In [1]:
%load_ext memory_profiler
%load_ext snakeviz
%load_ext cython
import holoviews as hv
from IPython.core import debugger
ist = debugger.set_trace
We load in the position and box information created in the intro notebook. If you haven't run that notebook, this line will not work! (You don't have to read the wall of text, just run the cells...)
In [2]:
import numpy as np
num = 3
lmin = -25 #lower simulation box bound in x, y, and z
lmax = +25 #upper simulation box bound in x, y, and z
L = lmax - lmin
box = np.array([L,L,L])
pos = lmin + np.random.random((num,3))*(lmax-lmin)
lx = box[0]
ly = box[1]
lz = box[2]
lx2 = box[0]/2.0
ly2 = box[1]/2.0
lz2 = box[2]/2.0
print('Read {:d} positions.'.format(pos.shape[0]))
print('x min/max: {:+4.2f}/{:+4.2f}'.format(pos.min(0)[0],pos.max(0)[0]))
print('y min/max: {:+4.2f}/{:+4.2f}'.format(pos.min(0)[1],pos.max(0)[1]))
print('z min/max: {:+4.2f}/{:+4.2f}'.format(pos.min(0)[2],pos.max(0)[2]))
In [3]:
from math import cos,pi,sqrt
import numpy as np
import dask.bag as db
import dask
def potentialEnergyFunk(r,width=1.0,height=10.0):
Calculates the (soft) potential energy between two atoms
r: float
separation distance between two atoms
height: float
breadth of the potential i.e. where the potential goes to zero
width: float
strength/height of the potential
if r<width:
return 0.5 * height * (1 + cos(pi*r/width))
return 0
def wrap(x):
x = abs(x)
if x[0]>lx2:
if x[1]>ly2:
if x[2]>lz2:
return x
def ILessThanJ(ij):
return ij[0]<ij[1]
def dXCalc(ij):
return pos[ij[0]] - pos[ij[1]]
def dX2Dist(x):
return sqrt(x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[1] + x[2]*x[2])
def potentialEnergyCutoff(x,width=1.0):
return x<width
bag = db.from_sequence(np.arange(pos.shape[0]))
future = (bag.product(bag) #produce all i-j pairs
.filter(ILessThanJ) #we only need the i<j pairs
.map(dXCalc) #convert the i-j pair to a dx,dy,dz
.map(wrap) #need to wrap for box boundaries
.map(dX2Dist) #convert wrapped dx,dy,dz to distance
.filter(potentialEnergyCutoff) #distance cutoff
.map(potentialEnergyFunk) #potential energy calculation
result = future.compute(get=dask.threaded.get)
In [4]:
#Warning! only run this with number of positions set to ~3
#If you set up your environment via conda, you'll have to install the graphviz python
#interface 'manually' via pip:
# source activate peopt
# pip install graphviz
In [5]:
import numpy as np
pos = np.loadtxt('data/positions.dat')
box = np.loadtxt('data/box.dat')
lx = box[0]
ly = box[1]
lz = box[2]
lx2 = box[0]/2.0
ly2 = box[1]/2.0
lz2 = box[2]/2.0
print('Read {:d} positions.'.format(pos.shape[0]))
print('x min/max: {:+4.2f}/{:+4.2f}'.format(pos.min(0)[0],pos.max(0)[0]))
print('y min/max: {:+4.2f}/{:+4.2f}'.format(pos.min(0)[1],pos.max(0)[1]))
print('z min/max: {:+4.2f}/{:+4.2f}'.format(pos.min(0)[2],pos.max(0)[2]))
In [6]:
from math import cos,pi,sqrt
import numpy as np
import dask.bag as db
import dask
def potentialEnergyFunk(r,width=1.0,height=10.0):
Calculates the (soft) potential energy between two atoms
r: float
separation distance between two atoms
height: float
breadth of the potential i.e. where the potential goes to zero
width: float
strength/height of the potential
if r<width:
return 0.5 * height * (1 + cos(pi*r/width))
return 0
def wrap(x):
x = abs(x)
if x[0]>lx2:
if x[1]>ly2:
if x[2]>lz2:
return x
def ILessThanJ(ij):
return ij[0]<ij[1]
def dXCalc(ij):
return pos[ij[0]] - pos[ij[1]]
def dX2Dist(x):
return sqrt(x[0]*x[0] + x[1]*x[1] + x[2]*x[2])
def potentialEnergyCutoff(x,width=1.0):
return x<width
In [ ]:
%%prun -D prof/
bag = db.from_sequence(np.arange(pos.shape[0]))
future = (bag.product(bag) #produce all i-j pairs
.filter(ILessThanJ) #we only need the i<j pairs
.map(dXCalc) #convert the i-j pair to a dx,dy,dz
.map(wrap) #need to wrap for box boundaries
.map(dX2Dist) #convert wrapped dx,dy,dz to distance
.filter(potentialEnergyCutoff) #distance cutoff
.map(potentialEnergyFunk) #potential energy calculation
energy = future.compute(get=dask.threaded.get)
In [ ]:
bag = db.from_sequence(np.arange(pos.shape[0]))
future = (bag.product(bag) #produce all i-j pairs
.filter(ILessThanJ) #we only need the i<j pairs
.map(dXCalc) #convert the i-j pair to a dx,dy,dz
.map(wrap) #need to wrap for box boundaries
.map(dX2Dist) #convert wrapped dx,dy,dz to distance
.filter(potentialEnergyCutoff) #distance cutoff
.map(potentialEnergyFunk) #potential energy calculation
memprof = %memit -o future.compute(get=dask.threaded.get)
usage = memprof.mem_usage[0]
incr = memprof.mem_usage[0] - memprof.baseline
with open('prof/dask.memprof','w') as f: