard compiler doesn't and can make better optimizations like inlining functions that are used frequently.

This is in contrast to a traditional compiler (AOT, Ahead Of Time compilation) that compiles all the code to machine language before the program is first run.

2.- Numba

  • Numba takes pure Python code and translates it automatically (just-in-time) into optimized machine code, thanks to the LLVM (Low Level Virtual Machine) compiler architecture.
  • We can write a non-vectorized function in pure Python, using for loops, and have this function vectorized automatically by using a single decorator.
  • Performance speedups when compared to pure Python code can reach several orders of magnitude and may even outmatch manually-vectorized NumPy code.

Why NumPy is not sufficient?

  1. Sometimes it is difficult to visualize a vectorized implementation of an algorithm (difficult to understand also),
  2. And sometimes it is just imposible to implement a vectorized solution (Typical case: When we need the result from from one iteration to perform the next).

(Some kind of) Rule of thumb: When a loop in an algorithm needs the result from one iteration to perform the next iteration, then it is not possible to implement it in a vectorized way.

Lets introduce its usage with a naive example:

Array sum

The function below is a naive sum function that sums all the elements of a given array.

In [5]:
def sum_array(inp):
    I,J = inp.shape
    mysum = 0
    for i in range(I):
        for j in range(J):
            mysum += inp[i, j]
    return mysum

In [16]:
arr = np.random.random((500,500))

In [17]:


In [24]:
naive = %timeit -o sum_array(arr)

10 loops, best of 3: 67.9 ms per loop

In [25]:
#lazzy compilation
def sum_array_numba(inp):
    I,J = inp.shape
    mysum = 0
    for i in range(I):
        for j in range(J):
            mysum += inp[i, j]
    return mysum

In [26]:


In [27]:
jitted = %timeit -o sum_array_numba(arr)

1000 loops, best of 3: 290 µs per loop

In [40]:
print("Improvement: {0} times faster".format(

Improvement: 233.70029383189208 times faster

In [15]:
%timeit np.sum(arr)

The slowest run took 8.45 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
10000 loops, best of 3: 124 µs per loop

Some important notes:

  • The first time we invoke a JITted function, it is translated to native machine code.
  • The very first time you run a numba compiled function, there will be a little bit of overhead for the compilation step to take place.
  • As an optimizing compiler, Numba needs to decide on the type of each variable to generate efficient machine code.
  • When no argument are passed to the numba.jit decorator, this will try to automatically detect the types of input, output and intermediate variables.
  • Additionally we can explicitily pass the signature of the function to the decorator, to make the work easier for Numba :).

In [82]:
#single signature
@numba.jit('float64[:] (float64[:], float64[:])')
def sum1(a,b):
    return a+b

a = np.arange(10, dtype=np.float64)
b = np.arange(10, dtype=np.float64)

[  0.   2.   4.   6.   8.  10.  12.  14.  16.  18.]

In [59]:
#multiple signatures (polymorphism)
signatures = ['int32[:] (int32[:], int32[:])', 'int64[:] (int64[:], int64[:])', \
              'float32[:] (float32[:], float32[:])', 'float64[:] (float64[:], float64[:])']
def sum2(a,b):
    return a+b

a = np.arange(10, dtype=np.int64)
b = np.arange(10, dtype=np.int64)

[ 0  2  4  6  8 10 12 14 16 18]

For a full reference of the signature types supported by Numba see the documentation.

Now that we've run sum1 and sum2 once, they are now compiled and we can check out what's happened behind the scenes. Use the inspect_types method to see how Numba translated the functions.

In [85]:

sum1 (array(float64, 1d, A), array(float64, 1d, A))
# File: <ipython-input-82-a1a79e1f67de>
# --- LINE 2 --- 
# label 0
#   del b
#   del a
#   del $0.3

@numba.jit('float64[:] (float64[:], float64[:])')

# --- LINE 3 --- 

def sum1(a,b):

    # --- LINE 4 --- 
    #   a = arg(0, name=a)  :: array(float64, 1d, A)
    #   b = arg(1, name=b)  :: array(float64, 1d, A)
    #   $0.3 = arrayexpr(expr=('+', [Var(a, <ipython-input-82-a1a79e1f67de> (4)), Var(b, <ipython-input-82-a1a79e1f67de> (4))]), ty=array(float64, 1d, C))  :: array(float64, 1d, C)
    #   $0.4 = cast(value=$0.3)  :: array(float64, 1d, A)
    #   return $0.4

    return a+b


nopython mode

Numba can compile a Python function in two modes:

  1. python mode. In Python mode, the compiled code relies on the CPython interpreter. (More flexible, but slow).
  2. nopython mode. The code is compiled to standalone 100% machine code that doesn't rely on CPython, i.e, when we call the function, it doesn't pass through the CPython interpreter in any time (Limited, but fast).

Citting the official documentation:

Numba is aware of NumPy arrays as typed memory regions and so can speedup code using NumPy arrays. Other, less well-typed code will be translated to Python C-API calls effectively removing the "interpreter" but not removing the dynamic indirection.

Rule of thumb: In order to successfully use the nopython mode, we need to ensure that no native and unsupported Python features are being used inside the fuction to be jitted.

In [61]:
@numba.jit('float64[:] (float64[:,:], float64[:])', nopython=True)
def dot_numba1(A,b):
    m,n = A.shape
    c = np.empty(m)
    for i in range(m):
        c[i] =[i],b)
    return c

In [69]:
A = np.random.random((1000,1000))
b = np.random.random(1000)

In [70]:
%timeit dot_numba1(A,b)

1000 loops, best of 3: 1.84 ms per loop

In [73]:
@numba.jit('float64[:] (float64[:,:], float64[:])', nopython=True)
def dot_numba2(A,b):
    m,n = A.shape
    c = []
    for i in range(m):
        c.append([i],b) )
    return np.array(c)

# A few time ago, it wouldn't work!

In [72]:
%timeit dot_numba2(A,b)

100 loops, best of 3: 1.9 ms per loop

Lets create a silly example where Numba fails at nopython mode. Prepare for a long error...

In [74]:
@numba.jit('float64[:] (float64[:,:], float64[:])', nopython=True)
def dot_numba2(A,b):
    m,n = A.shape
    c = dict()
    for i in range(m):
        c[i] =[i],b) 
    return np.array(c.values)

TypingError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-74-e994866243f3> in <module>()
----> 1 @numba.jit('float64[:] (float64[:,:], float64[:])', nopython=True)
      2 def dot_numba2(A,b):
      3     m,n = A.shape
      4     c = dict()
      5     for i in range(m):

/Users/mavillan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/ in wrapper(func)
    174             with typeinfer.register_dispatcher(disp):
    175                 for sig in sigs:
--> 176                     disp.compile(sig)
    177                 disp.disable_compile()
    178         return disp

/Users/mavillan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/ in compile(self, sig)
    577                 self._cache_misses[sig] += 1
--> 578                 cres = self._compiler.compile(args, return_type)
    579                 self.add_overload(cres)
    580                 self._cache.save_overload(sig, cres)

/Users/mavillan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/ in compile(self, args, return_type)
     78                                       impl,
     79                                       args=args, return_type=return_type,
---> 80                                       flags=flags, locals=self.locals)
     81         # Check typing error if object mode is used
     82         if cres.typing_error is not None and not flags.enable_pyobject:

/Users/mavillan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/ in compile_extra(typingctx, targetctx, func, args, return_type, flags, locals, library)
    702     pipeline = Pipeline(typingctx, targetctx, library,
    703                         args, return_type, flags, locals)
--> 704     return pipeline.compile_extra(func)

/Users/mavillan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/ in compile_extra(self, func)
    355         self.lifted = ()
    356         self.lifted_from = None
--> 357         return self._compile_bytecode()
    359     def compile_ir(self, func_ir, lifted=(), lifted_from=None):

/Users/mavillan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/ in _compile_bytecode(self)
    663         """
    664         assert self.func_ir is None
--> 665         return self._compile_core()
    667     def _compile_ir(self):

/Users/mavillan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/ in _compile_core(self)
    651         pm.finalize()
--> 652         res =
    653         if res is not None:
    654             # Early pipeline completion

/Users/mavillan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/ in run(self, status)
    241                     # No more fallback pipelines?
    242                     if is_final_pipeline:
--> 243                         raise patched_exception
    244                     # Go to next fallback pipeline
    245                     else:

/Users/mavillan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/ in run(self, status)
    233                 try:
    234                     event(stage_name)
--> 235                     stage()
    236                 except _EarlyPipelineCompletion as e:
    237                     return e.result

/Users/mavillan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/ in stage_nopython_frontend(self)
    447                 self.args,
    448                 self.return_type,
--> 449                 self.locals)
    451         with self.fallback_context('Function "%s" has invalid return type'

/Users/mavillan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/ in type_inference_stage(typingctx, interp, args, return_type, locals)
    802             infer.seed_type(k, v)
--> 804         infer.build_constraint()
    805         infer.propagate()
    806         typemap, restype, calltypes = infer.unify()

/Users/mavillan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/ in build_constraint(self)
    721         for blk in utils.itervalues(self.blocks):
    722             for inst in blk.body:
--> 723                 self.constrain_statement(inst)
    725     def return_types_from_partial(self):

/Users/mavillan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/ in constrain_statement(self, inst)
    880     def constrain_statement(self, inst):
    881         if isinstance(inst, ir.Assign):
--> 882             self.typeof_assign(inst)
    883         elif isinstance(inst, ir.SetItem):
    884             self.typeof_setitem(inst)

/Users/mavillan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/ in typeof_assign(self, inst)
    938                                     , loc=inst.loc))
    939         elif isinstance(value, (ir.Global, ir.FreeVar)):
--> 940             self.typeof_global(inst,, value)
    941         elif isinstance(value, ir.Arg):
    942             self.typeof_arg(inst,, value)

/Users/mavillan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/ in typeof_global(self, inst, target, gvar)
   1032     def typeof_global(self, inst, target, gvar):
   1033         try:
-> 1034             typ = self.resolve_value_type(inst, gvar.value)
   1035         except TypingError as e:
   1036             if ( == self.func_id.func_name

/Users/mavillan/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/ in resolve_value_type(self, inst, val)
    957         except ValueError as e:
    958             msg = str(e)
--> 959         raise TypingError(msg, loc=inst.loc)
    961     def typeof_arg(self, inst, target, arg):

TypingError: Failed at nopython (nopython frontend)
Untyped global name 'dict': cannot determine Numba type of <class 'type'>
File "<ipython-input-74-e994866243f3>", line 4

for a full list of the supported native Python features see here.

Numba and NumPy

  • One objective of Numba is having a seamless integration with NumPy.
  • Numba excels at generating code that executes on top of NumPy arrays.
  • Numba understands calls to (some, almost all) NumPy features, and is able to generate equivalent native code for many of them.

To see all the feature of NumPy actually supported by Numba, please see the documentation.

In [79]:
#row mean example
@numba.jit('float64[:] (float64[:,:])', nopython=True)
def row_mean(A):
    m,n = A.shape
    mean = np.empty(m)
    for i in range(m):
        mean[i] = np.sum(A[i])/n
    return mean

A = np.random.random((10,10))
print( row_mean(A) )

[ 0.566947    0.60758041  0.33384039  0.46504214  0.37868757  0.50759552
  0.52168599  0.40310587  0.60395361  0.55258176]

Ahead of time Compilation

Numba also provides a facility for Ahead-of-Time compilation (AOT), which has the following beneficts:

  1. AOT compilation produces a compiled extension module which does not depend on Numba.
  2. There is no compilation overhead at runtime.

But it is much more restrictive than JIT functionality. For more info see the documentation.


Random Walks

We will simulate random walk with jums:

  1. A particle is on the real line, starting at 0.
  2. At every time step, the particle makes a step to the right or to the left.
  3. If the particle crosses a threshold, it is reset at its initial position.

This type of stochastic model is notably used in neuroscience.

We first create a function that returns a -1 or +1 value:

In [126]:
def step():
    if random.random()>.5: return 1.
    else: return -1.

and create the simulation in pure Python, where the function walk() takes a number of steps as input:

In [127]:
def walk(n):
    x = np.zeros(n)
    dx = 1./n
    for i in range(n-1):
        x_new = x[i] + dx * step()
        if abs(x_new) > 5e-3:
            x[i+1] = 0.
            x[i+1] = x_new
    return x

Now we create a random walk, plot it and %timeit its execution:

In [128]:
n = 100000
x = walk(n)


In [133]:
python_t = %timeit -o walk(n)

10 loops, best of 3: 94.3 ms per loop

Now, let's JIT-compile this function with Numba:

In [131]:
def step_numba():
    if random.random()>.5: return 1.
    else: return -1.

def walk_numba(n):
    x = np.zeros(n)
    dx = 1./n
    for i in range(n-1):
        x_new = x[i] + dx * step_numba()
        if abs(x_new) > 5e-3:
            x[i+1] = 0.
            x[i+1] = x_new
    return x

In [134]:
numba_t = %timeit -o walk_numba(n)

100 loops, best of 3: 3.2 ms per loop

In [138]:
print("Improvement: {0} times faster".format(

Improvement: 29.51397959796894 times faster

Mandelbrot fractal

Now we will create a Mandelbrot fractal (which is a task that cannot be vectorized) using native Python and Numba...

It basically consist in the next iteration, with starting point $z_0 = 0$: $$ z_{i+1} = z_{i}^2 + c $$ for which the values of the sequence remains bounded.

In [86]:
size = 200
iterations = 100

In [90]:
def mandelbrot_python(m, size, iterations):
    for i in range(size):
        for j in range(size):
            c = -2 + 3./size*j + 1j*(1.5-3./size*i)
            z= 0
            for n in range(iterations):
                if np.abs(z) <= 10:
                    z = z*z + c
                    m[i, j] = n

In [91]:
m = np.zeros((size,size))
mandelbrot_python(m, size, iterations)

In [95]:

(-0.5, 199.5, 199.5, -0.5)

Now we evaluate the time taken by this function:

In [96]:
%%timeit m = np.zeros((size,size))

1 loop, best of 3: 2.31 s per loop

Next, we add the numba.jit decorator and let Numba infer the types of all the variables (Lazzy Compilation):

In [99]:
def mandelbrot_numba(m, size, iterations):
    for i in range(size):
        for j in range(size):
            c = -2 + 3./size*j + 1j*(1.5-3./size*i)
            z= 0
            for n in range(iterations):
                if np.abs(z) <= 10:
                    z = z*z + c
                    m[i, j] = n

In [100]:
%%timeit m = np.zeros((size,size))

The slowest run took 33.82 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
1 loop, best of 3: 6.32 ms per loop

4.- NumExpr

The problem...

As mention in previous lectures, NumPy is good (fast and efficient) at doing vector operations. Moreover, it has some problems when trying to evaluate to complex expressions:

In [146]:
def test_func(a,b,c):
    Consider that a, b and c are 1D ndarrys
    return np.sin(a**2 + np.exp(b)) + np.cos(b**2 + np.exp(c)) + np.tan(a**2+b**2+c**2)

In [166]:
n = 1000000
a = np.random.random(n)
b = np.random.random(n)
c = np.random.random(n)

In [167]:
%timeit test_func(a,b,c)

10 loops, best of 3: 115 ms per loop

Let's create now a Numba function that performs the same operations but iteratively:

In [168]:
@numba.jit('float64[:] (float64[:], float64[:], float64[:])', nopython=True)
def test_func_numba(a,b,c):
    n = len(a)
    res = np.empty(n)
    for i in range(n):
        res[i] = np.sin(a[i]**2 + np.exp(b[i])) + np.cos(b[i]**2 + np.exp(c[i])) + np.tan(a[i]**2+b[i]**2+c[i]**2)
    return res

In [169]:
%timeit test_func_numba(a,b,c)

10 loops, best of 3: 81.5 ms per loop

Then, what is the problem with NumPy:

  1. Implicit copy operations.
  2. A lot of iterations for over the same arrays.
  3. Bad usage of CPU registers...

The solution: NumExpr

  • Numexpr is a fast numerical expression evaluator that use less memory than doing the same calculation.
  • With its multi-threaded capabilities can make use of all your cores.
  • It make use of Intel's VML (Vector Math Library, normally integrated in its Math Kernel Library, or MKL).
  • It follows (more or less) the JIT paradigm: Numexpr parses expressions into its own op-codes that are then used by an integrated computing virtual machine.
  • Numexpr works best with large arrays.

Why it is faster than NumPy?

  1. It avoids allocating memory for intermediate results, with better cache utilization and reduced memory access in general.
  2. The array operands are split into small chunks that easily fit in the cache of the CPU.

Suppose we want to perform the next operation: 2*a+3*b. In NumPy you will need 3 temporary arrays, and doesn't make an efficient use of the cache memory: The results of 2*a and 3*b won't be in cache when you do the add.

A possible solution it to iterate over a and b computing the operation element by element (We test this above with Numba). But here is the approach the NumExpr follows:

Arrays are handled as chunks (of 256 elements) at a time, using a register machine. As Python code, it looks something like this:

for i in xrange(0, len(a), 256):
   r0 = a[i:i+256]
   r1 = b[i:i+256]
   multiply(r0, 2, r2)
   multiply(r1, 3, r3)
   add(r2, r3, r2)
   c[i:i+128] = r2

Let's use it!

In [185]:
# Change to size of the arrays to see the differences
m = 10000
n = 5000
A = np.random.random((m,n))
B = np.random.random((m,n))
C = np.random.random((m,n))

In [188]:
np_t = %timeit -o test_func(A,B,C)

1 loop, best of 3: 7.63 s per loop

In [190]:
ne_t = %timeit -o ne.evaluate('sin(a**2 + exp(b)) + cos(b**2 + exp(c)) + tan(a**2+b**2+c**2)')

100 loops, best of 3: 13.1 ms per loop

In [191]:
print("Improvement: {0} times".format(

Improvement: 582.0401428646971 times

Additionally we can explicitly specify the number of threads that NumExpr can use to evaluate the expression with the set_num_threads() function:

In [194]:
n_threads = 4
for i in range(1, n_threads+1):
    %timeit ne.evaluate('sin(a**2 + exp(b)) + cos(b**2 + exp(c)) + tan(a**2+b**2+c**2)')

10 loops, best of 3: 24.9 ms per loop
100 loops, best of 3: 14.5 ms per loop
100 loops, best of 3: 13.6 ms per loop
100 loops, best of 3: 13.2 ms per loop