Usual imports

In [1]:
import math
import nvd3

Simple test data generator

In [2]:
def sin_and_cos():
    sin = []
    sin2 = []
    cos = []

    # Data is represented as an array of {x,y} pairs.
    for i in range(100):
        sin.append({"x": i, "y": math.sin(i / 10.0)})
        sin2.append({"x": i, "y": math.sin(i / 10.0) * 0.25 + 0.5})
        cos.append({"x": i, "y": 0.5 * math.cos(i / 10.0)})

    # Line chart data should be sent as an array of series objects.
    return [
            "values": sin,  # values - represents the array of {x,y}
                            # data points
            "key": "Sine Wave",  # key  - the name of the series.
            "color": "#ff7f0e"  # color - optional: choose your own
                                # line color.
            "values": cos,
            "key": "Cosine Wave",
            "color": "#2ca02c"
            "values": sin2,
            "key": "Another sine wave",
            "color": "#7777ff",
            "area": True  # area - set to True if you want this line
                          # to turn into a filled area chart.

Build the chart

In [3]:
chart = nvd3.LineChart()
chart.margin({"left": 100})  # Adjust chart margins to give the
                             # x-axis some breathing room.
chart.useInteractiveGuideline(True)  # We want nice looking
                                     # tooltips and a guideline!
chart.duration(350)  # how fast do you want the lines to
                     # transition?
chart.showLegend(True)  # Show the legend, allowing users to turn
                        # on/off line series.
chart.showYAxis(True)  # Show the y-axis
chart.showXAxis(True)  # Show the x-axis

# Chart x-axis settings
chart.xaxis.axisLabel("Time (ms)")

# Chart y-axis settings
chart.yaxis.axisLabel("Voltage (v)")

Show the results

In [5]:
data = sin_and_cos()  # You need data...
data_supplier = nvd3.StaticDataSupplier(data)
nvd3.IPythonContainer(chart, data_supplier, width=600, height=400)