Currency exchange rate trends analyzer

Trend analysis for EURPLN exchange rates using data from 2013.09.09 to 2016.09.05 time period

In [227]:
# customarilily import most important libraries

import pandas as pd                       # pandas is a dataframe library
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt           # matplotlib.pyplot plots data
import numpy as np                        # numpy provides N-dim object support

import matplotlib.dates as mdates 
import math
import urllib.request
import io

# do plotting inline instead of in a separate window
%matplotlib inline

In [228]:
currency_symbol = 'EUR'
start_date = '2015-09-13'
end_date = '2016-09-18'

url_template = (""

use_static = False

if use_static:
    # use static file to perform analysis
    url = '../data-archive/currencies/EUR_2013.09.09_2016.09.05.csv'
    df = pd.read_csv(url, sep=';')     # load data
    # or get latest data
    url = url_template.format(currency_symbol, start_date, end_date)

    with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response:
        content = str(, errors='ignore')

    # remove unnecessary header and footers
    content_lines = content.splitlines()[2:-4]
    content = '\n'.join(content_lines)

    df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(content), sep=';')     # load data

In [229]:
# get brief statistics over data we just read
df_columns, df_rows = df.shape

print("File contains {} rows and {} columns of data.".format(df_columns, df_rows))

File contains 257 rows and 4 columns of data.

Show first 3 rows from file

In [230]:

Data Kurs Zmiana Nazwa Tabeli
0 2016-09-16 4.3244 -0.26 180/A/NBP/2016
1 2016-09-15 4.3356 -0.23 179/A/NBP/2016
2 2016-09-14 4.3455 -0.15 178/A/NBP/2016

Show last 3 rows from file

In [231]:

Data Kurs Zmiana Nazwa Tabeli
254 2015-09-16 4.1994 -0.24 180/A/NBP/2015
255 2015-09-15 4.2094 0.01 179/A/NBP/2015
256 2015-09-14 4.2090 0.02 178/A/NBP/2015

As we can see, data are not ordered chronologically. We must reverse the order of rows so that first row is the oldest, last row is the newest.

In [232]:
df = df.sort_index(axis=0, ascending=True)
df = df.iloc[::-1]

Data Kurs Zmiana Nazwa Tabeli
256 2015-09-14 4.2090 0.02 178/A/NBP/2015
255 2015-09-15 4.2094 0.01 179/A/NBP/2015
254 2015-09-16 4.1994 -0.24 180/A/NBP/2015

In [233]:

Data Kurs Zmiana Nazwa Tabeli
2 2016-09-14 4.3455 -0.15 178/A/NBP/2016
1 2016-09-15 4.3356 -0.23 179/A/NBP/2016
0 2016-09-16 4.3244 -0.26 180/A/NBP/2016

Data frame (rows) is reversed now, which we can prove by observing values on the diagram

In [234]:

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1c31fa8d400>]

SMA - simple moving average

In [235]:
# an example on how to calculate SMA for a collection of data
v = {'score': [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4]}
data_frame = pd.DataFrame(v)
pd.rolling_mean(data_frame, 2)

0 NaN
1 1.5
2 2.0
3 2.5
4 3.0
5 3.5

Calculate various SMA

In order to perform better analysis, we will use recent data

In [236]:
# get last 100 exchange rates
last_days_to_analyze = 300
last_days_to_observe = 200

recent_exchange_rates = df['Kurs'].values[-last_days_to_analyze:]
recent_dates = df['Data'].values[-last_days_to_analyze:]

In [237]:
# create new DataFrame containing exchange rates ordered chronologically (oldest first, newest last)
df_exchange_rates = pd.DataFrame(recent_exchange_rates)

# define SMA windows (for short-term trading)
sma_windows = [3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 50]

# calculate SMA-3, SMA-5 and so on..
df_sma = {}
for window in sma_windows:
    df_sma[window] = pd.rolling_mean(df_exchange_rates, window)

In [238]:
# get data for last days we are interested in
recent_exchange_rates = recent_exchange_rates[-last_days_to_observe:]
recent_dates = recent_dates[-last_days_to_observe:]

Plot exchange rates along with different SMA

In [239]:

# sma-10
# sma-20
# sma-50

plt.legend(['exchange rates', 'SMA-10', 'SMA-20', 'SMA-50'], loc='upper left')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1c31fafa400>

Example on how to find points where the curves intersect

In [240]:
x = np.arange(0, 1000)
f = np.arange(0, 1000)
g = np.sin(np.arange(0, 10, 0.01)) * 1000

plt.plot(x, f, '-')
plt.plot(x, g, '-')

idx = np.argwhere(np.isclose(f, g, atol=10)).reshape(-1)
plt.plot(x[idx], f[idx], 'ro')

Comment: This way of finding intersection point did not prove to be good in our special case

Let's analyze which SMA is the best in terms of mirroring trend

In [241]:

# plot unchanged history of exchange rates

legend = []
legend.append('exchange rates')
for window in sma_windows:
# plot dynamically created legend
plt.legend(legend, loc='upper left')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1c31fb42eb8>

Conclusion: The SMA-3, SMA-5, SMA-7, and SMA-10 are the best dataset in terms of mirroring exchange rates

Calculate intersection points between various SMA data ranges

In [242]:
def plot_pair(pair):
    window1 = pair[0]
    window2 = pair[1]
    # get SMA values for interesting windows
    sma1 = df_sma[window1][-last_days_to_observe:].values
    sma2 = df_sma[window2][-last_days_to_observe:].values
    # calculate crossing points between both value ranges
    intersection_points = np.argwhere(np.isclose(sma1, sma2, atol=0.01)).reshape(-1)
    # plot
    plt.plot(intersection_points, sma1[intersection_points], 'go')
    plt.plot(intersection_points, sma2[intersection_points], 'ro')
    plt.xticks(np.arange(0, last_days_to_observe, 10))
    # return
    return list(intersection_points)[::2]

# set up plotting parameters

comparison_pair = (3, 10)
intersection_points = plot_pair(comparison_pair)
plt.legend(['exchange rates', "SMA-{}".format(comparison_pair[0]), "SMA-{}".format(comparison_pair[1])], loc='upper left')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1c321115a90>

What's wrong with intersection between 40-50??

In [243]:
x1 = 40
x2 = 50

test_sma_1 = df_sma[3][-200+x1:-200+x2].values
test_sma_2 = df_sma[10][-200+x1:-200+x2].values

intpoints_v1 = np.argwhere(np.isclose(test_sma_1, test_sma_2, atol=0.01)).reshape(-1)
intpoints_v2 = np.argwhere(np.isclose(test_sma_1, test_sma_2, atol=0.02)).reshape(-1)
intpoints_v3 = np.argwhere(np.isclose(test_sma_1, test_sma_2, atol=0.03)).reshape(-1)

f, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True, sharey=True)
ax1.plot(intpoints_v1, test_sma_1[intpoints_v1], 'bo')
ax1.plot(intpoints_v1, test_sma_2[intpoints_v1], 'go')
ax1.plot(6, test_sma_1[6], 'ro')
ax1.plot(7, test_sma_1[7], 'ro')
ax1.plot(6, test_sma_2[6], 'ro')
ax1.plot(7, test_sma_2[7], 'ro')

ax2.plot(intpoints_v2, test_sma_1[intpoints_v2], 'bo')
ax2.plot(intpoints_v2, test_sma_2[intpoints_v2], 'go')

ax3.plot(intpoints_v3, test_sma_1[intpoints_v3], 'bo')
ax3.plot(intpoints_v3, test_sma_2[intpoints_v3], 'go')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1c321241cc0>]

Conclusion: This way of finding intersecting points is not acceptable for our case.

In [244]:
# line segment intersection using vectors
# see Computer Graphics by F.S. Hill
# Stolen directly from
from numpy import *
def perp(a):
    b = empty_like(a)
    b[0] = -a[1]
    b[1] = a[0]
    return b

# line segment a given by endpoints a1, a2
# line segment b given by endpoints b1, b2
# return 
def seg_intersect(a1, a2, b1, b2) :
    da = a2-a1
    db = b2-b1
    dp = a1-b1
    dap = perp(da)
    denom = dot( dap, db)
    num = dot( dap, dp )
    return (num / denom.astype(float))*db + b1

def get_intersection_point_between_points(a1, a2, b1, b2):
    intersection_point = seg_intersect(a1, a2, b1, b2)    
    intersection_point_x = intersection_point[0]
    if intersection_point_x >= max([a1[0], b1[0]]) and intersection_point_x <= min([a2[0], b2[0]]):
        return intersection_point
        return [nan, nan] 

