
A determination of the bright dwarf stars in the K2 Campaign 5 Field


In the K2 Mission the Kepler Spacecraft observes different fields along the ecliptic. The "selected", "wanted", and "proposed" K2 fields are shown in the below figure.

Campaign 5 will start on 2015.04.27 and last until 2015.07.13 and will a section of the sky between RAs of 120 - 140 degrees, and declinations between 9 and 24 degrees.


  • K2fov: Tom Barclay's tool for determining if targets are on K2 Silicon
  • hip2: John Brock's port of the Hipparcos 2 data to Python

In [1]:
import K2fov
import hipparchos2io as hip2
from hipparchos2io.hip2 import reader as hipreader
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [5]:
font = {'family' : 'Helvetica',
        'weight' : 'bold',
        'size'   : 12.}

plt.rc('font', **font)  # pass in the font dict as kwargs
axes = {'labelsize' : 12.,
        'linewidth' : 2.,
        'labelweight' : 'bold'}
plt.rc('axes', **axes)  # pass in the font dict as kwargs
plt.rc('text', usetex=False)

In [7]:
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%reload_ext autoreload

The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext autoreload

In [8]:
myfigsize = (12.0, 8.0)
myfontsize = 10.
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = myfigsize

In [9]:
#determine the hip library directory:
hip2dir = '/'.join(hip2.__file__.split('/')[:-1])+'/'

Extract Hipparcos Targets

In [10]:
#read in all the hipparcos data to a list of star objects:
stars = hipreader.get_stars_list(hip2dir+'hip2_data/hip2.dat')

In [11]:
#now cycle through the hip data, adding it to the DataFrame
stararr = [{'hipid': star.hipparcos_id,
            'ra': star.ra_radians,
           'dec': star.dec_radians,
           'plx': star.parallax_mas,
           'pmra': star.proper_motion_ra_mas_per_year,
           'pmdec': star.proper_motion_dec_mas_per_year,
           'era': star.ra_error_mas,
           'edec': star.dec_error_mas,
           'eplx': star.parallax_error_mas,
           'epmra': star.proper_motion_ra_error_mas_per_year,
           'epmdec': star.proper_motion_dec_error_mas_per_year,
           'mag': star.magnitude,
           'emag': star.magnitude_error,
           'bv': star.color_index,
           'ebv': star.color_index_error,
           'vi': star.VI_color_index} for star in stars]

In [12]:
#create a pandas DataFrame for the hip data:
hip_df = pd.DataFrame(stararr)

In [13]:

bv dec ebv edec emag eplx epmdec epmra era hipid mag plx pmdec pmra ra vi
0 0.482 0.019007 0.025 0.66 0.0020 1.33 0.75 1.25 1.29 1 9.2043 4.55 -1.19 -4.55 0.000016 0.55
1 0.999 -0.340319 0.002 0.53 0.0017 1.13 0.66 1.22 0.95 2 9.4017 20.85 -1.31 182.88 0.000066 1.04
2 -0.019 0.678222 0.004 0.21 0.0006 0.36 0.27 0.34 0.31 3 6.6081 2.26 -3.43 4.27 0.000087 0.00

In [14]:
hip_df['absmag'] = hip_df['mag'] - 5. * np.log10(100./hip_df['plx'])

In [15]:


Constrain to Nearby Stars (within 50 pc)

In [16]:
hip_close = hip_df[((hip_df['plx'] >= 10) & (hip_df['bv'] != 0))]

In [17]:


In [19]:
plt.plot(hip_close['bv'], hip_close['absmag'], '.')
plt.ylim([20, -5])

(20, -5)

Now Constrain to bright cool dwarfs in the Campaign 5 Field

A few requirements on our target selection:

  • Needs to be bright (vmag < 7) to observe it with CHIRON
  • Needs to be in the Campaign 5 field:
    • RA > 120 degrees
    • RA < 140 degrees
    • dec > 9
    • dec < 24
  • Needs to be observable by CHIRON (dec < 20)
  • Needs to be a dwarf (M_V > 1.1)
  • Needs to be cooler than G2 (BV > 0.63)

In [21]:
#convert the ras to radians
ralorad = 120 / 180. * np.pi
rahirad = 140 / 180. * np.pi
dechirad = 20 / 180. * np.pi
declorad = 9 / 180. * np.pi
hip_camp = hip_close[((hip_close['mag'] < 8.) & 
                      (hip_close['ra'] > ralorad) &
                      (hip_close['ra'] < rahirad) &
                      (hip_close['dec'] < dechirad) &
                      (hip_close['dec'] > declorad) & 
                      (hip_close['bv'] > 0.63) &
                      (hip_close['absmag'] > 1.1))].copy()


In [23]:
plt.plot(hip_close['bv'], hip_close['absmag'], '.', color='#46959E')
plt.plot(hip_camp['bv'], hip_camp['absmag'], 'o', color='#BA4C37')
plt.ylim([20, -5])

(20, -5)

