In [1]:
cd ..
In [2]:
from __future__ import print_function
In [3]:
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
In [4]:
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
This notebook demonstrates how pysaliency
can be used for pixel space information gain evaluation as demonstrated in Information-theoretic model comparison unifies saliency metrics.
In [5]:
import pysaliency
import pysaliency.external_datasets
data_location = 'test_datasets'
In [6]:
mit_stimuli, mit_fixations = pysaliency.external_datasets.get_mit1003_onesize(location=data_location)
In [7]:
# Create Gold Standard
nonlin = np.array([ 3.49507791e-07, 1.47168761e-03, 2.60373129e-01,
2.84424917e-01, 3.08476675e-01, 3.32528425e-01,
3.56580184e-01, 3.80631940e-01, 4.04683699e-01,
4.52998401e-01, 5.37440596e-01, 6.21882777e-01,
7.07076345e-01, 7.43299728e-01, 7.50094183e-01,
7.54579454e-01, 7.65437037e-01, 7.73176970e-01,
7.79269978e-01, 7.85573526e-01])
blur_radius = 28.434119632171214
fixation_maps = pysaliency.FixationMap(mit_stimuli, mit_fixations)
gold_standard = pysaliency.SaliencyMapConvertor(saliency_map_model = fixation_maps,
nonlinearity = nonlin,
centerbias = [0,1],
blur_radius = blur_radius,
saliency_min = 0.0,
saliency_max = 1.0)
In [8]:
# Create model to test (here: Bruce and Tsotso's AIM)
aim_saliency_map = pysaliency.AIM(location='test_models',
cache_location=os.path.join('cache', 'model_caches', 'AIM'))
nonlin = np.array([ 1.00000000e-20, 9.52115109e-03, 9.52115109e-03,
9.52115109e-03, 9.52115109e-03, 9.52115109e-03,
9.52115109e-03, 1.43374750e-02, 1.65030156e-02,
3.53915883e-02, 7.60503511e-02, 1.45195547e-01,
2.54740120e-01, 4.24345827e-01, 6.71119681e-01,
1.49092060e+00, 1.66344216e+00, 1.71643371e+00,
1.71662445e+00, 1.71776858e+00])
centerbias = np.array([ 3.28157057, 2.76741857, 1.91055761, 1.36368871, 0.91901744,
0.65788018, 0.39153874, 0.22558925, 0.1729419 , 0.16437142,
0.12902333, 0.01640229])
alpha = 1.0
blur_radius = 28.7859674143928
probabilistic_aim = pysaliency.SaliencyMapConvertor(saliency_map_model = aim_saliency_map,
nonlinearity = nonlin,
centerbias = centerbias,
alpha = alpha,
blur_radius = blur_radius,
saliency_min = 5.2512888815495984,
saliency_max = 507.94043954390355)
In [9]:
stimulus_index = 10
stimulus = mit_stimuli[stimulus_index]
In [10]:
plt.title('Gold Standard');
In [11]:
smap = aim_saliency_map.saliency_map(stimulus)
plt.title("Saliency Map AIM");
In [12]:
log_densities = probabilistic_aim.log_density(stimulus)
plt.title("Log Density AIM");
In [17]:
from scipy.misc import logsumexp
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
def normalize_fixations(stimuli, fixations):
xs = []
ys = []
for n in range(len(stimuli)):
this_fix = fixations[fixations.n == n]
height, width = stimuli.sizes[n]
this_xs = this_fix.x / width * 1.0
this_ys = this_fix.y / height * 1.0
return xs, ys
class BaselineModel(pysaliency.Model):
def __init__(self, stimuli, fixations, bandwidth, eps = 1e-20, **kwargs):
super(BaselineModel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.stimuli = stimuli
self.fixations = fixations
self.bandwidth = bandwidth
self.eps = eps
self.xs, self.ys = normalize_fixations(stimuli, fixations)
#self.kde = KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=bandwidth).fit(np.vstack([self.xs, self.ys]).T)
self.shape_cache = {}
def _log_density(self, stimulus):
shape = stimulus.shape[0], stimulus.shape[1]
if shape not in self.shape_cache:
if False:
XX, YY = np.mgrid[:shape[0],:shape[1]]
XX = XX.astype(np.float)
YY = YY.astype(np.float)
XX /= shape[1]
YY /= shape[0]
grid_data = np.array([XX.ravel(), YY.ravel()]).T
Z = self.kde.score_samples(grid_data)
ZZ = Z.reshape(XX.shape)
ZZ = np.zeros(shape)
for x, y in (zip(self.xs, self.ys)):
ZZ[y*shape[0], x*shape[1]] += 1
ZZ = gaussian_filter(ZZ, [self.bandwidth*shape[0], self.bandwidth*shape[1]])
ZZ += self.eps
ZZ = np.log(ZZ)
ZZ -= logsumexp(ZZ)
#ZZ -= np.log(np.exp(ZZ).sum())
self.shape_cache[shape] = ZZ
return self.shape_cache[shape]
In [18]:
baseline = BaselineModel(mit_stimuli, mit_fixations, 0.035938136638046257, eps=1e-20)
In [19]:
plt.title('Log Densities Baseline');
In [22]:
ig = probabilistic_aim.pixel_space_information_gain(baseline, gold_standard, stimulus)
In [23]:
In [37]:
ig_gold = gold_standard.pixel_space_information_gain(baseline, gold_standard, stimulus)
plt.title('Information gain gold standard');
In [25]:
plt.imshow(ig - ig_gold)
plt.title('Difference in information gain');
In [32]:
from pysaliency.plotting import plot_information_gain
In [110]:
plot_information_gain(ig, image=stimulus.stimulus_data)
In [113]:
plot_information_gain(ig-ig_gold, image=stimulus.stimulus_data)
In [41]:
inds = range(5)
igs = []
ig_golds = []
ig_diffs = []
for i in inds:
igs.append(probabilistic_aim.pixel_space_information_gain(baseline, gold_standard, mit_stimuli[i]))
ig_golds.append(gold_standard.pixel_space_information_gain(baseline, gold_standard, mit_stimuli[i]))
ig_diffs.append(igs[-1] - ig_golds[-1])
In [42]:
ig_min = np.min(igs)
ig_max = np.max(igs)
In [43]:
ig_diff_min = np.min(ig_diffs)
ig_diff_max = np.max(ig_diffs)
In [45]:
width = 4
f, axs = plt.subplots(len(inds), 4, figsize=(4*width,len(inds)*3/4*width))
for i in inds:
p_model = np.exp(probabilistic_aim.log_density(mit_stimuli[i]))
p_baseline = np.exp(baseline.log_density(mit_stimuli[i]))
axs[i, 0].imshow(p_model)
axs[i, 0].set_axis_off()
axs[i, 1].imshow(p_model / p_baseline)
axs[i, 1].set_axis_off()
plot_information_gain(igs[i], image=mit_stimuli[i].stimulus_data, color_range=(ig_min, ig_max),
ax=axs[i, 2])
plot_information_gain(ig_diffs[i], image=mit_stimuli[i].stimulus_data, color_range=(ig_diff_min, ig_diff_max),
ax=axs[i, 3])
In [ ]: