Twitter has become a wildly sprawling jungle of information—140 characters at a time. Somewhere between 350 million and 500 million tweets are estimated to be sent out per day. With such an explosion of data, on Twitter and elsewhere, it becomes more important than ever to tame it in some way, to concisely capture the essence of the data.
Choose one of the following two assignments, in which you will do just that. Good luck!
In this assignment, you'll create a Python script to perform a sentiment analysis of the Twitter activity of various news oulets, and to present your findings visually.
Your final output should provide a visualized summary of the sentiments expressed in Tweets sent out by the following news organizations: BBC, CBS, CNN, Fox, and New York times.
The first plot will be and/or feature the following:
The second plot will be a bar plot visualizing the overall sentiments of the last 100 tweets from each organization. For this plot, you will again aggregate the compound sentiments analyzed by VADER.
The tools of the trade you will need for your task as a data analyst include the following: tweepy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, textblob, and VADER.
Your final Jupyter notebook must:
As final considerations:
in your GitHub repository. In this activity, more challenging than the last, you will build a Twitter bot that sends out visualized sentiment analysis of a Twitter account's recent tweets.
Visit for an example of what your script should do.
The bot receives tweets via mentions and in turn performs sentiment analysis on the most recent twitter account specified in the mention
For example, when a user tweets, "@PlotBot Analyze: @CNN," it will trigger a sentiment analysis on the CNN twitter feed.
A plot from the sentiment analysis is then tweeted to the PlotBot5 twitter feed. See below for examples of scatter plots you will generate:
Hints, requirements, and considerations:
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