This requires:
toolkit to be compiled and installedTools.ipynb
script and benchmarks
In [1]:
# Initialize parallel computation (require 3 clients)
research_directory = %pwd
tools_script = research_directory + '/Tools.ipynb'
%run $tools_script
from ipyparallel import Client
rc = Client(); dview = rc[:]
if len(dview) != 3: raise RuntimeError('Want to have 3 parallel clients.')
for i in range(3): rc[i]['ID'] = i
ID = 0
dview['research_directory'] = research_directory
%px %run $tools_script
%px tom.util.mkl_set_num_threads(4)
%px tom.util.setNbThreads(4)
%px tom.util.omp_set_num_threads(2)
%px exec("try: import mkl; mkl.set_num_threads(2)\nexcept: pass")
assert(dview['tom.version'] == [tom.version]*3)
In [2]:
# Global settings:
%px regularization = (2,3)
regularization = (2,3)
import os
os.makedirs(research_directory + '/results', exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(research_directory + '/results/RANDOM27_32_max_data', exist_ok=True)
In [3]:
# Print some prorties (alphabet size, word length, resulting matrix sizes)
def print_benchmark_properties():
for oomName in BenchData.OOMs + BenchData.IOOOMs:
bd = BenchData(oomName)
Σₒ, Σᵢ = bd.nO(), max(1, bd.nU())
Σ = Σₒ * Σᵢ
L = int(np.log(1200)/np.log(Σ))
print('%12s: Σ=%2d L=%d Σ^L=%5d Σ^(L+1)=%5d Σ^{<L}=%5d'% (oomName, Σ, L, Σ**L, Σ**(L+1), sum([Σ**l for l in range(L+1)])))
In [4]:
# Compute and save the `tom.Data` objects of the training data for RANDOM27_32 and length 10**8 (~0:20h and 3.2GB on disk)
def pre_compute_RANDOM27_32_long_Data():
bd = BenchData('RANDOM27_32')
RANDOM27_32_max_data = [{}, {}, {}]
for ID in range(3):
print(':', end='', flush=True)
data = tom.Data()
data.sequence = bd.getSequence(ID)
wordSettings = [(0, 0, 1, maxWords) for maxWords in [32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]]
wordSettings += [(0, 0, 'o_min', 1024), (1, 1, 1, 0), (2, 2, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1, 0), (0, 2, 1, 0)]
for wordSetting in wordSettings:
print('.', end='', flush=True)
wS = list(wordSetting)
if wS[2] == 'o_min': wS[2] = bd.o_min(10**8)
data.regularization = (2,3)
data.X = wS
data.Y = data.X
with open(research_directory + '/results/RANDOM27_32_max_data/' + str(ID) + str(wS) + '.p', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump({'cache': data._cache, 'X': data.X, 'Y': data.Y}, f)
In [5]:
%%# Compute word setting results (~1:15h)
def compute_word_setting_results(oomName):
bd = BenchData(oomName)
print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), str(oomName), file = f, flush=True)
Σₒ, Σᵢ = bd.nO(), max(1, bd.nU())
Σ = Σₒ * Σᵢ
wordSettings = [(0, 0, 1, maxWords) for maxWords in [32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]]
wordSettings += [(0, 0, 'o_min', 1024)]
wordSettings += [(L, L, 1, 0) for L in range(1, int(np.log(1200)/np.log(Σ))+1)]
wordSettings += [(0, L, 1, 0) for L in range(1, int(np.log(1200)/np.log(Σ))+1)]
res[oomName] = {wS: {bd.dim(): {'GLS' : {regularization : []},
'SPEC': {None: []}} } for wS in wordSettings}
train = bd.getSequence(ID)
data = tom.Data()
data.sequence = train.sub(0)
data.regularization = regularization
for tl in bd.trainLengths():
print(time.strftime(" %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "%8d " % tl, file = f, end='', flush=True)
if tl < 10**8:
data.sequence = train.sub(tl)
for wordSetting in wordSettings:
print(".", file = f, end='', flush=True)
wS = list(wordSetting)
if wS[2] == 'o_min': wS[2] = bd.o_min(tl)
if tl < 10**8:
data.X = wS
data.Y = data.X
data._stree = None # This ensures that we rely only on the cache!
with open(research_directory + '/results/RANDOM27_32_max_data/' + str(ID) + str(wS) + '.p', 'rb') as f2:
data_save = pickle.load(f2)
data.X = data_save['X']
data.Y = data_save['Y']
data._cache = data_save['cache']
spec = tom.learn.model_estimate(data, bd.dim(), method='SPEC')
gls = tom.learn.model_estimate(data, bd.dim(), method='GLS')
data.cache = []
print("done!", file = f, flush=True)
res = {}
with open(research_directory + '/results/px_log' + str(ID), 'w') as f:
for oomName in BenchData.OOMs + BenchData.IOOOMs: compute_word_setting_results(oomName)
In [6]:
# Save word setting results to 'resultsWords.p'
res = dview['res']
with open(research_directory + '/results/resultsWords.p', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump({'res':res, 'tom_version': tom.version}, f)
del res
In [7]:
%%# Compute dimension setting results (~2:35h)
def compute_dimension_setting_results(oomName):
bd = BenchData(oomName)
print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), str(oomName), file = f, flush=True)
Σₒ, Σᵢ = bd.nO(), max(1, bd.nU())
Σ = Σₒ * Σᵢ
lenX = int(np.log(1200)/np.log(Σ))
wordSettings = [(0, 0, 'o_min', 1024), (0, lenX, 1, 0)]
if bd.dim() < 12:
dimSettings = list(range(1, bd.dim() + 1)) + [bd.dim() + 1, bd.dim() + 3, bd.dim() + 10]
dimSettings = [1,2,4,8,12,16,20,23,26,28,30,31,32,33,35,42]
res[oomName] = {wS: {d: {'GLS' : {regularization : []},
'SPEC': {None: []}} for d in dimSettings} for wS in wordSettings}
train = bd.getSequence(ID)
data = tom.Data()
data.sequence = train.sub(0)
data.regularization = regularization
for tl in bd.trainLengths():
print(time.strftime(" %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "%8d " % tl, file = f, end='', flush=True)
if tl < 10**8:
data.sequence = train.sub(tl)
for wordSetting in wordSettings:
print(":", file = f, end='', flush=True)
wS = list(wordSetting)
if wS[2] == 'o_min': wS[2] = bd.o_min(tl)
if tl < 10**8:
data.X = wS
data.Y = data.X
data._stree = None # This ensures that we rely only on the cache!
with open(research_directory + '/results/RANDOM27_32_max_data/' + str(ID) + str(wS) + '.p', 'rb') as f2:
data_save = pickle.load(f2)
data.X = data_save['X']
data.Y = data_save['Y']
data._cache = data_save['cache']
for dim in dimSettings:
spec = tom.learn.model_estimate(data, dim, method='SPEC')
gls = tom.learn.model_estimate(data, dim, method='GLS')
data.cache = []
print("done!", file = f, flush=True)
res = {}
with open(research_directory + '/results/px_log' + str(ID), 'w') as f:
for oomName in BenchData.OOMs + BenchData.IOOOMs: compute_dimension_setting_results(oomName)
In [8]:
# Save dimension setting results to 'resultsDim.p'
res = dview['res']
with open(research_directory + '/results/resultsDim.p', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump({'res':res, 'tom_version': tom.version}, f)
del res
In [9]:
%%# Compute dimension estimates (~0:20h)
def compute_dimension_estimates(oomName, wordSettings = [(0, 0, 'o_min', 1024), (0, 'lenX', 1, 0)], pqrs = [(0,0), (1, 1, (2,0))]):
bd = BenchData(oomName)
print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), str(oomName), file = f, flush=True)
Σₒ, Σᵢ = bd.nO(), max(1, bd.nU())
Σ = Σₒ * Σᵢ
lenX = int(np.log(1200)/np.log(Σ))
res[oomName] = {tl: {wS: {pqr: {} for pqr in pqrs} for wS in wordSettings} for tl in bd.trainLengths()}
train = bd.getSequence(ID)
data = tom.Data()
data.sequence = train.sub(0)
for tl in bd.trainLengths():
print(time.strftime(" %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "%8d " % tl, file = f, end='', flush=True)
data.sequence = train.sub(tl)
for wordSetting in wordSettings:
print(":", file = f, end='', flush=True)
wS = list(wordSetting)
if wS[0] == 'lenX': wS[0] = lenX
if wS[1] == 'lenX': wS[1] = lenX
if wS[2] == 'o_min': wS[2] = bd.o_min(tl)
data.X = wS
data.Y = data.X
data.regularization = (0,0)
res[oomName][tl][wordSetting]['shape'] = (len(data.Y), len(data.X))
F = data.F_YX()
for pqr in pqrs:
v_Y, v_X = tom.learn.v_Y_v_X_from_data(data, *pqr)
U, s, VT = tom.linalg.cached_wsvd(v_Y**-0.5, F, v_X**-0.5)
res[oomName][tl][wordSetting][pqr]['spectrum'] = s
res_for_norm = res[oomName][tl][wordSetting][pqr]
print(".", file = f, end='', flush=True)
for norm in ['frob', 'spec', 'exspec', 'relative', 'avspec']:
res_for_norm[norm] = tom.learn.numerical_rank(F, data.V_YX(), v_Y, v_X, norm, True)
mid_spec = (res_for_norm['avspec'][1] * res_for_norm['exspec'][1])**0.5
mid_spec_dim = 0
while mid_spec_dim < len(s) and s[mid_spec_dim] > mid_spec: mid_spec_dim += 1
res_for_norm['mid_spec'] = (mid_spec_dim, mid_spec)
frob = res_for_norm['frob']
res_for_norm['frob_mid_spec'] = (max(mid_spec_dim, frob[0]), min(mid_spec, frob[1]))
data.cache = []
print("done!", file = f, flush=True)
# Dimension estimation uses sampling to estimate the expectation of a spectral norm.
# For reproducibility, we therefore seed the numpy random number generator. It is only used for this purpose.
np.random.seed(123456789 + ID)
res = {}
with open(research_directory + '/results/px_log' + str(ID), 'w') as f:
for oomName in BenchData.OOMs + BenchData.IOOOMs: compute_dimension_estimates(oomName)
In [10]:
# Save dimension estimates to 'resultsDimEstimation.p'
res = dview['res']
with open(research_directory + '/results/resultsDimEstimation.p', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump({'res':res, 'tom_version': tom.version}, f)
del res
In [11]:
%%# Algorithm variant comparison incl. appropriate dimension estimates
%%px --local
def compute_variant_comparison(oomName, wordSetting = (0, 0, 'o_min', 1024)):
bd = BenchData(oomName)
print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), str(oomName), file = f, flush=True)
Σₒ, Σᵢ = bd.nO(), max(1, bd.nU())
Σ = Σₒ * Σᵢ
res[oomName] = {wordSetting: {'dim': [], 0: {algo: {'eval': []} for algo in ['SPEC', 'RCW', 'ES', 'WLS', 'GLS'] },
bd.dim(): {algo: {'eval': []} for algo in ['SPEC', 'RCW', 'ES', 'WLS', 'GLS'] }}}
train = bd.getSequence(ID)
data = tom.Data()
data.regularization = regularization
data.sequence = train.sub(0)
for tl in bd.trainLengths():
print(time.strftime(" %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "%8d " % tl, file = f, end='', flush=True)
if tl < 10**8:
data.sequence = train.sub(tl)
print(".", file = f, end='', flush=True)
wS = list(wordSetting)
if wS[2] == 'o_min': wS[2] = bd.o_min(tl)
if tl < 10**8:
data.X = wS
data.Y = data.X
data.regularization = regularization
data._stree = None # This ensures that we rely only on the cache!
with open(research_directory + '/results/RANDOM27_32_max_data/' + str(ID) + str(wS) + '.p', 'rb') as f2:
data_save = pickle.load(f2)
data.X = data_save['X']
data.Y = data_save['Y']
data._cache = data_save['cache']
v_Y, v_X = tom.learn.v_Y_v_X_from_data(data)
for d in set([0, bd.dim()]):
print(":", file = f, end='', flush=True)
if d != 0:
dim = bd.dim()
dim = tom.learn.numerical_rank(data.F_YX(), data.V_YX(regularization=(0,0)), v_Y, v_X)
print(".", file = f, end='', flush=True)
spec, subspace = tom.learn.model_estimate(data, dim, method='SPEC', return_subspace=True)
print(".", file = f, end='', flush=True)
es = tom.learn.model_estimate(data, spec, v = (v_Y, v_X), method='ES')
print(".", file = f, end='', flush=True)
rcw = tom.learn.model_estimate(data, dim, method='RCW', v=(v_Y, v_X))
print(".", file = f, end='', flush=True)
wls, subspace = tom.learn.model_estimate(data, subspace, method='WLS', return_subspace=True)
print(".", file = f, end='', flush=True)
if dim > 192:
subspace = tom.learn.subspace_by_alternating_projections(data.F_YX(), 192, data.V_YX(), ls_method='iCholesky')
gls = tom.learn.model_by_weighted_equations(data, subspace, ls_method='iCholesky')
print(".", file = f, end='', flush=True)
data.cache = []
print("done!", file = f, flush=True)
In [12]:
%%# Compute dimension estimates and comparison results for synthetic benchmarks (~0:40h)
# Dimension estimation uses sampling to estimate the expectation of a spectral norm.
# For reproducibility, we therefore seed the numpy random number generator. It is only used for this purpose.
np.random.seed(123456789 + ID)
res = {}
with open(research_directory + '/results/px_log' + str(ID), 'w') as f:
for oomName in BenchData.OOMs + BenchData.IOOOMs: compute_variant_comparison(oomName)
In [13]:
# Save comparison results to 'resultsSynthetic.p'
res = dview['res']
with open(research_directory + '/results/resultsSynthetic.p', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump({'res':res, 'tom_version': tom.version}, f)
del res
In [14]:
# Compute and save dimension estimates and comparison results for real-world data (~ 7 h)
# Dimension estimation uses sampling to estimate the expectation of a spectral norm.
# For reproducibility, we therefore seed the numpy random number generator. It is only used for this purpose.
res = {}
with open(research_directory + '/results/px_log' + str(ID), 'w') as f:
for oomName in BenchData.realWorldData: compute_variant_comparison(oomName)
with open(research_directory + '/results/resultsRealworld.p', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump({'res':res, 'tom_version': tom.version}, f)
del res
In [15]:
%%# Settings for learning with missing values
%%px --local
class MissingRelevance(tom.stree.PositionRelevance):
def __init__(self, missingFactor = 0, notMissingFactor = 1):
self.missingFactor = missingFactor
self.notMissingFactor = notMissingFactor
def compute(self, position):
seq = position.sequence()
nMissing = seq.inputSum()
nNotMissing = seq.length() - nMissing
return super().compute(position) * self.missingFactor**nMissing * self.notMissingFactor**nNotMissing
def o_min(l, Σₒ, Σᵢ):
Σᵢ = max(1, Σᵢ)
Σ = Σₒ * Σᵢ
l = np.log(l) / (np.log(Σ) + np.log(Σᵢ))
return (l+1) * Σᵢ**l
def get_dimensions_for_missing_benchmarks():
dims = {}
for oomName in BenchData.OOMs:
bd = BenchData(oomName)
dims[oomName] = len(bd.trainLengths()) * [bd.dim()]
with open(research_directory + '/results/resultsRealworld.p', 'rb') as f:
res = pickle.load(f)['res']
for oomName in BenchData.realWorldData: dims[oomName] = res[oomName][(0, 0, 'o_min', 1024)]['dim']
return dims
def cx_validate_missing(loom, cx_test, stabilization=(0.0002, 0.03, 5, 1e-8)):
moom = tom.Oom(loom.dimension(), loom.nOutputSymbols() + 1, 2)
for o in range(loom.nOutputSymbols()):
moom.tau(o, 0, loom.tau(o))
moom.tau(o, 1, np.zeros((loom.dimension(), loom.dimension())))
moom.tau(loom.nOutputSymbols(), 0, np.zeros((loom.dimension(), loom.dimension())))
moom.tau(loom.nOutputSymbols(), 1, sum([loom.tau(o) for o in range(loom.nOutputSymbols())]))
return moom.l2l(cx_test)*cx_test.length()/(cx_test.length()-cx_test.inputSum())
def compute_missing_value_results(oomName, dims, regular=False, stabilization=(0.0002, 0.03, 5, 1e-8)):
print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), str(oomName), file = f, flush=True)
bd = BenchData(oomName)
Σₒ = bd.nO()
res[oomName] = {mP: {wordSettingAndWildcard: {reg: {'SPEC': {'cx' : [], 'eval' : []}, 'Weighted' : {'cx' : [], 'eval' : []}}
for reg in regularizations}
for wordSettingAndWildcard in wordSettingsAndWildcards} for mP in missingProbs}
for mP in missingProbs:
print(time.strftime(" %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), str(oomName), str(mP), file = f, flush=True)
data = tom.Data()
train = bd.getSequence(ID, missingProb=mP, regular=regular, nU=1)
data.sequence = train.sub(0)
for tli, tl in enumerate(bd.trainLengths()):
print(time.strftime(" %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "%8d " % tl, file = f, end='', flush=True)
data.sequence = train.sub(tl)
data.nInputSymbols = 1
cx_test = train.sub(tl)[-int(2e5):]
for wordSetting, wildcard in wordSettingsAndWildcards:
wS = []
for i in wordSetting:
wS.append(eval(i) if type(i) is str else i)
data.X = wS
data.Y = data.X
data._estimator = tom.EstimatorMCAR(data.stree) if wildcard else tom.Estimator(data.stree)
for regularization in regularizations:
reg = []
for i in regularization: # Note: Cannot use list comprehension due to `eval` here!
reg.append(eval(i) if type(i) is str else i)
data.regularization = reg
print(".", file = f, end='', flush=True)
dim = dims[oomName][tli]
spec, subspace = tom.learn.model_estimate(data, dim, method='SPEC', return_subspace=True)
res[oomName][mP][(wordSetting, wildcard)][regularization]['SPEC']['eval'].append(bd.evaluate(spec, stabilization=stabilization))
res[oomName][mP][(wordSetting, wildcard)][regularization]['SPEC']['cx'].append(cx_validate_missing(spec, cx_test, stabilization))
print(".", file = f, end='', flush=True)
weighted = tom.learn.model_estimate(data, subspace, method='WLS' if dim > 192 else 'GLS', ls_method='iCholesky')
res[oomName][mP][(wordSetting, wildcard)][regularization]['Weighted']['eval'].append(bd.evaluate(weighted, stabilization=stabilization))
res[oomName][mP][(wordSetting, wildcard)][regularization]['Weighted']['cx'].append(cx_validate_missing(weighted, cx_test, stabilization))
print(".", file = f, end='', flush=True)
del spec, subspace, weighted
data.cache = []
del wS
print("done!", file = f, flush=True)
regularizations = [(2,3), (2,'3/tl**2')]
missingProbs = [1/9.5, 1/4.5, 1/2.5]
wordSettingsAndWildcards = [((0, 0, 'o_min(tl,Σₒ+1,1)', 1024, False, False, 'MissingRelevance((Σₒ)**-1,1)'), False),
((0, 0, 'o_min(tl,Σₒ+1,1)', 1024, False, False, 'MissingRelevance((Σₒ)**-1,1)'), True),
((0, 0, 'o_min(tl,Σₒ+1,1)', 1024, False, False, 'MissingRelevance(0,1)'), False)]
dims_for_missing = get_dimensions_for_missing_benchmarks()
In [16]:
# Compute and save results with missing values for OOM benchmarks (~10:00 h)
%px res = {}
%px with open(research_directory + '/results/px_log' + str(ID), 'w') as f: [compute_missing_value_results(oomName, dims_for_missing, regular=False) for oomName in BenchData.OOMs]
res = dview['res']
with open(research_directory + '/results/resultsMissingRandom.p', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump({'res':res, 'tom_version': tom.version}, f)
del res
%px res = {}
%px with open(research_directory + '/results/px_log' + str(ID), 'w') as f: [compute_missing_value_results(oomName, dims_for_missing, regular=True) for oomName in BenchData.OOMs]
res = dview['res']
with open(research_directory + '/results/resultsMissingRegular.p', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump({'res':res, 'tom_version': tom.version}, f)
del res
In [17]:
# Compute and save results with random missing values for real-world benchmarks (~19 h)
res = {}
with open(research_directory + '/results/px_log' + str(ID), 'w') as f: [compute_missing_value_results(oomName, dims_for_missing, regular=False) for oomName in BenchData.realWorldData]
with open(research_directory + '/results/resultsMissingRandomRW.p', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump({'res':res, 'tom_version': tom.version}, f)
del res
In [18]:
# Compute and save results with regular missing values for real-world benchmarks (~17 h)
res = {}
with open(research_directory + '/results/px_log' + str(ID), 'w') as f: [compute_missing_value_results(oomName, dims_for_missing, regular=True) for oomName in BenchData.realWorldData]
with open(research_directory + '/results/resultsMissingRegularRW.p', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump({'res':res, 'tom_version': tom.version}, f)
del res
In [19]:
# Compute and save results with regular missing values for BIBLE27 benchmark with tweaked dimension (~6h)
missingProbs = [1/4.5]
wordSettingsAndWildcards = [((0, 0, 'o_min(tl,Σₒ+1,1)', 1024, False, False, 'MissingRelevance((Σₒ)**-1,1)'), True)]
res = {}
with open(research_directory + '/results/px_log' + str(ID), 'w') as f:
compute_missing_value_results('BIBLE27', {'BIBLE27': [8, 16, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192]}, regular=True, stabilization=(0.0002, 0.01, 5, 1e-8))
with open(research_directory + '/results/resultsMissingRegularBIBLE27tweakedDim.p', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump({'res':res, 'tom_version': tom.version}, f)
In [3]:
%run Tools.ipynb
def get_dimensions_for_missing_benchmarks():
dims = {}
for oomName in BenchData.OOMs:
bd = BenchData(oomName)
dims[oomName] = len(bd.trainLengths()) * [bd.dim()]
with open(research_directory + '/results/resultsRealworld.p', 'rb') as f:
res = pickle.load(f)['res']
for oomName in BenchData.realWorldData: dims[oomName] = res[oomName][(0, 0, 'o_min', 1024)]['dim']
return dims
In [4]:
In [ ]: