This Jupyter notebook visualizes M-Lab test data in Africa. Using BigQuery, we select NDT or paris-traceroute data from clients in Africa. Then, using a world map from Natural Earth and the GeoDataFrame Python packages, we plot the African data using geolocation hints from the data.
This notebook may be downloaded from the GitHub repository for the M-Lab website.
To do this, we need to install and configure some local dependencies first.
# Authenticate your account.
gcloud auth login
# Set application default credentials.
gcloud auth application-default login
# Set default project.
gcloud config set project measurement-lab
pip install --upgrade google-cloud-bigquery
pip install geopandas PySAL descartes
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import collections
import urllib2
import json
from shapely import geometry
# Ignore warnings from various packages.
import warnings
# Set project explicitly in the environment to suppress some warnings.
os.environ["GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT"] = "measurement-lab"
# Load M-Lab site metadata including site latitude & longitude.
mlab_sites_url = ''
# Load the Natural Earth country shapes file.
worldmap_url = ''
# Short list of metros in Africa, for convenience.
african_metros = ['tun', 'jnb', 'cpt', 'mpm', 'tnr', 'los', 'nbo', 'acc']
# Number of colors to use when coloring maps.
colors = 10
# Default figure size. W x H.
figsize = (16, 10)
In [2]:
# Depends on: pip install --upgrade google-cloud-bigquery
from import bigquery
def run_query(query, project='measurement-lab'):
client = bigquery.Client(project=project)
job = client.query(query)
results = collections.defaultdict(list)
for row in job.result(timeout=600):
for key in row.keys():
return pd.DataFrame(results)
In [3]:
# Load shape data.
globe_raw = gpd.read_file(worldmap_url)
# Select the global information (except Antarctica).
globe = globe_raw[['iso_a2', 'continent', 'geometry']].to_crs('+proj=longlat')
globe = globe[globe.continent != 'Antarctica']
# Add a new column with a default value of zero to show countries without data.
globe['default'] = 0
# Select only Africa.
africa = globe[globe.continent == 'Africa'].copy()
africa['default'] = 0
How many NDT tests are clients in Africa running to M-Lab servers?
By default, the M-Lab naming service directs clients to the geographically closest M-Lab server. The idea is to use geographic proximity as a proxy for network proximity. So, we expect to see more tests near M-Lab servers.
For a given day, the query below counts all tests from clients in Africa. At the same time we calculate the average download rate per country for all clients.
In [4]:
rates_df = run_query("""
connection_spec.client_geolocation.country_name as country_name,
connection_spec.client_geolocation.country_code as country_code,
COUNT(*) as count,
AVG(8 * (web100_log_entry.snap.HCThruOctetsAcked /
(web100_log_entry.snap.SndLimTimeRwin +
web100_log_entry.snap.SndLimTimeCwnd +
web100_log_entry.snap.SndLimTimeSnd))) AS download_Mbps
TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(log_time, DAY) = TIMESTAMP("2018-11-16")
AND connection_spec.client_geolocation.continent_code = "AF"
AND connection_spec.data_direction = 1
AND web100_log_entry.snap.HCThruOctetsAcked >= 8192
AND (web100_log_entry.snap.SndLimTimeRwin +
web100_log_entry.snap.SndLimTimeCwnd +
web100_log_entry.snap.SndLimTimeSnd) >= 9000000
AND (web100_log_entry.snap.SndLimTimeRwin +
web100_log_entry.snap.SndLimTimeCwnd +
web100_log_entry.snap.SndLimTimeSnd) < 600000000
AND web100_log_entry.snap.CongSignals > 0
AND (web100_log_entry.snap.State = 1 OR
(web100_log_entry.snap.State >= 5 AND
web100_log_entry.snap.State <= 11))
country_code, country_name
count > 100
country_name, country_code, count desc
In [5]:
# Now `rates_df` contains all results from the BigQuery results in the form of a Pandas DataFrame.
In [6]:
# Merge the africa dataframe with the rates_df using the 2-letter country codes in both.
rates_merged = africa.merge(rates_df, left_on='iso_a2', right_on='country_code')
In [7]:
# First, plot the plain African map with all countries represented.
ax0 = africa.plot(column='default', color='white', edgecolor='lightgrey', figsize=figsize)