def get_intersection_points(x_values, y_values_1, y_values_2):
    intersection_points = []
    for x in x_values[:-1]:
        point = get_intersection_point_between_points(array([x, y_values_1[x]]),     \
                                                      array([x+1, y_values_1[x+1]]), \
                                                      array([x, y_values_2[x]]),     \
                                                      array([x+1, y_values_2[x+1]]))       
        if not math.isnan(point[0]):
    return intersection_points

def get_buy_sell_points(x_values, y_values_1, y_values_2):
    intersection_points = get_intersection_points(x_values, y_values_1, y_values_2)

    buy_points = []
    sell_points = []
    for i in intersection_points:        
        original_x = i[0]
        next_business_day = int(original_x) + 1
        # y_values_1 represents values of 'shorter' moving average
        # y_values_2 represents values of 'longer' moving average
        if y_values_1[next_business_day] < y_values_2[next_business_day]:
        elif y_values_1[next_business_day] > y_values_2[next_business_day]:
        #    raise Exception('y_values_1[next_business_day] = y_values_2[next_business_day]', 'exception')

    return (buy_points, sell_points)
#    print("{} ==> date: {}, exchange rate: {}".format(next_business_day, \
#                                                      recent_dates[next_business_day], \
#                                                      recent_exchange_rates[next_business_day]))
# some test cases
#p1_1 = array([ 0, 4.46613333])
#p1_2 = array([ 1, 4.4712])
#p2_1 = array([ 0, 4.39197])
#p2_2 = array([ 1, 4.40709])
#print(seg_intersect(p1_1, p1_2, p2_1, p2_2))
#print(get_intersection_point_in_range(p1_1, p1_2, p2_1, p2_2))

In [245]:
x1 = 40
x2 = 60

x_values = list(range(0, x2-x1, 1))
test_sma_1 = df_sma[3][-200+x1:-200+x2].values
test_sma_2 = df_sma[10][-200+x1:-200+x2].values

test_sma_1_flattened = [item for sublist in test_sma_1 for item in sublist]
test_sma_2_flattened = [item for sublist in test_sma_2 for item in sublist]

intpoints_v1 = get_intersection_points(x_values, test_sma_1_flattened, test_sma_2_flattened)

f, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, sharex=True, sharey=True)

for intpoint in intpoints_v1:
    ax1.plot(intpoint[0], intpoint[1], 'ro')

Now we have better algorithm of finding intersection points, so it's time redraw

In [246]:
def plot_pair_v2(pair):
    window1 = pair[0]
    window2 = pair[1]
    # get SMA values for interesting windows
    sma1 = df_sma[window1][-last_days_to_observe:-1].values
    sma2 = df_sma[window2][-last_days_to_observe:-1].values
    # make extra calculations that simplify process of finding crossing points
    sma_1_flattened = [item for sublist in sma1 for item in sublist]
    sma_2_flattened = [item for sublist in sma2 for item in sublist]
    x_values = range(0, len(sma_1_flattened), 1)
    # calculate crossing points between both value ranges
    #intersection_points = get_intersection_points(x_values, sma_1_flattened, sma_2_flattened)
    # calculate buy, sell points for both value ranges
    (buy_points, sell_points) = get_buy_sell_points(x_values, sma_1_flattened, sma_2_flattened)
    # plot
    plt.xticks(np.arange(0, last_days_to_observe, 10))

    for buy in buy_points:
        plt.plot(buy[0], buy[1], 'go')

    for sell in sell_points:
        plt.plot(sell[0], sell[1], 'ro')
    # return all found buy, sell points
    return (buy_points, sell_points)

In [247]:
# set up plotting parameters

comparison_pair = (3, 10)
(buy_points, sell_points) = plot_pair_v2(comparison_pair)
plt.legend(['exchange rates', "SMA-{}".format(comparison_pair[0]), "SMA-{}".format(comparison_pair[1])], loc='upper left')

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x1c32166a3c8>

Determine exchange rates

INFORMATION: Exchange rates are determined for "a next business day", so it's first available day once we are know that the crossing took place

In [248]:
#print("Exact intersection points between SMA-{} and SMA-{}".format(comparison_pair[0], comparison_pair[1]))
#print("Intersection points between SMA-{} and SMA-{} changed to indicate next business day".format(comparison_pair[0], \
#                                                                                                   comparison_pair[1]))
#for i in intersection_points:
#    original_x = i[0]
#    next_business_day = int(original_x) + 1
#    print("{} ==> date: {}, exchange rate: {}".format(next_business_day, \
#                                                      recent_dates[next_business_day], \
#                                                      recent_exchange_rates[next_business_day]))

In [ ]: