Ch.7: Introduction to classes

Oct 23, 2014

Basics of classes

Class = functions + data (variables) in one unit

  • A class packs together data (a collection of variables) and functions as one single unit

  • As a programmer you can create a new class and thereby a new object type (like float, list, file, ...)

  • A class is much like a module: a collection of "global" variables and functions that belong together

  • There is only one instance of a module while a class can have many instances (copies)

  • Modern programming applies classes to a large extent

  • It will take some time to master the class concept

  • Let's learn by doing!

Representing a function by a class; background

Consider a function of $t$ with a parameter $v_0$:

$$ y(t; v_0)=v_0t - {1\over2}gt^2 $$

We need both $v_0$ and $t$ to evaluate $y$ (and $g=9.81$), but how should we implement this?

Having $t$ and $v_0$ as arguments:

In [1]:
def y(t, v0):
    g = 9.81
    return v0*t - 0.5*g*t**2

Having $t$ as argument and $v_0$ as global variable:

In [1]:
def y(t):
    g = 9.81
    return v0*t - 0.5*g*t**2

Motivation: $y(t)$ is a function of $t$ only

Representing a function by a class; idea

  • With a class, y(t) can be a function of t only, but still have

    v0 and g as parameters with given values.

  • The class packs together a function y(t) and data (v0, g)

Representing a function by a class; technical overview

  • We make a class Y for $y(t;v_0)$ with variables v0 and g and a function value(t) for computing $y(t;v_0)$

  • Any class should also have a function __init__ for initialization of the variables

Representing a function by a class; the code

In [1]:
class Y:
    def __init__(self, v0):
        self.v0 = v0
        self.g = 9.81

    def value(self, t):
        return self.v0*t - 0.5*self.g*t**2


In [1]:
y = Y(v0=3)            # create instance (object)
v = y.value(0.1)       # compute function value

Representing a function by a class; the constructor

When we write

In [1]:
y = Y(v0=3)

we create a new variable (instance) y of type Y. Y(3) is a call to the constructor:

In [1]:
def __init__(self, v0):
        self.v0 = v0
        self.g = 9.81

What is this self variable? Stay cool - it will be understood later as you get used to it

  • Think of self as y, i.e., the new variable to be created. self.v0 = ... means that we attach a variable v0 to self (y).

  • Y(3) means Y.__init__(y, 3), i.e., set self=y, v0=3

  • Remember: self is always first parameter in a function, but never inserted in the call!

  • After y = Y(3), y has two variables v0 and g

In [1]:
print y.v0
print y.g

In mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them. John von Neumann, mathematician, 1903-1957.

Representing a function by a class; the value method

  • Functions in classes are called methods

  • Variables in classes are called attributes

Here is the value method:

In [1]:
def value(self, t):
    return self.v0*t - 0.5*self.g*t**2

Example on a call:

In [1]:
v = y.value(t=0.1)

self is left out in the call, but Python automatically inserts y as the self argument inside the value method. Think of the call as

In [1]:
Y.value(y, t=0.1)

Inside value things "appear" as

In [1]:
return y.v0*t - 0.5*y.g*t**2

self gives access to "global variables" in the class object.

Representing a function by a class; summary

  • Class Y collects the attributes v0 and g and the method value as one unit

  • value(t) is function of t only, but has automatically access to the parameters v0 and g as self.v0 and self.g

  • The great advantage: we can send y.value as an ordinary function of t to any other function that expects a function f(t) of one variable

In [1]:
def make_table(f, tstop, n):
    for t in linspace(0, tstop, n):
        print t, f(t)

def g(t):
    return sin(t)*exp(-t)

table(g, 2*pi, 101)         # send ordinary function

y = Y(6.5)
table(y.value, 2*pi, 101)   # send class method

Representing a function by a class; the general case

Given a function with $n+1$ parameters and one independent variable,

$$ f(x; p_0,\ldots,p_n) $$

it is wise to represent f by a class where $p_0,\ldots,p_n$ are attributes and where there is a method, say value(self, x), for computing $f(x)$

In [1]:
class MyFunc:
    def __init__(self, p0, p1, p2, ..., pn):
        self.p0 = p0
        self.p1 = p1
        ... = pn

    def value(self, x):
        return ...