In [24]:

bv dec ebv edec emag eplx epmdec epmra era hipid mag plx pmdec pmra ra vi absmag
39372 0.845 0.214500 0.019 1.36 0.0018 1.43 1.96 1.81 1.50 39495 7.9171 30.12 -148.05 78.06 2.113528 0.89 5.311375
39383 0.632 0.161755 0.015 0.44 0.0011 0.63 0.51 0.59 0.51 39506 7.3816 34.01 17.49 268.40 2.114007 0.70 5.039633
40008 0.667 0.288407 0.007 0.45 0.0013 0.65 0.52 0.64 0.58 40133 7.4823 30.41 -258.66 -42.38 2.145971 0.73 4.897382
40009 0.844 0.234674 0.011 0.34 0.0013 0.49 0.46 0.68 0.49 40134 7.4326 15.05 -85.33 -125.24 2.145991 0.86 3.320282
40325 0.731 0.199518 0.013 0.41 0.0010 0.72 0.58 0.77 0.60 40452 7.8586 25.93 -232.90 -199.03 2.162268 0.78 4.927613
40634 0.674 0.247848 0.015 0.45 0.0012 0.88 0.86 1.13 0.83 40761 7.9997 17.43 25.95 34.91 2.178270 0.73 4.206187
42367 0.832 0.201130 0.008 0.37 0.0011 0.71 0.55 0.85 0.62 42499 7.7492 55.13 -501.23 -108.92 2.268263 0.87 6.456140
43318 0.669 0.267916 0.006 0.33 0.0010 0.51 0.41 0.67 0.52 43454 6.4999 26.10 74.83 -114.91 2.317036 0.73 3.583103
43777 0.966 0.305108 0.015 0.48 0.0015 0.70 0.59 1.00 0.83 43915 7.7859 11.22 -20.33 32.18 2.342084 0.95 3.035864
44702 0.982 0.208539 0.010 0.35 0.0011 0.71 0.31 0.85 0.63 44843 7.4566 11.18 -81.26 -88.88 2.392019 0.96 2.698809
45027 0.731 0.261720 0.004 0.27 0.0006 0.54 0.29 0.60 0.44 45170 6.6259 49.11 245.64 -524.40 2.409854 0.78 5.081750

In [25]:
hip_camp['radeg'] = hip_camp['ra'] * 180. / np.pi
hip_camp['decdeg'] = hip_camp['dec'] * 180. / np.pi

In [26]:
hip_camp[['radeg', 'decdeg', 'mag']]

radeg decdeg mag
39372 121.096234 12.289947 7.9171
39383 121.123691 9.267887 7.3816
40008 122.955057 16.524490 7.4823
40009 122.956224 13.445811 7.4326
40325 123.888845 11.431516 7.8586
40634 124.805698 14.200620 7.9997
42367 129.961904 11.523888 7.7492
43318 132.756385 15.350474 6.4999
43777 134.191541 17.481400 7.7859
44702 137.052567 11.948400 7.4566
45027 138.074439 14.995441 6.6259

Checking on Silicon

There are two ways to do this:

  1. (Simple way) run the K2onSilicon routine and have it read in a csv and write out to file
  2. (Clean way) Copy the contents of K2onSilicon so that we can do things within the IPython notebook

In [134]:
#Method 1
fname = 'targsToCheck.csv'
hip_camp.to_csv(fname, columns = ['radeg', 'decdeg', 'mag'], index=False, header=False)

fieldnum = 5

I made two files: targets_siliconFlag.csv and targets_fov.png

In [29]:
#Method 2
fieldnum = 5
ra_sources_deg, dec_sources_deg, mag = (hip_camp['radeg'].values,

from K2fov.K2onSilicon import getRaDecRollFromFieldnum
from K2fov.K2onSilicon import onSiliconCheck
from K2fov.K2onSilicon import nearSiliconCheck
import K2fov.fov as fov
import K2fov.projection as proj

ra_deg, dec_deg, scRoll_deg = getRaDecRollFromFieldnum(fieldnum)
fovRoll_deg = fov.getFovAngleFromSpacecraftRoll(scRoll_deg)
k = fov.KeplerFov(ra_deg, dec_deg, fovRoll_deg)
raDec = k.getCoordsOfChannelCorners()

onSilicon = map(onSiliconCheck,

nearSilicon = map(nearSiliconCheck,

onSilicon = np.array(onSilicon,dtype=bool)
nearSilicon = np.array(nearSilicon, dtype=bool)

#the plotting bit:
almost_black = '#262626'
light_grey = np.array([float(248)/float(255)]*3)
#ph = proj.Gnomic(ra_deg, dec_deg)
ph = proj.PlateCaree()
targets = ph.skyToPix(ra_sources_deg, dec_sources_deg)
targets = np.array(targets ) #* 180 / np.pi
fig = plt.gcf()
ax = fig.gca()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
#ax.scatter(*targets,s=2,label='not on silicon')
ax.scatter(*targets,color='#fc8d62',s=7,label='not on silicon')
    targets[1][onSilicon],color='#66c2a5',s=8,label='on silicon')
ax.set_xlabel('R.A. [degrees]',fontsize=16)
ax.set_ylabel('Declination [degrees]',fontsize=16)
legend = ax.legend(loc=0,
    frameon=True, scatterpoints=1)
rect = legend.get_frame()
texts = legend.texts
for t in texts:

siliconFlag = np.zeros_like(ra_sources_deg)

#prints zero if target is not on silicon
siliconFlag = np.where(nearSilicon,0,siliconFlag)

#prints a 2 if target is on silicon
siliconFlag = np.where(onSilicon,2,siliconFlag)

hip_camp['onSilicon'] = siliconFlag

hip_camp_good = hip_camp[hip_camp['onSilicon'] == 2]

hip_camp_good[['hipid', 'radeg', 'decdeg', 'bv', 'mag', 'absmag', 'onSilicon']]

hipid radeg decdeg bv mag absmag onSilicon
40634 40761 124.805698 14.200620 0.674 7.9997 4.206187 2
42367 42499 129.961904 11.523888 0.832 7.7492 6.456140 2
43777 43915 134.191541 17.481400 0.966 7.7859 3.035864 2


There are no stars brighter than 7.5 magnitude that fall on K2 Silicon that are observable by CHIRON in the Campaign 5 field of view. However, there are three targets that are brighter than 8th magnitude that fall on Silicon. I will add these for observation.

In [ ]: