In the following is a more involved machine learning example, in which we will use a larger variety of method in veax
to do data cleaning, feature engineering, pre-processing and finally to train a couple of models. To do this, we will use the well known Titanic dataset. Our task is to predict which passengers are more likely to have survived the disaster.
Before we begin, thare there are two important notes to consider:
can be used to clean data, create new features, and do general data manipulations in a machine learning context. Now, with that out of the way, let's get started!
In [1]:
import vaex
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
In [2]:
plt.rc('font', size=SMALL_SIZE) # controls default text sizes
plt.rc('axes', titlesize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the axes title
plt.rc('axes', labelsize=MEDIUM_SIZE) # fontsize of the x and y labels
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels
plt.rc('legend', fontsize=SMALL_SIZE) # legend fontsize
plt.rc('figure', titlesize=BIGGER_SIZE) # fontsize of the figure title
First of all we need to read in the data. Since the Titanic dataset is quite well known for trying out different classification algorithms, as well as commonly used as a teaching tool for aspiring data scientists, it ships (no pun intended) together with
. So let's read it in, see the description of its contents, and get a preview of the data.
In [3]:
# Load the titanic dataset
df =
# See the description
In [4]:
# The dataset is ordered, so let's shuffle it
df = df.sample(frac=1, random_state=31)
As mentioned in The ML introduction tutorial, shuffling large datasets in-memory is not a good idea. In case you work with a large dataset, consider shuffling while exporting:
df.export("shuffled", shuffle=True)
df ="shuffled.hdf5)
df_train, df_test =
Once the data is shuffled, let's split it into train and test sets. The test set will comprise 20% of the data. Note that we do not shuffle the data for you, since vaex cannot assume your data fits into memory, you are responsible for either writing it in shuffled order on disk, or shuffle it in memory (the previous step).
In [5]:
# Train and test split, no shuffling occurs
df_train, df_test =, verbose=False)
Before we move on to process the data, let's verify that our train and test sets are "similar" enough. We will not be very rigorous here, but just look at basic statistics of some of the key features.
For starters, let's check that the fraction of survivals is similar between the train and test sets.
In [6]:
# Inspect the target variable
train_survived_value_counts = df_train.survived.value_counts()
test_survived_value_counts = df_test.survived.value_counts()
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
train_sex_ratio = train_survived_value_counts[True]/train_survived_value_counts[False]
plt.title(f'Train set: survivied ratio: {train_sex_ratio:.2f}')
plt.ylabel('Number of passengers')
test_sex_ratio = test_survived_value_counts[True]/test_survived_value_counts[False]
plt.title(f'Test set: surived ratio: {test_sex_ratio:.2f}')
Next up, let's check whether the ratio of male to female passengers is not too dissimilar between the two sets.
In [7]:
# Check the sex balance
train_sex_value_counts =
test_sex_value_counts =
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
train_sex_ratio = train_sex_value_counts['male']/train_sex_value_counts['female']
plt.title(f'Train set: male vs female ratio: {train_sex_ratio:.2f}')
plt.ylabel('Number of passengers')
test_sex_ratio = test_sex_value_counts['male']/test_sex_value_counts['female']
plt.title(f'Test set: male vs female ratio: {test_sex_ratio:.2f}')
Finally, lets check that the relative number of passenger per class is similar between the train and test sets.
In [8]:
# Check the class balance
train_pclass_value_counts = df_train.pclass.value_counts()
test_pclass_value_counts = df_test.pclass.value_counts()
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
plt.title('Train set: passenger class')
plt.title('Test set: passenger class')
From the above diagnostics, we are satisfied that, at least in these few categories, the train and test are similar enough, and we can move forward.
In this section we will use vaex
to create meaningful features that will be used to train a classification model. To start with, let's get a high level overview of the training data.
In [9]:
We notice that there are 3 columns that have missing data, so our first task will be to impute the missing values with suitable substitutes. This is our strategy:
In [10]:
# Handle missing values
# Age - just do the mean of the training set for now
median_age = df_train.percentile_approx(expression='age', percentage=50.0)
df_train['age'] = df_train.age.fillna(value=median_age)
# Fare: the mean of the 5 most common ticket prices.
fill_fares = df_train.fare.value_counts(dropna=True)
fill_fare = fill_fares.iloc[:5].index.values.mean()
df_train['fare'] = df_train.fare.fillna(value=fill_fare)
# Cabing: this is a string column so let's mark it as "M" for "Missing"
df_train['cabin'] = df_train.cabin.fillna(value='M')
# Embarked: Similar as for Cabin, let's mark the missing values with "U" for unknown
fill_embarked = df_train.embarked.value_counts(dropna=True).index[0]
df_train['embarked'] = df_train.embarked.fillna(value=fill_embarked)
Next up, let's engineer some new, more meaningful features out of the "raw" data that is present in the dataset. Starting with the name of the passengers, we are going to extract the titles, as well as we are going to count the number of words a name contains. These features can be a loose proxy to the age and status of the passengers.