Class for a function with four parameters

$$ v(r; \beta, \mu_0, n, R) = \left({\beta\over 2\mu_0}\right)^{{1\over n}} {n \over n+1}\left( R^{1 + {1\over n}} - r^{1 + {1\over n}}\right) $$

In [1]:
class VelocityProfile:
    def __init__(self, beta, mu0, n, R):
        self.beta, self.mu0, self.n, self.R = \
        beta, mu0, n, R

    def value(self, r):
        beta, mu0, n, R = \
        self.beta, self.mu0, self.n, self.R
        n = float(n)  # ensure float divisions
        v = (beta/(2.0*mu0))**(1/n)*(n/(n+1))*\
            (R**(1+1/n) - r**(1+1/n))
        return v

v = VelocityProfile(R=1, beta=0.06, mu0=0.02, n=0.1)
print v.value(r=0.1)

Rough sketch of a Python class

In [1]:
class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, p1, p2):
        self.attr1 = p1
        self.attr2 = p2

    def method1(self, arg):
        # can init new attribute outside constructor:
        self.attr3 = arg
        return self.attr1 + self.attr2 + self.attr3

    def method2(self):
        print 'Hello!'

m = MyClass(4, 10)
print m.method1(-2)

It is common to have a constructor where attributes are initialized, but this is not a requirement - attributes can be defined whenever desired

You can learn about other versions and views of class Y in the course book

  • The book features a section on a different version of class Y where there is no constructor (which is possible)

  • The book also features a section on how to implement classes without using classes

  • These sections may be clarifying - or confusing

But what is this self variable? I want to know now!


You have two choices:

  1. follow the detailed explanations of what self really is

  2. postpone understanding self until you have much more experience with class programming (suddenly self becomes clear!)

The syntax

In [1]:
y = Y(3)

can be thought of as

In [1]:
Y.__init__(y, 3)   # class prefix Y. is like a module prefix


In [1]:
self.v0 = v0

is actually

In [1]:
y.v0 = 3

How self works in the value method

In [1]:
v = y.value(2)

can alternatively be written as

In [1]:
v = Y.value(y, 2)

So, when we do instance.method(arg1, arg2), self becomes instance inside method.

Working with multiple instances may help explain self

id(obj): print unique Python identifier of an object

In [1]:
class SelfExplorer:
    """Class for computing a*x."""
    def __init__(self, a):
        self.a = a
        print 'init: a=%g, id(self)=%d' % (self.a, id(self))

    def value(self, x):
        print 'value: a=%g, id(self)=%d' % (self.a, id(self))
        return self.a*x

In [1]:
s1 = SelfExplorer(1)
s2 = SelfExplorer(2)
SelfExplorer.value(s1, 4)
SelfExplorer.value(s2, 5)

Another class example: a bank account

  • Attributes: name of owner, account number, balance

  • Methods: deposit, withdraw, pretty print

In [1]:
class Account:
    def __init__(self, name, account_number, initial_amount): = name = account_number
        self.balance = initial_amount

    def deposit(self, amount):
        self.balance += amount

    def withdraw(self, amount):
        self.balance -= amount

    def dump(self):
        s = '%s, %s, balance: %s' % \
            (,, self.balance)
        print s

UML diagram of class Account

Example on using class Account

In [1]:
a1 = Account('John Olsson', '19371554951', 20000)
a2 = Account('Liz Olsson',  '19371564761', 20000)
print "a1's balance:", a1.balance

Use underscore in attribute names to avoid misuse

Possible, but not intended use:

In [1]: = 'Some other name'
a1.balance = 100000 = '19371564768'

The assumptions on correct usage:

  • The attributes should not be changed!

  • The balance attribute can be viewed

  • Changing balance is done through withdraw or deposit


Attributes and methods not intended for use outside the class can be marked as protected by prefixing the name with an underscore (e.g., _name). This is just a convention - and no technical way of avoiding attributes and methods to be accessed.

Improved class with attribute protection (underscore)

In [1]:
class AccountP:
    def __init__(self, name, account_number, initial_amount):
        self._name = name
        self._no = account_number
        self._balance = initial_amount

    def deposit(self, amount):
        self._balance += amount

    def withdraw(self, amount):
        self._balance -= amount

    def get_balance(self):    # NEW - read balance value
        return self._balance

    def dump(self):
        s = '%s, %s, balance: %s' % \
            (self._name, self._no, self._balance)
        print s

Usage of improved class AccountP

In [1]:
a1 = AccountP('John Olsson', '19371554951', 20000)

print a1._balance      # it works, but a convention is broken

print a1.get_balance() # correct way of viewing the balance

a1._no = '19371554955' # this is a "serious crime"!

Another example: a phone book

  • A phone book is a list of data about persons

  • Data about a person: name, mobile phone, office phone, private phone, email

  • Let us create a class for data about a person!

  • Methods:

    • Constructor for initializing name, plus one or more other data

    • Add new mobile number

    • Add new office number

    • Add new private number

    • Add new email

    • Write out person data

UML diagram of class Person

Basic code of class Person

In [1]:
class Person:
    def __init__(self, name,
                 mobile_phone=None, office_phone=None,
                 private_phone=None, email=None): = name = mobile_phone = office_phone
        self.private = private_phone = email

    def add_mobile_phone(self, number): = number

    def add_office_phone(self, number): = number

    def add_private_phone(self, number):
        self.private = number

    def add_email(self, address): = address

Code of a dump method for printing all class contents

In [1]:
class Person:
    def dump(self):
        s = + '\n'
        if is not None:
            s += 'mobile phone:   %s\n' %
        if is not None:
            s += 'office phone:   %s\n' %
        if self.private is not None:
            s += 'private phone:  %s\n' % self.private
        if is not None:
            s += 'email address:  %s\n' %
        print s


In [1]:
p1 = Person('Hans Petter Langtangen', email='')
p2 = Person('Aslak Tveito', office_phone='67828282')
phone_book = [p1, p2]                           # list
phone_book = {'Langtangen': p1, 'Tveito': p2}   # better
for p in phone_book:

Another example: a class for a circle

  • A circle is defined by its center point $x_0$, $y_0$ and its radius $R$

  • These data can be attributes in a class

  • Possible methods in the class: area, circumference

  • The constructor initializes $x_0$, $y_0$ and $R$

In [1]:
class Circle:
    def __init__(self, x0, y0, R):
        self.x0, self.y0, self.R = x0, y0, R

    def area(self):
        return pi*self.R**2

    def circumference(self):
        return 2*pi*self.R

In [1]:
c = Circle(2, -1, 5)
print 'A circle with radius %g at (%g, %g) has area %g' % \
      (c.R, c.x0, c.y0, c.area())

Test function for class Circle

In [1]:
def test_Circle():
    R = 2.5
    c = Circle(7.4, -8.1, R)

    from math import pi
    exact_area = pi*R**2
    computed_area = c.area()
    diff = abs(exact_area - computed_area)
    tol = 1E-14
    assert diff < tol, 'bug in Circle.area, diff=%s' % diff

    exact_circumference = 2*pi*R
    computed_circumference = c.circumference()
    diff = abs(exact_circumference - computed_circumference)
    assert diff < tol, 'bug in Circle.circumference, diff=%s' % diff

Special methods

In [1]:
class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, a, b):

p1 = MyClass(2, 5)
p2 = MyClass(-1, 10)

p3 = p1 + p2
p4 = p1 - p2
p5 = p1*p2
p6 = p1**7 + 4*p3

Special methods allow nice syntax and are recognized by double leading and trailing underscores

In [1]:
def __init__(self, ...)
def __call__(self, ...)
def __add__(self, other)

# Python syntax
y = Y(4)
print y(2)
z = Y(6)
print y + z

# What's actually going on
Y.__init__(y, 4)
print Y.__call__(y, 2)
Y.__init__(z, 6)
print Y.__add__(y, z)

We shall learn about many more such special methods

Example on a call special method

Replace the value method by a call special method:

In [1]:
class Y:
    def __init__(self, v0):
        self.v0 = v0
        self.g = 9.81

    def __call__(self, t):
        return self.v0*t - 0.5*self.g*t**2

Now we can write

In [1]:
y = Y(3)
v = y(0.1) # same as v = y.__call__(0.1) or Y.__call__(y, 0.1)


  • The instance y behaves and looks as a function!

  • The value(t) method does the same, but __call__ allows nicer syntax for computing function values

Representing a function by a class revisited

Given a function with $n+1$ parameters and one independent variable,

$$ f(x; p_0,\ldots,p_n) $$

it is wise to represent f by a class where $p_0,\ldots,p_n$ are attributes and __call__(x) computes $f(x)$

In [1]:
class MyFunc:
    def __init__(self, p0, p1, p2, ..., pn):
        self.p0 = p0
        self.p1 = p1
        ... = pn

    def __call__(self, x):
        return ...

Can we automatically differentiate a function?

Given some mathematical function in Python, say

In [1]:
def f(x):
    return x**3

can we make a class Derivative and write

In [1]:
dfdx = Derivative(f)

so that dfdx behaves as a function that computes the derivative of f(x)?

In [1]:
print dfdx(2)   # computes 3*x**2 for x=2

Automagic differentiation; solution


We use numerical differentiation "behind the curtain":

$$ f'(x) \approx {f(x+h)-f(x)\over h} $$

for a small (yet moderate) $h$, say $h=10^{-5}$


In [1]:
class Derivative:
    def __init__(self, f, h=1E-5):
        self.f = f
        self.h = float(h)

    def __call__(self, x):
        f, h = self.f, self.h      # make short forms
        return (f(x+h) - f(x))/h

Automagic differentiation; demo

In [1]:
from math import *
df = Derivative(sin)
x = pi
cos(x)  # exact
def g(t):
    return t**3
dg = Derivative(g)
t = 1
dg(t)  # compare with 3 (exact)

Automagic differentiation; useful in Newton's method

Newton's method solves nonlinear equations $f(x)=0$, but the method requires $f'(x)$

In [1]:
def Newton(f, xstart, dfdx, epsilon=1E-6):
    return x, no_of_iterations, f(x)

Suppose $f'(x)$ requires boring/lengthy derivation, then class Derivative is handy:

In [1]:
def f(x):
    return 100000*(x - 0.9)**2 * (x - 1.1)**3
df = Derivative(f)
xstart = 1.01
Newton(f, xstart, df, epsilon=1E-5)

Automagic differentiation; test function

  • How can we test class Derivative?

  • Method 1: compute $(f(x+h)-f(x))/h$ by hand for some $f$ and $h$

  • Method 2: utilize that linear functions are differentiated exactly by our numerical formula, regardless of $h$

Test function based on method 2:

In [1]:
def test_Derivative():
    # The formula is exact for linear functions, regardless of h
    f = lambda x: a*x + b
    a = 3.5; b = 8
    dfdx = Derivative(f, h=0.5)
    diff = abs(dfdx(4.5) - a)
    assert diff < 1E-14, 'bug in class Derivative, diff=%s' % diff

Automagic differentiation; explanation of the test function

Use of lambda functions:

In [1]:
f = lambda x: a*x + b

is equivalent to

In [1]:
def f(x):
    return a*x + b

Lambda functions are convenient for producing quick, short code

Use of closure:

In [1]:
f = lambda x: a*x + b
a = 3.5; b = 8
dfdx = Derivative(f, h=0.5)

Looks straightforward...but

  • How can Derivative.__call__ know a and b when it calls our f(x) function?

  • Local functions inside functions remember (have access to) all local variables in the function they are defined (!)

  • f can access a and b in test_Derivative even when called from __call__ in class `Derivative

  • f is known as a closure in computer science

Automagic differentiation detour; sympy solution (exact differentiation via symbolic expressions)

SymPy can perform exact, symbolic differentiation:

In [1]:
>>> from sympy import *
>>> def g(t):
...     return t**3
>>> t = Symbol('t')
>>> dgdt = diff(g(t), t)           # compute g'(t)
>>> dgdt

>>> # Turn sympy expression dgdt into Python function dg(t)
>>> dg = lambdify([t], dgdt)
>>> dg(1)

Automagic differentiation detour; class based on sympy

In [1]:
import sympy as sp

class Derivative_sympy:
    def __init__(self, f):
        # f: Python f(x)
        x = sp.Symbol('x')
        sympy_f = f(x)
        sympy_dfdx = sp.diff(sympy_f, x)
        self.__call__ = sp.lambdify([x], sympy_dfdx)

In [1]:
def g(t):
   return t**3
def h(y):
   return sp.sin(y)
dg = Derivative_sympy(g)
dh = Derivative_sympy(h)
dg(1)   # 3*1**2 = 3
from math import pi
dh(pi)  # cos(pi) = -1

Automagic integration; problem setting

Given a function $f(x)$, we want to compute

$$ F(x; a) = \int_a^x f(t)dt $$

Technique: Trapezoidal rule

$$ \int_a^x f(t)dt = h\left({1\over2}f(a) + \sum_{i=1}^{n-1} f(a+ih) + {1\over2}f(x)\right) $$

Desired application code:

In [1]:
def f(x):
    return exp(-x**2)*sin(10*x)

a = 0; n = 200
F = Integral(f, a, n)
x = 1.2
print F(x)

Automagic integration; implementation

In [1]:
def trapezoidal(f, a, x, n):
    h = (x-a)/float(n)
    I = 0.5*f(a)
    for i in range(1, n):
        I += f(a + i*h)
    I += 0.5*f(x)
    I *= h
    return I

Class Integral holds f, a and n as attributes and has a call special method for computing the integral:

In [1]:
class Integral:
    def __init__(self, f, a, n=100):
        self.f, self.a, self.n = f, a, n

    def __call__(self, x):
        return trapezoidal(self.f, self.a, x, self.n)

Automagic integration; test function

  • How can we test class Integral?

  • Method 1: compute by hand for some $f$ and small $n$

  • Method 2: utilize that linear functions are integrated exactly by our numerical formula, regardless of $n$

Test function based on method 2:

In [1]:
def test_Integral():
    f = lambda x: 2*x + 5
    F = lambda x: x**2 + 5*x - (a**2 + 5*a)
    a = 2
    dfdx = Integralf, a, n=4)
    x = 6
    diff = abs(I(x) - (F(x) - F(a)))
    assert diff < 1E-15, 'bug in class Integral, diff=%s' % diff

Special method for printing

  • In Python, we can usually print an object a by print a, works for built-in types (strings, lists, floats, ...)

  • Python does not know how to print objects of a user-defined class, but if the class defines a method __str__, Python will use this method to convert an object to a string


In [1]:
class Y:
    def __call__(self, t):
        return self.v0*t - 0.5*self.g*t**2

    def __str__(self):
        return 'v0*t - 0.5*g*t**2; v0=%g' % self.v0


In [1]:
y = Y(1.5)
print y

Class for polynomials; functionality

A polynomial can be specified by a list of its coefficients. For example, $1 - x^2 + 2x^3$ is

$$ 1 + 0\cdot x - 1\cdot x^2 + 2\cdot x^3 $$

and the coefficients can be stored as [1, 0, -1, 2]

Desired application code:

In [1]:
p1 = Polynomial([1, -1])
print p1
p2 = Polynomial([0, 1, 0, 0, -6, -1])
p3 = p1 + p2
print p3.coeff
print p3
print p2

How can we make class Polynomial?

Class Polynomial; basic code

In [1]:
class Polynomial:
    def __init__(self, coefficients):
        self.coeff = coefficients

    def __call__(self, x):
        s = 0
        for i in range(len(self.coeff)):
            s += self.coeff[i]*x**i
        return s

Class Polynomial; addition

In [1]:
class Polynomial:

    def __add__(self, other):
        # return self + other

        # start with the longest list and add in the other:
        if len(self.coeff) > len(other.coeff):
            coeffsum = self.coeff[:]  # copy!
            for i in range(len(other.coeff)):
                coeffsum[i] += other.coeff[i]
            coeffsum = other.coeff[:] # copy!
            for i in range(len(self.coeff)):
                coeffsum[i] += self.coeff[i]
        return Polynomial(coeffsum)

Class Polynomial; multiplication


Multiplication of two general polynomials:

$$ \left(\sum_{i=0}^Mc_ix^i\right)\left(\sum_{j=0}^N d_jx^j\right) = \sum_{i=0}^M \sum_{j=0}^N c_id_j x^{i+j} $$

The coeff. corresponding to power $i+j$ is $c_i\cdot d_j$. The list r of coefficients of the result: r[i+j] = c[i]*d[j] (i and j running from 0 to $M$ and $N$, resp.)


In [1]:
class Polynomial:
    def __mul__(self, other):
        M = len(self.coeff) - 1
        N = len(other.coeff) - 1
        coeff = [0]*(M+N+1)  # or zeros(M+N+1)
        for i in range(0, M+1):
            for j in range(0, N+1):
                coeff[i+j] += self.coeff[i]*other.coeff[j]
        return Polynomial(coeff)

Class Polynomial; differentation


Rule for differentiating a general polynomial:

$$ {d\over dx}\sum_{i=0}^n c_ix^i = \sum_{i=1}^n ic_ix^{i-1} $$

If c is the list of coefficients, the derivative has a list of coefficients, dc, where dc[i-1] = i*c[i] for i running from 1 to the largest index in c. Note that dc has one element less than c.


In [1]:
class Polynomial:
    def differentiate(self):    # change self
        for i in range(1, len(self.coeff)):
            self.coeff[i-1] = i*self.coeff[i]
        del self.coeff[-1]

    def derivative(self):       # return new polynomial
        dpdx = Polynomial(self.coeff[:])  # copy
        return dpdx

Class Polynomial; pretty print

In [1]:
class Polynomial:
    def __str__(self):
        s = ''
        for i in range(0, len(self.coeff)):
            if self.coeff[i] != 0:
                s += ' + %g*x^%d' % (self.coeff[i], i)
        # fix layout (lots of special cases):
        s = s.replace('+ -', '- ')
        s = s.replace(' 1*', ' ')
        s = s.replace('x^0', '1')
        s = s.replace('x^1 ', 'x ')
        s = s.replace('x^1', 'x')
        if s[0:3] == ' + ':  # remove initial +
            s = s[3:]
        if s[0:3] == ' - ':  # fix spaces for initial -
            s = '-' + s[3:]
        return s

Class for polynomials; usage


$$ p_1(x)= 1-x,\quad p_2(x)=x - 6x^4 - x^5 $$

and their sum

$$ p_3(x) = p_1(x) + p_2(x) = 1 -6x^4 - x^5 $$

In [1]:
p1 = Polynomial([1, -1])
print p1
p2 = Polynomial([0, 1, 0, 0, -6, -1])
p3 = p1 + p2
print p3.coeff
print p2

The programmer is in charge of defining special methods!

How should, e.g., __add__(self, other) be defined? This is completely up to the programmer, depending on what is meaningful by object1 + object2.

An anthropologist was asking a primitive tribesman about arithmetic. When the anthropologist asked, What does two and two make? the tribesman replied, Five. Asked to explain, the tribesman said, If I have a rope with two knots, and another rope with two knots, and I join the ropes together, then I have five knots.

Special methods for arithmetic operations

In [1]:
c = a + b    #  c = a.__add__(b)

c = a - b    #  c = a.__sub__(b)

c = a*b      #  c = a.__mul__(b)

c = a/b      #  c = a.__div__(b)

c = a**e     #  c = a.__pow__(e)

Special methods for comparisons

In [1]:
a == b       #  a.__eq__(b)

a != b       #  a.__ne__(b)

a < b        #  a.__lt__(b)

a <= b       #  a.__le__(b)

a > b        #  a.__gt__(b)

a >= b       #  a.__ge__(b)

Class for vectors in the plane

Mathematical operations for vectors in the plane:

$$ \begin{align*} (a,b) + (c,d) &= (a+c, b+d)\\ (a,b) - (c,d) &= (a-c, b-d)\\ (a,b)\cdot(c,d) &= ac + bd\\ (a,b) &= (c, d)\hbox{ if }a=c\hbox{ and }b=d \end{align*} $$

Desired application code:

In [1]:
u = Vec2D(0,1)
v = Vec2D(1,0)
print u + v
a = u + v
w = Vec2D(1,1)
a == w
print u - v
print u*v

Class for vectors; implementation

In [1]:
class Vec2D:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x;  self.y = y

    def __add__(self, other):
        return Vec2D(self.x+other.x, self.y+other.y)

    def __sub__(self, other):
        return Vec2D(self.x-other.x, self.y-other.y)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        return self.x*other.x + self.y*other.y

    def __abs__(self):
        return math.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y

    def __str__(self):
        return '(%g, %g)' % (self.x, self.y)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)  # reuse __eq__

The repr special method: eval(repr(p)) creates p

In [1]:
class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self.a, self.b = a, b

    def __str__(self):
        """Return string with pretty print."""
        return 'a=%s, b=%s' % (self.a, self.b)

    def __repr__(self):
        """Return string such that eval(s) recreates self."""
        return 'MyClass(%s, %s)' % (self.a, self.b)

In [1]:
m = MyClass(1, 5)
print m      # calls m.__str__()
str(m)       # calls m.__str__()
s = repr(m)  # calls m.__repr__()
m2 = eval(s) # same as m2 = MyClass(1, 5)
m2           # calls m.__repr__()

Class Y revisited with repr print method

In [1]:
class Y:
    """Class for function y(t; v0, g) = v0*t - 0.5*g*t**2."""

    def __init__(self, v0):
        """Store parameters."""
        self.v0 = v0
        self.g = 9.81

    def __call__(self, t):
        """Evaluate function."""
        return self.v0*t - 0.5*self.g*t**2

    def __str__(self):
        """Pretty print."""
        return 'v0*t - 0.5*g*t**2; v0=%g' % self.v0

    def __repr__(self):
        """Print code for regenerating this instance."""
        return 'Y(%s)' % self.v0

Class for complex numbers; functionality

Python already has a class complex for complex numbers, but implementing such a class is a good pedagogical example on class programming (especially with special methods).


In [1]:
u = Complex(2,-1)
v = Complex(1)     # zero imaginary part
w = u + v
print w
w != u
u < v
print w + 4
print 4 - w

Class for complex numbers; implementation (part 1)

In [1]:
class Complex:
    def __init__(self, real, imag=0.0):
        self.real = real
        self.imag = imag

    def __add__(self, other):
        return Complex(self.real + other.real,
                       self.imag + other.imag)

    def __sub__(self, other):
        return Complex(self.real - other.real,
                       self.imag - other.imag)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        return Complex(self.real*other.real - self.imag*other.imag,
                       self.imag*other.real + self.real*other.imag)

    def __div__(self, other):
        ar, ai, br, bi = self.real, self.imag, \
                         other.real, other.imag # short forms
        r = float(br**2 + bi**2)
        return Complex((ar*br+ai*bi)/r, (ai*br-ar*bi)/r)

Class for complex numbers; implementation (part 2)

In [1]:
def __abs__(self):
        return sqrt(self.real**2 + self.imag**2)

    def __neg__(self):   # defines -c (c is Complex)
        return Complex(-self.real, -self.imag)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.real == other.real and \
               self.imag == other.imag

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def __str__(self):
        return '(%g, %g)' % (self.real, self.imag)

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Complex' + str(self)

    def __pow__(self, power):
        raise NotImplementedError(
          'self**power is not yet impl. for Complex')

Refining the special methods for arithmetics

Can we add a real number to a complex number?

In [1]:
u = Complex(1, 2)
w = u + 4.5

Problem: we have assumed that other is Complex. Remedy:

In [1]:
class Complex:
    def __add__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, (float,int)):
            other = Complex(other)
        return Complex(self.real + other.real,
                       self.imag + other.imag)

# or

    def __add__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, (float,int)):
            return Complex(self.real + other, self.imag)
            return Complex(self.real + other.real,
                           self.imag + other.imag)

Special methods for "right" operands; addition

What if we try this:

In [1]:
u = Complex(1, 2)
w = 4.5 + u

Problem: Python's float objects cannot add a Complex.

Remedy: if a class has an __radd__(self, other) special method, Python applies this for other + self

In [1]:
class Complex:
    def __radd__(self, other):
        """Rturn other + self."""
        # other + self = self + other:
        return self.__add__(other)

Special methods for "right" operands; subtraction

Right operands for subtraction is a bit more complicated since $a-b \neq b-a$:

In [1]:
class Complex:
    def __sub__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, (float,int)):
            other = Complex(other)
        return Complex(self.real - other.real,
                       self.imag - other.imag)

    def __rsub__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, (float,int)):
            other = Complex(other)
        return other.__sub__(self)

What's in a class?

In [1]:
class A:
    """A class for demo purposes."""
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.v = value

Any instance holds its attributes in the self.__dict__ dictionary (Python automatically creates this dict)

In [1]:
a = A([1,2])
print a.__dict__  # all attributes
dir(a)            # what's in object a?
a.__doc__         # programmer's documentation of A

Ooops - we can add new attributes as we want!

In [1]:
a.myvar = 10            # add new attribute (!)
b = A(-1)
b.__dict__              # b has no myvar attribute

Summary of defining a class

Example on a defining a class with attributes and methods:

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

class Gravity:
    """Gravity force between two objects."""
    def __init__(self, m, M):
        self.m = m
        self.M = M
        self.G = 6.67428E-11 # gravity constant

    def force(self, r):
        G, m, M = self.G, self.m, self.M
        return G*m*M/r**2

    def visualize(self, r_start, r_stop, n=100):
        from scitools.std import plot, linspace
        r = linspace(r_start, r_stop, n)
        g = self.force(r)
        title='m=%g, M=%g' % (self.m, self.M)
        plot(r, g, title=title)

Summary of using a class

Example on using the class:

In [1]:
mass_moon = 7.35E+22
mass_earth = 5.97E+24

# make instance of class Gravity:
gravity = Gravity(mass_moon, mass_earth)

r = 3.85E+8  # earth-moon distance in meters
Fg = gravity.force(r)   # call class method

Summary of special methods

  • c = a + b implies c = a.__add__(b)

  • There are special methods for a+b, a-b, a*b, a/b, a**b, -a, if a:, len(a), str(a) (pretty print), repr(a) (recreate a with eval), etc.

  • With special methods we can create new mathematical objects like vectors, polynomials and complex numbers and write "mathematical code" (arithmetics)

  • The call special method is particularly handy: v = c(5) means v = c.__call__(5)

  • Functions with parameters should be represented by a class with the parameters as attributes and with a call special method for evaluating the function

Summarizing example: interval arithmetics for uncertainty quantification in formulas

Uncertainty quantification:

Consider measuring gravity $g$ by dropping a ball from $y=y_0$ to $y=0$ in time $T$:

$$ g = 2y_0T^{-2} $$

What if $y_0$ and $T$ are uncertain? Say $y_0\in [0.99,1.01]$ m and $T\in [0.43, 0.47]$ s. What is the uncertainty in $g$?

The uncertainty can be computed by interval arithmetics

Interval arithmetics.

Rules for computing with intervals, $p=[a,b]$ and $q=[c,d]$:

  • $p+q = [a + c, b + d]$

  • $p-q = [a - d, b - c]$

  • $pq = [\min(ac, ad, bc, bd), \max(ac, ad, bc, bd)]$

  • $p/q = [\min(a/c, a/d, b/c, b/d), \max(a/c, a/d, b/c, b/d)]$ ($[c,d]$ cannot contain zero)

Obvious idea: make a class for interval arithmetics!

Class for interval arithmetics

In [1]:
class IntervalMath:
    def __init__(self, lower, upper):
        self.lo = float(lower)
        self.up = float(upper)

    def __add__(self, other):
        a, b, c, d = self.lo, self.up, other.lo, other.up
        return IntervalMath(a + c, b + d)

    def __sub__(self, other):
        a, b, c, d = self.lo, self.up, other.lo, other.up
        return IntervalMath(a - d, b - c)

    def __mul__(self, other):
        a, b, c, d = self.lo, self.up, other.lo, other.up
        return IntervalMath(min(a*c, a*d, b*c, b*d),
                            max(a*c, a*d, b*c, b*d))

    def __div__(self, other):
        a, b, c, d = self.lo, self.up, other.lo, other.up
        if c*d <= 0: return None
        return IntervalMath(min(a/c, a/d, b/c, b/d),
                            max(a/c, a/d, b/c, b/d))
    def __str__(self):
        return '[%g, %g]' % (self.lo, self.up)

Demo of the new class for interval arithmetics


In [1]:
I = IntervalMath   # abbreviate
a = I(-3,-2)
b = I(4,5)

expr = 'a+b', 'a-b', 'a*b', 'a/b'   # test expressions
for e in expr:
    print e, '=', eval(e)


In [1]:
a+b = [1, 3]
a-b = [-8, -6]
a*b = [-15, -8]
a/b = [-0.75, -0.4]

Shortcomings of the class

This code

In [1]:
a = I(4,5)
q = 2
b = a*q

leads to

      File "", line 15, in __mul__
        a, b, c, d = self.lo, self.up, other.lo, other.up
    AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'lo'

Problem: IntervalMath times int is not defined.

Remedy: (cf. class Complex)

In [1]:
class IntervalArithmetics:
    def __mul__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, (int, float)):      # NEW
            other = IntervalMath(other, other)   # NEW
        a, b, c, d = self.lo, self.up, other.lo, other.up
        return IntervalMath(min(a*c, a*d, b*c, b*d),
                            max(a*c, a*d, b*c, b*d))

(with similar adjustments of other special methods)

More shortcomings of the class

Try to compute g = 2*y0*T**(-2): multiplication of int (2) and IntervalMath (y0), and power operation T**(-2) are not defined

In [1]:
class IntervalArithmetics:
    def __rmul__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, (int, float)):
            other = IntervalMath(other, other)
        return other*self

    def __pow__(self, exponent):
        if isinstance(exponent, int):
            p = 1
            if exponent > 0:
                for i in range(exponent):
                    p = p*self
            elif exponent < 0:
                for i in range(-exponent):
                    p = p*self
                p = 1/p
            else:   # exponent == 0
                p = IntervalMath(1, 1)
            return p
            raise TypeError('exponent must int')

Adding more functionality to the class: rounding

"Rounding" to the midpoint value:

In [1]:
a = IntervalMath(5,7)

is achieved by

In [1]:
class IntervalArithmetics:
    def __float__(self):
        return 0.5*(self.lo + self.up)

Adding more functionality to the class: repr and str methods

In [1]:
class IntervalArithmetics:
    def __str__(self):
        return '[%g, %g]' % (self.lo, self.up)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s(%g, %g)' % \
          (self.__class__.__name__, self.lo, self.up)

Demonstrating the class: $g=2y_0T^{-2}$

In [1]:
g = 9.81
y_0 = I(0.99, 1.01)
Tm = 0.45                 # mean T
T = I(Tm*0.95, Tm*1.05)   # 10% uncertainty
print T
g = 2*y_0*T**(-2)
# computing with mean values:
T = float(T)
y = 1
g = 2*y_0*T**(-2)
print '%.2f' % g

Demonstrating the class: volume of a sphere

In [1]:
R = I(6*0.9, 6*1.1)   # 20 % error
V = (4./3)*pi*R**3
print V
print float(V)
# compute with mean values:
R = float(R)
V = (4./3)*pi*R**3
print V

20% uncertainty in $R$ gives almost 60% uncertainty in $V$