In [1]:
import pystan
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import pickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
import edward as ed

In [2]:
%matplotlib inline

In [3]:
model_code = """
data {
  int N; //the number of observations
  int N2; //the size of the new_X matrix
  int K; //the number of columns in the model matrix
  vector[N] y; //the response
  matrix[N,K] X; //the model matrix
  matrix[N2,K] new_X; //the matrix for the predicted values
parameters {
  vector[K] beta; //the regression parameters
  real sigma; //the standard deviation
transformed parameters {
  vector[N] linpred;
  linpred = X*beta;
model {  
  beta[1] ~ cauchy(0,10); //prior for the intercept following Gelman 2008

  for(i in 2:K)
   beta[i] ~ cauchy(0,2.5);//prior for the slopes following Gelman 2008
  y ~ normal(linpred,sigma);
generated quantities {
  vector[N2] y_pred;
  y_pred = new_X*beta; //the y values predicted by the model

In [4]:
model_name = 'linear_regression'
pkl_file = model_name + '.pkl'

if os.path.isfile(pkl_file):
    # Reuse previously compiled model
    sm = pickle.load(open(pkl_file, 'rb'))
    # Compile and sample model
    sm = pystan.StanModel(model_code=model_code, model_name=model_name)
    with open(pkl_file, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(sm, f)

In [5]:
# Test data
N = 20
beta = np.array([0.2, 1.5]).reshape((-1,1))
x = np.linspace(0, 1, N).reshape((-1, 1))
X = np.column_stack([np.ones(x.shape), x])
y = + np.random.normal(0, 0.1, size=N).reshape((-1, 1))

In [6]:
plt.plot(x, y, marker='.', linestyle='none')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f3ad41b04d0>]

In [7]:
# Plot fit
N2 = 2
new_x =  np.linspace(0, 1, N2).reshape((-1, 1))
new_X = np.column_stack([np.ones(N2).reshape((-1, 1)), new_x])

In [8]:
data = {
    'N': N,
    'X': X,
    'K': X.shape[1],
    'y': y.flatten(), 
    'N2': N2,
    'new_X': new_X

In [9]:
res = sm.optimizing(data=data)

In [10]:
# Plot MLE fit
plt.plot(x, y, marker='.', linestyle='none')
plt.plot(new_x, res['y_pred'])

In [11]:
res_vb = sm.vb(data=data, pars=['beta', 'y_pred'])
out_file = res_vb['args']['sample_file']
df = pd.read_csv(out_file, comment='#').iloc[2:, :]

WARNING:pystan:Automatic Differentiation Variational Inference (ADVI) is an EXPERIMENTAL ALGORITHM.
WARNING:pystan:ADVI samples may be found on the filesystem in the file `/tmp/tmpDdv_Kd/output.csv`

In [12]:

lp__ beta.1 beta.2 sigma linpred.1 linpred.2 linpred.3 linpred.4 linpred.5 linpred.6 ... linpred.13 linpred.14 linpred.15 linpred.16 linpred.17 linpred.18 linpred.19 linpred.20 y_pred.1 y_pred.2
count 999.0 999.000000 999.000000 999.000000 999.000000 999.000000 999.000000 999.000000 999.000000 999.000000 ... 999.000000 999.000000 999.000000 999.000000 999.000000 999.000000 999.000000 999.000000 999.000000 999.000000
mean 0.0 0.248237 1.413918 0.276710 0.248237 0.322653 0.397070 0.471487 0.545903 0.620320 ... 1.141237 1.215654 1.290071 1.364487 1.438904 1.513321 1.587738 1.662154 0.248237 1.662154
std 0.0 0.078315 0.131872 0.150637 0.078315 0.078422 0.079141 0.080454 0.082333 0.084740 ... 0.112668 0.117758 0.123030 0.128460 0.134030 0.139723 0.145523 0.151420 0.078315 0.151420
min 0.0 -0.003841 0.915943 -0.230153 -0.003841 0.066752 0.129104 0.191456 0.253807 0.316159 ... 0.752621 0.814972 0.877324 0.931818 0.984863 1.037910 1.090950 1.144000 -0.003841 1.144000
25% 0.0 0.196601 1.325075 0.174872 0.196601 0.271388 0.345764 0.419563 0.492305 0.564822 ... 1.067380 1.136820 1.207695 1.278645 1.348935 1.420015 1.491150 1.561020 0.196601 1.561020
50% 0.0 0.248528 1.419840 0.269580 0.248528 0.321691 0.396606 0.470693 0.545711 0.620346 ... 1.139220 1.215460 1.290090 1.365160 1.438510 1.512500 1.588120 1.663190 0.248528 1.663190
75% 0.0 0.302165 1.501550 0.376862 0.302165 0.376418 0.450848 0.526371 0.603460 0.679519 ... 1.215055 1.293350 1.373265 1.451985 1.529320 1.605525 1.683945 1.762220 0.302165 1.762220
max 0.0 0.496061 1.854010 0.788685 0.496061 0.566389 0.636717 0.710322 0.788418 0.866514 ... 1.513820 1.611400 1.708980 1.806560 1.904140 2.001720 2.099300 2.196880 0.496061 2.196880

8 rows × 26 columns

In [13]:

lp__ beta.1 beta.2 sigma linpred.1 linpred.2 linpred.3 linpred.4 linpred.5 linpred.6 ... linpred.13 linpred.14 linpred.15 linpred.16 linpred.17 linpred.18 linpred.19 linpred.20 y_pred.1 y_pred.2
2 0 0.175881 1.61856 0.291169 0.175881 0.261068 0.346256 0.431444 0.516631 0.601819 ... 1.19813 1.28332 1.36851 1.45369 1.53888 1.62407 1.70926 1.79444 0.175881 1.79444
3 0 0.165420 1.45026 0.467249 0.165420 0.241750 0.318079 0.394409 0.470738 0.547068 ... 1.08137 1.15770 1.23403 1.31036 1.38669 1.46302 1.53935 1.61568 0.165420 1.61568
4 0 0.286881 1.42606 0.367377 0.286881 0.361937 0.436993 0.512049 0.587105 0.662161 ... 1.18755 1.26261 1.33767 1.41272 1.48778 1.56283 1.63789 1.71295 0.286881 1.71295
5 0 0.313728 1.44436 0.146675 0.313728 0.389747 0.465766 0.541785 0.617803 0.693822 ... 1.22595 1.30197 1.37799 1.45401 1.53003 1.60605 1.68207 1.75809 0.313728 1.75809
6 0 0.209218 1.45800 0.168183 0.209218 0.285954 0.362691 0.439428 0.516164 0.592901 ... 1.13006 1.20679 1.28353 1.36027 1.43700 1.51374 1.59048 1.66721 0.209218 1.66721

5 rows × 26 columns

In [14]:
df[['beta.1', 'beta.2']].hist(bins=50)

array([[<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f3ad4081590>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7f3ad3fb7c10>]], dtype=object)

In [15]:
# Plot with generated values after Variational Bayes fit
plt.plot(x, y, marker='.', linestyle='none')
plt.plot(np.tile(new_x, (1, len(df))), df[['y_pred.1', 'y_pred.2']].T.values, alpha=0.005, c='k')


Try to replicate Bayesian linear regression using Edward - see

In [16]:
Beta_ed = ed.models.Normal(loc=tf.zeros([2, 1]), scale=tf.ones([2, 1]))
X_ed = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [N, 2])  # X.astype(np.float32)
y_ed = ed.models.Normal(loc=tf.matmul(X_ed, Beta_ed), scale=0.5)

In [17]:
# Different prior - doesn't seem to be a Cauchy distribution in Edward
qBeta = ed.models.Normal(
    loc=tf.Variable(tf.zeros([2, 1])), 
    scale=tf.nn.softplus(tf.Variable(tf.zeros([2, 1]))))

In [18]:
inference = ed.KLqp({Beta_ed: qBeta}, data={X_ed: X, y_ed: y})

In [19]:

1000/1000 [100%] ██████████████████████████████ Elapsed: 2s | Loss: 10.4260s | Loss:

In [20]:
n_sample = 1000
df_ed = pd.DataFrame(qBeta.sample(n_sample).eval().reshape((n_sample, -1)), columns=['beta.1', 'beta.2'])

In [21]:
df_ed[['beta.1', 'beta.2']].hist(bins=50)

In [22]:
# Plot with generated values after Variational Bayes fit
plt.plot(x, y, marker='.', linestyle='none')
plt.plot(np.tile(new_x, (1, len(df_ed))), 
[['beta.1', 'beta.2']].values.T), alpha=0.005, c='k')

In [ ]: