Help on Render in module __main__ object:
class Render(PyQt4.QtWebKit.QWebPage)
| Method resolution order:
| Render
| PyQt4.QtWebKit.QWebPage
| PyQt4.QtCore.QObject
| sip.wrapper
| sip.simplewrapper
| __builtin__.object
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, url)
| update_url(self, url)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from PyQt4.QtWebKit.QWebPage:
| acceptNavigationRequest(...)
| QWebPage.acceptNavigationRequest(QWebFrame, QNetworkRequest, QWebPage.NavigationType) -> bool
| action(...)
| QWebPage.action(QWebPage.WebAction) -> QAction
| applicationCacheQuotaExceeded = <unbound signal applicationCacheQuotaExceeded>
| bytesReceived(...)
| QWebPage.bytesReceived() -> int
| chooseFile(...)
| QWebPage.chooseFile(QWebFrame, QString) -> QString
| contentsChanged = <unbound signal contentsChanged>
| createPlugin(...)
| QWebPage.createPlugin(QString, QUrl, QStringList, QStringList) -> QObject
| createStandardContextMenu(...)
| QWebPage.createStandardContextMenu() -> QMenu
| createWindow(...)
| QWebPage.createWindow(QWebPage.WebWindowType) -> QWebPage
| currentFrame(...)
| QWebPage.currentFrame() -> QWebFrame
| databaseQuotaExceeded = <unbound signal databaseQuotaExceeded>
| downloadRequested = <unbound signal downloadRequested>
| event(...)
| QWebPage.event(QEvent) -> bool
| extension(...)
| QWebPage.extension(QWebPage.Extension, QWebPage.ExtensionOption option=None, QWebPage.ExtensionReturn output=None) -> bool
| featurePermissionRequestCanceled = <unbound signal featurePermissionRequestCanceled>
| featurePermissionRequested = <unbound signal featurePermissionRequested>
| findText(...)
| QWebPage.findText(QString, QWebPage.FindFlags options=0) -> bool
| focusNextPrevChild(...)
| QWebPage.focusNextPrevChild(bool) -> bool
| forwardUnsupportedContent(...)
| QWebPage.forwardUnsupportedContent() -> bool
| frameAt(...)
| QWebPage.frameAt(QPoint) -> QWebFrame
| frameCreated = <unbound signal frameCreated>
| geometryChangeRequested = <unbound signal geometryChangeRequested>
| hasSelection(...)
| QWebPage.hasSelection() -> bool
| history(...)
| QWebPage.history() -> QWebHistory
| inputMethodQuery(...)
| QWebPage.inputMethodQuery(Qt.InputMethodQuery) -> QVariant
| isContentEditable(...)
| QWebPage.isContentEditable() -> bool
| isModified(...)
| QWebPage.isModified() -> bool
| javaScriptAlert(...)
| QWebPage.javaScriptAlert(QWebFrame, QString)
| javaScriptConfirm(...)
| QWebPage.javaScriptConfirm(QWebFrame, QString) -> bool
| javaScriptConsoleMessage(...)
| QWebPage.javaScriptConsoleMessage(QString, int, QString)
| javaScriptPrompt(...)
| QWebPage.javaScriptPrompt(QWebFrame, QString, QString, QString) -> bool
| linkClicked = <unbound signal linkClicked>
| linkDelegationPolicy(...)
| QWebPage.linkDelegationPolicy() -> QWebPage.LinkDelegationPolicy
| linkHovered = <unbound signal linkHovered>
| loadFinished = <unbound signal loadFinished>
| loadProgress = <unbound signal loadProgress>
| loadStarted = <unbound signal loadStarted>
| mainFrame(...)
| QWebPage.mainFrame() -> QWebFrame
| menuBarVisibilityChangeRequested = <unbound signal menuBarVisibilityChangeRequested>
| microFocusChanged = <unbound signal microFocusChanged>
| networkAccessManager(...)
| QWebPage.networkAccessManager() -> QNetworkAccessManager
| palette(...)
| QWebPage.palette() -> QPalette
| pluginFactory(...)
| QWebPage.pluginFactory() -> QWebPluginFactory
| preferredContentsSize(...)
| QWebPage.preferredContentsSize() -> QSize
| printRequested = <unbound signal printRequested>
| repaintRequested = <unbound signal repaintRequested>
| restoreFrameStateRequested = <unbound signal restoreFrameStateRequested>
| saveFrameStateRequested = <unbound signal saveFrameStateRequested>
| scrollRequested = <unbound signal scrollRequested>
| selectedHtml(...)
| QWebPage.selectedHtml() -> QString
| selectedText(...)
| QWebPage.selectedText() -> QString
| selectionChanged = <unbound signal selectionChanged>
| setActualVisibleContentRect(...)
| QWebPage.setActualVisibleContentRect(QRect)
| setContentEditable(...)
| QWebPage.setContentEditable(bool)
| setFeaturePermission(...)
| QWebPage.setFeaturePermission(QWebFrame, QWebPage.Feature, QWebPage.PermissionPolicy)
| setForwardUnsupportedContent(...)
| QWebPage.setForwardUnsupportedContent(bool)
| setLinkDelegationPolicy(...)
| QWebPage.setLinkDelegationPolicy(QWebPage.LinkDelegationPolicy)
| setNetworkAccessManager(...)
| QWebPage.setNetworkAccessManager(QNetworkAccessManager)
| setPalette(...)
| QWebPage.setPalette(QPalette)
| setPluginFactory(...)
| QWebPage.setPluginFactory(QWebPluginFactory)
| setPreferredContentsSize(...)
| QWebPage.setPreferredContentsSize(QSize)
| setView(...)
| QWebPage.setView(QWidget)
| setViewportSize(...)
| QWebPage.setViewportSize(QSize)
| settings(...)
| QWebPage.settings() -> QWebSettings
| shouldInterruptJavaScript(...)
| QWebPage.shouldInterruptJavaScript() -> bool
| statusBarMessage = <unbound signal statusBarMessage>
| statusBarVisibilityChangeRequested = <unbound signal statusBarVisibilityChangeRequested>
| supportedContentTypes(...)
| QWebPage.supportedContentTypes() -> QStringList
| supportsContentType(...)
| QWebPage.supportsContentType(QString) -> bool
| supportsExtension(...)
| QWebPage.supportsExtension(QWebPage.Extension) -> bool
| swallowContextMenuEvent(...)
| QWebPage.swallowContextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent) -> bool
| toolBarVisibilityChangeRequested = <unbound signal toolBarVisibilityChangeRequested>
| totalBytes(...)
| QWebPage.totalBytes() -> int
| triggerAction(...)
| QWebPage.triggerAction(QWebPage.WebAction, bool checked=False)
| undoStack(...)
| QWebPage.undoStack() -> QUndoStack
| unsupportedContent = <unbound signal unsupportedContent>
| updatePositionDependentActions(...)
| QWebPage.updatePositionDependentActions(QPoint)
| userAgentForUrl(...)
| QWebPage.userAgentForUrl(QUrl) -> QString
| view(...)
| QWebPage.view() -> QWidget
| viewportAttributesForSize(...)
| QWebPage.viewportAttributesForSize(QSize) -> QWebPage.ViewportAttributes
| viewportChangeRequested = <unbound signal viewportChangeRequested>
| viewportSize(...)
| QWebPage.viewportSize() -> QSize
| windowCloseRequested = <unbound signal windowCloseRequested>
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes inherited from PyQt4.QtWebKit.QWebPage:
| AlignCenter = 63
| AlignJustified = 64
| AlignLeft = 65
| AlignRight = 66
| Back = 8
| ChooseMultipleFilesExtension = 0
| ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption = <class 'PyQt4.QtWebKit.ChooseMult...
| QWebPage.ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption()
| QWebPage.ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption(QWebPage.ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption)
| ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn = <class 'PyQt4.QtWebKit.ChooseMult...
| QWebPage.ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn()
| QWebPage.ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn(QWebPage.ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn)
| Copy = 13
| CopyImageToClipboard = 7
| CopyImageUrlToClipboard = 68
| CopyLinkToClipboard = 4
| Cut = 12
| DelegateAllLinks = 2
| DelegateExternalLinks = 1
| DeleteEndOfWord = 42
| DeleteStartOfWord = 41
| DontDelegateLinks = 0
| DownloadImageToDisk = 6
| DownloadLinkToDisk = 3
| ErrorDomain = <class 'PyQt4.QtWebKit.ErrorDomain'>
| ErrorPageExtension = 1
| ErrorPageExtensionOption = <class 'PyQt4.QtWebKit.ErrorPageExtensionOp...
| QWebPage.ErrorPageExtensionOption()
| QWebPage.ErrorPageExtensionOption(QWebPage.ErrorPageExtensionOption)
| ErrorPageExtensionReturn = <class 'PyQt4.QtWebKit.ErrorPageExtensionRe...
| QWebPage.ErrorPageExtensionReturn()
| QWebPage.ErrorPageExtensionReturn(QWebPage.ErrorPageExtensionReturn)
| Extension = <class 'PyQt4.QtWebKit.Extension'>
| ExtensionOption = <class 'PyQt4.QtWebKit.ExtensionOption'>
| QWebPage.ExtensionOption()
| QWebPage.ExtensionOption(QWebPage.ExtensionOption)
| ExtensionReturn = <class 'PyQt4.QtWebKit.ExtensionReturn'>
| QWebPage.ExtensionReturn()
| QWebPage.ExtensionReturn(QWebPage.ExtensionReturn)
| Feature = <class 'PyQt4.QtWebKit.Feature'>
| FindBackward = 1
| FindCaseSensitively = 2
| FindFlag = <class 'PyQt4.QtWebKit.FindFlag'>
| FindFlags = <class 'PyQt4.QtWebKit.FindFlags'>
| QWebPage.FindFlags(QWebPage.FindFlags)
| QWebPage.FindFlags(int)
| QWebPage.FindFlags()
| FindWrapsAroundDocument = 4
| Forward = 9
| Geolocation = 1
| HighlightAllOccurrences = 8
| Http = 1
| Indent = 61
| InsertLineSeparator = 51
| InsertOrderedList = 60
| InsertParagraphSeparator = 50
| InsertUnorderedList = 59
| InspectElement = 49
| LinkDelegationPolicy = <class 'PyQt4.QtWebKit.LinkDelegationPolicy'>
| MoveToEndOfBlock = 26
| MoveToEndOfDocument = 28
| MoveToEndOfLine = 24
| MoveToNextChar = 17
| MoveToNextLine = 21
| MoveToNextWord = 19
| MoveToPreviousChar = 18
| MoveToPreviousLine = 22
| MoveToPreviousWord = 20
| MoveToStartOfBlock = 25
| MoveToStartOfDocument = 27
| MoveToStartOfLine = 23
| NavigationType = <class 'PyQt4.QtWebKit.NavigationType'>
| NavigationTypeBackOrForward = 2
| NavigationTypeFormResubmitted = 4
| NavigationTypeFormSubmitted = 1
| NavigationTypeLinkClicked = 0
| NavigationTypeOther = 5
| NavigationTypeReload = 3
| NoWebAction = -1
| Notifications = 0
| OpenFrameInNewWindow = 2
| OpenImageInNewWindow = 5
| OpenLink = 0
| OpenLinkInNewWindow = 1
| Outdent = 62
| Paste = 14
| PasteAndMatchStyle = 54
| PermissionDeniedByUser = 2
| PermissionGrantedByUser = 1
| PermissionPolicy = <class 'PyQt4.QtWebKit.PermissionPolicy'>
| PermissionUnknown = 0
| QtNetwork = 0
| Redo = 16
| Reload = 11
| ReloadAndBypassCache = 53
| RemoveFormat = 55
| SelectAll = 52
| SelectEndOfBlock = 38
| SelectEndOfDocument = 40
| SelectEndOfLine = 36
| SelectNextChar = 29
| SelectNextLine = 33
| SelectNextWord = 31
| SelectPreviousChar = 30
| SelectPreviousLine = 34
| SelectPreviousWord = 32
| SelectStartOfBlock = 37
| SelectStartOfDocument = 39
| SelectStartOfLine = 35
| SetTextDirectionDefault = 43
| SetTextDirectionLeftToRight = 44
| SetTextDirectionRightToLeft = 45
| Stop = 10
| StopScheduledPageRefresh = 67
| ToggleBold = 46
| ToggleItalic = 47
| ToggleStrikethrough = 56
| ToggleSubscript = 57
| ToggleSuperscript = 58
| ToggleUnderline = 48
| Undo = 15
| ViewportAttributes = <class 'PyQt4.QtWebKit.ViewportAttributes'>
| QWebPage.ViewportAttributes()
| QWebPage.ViewportAttributes(QWebPage.ViewportAttributes)
| WebAction = <class 'PyQt4.QtWebKit.WebAction'>
| WebBrowserWindow = 0
| WebKit = 2
| WebModalDialog = 1
| WebWindowType = <class 'PyQt4.QtWebKit.WebWindowType'>
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from PyQt4.QtCore.QObject:
| __getattr__(...)