# Next, plot the merged rates dataframe on top of the base map. Only countries with data will be shown.
_ = rates_merged.plot(ax=ax0, column='count', cmap='Blues', scheme='Fisher_Jenks',
k=colors, legend=True, legend_kwds={"loc": 3}, edgecolor='lightgrey')
In [8]:
# Download the M-Lab site configuration.
response = urllib2.urlopen(mlab_sites_url)
sites = json.loads(
# Collect all sites in Africa, creating a geometry.Point for each one.
all_map = {}
africa_map = {}
for row in sites:
metro = row['site'][0:3]
all_map[metro] = (metro, geometry.Point(row['longitude'], row['latitude']))
if metro in african_metros:
africa_map[metro] = all_map[metro]
# Convert the dict into a GeoDataFrame.
all_locations = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
all_map, orient='index', columns=['metro', 'location']), geometry='location')
africa_locations = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
africa_map, orient='index', columns=['metro', 'location']), geometry='location')
In [9]:
print africa_locations.keys()
In [10]:
# Repeat the steps for plotting Africa test counts.
ax0 = africa.plot(column='default', color='white', edgecolor='lightgrey', figsize=figsize)
ax1 = rates_merged.plot(ax=ax0, column='count', cmap='Blues', scheme='Fisher_Jenks',
k=colors, legend=True, legend_kwds={"loc": 3}, edgecolor='lightgrey')
# Add the M-Lab metro locations.
africa_locations.plot(ax=ax1, color='red', markersize=20)
_ = ax1.set_title('NDT Test Counts and M-Lab Metro Locations')
In [11]:
f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=figsize)
ax0 = africa.plot(ax=ax[0], column='default', color='white', edgecolor='lightgrey', figsize=figsize)
ax1 = rates_merged.plot(ax=ax0, column='count', cmap='Blues', scheme='Fisher_Jenks',
k=colors, legend=True, legend_kwds={"loc": 3}, edgecolor='lightgrey')
africa_locations.plot(ax=ax1, color='red', markersize=20)
ax0 = africa.plot(ax=ax[1], column='default', color='white', edgecolor='lightgrey', figsize=figsize)
ax2 = rates_merged.plot(ax=ax0, column='download_Mbps', cmap='Greens', scheme='Fisher_Jenks',
k=colors, legend=True, legend_kwds={"loc": 3}, edgecolor='lightgrey')
africa_locations.plot(ax=ax2, color='red', markersize=20)
_ = ax1.set_title('Test Counts')
_ = ax2.set_title('Download Rates (Mbps)')
How are clients in Africa routed to M-Lab servers?
Every time a client machine contacts and M-Lab server, the server starts a paris-traceroute from the M-lab server to the client remote IP. Each paris-traceroute hop is annotated with geo-location metadata for the intermediate router IP address, including the country.
For a given day, the query below counts the hops in all countries visited between all clients in Africa and the African M-Lab server they contacted. The query is limited to NDT tests (ports 3010 and 3001).
In [12]:
df_hops = {}
for metro in african_metros:
print metro,
df_hops[metro] = run_query("""
paris_traceroute_hop.dest_geolocation.country_code as dest_country_code,
COUNT(*) as hops
TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(log_time, DAY) = TIMESTAMP("2018-11-16")
AND REGEXP_CONTAINS(test_id, r"mlab[1-4].%s\d\d")
AND connection_spec.client_geolocation.continent_code = "AF"
AND (REGEXP_CONTAINS(test_id, ".*") OR REGEXP_CONTAINS(test_id, ".*"))
hops > 50
hops desc
""" % metro)
In [13]:
for metro in african_metros:
if not len(df_hops[metro]):
print "Skipping %s" % metro
hops_merged = globe.merge(df_hops[metro], left_on='iso_a2', right_on='dest_country_code')
ax1 = globe.plot(column='default', color='white', edgecolor='lightgrey', figsize=figsize)
ax2 = hops_merged.plot(ax=ax1, column='hops', cmap='Oranges', scheme='Fisher_Jenks',
k=6, legend=True, legend_kwds={"loc": 3}, edgecolor='lightgrey')
ax2.set_title('Country Hops for sources in Africa & targets in %s' % metro)
africa_locations[africa_locations.metro == metro].plot(ax=ax2, color='cyan', markersize=30)
ax2.set_xbound(-100, 100)