Computing In Context

Social Sciences Track

Lecture 4--topics, trends, and dimensional scaling

Matthew L. Jones

In [32]:
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

pd.set_option('display.mpl_style', 'default') # Make the graphs a bit prettier
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (15, 5)

In [1]:
from IPython.display import Image


In [ ]:

In [4]:
import textmining_blackboxes as tm
##when I put this on-line you'll have topic modeling helper functions!!

IMPORTANT: tm is our temporarily helper, not a standard python package!!

download it from my github:

In [3]:
#see if package imported correctly

I can't believe it's not butter

Let's keep using the remarkable narratives available from Documenting the American South (

Assuming that you are storing your data in a directory in the same place as your iPython notebook.

Let's look at Victorian novels for a little while

In [61]:
our_texts, names=tm.readtextfiles("data/british-fiction-corpus")

In [62]:


In [63]:
#more necessary when have messy text
#eliminate escaped characters

back to vectorizer from scikit learn

In [7]:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

In [8]:
vectorizer=TfidfVectorizer(min_df=0.5, stop_words='english', use_idf=True)

In [9]:

In [10]:
# now let's get our vocabulary--the names corresponding to the rows

In [13]:


In [14]:

(11, 7102)

In [15]:

In [16]:
dtmdf=pd.DataFrame(document_term_matrix_dense, columns=vocab)

In [17]:

18 abandoned abashed abhorred abhorrence abide abilities ability able abode ... youd youll young younger youngest youre youth youthful youve zeal
0 0.000000 0.000000 0.001862 0.000000 0.001700 0.000000 0.003115 0.003400 0.025401 0.011833 ... 0.004673 0.010011 0.081041 0.015724 0.001558 0.017133 0.003629 0.000000 0.011900 0.000000
1 0.000789 0.005939 0.000000 0.002161 0.004322 0.001980 0.000000 0.000000 0.017937 0.004457 ... 0.010559 0.021208 0.047150 0.004612 0.000000 0.027717 0.006662 0.001818 0.015846 0.000720
2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000570 0.000000 0.000522 0.001567 0.000000 0.029214 0.000441 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.077904 0.000811 0.002090 0.000000 0.004463 0.000959 0.000000 0.002281
3 0.000910 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.004986 0.000761 0.004568 0.000000 0.031930 0.005142 ... 0.000000 0.000699 0.076278 0.017739 0.009898 0.000000 0.005322 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
4 0.000989 0.000827 0.000000 0.001805 0.003611 0.000000 0.007444 0.002708 0.029546 0.003491 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.066158 0.003854 0.003308 0.000000 0.004496 0.001519 0.000000 0.001805
5 0.000000 0.004706 0.000000 0.003210 0.000000 0.001176 0.000588 0.000000 0.010506 0.003972 ... 0.002353 0.004321 0.037001 0.006395 0.000588 0.002941 0.007766 0.001620 0.005778 0.002568
6 0.003283 0.001373 0.001641 0.005996 0.000000 0.001373 0.000000 0.001499 0.008532 0.006956 ... 0.004120 0.016393 0.061858 0.002133 0.000000 0.016480 0.012798 0.006305 0.011992 0.000000
7 0.000724 0.001212 0.001448 0.000661 0.001323 0.000606 0.000000 0.001323 0.007529 0.002558 ... 0.000606 0.001669 0.053176 0.000941 0.003636 0.000606 0.012706 0.002782 0.000000 0.001323
8 0.000000 0.002917 0.001341 0.000000 0.000245 0.000000 0.000898 0.000980 0.012721 0.000758 ... 0.003366 0.013598 0.074407 0.003137 0.001571 0.021317 0.005750 0.003296 0.004163 0.000000
9 0.000267 0.002905 0.001869 0.000000 0.000488 0.000223 0.002235 0.001219 0.007115 0.001320 ... 0.004916 0.015798 0.049804 0.003124 0.001788 0.012290 0.005380 0.004309 0.004146 0.000244
10 0.000000 0.002337 0.001862 0.000850 0.000000 0.000779 0.000779 0.000850 0.006048 0.000000 ... 0.008567 0.025029 0.078025 0.003024 0.000000 0.018692 0.004839 0.002145 0.002550 0.000850

11 rows × 7102 columns

While this data frame is lovely to look at and useful to think with, it's tough on your computer's memory

In [11]:
#easy to program, but let's use a robust version from sklearn!
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity

In [12]:

#Note here that the `cosine_similiary` can take 
#an entire matrix as its argument

In [13]:
pd.DataFrame(similarity, index=names, columns=names)

ABronte_Agnes.txt ABronte_Tenant.txt Austen_Emma.txt Austen_Pride.txt Austen_Sense.txt CBronte_Jane.txt CBronte_Professor.txt CBronte_Villette.txt Dickens_Bleak.txt Dickens_David.txt Dickens_Hard.txt
ABronte_Agnes.txt 1.000000 0.873077 0.766374 0.771317 0.750176 0.829614 0.783084 0.820091 0.756383 0.782174 0.736513
ABronte_Tenant.txt 0.873077 1.000000 0.761187 0.786333 0.777003 0.866513 0.821557 0.853758 0.785609 0.844785 0.810371
Austen_Emma.txt 0.766374 0.761187 1.000000 0.914527 0.801833 0.779011 0.642204 0.667375 0.814210 0.803813 0.766277
Austen_Pride.txt 0.771317 0.786333 0.914527 1.000000 0.828285 0.789536 0.660597 0.662716 0.806270 0.805168 0.767164
Austen_Sense.txt 0.750176 0.777003 0.801833 0.828285 1.000000 0.739302 0.671603 0.713728 0.666095 0.704389 0.698309
CBronte_Jane.txt 0.829614 0.866513 0.779011 0.789536 0.739302 1.000000 0.862033 0.884444 0.794386 0.823570 0.792873
CBronte_Professor.txt 0.783084 0.821557 0.642204 0.660597 0.671603 0.862033 1.000000 0.910828 0.680350 0.728871 0.692953
CBronte_Villette.txt 0.820091 0.853758 0.667375 0.662716 0.713728 0.884444 0.910828 1.000000 0.684109 0.750113 0.712343
Dickens_Bleak.txt 0.756383 0.785609 0.814210 0.806270 0.666095 0.794386 0.680350 0.684109 1.000000 0.905987 0.878677
Dickens_David.txt 0.782174 0.844785 0.803813 0.805168 0.704389 0.823570 0.728871 0.750113 0.905987 1.000000 0.901665
Dickens_Hard.txt 0.736513 0.810371 0.766277 0.767164 0.698309 0.792873 0.692953 0.712343 0.878677 0.901665 1.000000

that is a symmetrical matrix relating each of the texts (rows) to another text (row)

In [28]:

ABronte_Tenant.txt       1.000000
ABronte_Agnes.txt        0.873077
CBronte_Jane.txt         0.866513
CBronte_Villette.txt     0.853758
Dickens_David.txt        0.844785
CBronte_Professor.txt    0.821557
Dickens_Hard.txt         0.810371
Austen_Pride.txt         0.786333
Dickens_Bleak.txt        0.785609
Austen_Sense.txt         0.777003
Austen_Emma.txt          0.761187
Name: ABronte_Tenant.txt, dtype: float64

can do lots of things with similarity matrix

you've already seen hierarchical clustering

Multidimension scaling

  • Technique to visualize distances in high dimensional spaces in ways we can cognize.
  • Keep distances but reduce dimensionality

In [14]:
#here's the blackbox
from sklearn.manifold import MDS
mds = MDS(n_components=2, dissimilarity="precomputed", random_state=1)
positions= mds.fit_transform(1-similarity)

In [15]:

(11, 2)

It's an 11 by 2 matrix


simply an (x,y) coordinate pair for each of our texts

In [16]:
#let's plot it: I've set up a black box

In [17]:
names=[name.replace(".txt", "") for name in names]

In [18]:

What has this got us?

It suggests that even this crude measure of similarity is able to capture something significant.

Note: the axes don't really mean anything

interesting but what does it mean?

topic modeling

unsupervised algorithm for finding the major topics of texts

unlike hierarchical clustering, assumes texts spring from multiple sets of topics

the big thing in much text modeling, from humanities, to Facebook, to NSA

many variations

fantastic python package gensim

"corpora" = a collection of documents or texts

gensim likes its documents to be a list of lists of words, not a list of strings

Get the stoplist in the data directory in my github.

In [3]:
our_texts, names=tm.readtextfiles("Data/PCCIPtext")

In [5]:

In [6]:
#improved stoplist--may be too complete
with open('data/stoplist-multilingual') as f:
    stop=[word.strip('\n') for word in stop]

In [7]:
texts = [[word for word in document.lower().split() if word not in stop] for document in our_texts] #gensim requires list of list of words in documents

In [8]:
from gensim import corpora, models, similarities, matutils
"""gensim includes its own vectorizing tools"""
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(texts)
corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in texts]

#doc2bow just means `doc`uments to `b`ag `o`f `w`ords
#ok, this has just vectorized our texts; it's another form

Now we are going to call the topic modeling black box

the key parameter is how many distinct topics we want the computer to find

this will take a while

In [10]:
model = models.LdaModel(corpus, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=number_topics, passes=10) #use gensim multicore LDA

In [11]:

