Bubble Charts: An in-class challenge

A bubble chart is a scatterplot where the size of the bubble is scaled by some value. Bubble charts were made small f famous by the late Hans Rosling in one of the most watched Ted talks ever.

Your challenge in class today: Make a bubble chart out of the dataset of majors by race and sex. I'm interested in gender differences by majors.

I'll help you set up the data.

In [1]:

Attaching package: ‘dplyr’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:

    filter, lag

The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

In [2]:
enrollment <- read.csv("../../Data/collegeenrollment.csv")

In [3]:

College of Agri Sci and Natl ResourcesB1BC BIOC Biochemistry NonResidentAlienMale NonResidentAlien Male 3 97
College of Agri Sci and Natl ResourcesB1AS ASCI Animal Science NonResidentAlienMale NonResidentAlien Male 0 338
College of Agri Sci and Natl ResourcesB1FW FWL Fisheries and Wildlife NonResidentAlienMale NonResidentAlien Male 0 191
College of Agri Sci and Natl ResourcesB1AP APSC Applied Science NonResidentAlienMale NonResidentAlien Male 1 71
College of Agri Sci and Natl ResourcesB1HO HORT Horticulture NonResidentAlienMale NonResidentAlien Male 1 52
College of Agri Sci and Natl ResourcesB1ED AEDU Agricultural Education NonResidentAlienMale NonResidentAlien Male 0 103

Note we have data that is long -- data by race and gender. We just want it by gender. So we need to do some grouping together and later we need to make this wider. So we have to first group by College, Major and Gender and add them up.

In [4]:
majors <- enrollment %>% 
    group_by(College, MajorName, Gender) %>%

Now we need to make that long data wide, so Male and Female are on the same line.

In [5]:
majors_bubble <- dcast(majors, College + MajorName ~ Gender)

Using Total as value column: use value.var to override.

In [6]:

College of Agri Sci and Natl ResourcesAgribusiness 66 175
College of Agri Sci and Natl Resources Agricultural & Env Sci Comm 27 5
College of Agri Sci and Natl ResourcesAgricultural Economics 23 109
College of Agri Sci and Natl ResourcesAgricultural Education 80 23
College of Agri Sci and Natl ResourcesAgricultural Journalism 2 0
College of Agri Sci and Natl ResourcesAgronomy 24 167

We now have enough to do a scatterplot, but what are we lacking for a bubble chart? Some kind of weighting. So let's create a couple.

In [7]:
bubble <- majors_bubble %>% 
       Total = Male+Female,
       Difference = abs(Male-Female)

The abs() bits there mean give me the absolute value -- so everything is above zero, regardless of which is larger.

So let's try a plot:

In [9]:
ggplot(bubble, aes(x = Male, y = Female, size=Difference)) +
geom_point(alpha=0.4, color='red') +
scale_size_continuous(range=c(.1, 20)) +
scale_colour_continuous(guide = FALSE) +
geom_text(data=bubble, aes(label=MajorName, size=10), check_overlap=TRUE)

Your challenge: Make this better. Here's some guidance on things you can change. Here's more. We'll talk at the end of class.

In [ ]: