Possible future improvement: Crank-Nicholson.
This lecture introduces the implicit scheme for solving the diffusion equation. Examine the descritization for our explicit scheme that we covered in the previous lecture:
$$ \frac{u_{i,\, j+1} - u_{i,\, j}}{\Delta t} = D \frac{u_{i - 1,\, j} - 2 u_{i,\, j} + u_{i + 1,\, j}}{\Delta x^2} $$This expression uses a forward difference in time where we are subtracting the value of our dependent variable at time index $j$ from the value of our dependent variable at time-index $j+1$. If, instead, we perform a backward difference (replace $j$ with $j-1$) we will be subtracting our dependent variable at $j-1$ from the value at the index $j$. For example:
$$ \frac{u_{i,\, j} - u_{i,\, j-1}}{\Delta t} = D \frac{u_{i - 1,\, j} - 2 u_{i,\, j} + u_{i + 1,\, j}}{\Delta x^2} $$Attempting to repeat our previous algebraic manipulations we find that the solution to this equation is in terms of three unknown quantities at the index $j$. These quantities depend on indices $i-1$, $i$ and $i+1$ and our solution is only known to the index $j-1$. This seems like a complication that cannot be resolved however, examination of all the resulting equations in our grid will revel that this is a linear system that can be solved with the inclusion of the boundary conditions.
The point of this lecture is to develop your understanding for how the use of matrices and linear algebra can be used to solve this problem. The system of equations and the method for solving the equations is known as an "implicit method". There is a good discussion in Numerical Recipes by Teukolsky, et al. to provide a foundation for these methods.
We start with a re-statement of Fick's second law in finite difference form that uses a FORWARD difference in time:
$$ \frac{u_{i,\, j+1} - u_{i,\, j}}{\Delta t} = D \frac{u_{i - 1,\, j} - 2 u_{i,\, j} + u_{i + 1,\, j}}{\Delta x^2} $$This choice of time differencing led to the EXPLICIT scheme. This time, we choose a BACKWARD difference in time as follows:
$$ \frac{u_{i,\, j} - u_{i,\, j-1}}{\Delta t} = D \frac{u_{i - 1,\, j} - 2 u_{i,\, j} + u_{i + 1,\, j}}{\Delta x^2} $$This choice leads to a set of linear equations. To illustrate how this develops we will write the equation above for a grid of eight points that represent the quantity of diffusing substance. See the next figure.
In the above figure we represent a grid of two dimensions - this grid is identical to the explicit finite difference grid. The main difference between the explicit and implicit method is the way we fill the grid to arrive at our solution. In the spatial dimension we have 8 columns (the "$i$" index) and in the time dimension we show only three rows (the "$j$" index). The sizes of the grid in the two dimensions are arbitrary. Keep the following in mind:
Algebraiclly rearranging this differencing scheme, we can write down:
$$ u_{i,\, j-1} = \frac{\Delta t D}{\Delta x^2} \left( - u_{i - 1,\, j} + 2 u_{i,\, j} - u_{i + 1,\, j} \right) + u_{i,\, j} $$one additional re-arrangment (substitute $\beta$ for the factor containing the diffusion coefficient) and we get:
$$ - \beta u_{i - 1,\, j} + (1 + 2 \beta) u_{i,\, j} - \beta u_{i + 1,\, j} = u_{i,\, j-1} $$We include "ghost cells" in grey above to enforce the boundary conditions. We can use fixed value (setting the ghost cells to a particular number) or fixed flux (setting the value of the ghost cell based on a pair of interior cells) to produce a linear system with an equal number of unknowns and equations.
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import sympy as sp
var('U_LHS U_RHS')
We define the symbols we want to use in our linear system. For this demonstration, I don't add the time index but I keep my subscripts consistent with the figure above.
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var('dt dx beta u1:7 b1:7')
In this cell we create the square matrix holding the coefficients that multiply the unknown quantities. Note the structure of the matrix. It is a tridiagonal matrix. The function in NumPy is very compact, in SymPy not so much. So I apologize for the syntax in the SymPy/Python code below, but the more compact version can be difficult to read:
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hpad = ones(0, 1); vpad = ones(1, 0)
mainDiag = 2*beta+1; offDiag = -beta
M = (sp.diag(vpad, offDiag, offDiag, offDiag, offDiag, offDiag, hpad)+ \
sp.diag(hpad, offDiag, offDiag, offDiag, offDiag, offDiag, vpad)+ \
Here is our vector of unknown quantities. We know the solution to the $j-1$ time step. All of these symbols represent the value of our field (e.g. concentration, temperature, etc.) at the $j$'th time step.
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xmatrix = sp.Matrix([u1,u2,u3,u4,u5,u6])
If we've got everything correct, this matrix product will reproduce the discrete diffusion equation outlined above. You'll note that the boundary equations are not formed correctly. For reference, here is the discrete form:
$$ - \beta u_{i - 1,\, j} + (1 + 2 \beta) u_{i,\, j} - \beta u_{i + 1,\, j} = u_{i,\, j-1} $$
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It should start to become clear that we can write this linear system (of a tridiagonal matrix and a column vector of unknowns) as a matrix equation:
$$ M \cdot \overline{x} = \overline{b} $$Where M is the square matrix, x is the vector of unknown quantities and b is the last known value of the system variables (the $u_{i,j}$ are the unknowns, the $j-1$ are the last known values). There is still some work to be done before we can use linear algebra to get the solution. We need to implement the boundary conditions.
Start with the form at the interior of the grid:
$$ - \beta u_{i - 1,\, j} + (1 + 2 \beta) u_{i,\, j} - \beta u_{i + 1,\, j} = u_{i,\, j-1} $$To get the form correct at the top and bottom of this solution vector we need to imagine adding "ghost cells" to the boundaries of our domain at $i=0$ and $i=7$. Using the above expression, let $i = 1$:
$$ - \beta u_{0,\, j} + (1 + 2 \beta) u_{1,\, j} - \beta u_{2,\, j} = u_{1,\, j-1} $$If we have fixed value boundary conditions, we then know the value of $u_0$. This is the boundary condition of our simulation. We will call this value $U_{LHS}$, substitute $U_{LHS} = u_0$ and move the known quantities to the RHS of the equation:
$$ (1 + 2 \beta) u_{1,\, j} - \beta u_{2,\, j} = u_{1,\, j-1} + \beta U_{LHS} $$If we have fixed flux boundary conditions we can write the flux as a central difference on the cell $u_1$ that uses the "ghost" point at $u_0$:
$$ \frac{u_{2,\, j} - u_{0,\, j}}{2 \Delta x} = F $$Proceeding as before with $i=1$:
$$ - \beta u_{0,\, j} + (1 + 2 \beta) u_{1,\, j} - \beta u_{2,\, j} = u_{1,\, j-1} $$This time we know the relationship of $u_0$ to the other unknowns due to the specification of the defined flux boundary condition. Solving for $u_0$ we get:
$$ u_{0,\, j} = u_{2,\, j} - {2 \Delta x} F $$Substituting this into our expression that includes the ghost cell gives us:
$$ - \beta (u_{2,\, j} - {2 \Delta x} F) + (1 + 2 \beta) u_{1,\, j} - \beta u_{2,\, j} = u_{1,\, j-1} $$Simplifying:
$$ (1 + 2 \beta) u_{1,\, j} - 2 \beta u_{2,\, j} = u_{1,\, j-1} - \beta 2 \Delta x F $$So in this case we have to modify the matrix $M$ entries AND the solution vector $b$ recalling that the $j-1$ index is the known solution.
We have now recovered the form of the equation in the dot product $M \cdot x$ and the form of this equation is telling us that we need to modify the solution vector $b$ with information about the boundary conditions before we find the inverse of the matrix and compute the new solution vector.
Modifying the $b$ matrix with the known ghost cell values for the fixed value boundary conditions we get:
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bmatrix = sp.Matrix([(b1+beta*U_LHS),b2,b3,b4,b5,(b6+beta*U_RHS)])
So the full form of our system is therefore:
$$ \left[\begin{matrix}2 \beta + 1 & - \beta & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\- \beta & 2 \beta + 1 & - \beta & 0 & 0 & 0\\0 & - \beta & 2 \beta + 1 & - \beta & 0 & 0\\0 & 0 & - \beta & 2 \beta + 1 & - \beta & 0\\0 & 0 & 0 & - \beta & 2 \beta + 1 & - \beta\\0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & - \beta & 2 \beta + 1\end{matrix}\right] \cdot \left[\begin{matrix}u_{1}\\u_{2}\\u_{3}\\u_{4}\\u_{5}\\u_{6}\end{matrix}\right] = \left[\begin{matrix}U_{LHS} \beta + b_{1}\\b_{2}\\b_{3}\\b_{4}\\b_{5}\\U_{RHS} \beta + b_{6}\end{matrix}\right] $$SymPy
can evaluate the LHS for us.
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All that remains is to solve the above linear system. Instead of using SymPy
, we will use some tools in a different Python library.
General setup in this section:
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%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Simulation parameters:
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numberOfPoints = 100
lengthOfDomain = 1.0
dx = lengthOfDomain/numberOfPoints
xPoints = np.linspace(0.0, lengthOfDomain, numberOfPoints)
initialCondition = np.sin(xPoints*np.pi/lengthOfDomain)
A simple function to plot the initial condition:
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def plotIC():
fig = plt.figure()
axes = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8])
axes.plot(xPoints, initialCondition, 'ro')
axes.set_xlabel('Distance $x$')
axes.set_ylabel('Concentration of Stuff $c(x,t)$')
axes.set_title('Initial Conditions');
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It is worth noting that these schemes are unconditionally stable - so any choice of time step will produce a solution. The accuracy of the solution does depend on this choice, though.
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diffusionCoefficient = 10.0
dt = dx**2/(diffusionCoefficient)
numberOfIterations = 1000
We create two solution vectors rather than one whole array to hold all of our solution. This is not particular to the implicit method, but it demonstrates another technique for saving memory and speeding up the calculation. We will fill these matrices and swap them (move data from new
into old
and overwrite new
) at each time step.
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newConcentration = np.zeros((numberOfPoints), dtype='float32')
oldConcentration = np.zeros((numberOfPoints), dtype='float32')
First, some syntax:
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The matrix has to be square. It should have the same dimensions as the nubmer of points in the system. The following code snippet was inspired by this post.
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def tridiag(a, b, c, k1=-1, k2=0, k3=1):
# Here we use Numpy addition to make the job easier.
return np.diag(a, k1) + np.diag(b, k2) + np.diag(c, k3)
a = [-dt*diffusionCoefficient/dx/dx]*(numberOfPoints-1)
b = [2*dt*diffusionCoefficient/dx/dx+1]*(numberOfPoints)
c = [-dt*diffusionCoefficient/dx/dx]*(numberOfPoints-1)
A = tridiag(a, b, c)
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We first need to prime the arrays by copying the initial condition into oldConcentration
. Afterwards it will be enough to swap pointers (a variable that points to a memory location).
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In spite of the small chunk of code a few cells below, there is a lot going on. Let us dissect it. In bullet points:
vector accordingly. The indexing notation of Numpy that permits us to find the first ([0]
) and last cell ([-1]
) of an array is very helpful here.oldConcentration[0] = oldConcentration[0] + uLHS*dt*diffusionCoefficient/dx/dx
oldConcentration[-1] = oldConcentration[-1] + uRHS*dt*diffusionCoefficient/dx/dx
$$ \left[\begin{matrix}2 \beta + 1 & - \beta & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\- \beta & 2 \beta + 1 & - \beta & 0 & 0 & 0\\0 & - \beta & 2 \beta + 1 & - \beta & 0 & 0\\0 & 0 & - \beta & 2 \beta + 1 & - \beta & 0\\0 & 0 & 0 & - \beta & 2 \beta + 1 & - \beta\\0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & - \beta & 2 \beta + 1\end{matrix}\right] \cdot \left[\begin{matrix}u_{1}\\u_{2}\\u_{3}\\u_{4}\\u_{5}\\u_{6}\end{matrix}\right] = \left[\begin{matrix}U_{LHS} \beta + b_{1}\\b_{2}\\b_{3}\\b_{4}\\b_{5}\\U_{RHS} \beta + b_{6}\end{matrix}\right] $$NumPy
functions to invert the matrix. What is returned is the solution vector. Please note that I'm using an internal Numpy
(an optimized function!) function to COPY the results of the linear algebra solution into the newConcentration
vector. np.copyto(newConcentration,np.linalg.solve(A,oldConcentration))
syntax below. This switches the references to the arrays. This is important for efficiency - you don't want to move any data if you don't have to. If you are running big calculations then moving that data around is a waste of time/resources. Better to just swap references.oldConcentration, newConcentration = newConcentration, oldConcentration
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uLHS = 0.0
uRHS = 0.0
numIterations = 200
for i in range(numIterations):
# enforce boundary conditions
oldConcentration[0] = oldConcentration[0] + uLHS*dt*diffusionCoefficient/dx/dx
oldConcentration[-1] = oldConcentration[-1] + uRHS*dt*diffusionCoefficient/dx/dx
# solve the system
# swap pointers
oldConcentration, newConcentration = newConcentration, oldConcentration
# plot the results
fig2 = plt.figure()
axes = fig2.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8])
axes.plot(xPoints, newConcentration, 'ro')
axes.set_xlabel('Distance $x$')
axes.set_ylabel('Concentration of Stuff $c(x,t)$')