In [11]:
# Engineer features from the names
# Titles
df_train['name_title'] = df_train['name'].str.replace('.* ([A-Z][a-z]+)\..*', "\\1", regex=True)
# Number of words in the name
df_train['name_num_words'] = df_train['name'].str.count("[ ]+", regex=True) + 1
From the cabin colum, we will engineer 3 features:
In [12]:
# Extract the deck
df_train['deck'] = df_train.cabin.str.slice(start=0, stop=1)
# Passengers under which name have several rooms booked, these are all for 1st class passengers
df_train['multi_cabin'] = ((df_train.cabin.str.count(pat='[A-Z]', regex=True) > 1) &\
~(df_train.deck == 'F')).astype('int')
# Out of these, cabin has the most missing values, so let's create a feature tracking if a passenger had a cabin
df_train['has_cabin'] = df_train.cabin.notna().astype('int')
There are two features that give an indication whether a passenger is travelling alone, or with a famly. These are the "sibsp" and "parch" columns that tell us the number of siblinds or spouses and the number of parents or children each passenger has on-board respectively. We are going to use this information to build two columns:
In [13]:
# Size of family that are on board: passenger + number of siblings, spouses, parents, children.
df_train['family_size'] = (df_train.sibsp + df_train.parch + 1)
# Whether or not a passenger is alone
df_train['is_alone'] = (df_train.family_size == 0).astype('int')
Finally, let's create two new features:
In [14]:
# Create new features
df_train['age_times_class'] = df_train.age * df_train.pclass
# fare per person in the family
df_train['fare_per_family_member'] = df_train.fare / df_train.family_size
Since this dataset contains a lot of categorical features, we will start with a tree based model. This we will gear the following feature pre-processing towards the use of tree-based models.
The features "sex", "embarked", and "deck" can be simply label encoded. The feature "name_tite" contains certain a larger degree of cardinality, relative to the size of the training set, and in this case we will use the Frequency Encoder.
In [15]:
label_encoder =['sex', 'embarked', 'deck'], allow_unseen=True)
df_train = label_encoder.fit_transform(df_train)
# While doing a transform, previously unseen values will be encoded as "zero".
frequency_encoder =['name_title'], unseen='zero')
df_train = frequency_encoder.fit_transform(df_train)
Once all the categorical data is encoded, we can select the features we are going to use for training the model.
In [16]:
# features to use for the trainin of the boosting model
encoded_features = df_train.get_column_names(regex='^freque|^label')
features = encoded_features + ['multi_cabin', 'name_num_words',
'has_cabin', 'is_alone',
'family_size', 'age_times_class',
'age', 'fare']
# Preview the feature matrix
Now let's feed this data into an a tree based estimator. In this example we will use xgboost. In principle, any algorithm that follows the scikit-learn API convention, i.e. it contains the .fit
, .predict
methods is compatable with vaex
. However, the data will be materialized, i.e. will be read into memory before it is passed on to the estimators. We are hard at work trying to make at least some of the estimators from scikit-learn run out-of-core!
In [17]:
import xgboost
# Instantiate the xgboost model normally, using the scikit-learn API
xgb_model = xgboost.sklearn.XGBClassifier(max_depth=11,
# Make it work with vaex (for the automagic pipeline and lazy predictions)
vaex_xgb_model =,
# Train the model
# Get the prediction of the model on the training data
df_train = vaex_xgb_model.transform(df_train)
# Preview the resulting train dataframe that contans the predictions
Notice that in the above cell block, we call .transform
on the vaex_xgb_model
object. This adds the "prediction_xgb" column as virtual column in the output dataframe. This can be quite convenient when calculating various metrics and making diagnosic plots. Of course, one can call a .predict
on the vaex_xgb_model
object, which returns an in-memory numpy
array object housing the predictions.
Anyway, let's see what the performance is of the model on the training set. First let's create a convenience function that will help us get multiple metrics at once.
In [18]:
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, f1_score, roc_auc_score
def binary_metrics(y_true, y_pred):
acc = accuracy_score(y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred)
f1 = f1_score(y_true=y_true, y_pred=y_pred)
roc = roc_auc_score(y_true=y_true, y_score=y_pred)
print(f'Accuracy: {acc:.3f}')
print(f'f1 score: {f1:.3f}')
print(f'roc-auc: {roc:.3f}')
Now let's check the performance of the model on the training set.
In [19]:
print('Metrics for the training set:')
binary_metrics(y_true=df_train.survived.values, y_pred=df_train.prediction_xgb.values)
Now, let's inspect the performance of the model on the test set. You probably noticed that, unlike when using other libraries, we did not bother to create a pipeline while doing all the cleaning, inputing, feature engineering and categorial encoding. Well, we did not explicitly create a pipeline. In fact veax
keeps track of all the changes one applies to a DataFrame in something called a state. A state is the place which contains all the informations regarding, for instance, the virtual columns we've created, which includes the newly engineered features, the categorically encoded columns, and even the model prediction! So all we need to do, is to extract the state from the training DataFrame, and apply it to the test DataFrame.
In [20]:
# state transfer to the test set
state = df_train.state_get()
# Preview of the "transformed" test set
Notice that once we apply the state from the train to the test set, the test DataFrame contains all the features we created or modified in the training data, and even the predictions of the xgboost model!
The state is a simple Python dictionary, which can be easily stored as JSON to disk, which makes it very easy to deploy.
Now it is trivial to check the model performance on the test set:
In [21]:
print('Metrics for the test set:')
binary_metrics(y_true=df_test.survived.values, y_pred=df_test.prediction_xgb.values)
In [22]:
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 9))
ind = np.argsort(xgb_model.feature_importances_)[::-1]
features_sorted = np.array(features)[ind]
importances_sorted = xgb_model.feature_importances_[ind]
plt.barh(y=range(len(features)), width=importances_sorted, height=0.2)
plt.yticks(ticks=range(len(features)), labels=features_sorted)
Given the randomness of the Titanic dataset , we can be satisfied with the performance of xgboost
model above. Still, it is always usefull to try a variety of models and approaches, especially since vaex
makes makes this process rather simple.
In the following part we will use a couple of linear models as our predictors, this time straight from scikit-learn
. This requires us to pre-process the data in a slightly different way.
When using linear models, the safest option is to encode categorical variables with the one-hot encoding scheme, especially if they have low cardinality. We will do this for the "family_size" and "deck" features. Note that the "sex" feature is already encoded since it has only unique values options.
The "name_title" feature is a bit more tricky. Since in its original form it has some values that only appear a couple of times, we will do a trick: we will one-hot encode the frequency encoded values. This will reduce cardinality of the feature, while also preserving the most important, i.e. most common values.
Regarding the "age" and "fare", to add some variance in the model, we will not convert them to categorical as before, but simply remove their mean and standard-deviations (standard-scaling). We will do the same to the "fare_per_family_member" feature.
Finally, we will drop out any other features.
In [23]:
# One-hot encode categorical features
one_hot =['deck', 'family_size', 'frequency_encoded_name_title'])
df_train = one_hot.fit_transform(df_train)
In [24]:
# Standard scale numerical features
standard_scaler =['age', 'fare', 'fare_per_family_member'])
df_train = standard_scaler.fit_transform(df_train)
In [25]:
# Get the features for training a linear model
features_linear = df_train.get_column_names(regex='^deck_|^family_size_|^frequency_encoded_name_title_')
features_linear += df_train.get_column_names(regex='^standard_scaled_')
features_linear += ['label_encoded_sex']
In [26]:
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
In [27]:
# The Support Vector Classifier
vaex_svc =,
model=SVC(max_iter=1000, random_state=42),
# Logistic Regression
vaex_logistic =,
model=LogisticRegression(max_iter=1000, random_state=42),
# Train the new models and apply the transformation to the train dataframe
for model in [vaex_svc, vaex_logistic]:
df_train = model.transform(df_train)
# Preview of the train DataFrame
In [28]:
# Weighed mean of the classes
prediction_final = (df_train.prediction_xgb.astype('int') * 0.3 +
df_train.prediction_svc.astype('int') * 0.5 +
df_train.prediction_xgb.astype('int') * 0.2)
# Get the predicted class
prediction_final = (prediction_final >= 0.5)
# Add the expression to the train DataFrame
df_train['prediction_final'] = prediction_final
# Preview
In [29]:
# State transfer
state_new = df_train.state_get()
# Preview
Finally, let's check the performance of all the individual models as well as on the ensembler, on the test set.
In [30]:
pred_columns = df_train.get_column_names(regex='^prediction_')
for i in pred_columns:
binary_metrics(y_true=df_test.survived.values, y_pred=df_test[i].values)
print(' ')
We see that our ensembler is doing a better job than any idividual model, as expected.
Thanks you for going over this example. Feel free to copy, modify, and in general play around with this notebook.