In this example, we show how a weighted sum of errors can be created and minimised using Pints. This problem can arise when some trade-off needs to be found between multiple objectives (wiki), which typically leads to hard problems. In time-series modelling, these problems can also arise when there is data available from different experiments on the same system.
To simulate this, we'll load two copies of the logistic model, and run two simulations with the same parameters (the same system) but different initial conditions (a different experiment).
In [2]:
from __future__ import print_function
import pints
import pints.toy as toy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Create two models with a different initial population size
model_1 = toy.LogisticModel(initial_population_size=15)
model_2 = toy.LogisticModel(initial_population_size=2)
# Both models share a single set of parameters: it's the same system!
real_parameters = model_1.suggested_parameters()
# The two experiments were sampled at slightly different times
times_1 = model_1.suggested_times()[::3]
times_2 = model_2.suggested_times()[3::5]
experiment_1 = model_1.simulate(real_parameters, times_1)
experiment_2 = model_2.simulate(real_parameters, times_2)
# And both experiments had different noise levels
sigma_1 = 5
experiment_1 += np.random.normal(0, sigma_1, size=times_1.shape)
sigma_2 = 3
experiment_2 += np.random.normal(0, sigma_2, size=times_2.shape)
# Let's have a look!
plt.plot(times_1, experiment_1, 'x', 'b')
plt.plot(times_2, experiment_2, 'x', 'g')
To solve this, we now create two separate problems and define an error measure on each.
In [3]:
problem_1 = pints.SingleOutputProblem(model_1, times_1, experiment_1)
problem_2 = pints.SingleOutputProblem(model_2, times_2, experiment_2)
error_1 = pints.SumOfSquaresError(problem_1)
error_2 = pints.SumOfSquaresError(problem_2)
Next, we combine the two error functions in a SumOfErrors.
Note that we have the option to weight the different errors differently, for example to account for a different magnitude of the recoding in different experiments, or to compensate for different numbers of samples.
In [4]:
error = pints.SumOfErrors((error_1, error_2))
Now that we have an error function, we proceed as usual:
In [5]:
opt = pints.Optimisation(error, [1, 40])
x, f =
In [6]:
# Now inspect the results
plt.plot(times_1, experiment_1, 'x', 'b')
plt.plot(times_2, experiment_2, 'x', 'g')
plt.plot(times_1, problem_1.evaluate(x), 'b')
plt.plot(times_2, problem_2.evaluate(x), 'g')