Writing a LogPDF

Probability density functions in Pints can be defined via models and problems, but they can also be defined directly.

In this example, we implement the Rosenbrock function and run an optimisation using it.

The rosenbrock function is a two dimensional defined as

f(x,y) = -((a - x)^2 + b(y - x^2)^2)

where a and b are constants and x and y are variable. In analogy with typical Pints models x and y are our parameters.

First, take a look at the LogPDF interface. It tells us two things:

  1. We need to add a method n_parameters that tells pints the dimension of the parameter space.
  2. Objects of our class should be callable. In Python, we can do this using the special method __call__.

The input to this method should be a vector, so we should rewrite it as

f(p) = -((a - p[0])^2 + b(p[1] - p[0]^2)^2)

The result of calling this method should be the logarithm of a normalised log likelihood. That means we should (1) take the logarithm of f instead of returning it directly, and (2) invert the method, so that it has a clearly defined maximum that we can search for.

So we should create an object that evaluates


We now have all we need to implement a Rosenbrock class:

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pints

class Rosenbrock(pints.LogPDF):
    def __init__(self, a=1, b=100):
        self._a = a
        self._b = b

    def __call__(self, x):
        return - np.log((self._a - x[0])**2 + self._b * (x[1] - x[0]**2)**2)

    def n_parameters(self):
        return 2

We can test our class by creating an object and calling it with a few parameters:

In [2]:
r = Rosenbrock()
print(r([0, 0]))
print(r([0.1, 0.1]))
print(r([0.4, 0.2]))


Wikipedia tells for that for a = 1 and b = 100 the minimum value should be at [1, 1]. We can test this by inspecting its value at that point:

In [3]:
r([1, 1])

/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:10: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
  # Remove the CWD from sys.path while we load stuff.

We get an error here, because the notebook doesn't like it, but it returns the correct value!

Now let's try an optimisation:

In [4]:
# Define some boundaries
boundaries = pints.RectangularBoundaries([-5, -5], [5, 5])

# Pick an initial point
x0 = [2, 2]

# And run!
xbest, fbest = pints.optimise(r, x0, boundaries=boundaries)

Maximising LogPDF
using Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES)
Running in sequential mode.
Population size: 6
Iter. Eval. Best      Time m:s
0     6     -7.122578   0:00.1
1     12    -2.87918    0:00.1
2     18    -0.755      0:00.1
3     24    -0.755      0:00.1
20    126    2.270349   0:00.1
40    246    6.824817   0:00.1
60    366    17.84721   0:00.1
80    486    25.05412   0:00.2
100   606    35.67203   0:00.2
120   726    43.65702   0:00.2
140   846    55.17039   0:00.3
160   966    65.60115   0:00.3
180   1086   72.08731   0:00.3
200   1206   inf        0:00.3
220   1326   inf        0:00.4
240   1446   inf        0:00.4
/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:10: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
  # Remove the CWD from sys.path while we load stuff.
260   1566   inf        0:00.4
280   1686   inf        0:00.5
300   1806   inf        0:00.5
320   1926   inf        0:00.5
340   2046   inf        0:00.5
360   2166   inf        0:00.6
380   2286   inf        0:00.6
397   2382   inf        0:00.6
Halting: No significant change for 200 iterations.

Finally, print the returned point. If it worked, we should be at [1, 1]:

In [5]:

[ 1.  1.]