['0.011*security + 0.010*cyber + 0.009*national + 0.008*6633 + 0.008*sjud4 + 0.007*government + 0.006*critical + 0.006*09 + 0.006*infrastructure + 0.005*plan',
 '0.009*gas + 0.009*oil + 0.009*natural + 0.008*national + 0.007*infrastructure + 0.007*industry + 0.007*technology + 0.007*risk + 0.007*critical + 0.007*government',
 '0.013*nder + 0.007*program + 0.007*members + 0.007*fema + 0.006*data + 0.006*training + 0.006*office + 0.005*units + 0.005*enclosurei + 0.005*administration',
 '0.023*security + 0.018*critical + 0.014*infrastructure + 0.013*national + 0.011*sector + 0.009*government + 0.008*federal + 0.008*private + 0.008*protection + 0.007*agencies',
 '0.015*ati + 0.011*program + 0.011*army + 0.010*chemi + 0.010*cl + 0.009*wi + 0.009*dod + 0.008*gao + 0.008*defense + 0.008*ns',
 '0.022*air + 0.020*force + 0.013*warfare + 0.010*equipment + 0.009*report + 0.009*dod + 0.009*systems + 0.008*gao + 0.008*program + 0.007*test',
 '0.023*pki + 0.015*federal + 0.011*key + 0.009*00 + 0.008*certification + 0.008*government + 0.008*agencies + 0.007*security + 0.006*public + 0.006*certificates',
 '0.020*secretary + 0.017*policy + 0.015*department + 0.012*affairs + 0.010*issues + 0.010*security + 0.010*staff + 0.010*foreign + 0.009*international + 0.009*office',
 '0.016*market + 0.014*markets + 0.014*trading + 0.013*securities + 0.012*stock + 0.011*futures + 0.008*exchange + 0.008*clearing + 0.006*options + 0.006*exchanges',
 '0.023*rail + 0.017*transportation + 0.014*attacks + 0.013*rand + 0.011*freight + 0.011*passenger + 0.005*trains + 0.005*surface + 0.004*testimony + 0.004*targets']

In [14]:
topics_indexed=[[b for (a,b) in topics] for topics in model.show_topics(number_topics,10,formatted=False)]

In [15]:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 security cyber national 6633 sjud4 government critical 09 infrastructure plan
1 materials hazardous transportation dot training regulations federal response emergency safety
2 nder program members fema data training office units enclosurei administration
3 surveillance electronic enforcement federal law service policy department court data
4 security dod homeland national defense emergency guard systems response support
5 national security emergency federal order plans defense secretary executive develop
6 infrastructure security critical sector government national federal protection homeland private
7 security federal materials hazardous systems government technology defense national response
8 millimeter graphite smes cadmium crystalline transmitters 052 rated metals dormant
9 interoperability joint services c3 communications service agency equipment tactical air
10 software bmd space battle systems defense based phase laser weapons
11 security terrorism chemical facilities terrorist federal food weapons water threat
12 security national systems government data federal agencies technology defense infrastructure
13 internet law privacy enforcement government security crime industry 2000 federal
14 defense production base industrial military dod planning maintenance future program
15 insurance catastrophe insurers risk terrorism coverage losses reinsurance companies industry
16 healthcare hospitals bioterrorism health preparedness care 2003 2002 hospital services
17 rail transportation attacks rand freight passenger trains surface testimony targets
18 classified security agreement access nondisclosure agreements united form agency appendix
19 security federal systems national defense government technology data office services
20 intelligence national 1999 biological defense security bioterrorism agricultural staff support
21 systems security data government technology federal national public agencies policy
22 security systems data critical federal technology national government assets defense
23 security systems national federal government data services financial industry department
24 financial services service systems industry institutions technology market securities credit
25 secretary policy department affairs issues security staff foreign international office
26 defense soviet bmd nuclear strategic abm united weapons treaty arms
27 security key electronic encryption standards nsa systems privacy law nist
28 security national federal systems defense data government technology policy industry
29 ati program army chemi cl wi dod gao defense ns
30 market markets trading securities stock futures exchange clearing options exchanges
31 defense technology government systems privacy programs military industry percent development
32 federal gao agencies pki activities agency 2001 plans key status
33 network networks internet technology applications data services high packet stockpile
34 air force warfare equipment report dod systems gao program test
35 gas oil natural national infrastructure industry technology risk critical government
36 pki federal key 00 certification government agencies security public certificates
37 eft services financial systems privacy security institutions funds transfer electronic
38 security critical infrastructure national sector government federal private protection agencies
39 operatio necessw 34568101113 systems58 forfeitures oppressive sfues stock market markets

So which topics most significant for each document? Pass a bag of words version of each document to the model.

In [16]:

[(6, 0.27494201620509567),
 (13, 0.2974909141776681),
 (21, 0.16110147750989032),
 (25, 0.023097844867048457),
 (31, 0.023331172978793457),
 (38, 0.207918188456342)]

Let's find them for every document--with a list comprehension, of course

In [17]:
primarytopics=[model[dictionary.doc2bow(text)] for text in texts]

make it pretty with a list comprehension

In [39]:
import numpy as np
primarytopics_matrix=pd.DataFrame(np.matrix([matutils.sparse2full(primarytopic, number_topics) for primarytopic in primarytopics]))

In [54]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x12555c750>

In [55]:
primarytopics_matrix.ix[18].plot(kind="bar", title=names[18])

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x125169590>

In [58]:
topics_indexed.ix[[6, 21, 27, 38]]

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6 infrastructure security critical sector government national federal protection homeland private
21 systems security data government technology federal national public agencies policy
27 security key electronic encryption standards nsa systems privacy law nist
38 security critical infrastructure national sector government federal private protection agencies

In [59]:
#FIND which documents focus on a particular topic

In [60]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x12707eb10>

In [53]:
primarytopics_matrix[17].plot(kind="bar", title=str(topics_indexed.ix[17]))

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x122d88450>

In [ ]:
#that's ugly!