| QObject.__getattr__(str) -> object
| blockSignals(...)
| QObject.blockSignals(bool) -> bool
| childEvent(...)
| QObject.childEvent(QChildEvent)
| children(...)
| QObject.children() -> list-of-QObject
| connect(...)
| QObject.connect(QObject, SIGNAL(), QObject, SLOT(), Qt.ConnectionType=Qt.AutoConnection) -> bool
| QObject.connect(QObject, SIGNAL(), callable, Qt.ConnectionType=Qt.AutoConnection) -> bool
| QObject.connect(QObject, SIGNAL(), SLOT(), Qt.ConnectionType=Qt.AutoConnection) -> bool
| connectNotify(...)
| QObject.connectNotify(SIGNAL())
| customEvent(...)
| QObject.customEvent(QEvent)
| deleteLater(...)
| QObject.deleteLater()
| destroyed = <unbound signal destroyed>
| disconnect(...)
| QObject.disconnect(QObject, SIGNAL(), QObject, SLOT()) -> bool
| QObject.disconnect(QObject, SIGNAL(), callable) -> bool
| disconnectNotify(...)
| QObject.disconnectNotify(SIGNAL())
| dumpObjectInfo(...)
| QObject.dumpObjectInfo()
| dumpObjectTree(...)
| QObject.dumpObjectTree()
| dynamicPropertyNames(...)
| QObject.dynamicPropertyNames() -> list-of-QByteArray
| emit(...)
| QObject.emit(SIGNAL(), ...)
| eventFilter(...)
| QObject.eventFilter(QObject, QEvent) -> bool
| findChild(...)
| QObject.findChild(type, QString name=QString()) -> QObject
| QObject.findChild(tuple, QString name=QString()) -> QObject
| findChildren(...)
| QObject.findChildren(type, QString name=QString()) -> list-of-QObject
| QObject.findChildren(tuple, QString name=QString()) -> list-of-QObject
| QObject.findChildren(type, QRegExp) -> list-of-QObject
| QObject.findChildren(tuple, QRegExp) -> list-of-QObject
| inherits(...)
| QObject.inherits(str) -> bool
| installEventFilter(...)
| QObject.installEventFilter(QObject)
| isWidgetType(...)
| QObject.isWidgetType() -> bool
| killTimer(...)
| QObject.killTimer(int)
| metaObject(...)
| QObject.metaObject() -> QMetaObject
| moveToThread(...)
| QObject.moveToThread(QThread)
| objectName(...)
| QObject.objectName() -> QString
| parent(...)
| QObject.parent() -> QObject
| property(...)
| -> QVariant
| pyqtConfigure(...)
| QObject.pyqtConfigure(...)
| Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal.
| For properties the property is set to the given value which should be of an
| appropriate type.
| For signals the signal is connected to the given value which should be a
| callable.
| receivers(...)
| QObject.receivers(SIGNAL()) -> int
| removeEventFilter(...)
| QObject.removeEventFilter(QObject)
| sender(...)
| QObject.sender() -> QObject
| senderSignalIndex(...)
| QObject.senderSignalIndex() -> int
| setObjectName(...)
| QObject.setObjectName(QString)
| setParent(...)
| QObject.setParent(QObject)
| setProperty(...)
| QObject.setProperty(str, QVariant) -> bool
| signalsBlocked(...)
| QObject.signalsBlocked() -> bool
| startTimer(...)
| QObject.startTimer(int) -> int
| thread(...)
| QObject.thread() -> QThread
| timerEvent(...)
| QObject.timerEvent(QTimerEvent)
| tr(...)
|, str disambiguation=None, int n=-1) -> QString
| trUtf8(...)
| QObject.trUtf8(str, str disambiguation=None, int n=-1) -> QString
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors inherited from PyQt4.QtCore.QObject:
| __weakref__
| list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| staticMetaObject
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors inherited from sip.simplewrapper:
| __dict__
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes inherited from sip.simplewrapper:
| __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of sip.wrappertype object>
| T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T