In [1]:
import os
import sys
import random
import time
from random import seed, randint
import argparse
import platform
from datetime import datetime
import imp
import numpy as np
import fileinput
from itertools import product
import pandas as pd
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
import seaborn as sns
from os import listdir

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# %matplotlib notebook
plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 14
plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 12
plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 12
# plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10,5) 
# plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10,5.625)   # 16:9
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10,6.180)    #golden ratio
# plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10*2,6.180*2)    #golden ratio

In [2]:
data = pd.read_feather("/Users/weilu/Research/server/mar_2018/sixth/rg_0.15_lipid_1.0_mem_1_go_0.8/rerun_7_24_Mar_173616.feather")

In [3]:
# dic = {"T0":280, "T1":290, "T2":300, "T3":310, "T4":320, "T5":335, "T6":350, "T7":365, "T8":380, "T9":410, "T10":440, "T11":470}
dic = {"T0":280, "T1":300, "T2":325, "T3":350, "T4":375, "T5":400, "T6":450, "T7":500, "T8":550, "T9":600, "T10":650, "T11":700}
a = data
a["Temp"] = a["Temp"].apply(lambda x: dic[x])
t = a.query("Temp < 400").groupby(["BiasTo","Temp"])[["DisReal","Run"]].mean().reset_index()
t["Diff"] = t["DisReal"]-t["BiasTo"].apply(pd.to_numeric)
t["BiasTo"] = t["BiasTo"].apply(pd.to_numeric)
fg = sns.FacetGrid(data=t, hue='Temp', size=8, aspect=1.61), 'BiasTo', 'Diff').add_legend()

<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x1085ddac8>

In [16]:
a.query("Temp == 300 and DisReal > 60 and DisReal < 90").plot.hexbin("z_h5", "z_h6", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10aef44e0>

In [9]:
a.query("Temp == 280 and DisReal > 60 and DisReal < 90").plot.hexbin("z_h1", "z_h6", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x109520eb8>

In [17]:
a.query("Temp == 300 and DisReal > 60 and DisReal < 90 and z_h3 > -10 and z_h6 > -10").groupby(["BiasTo", "Run"])["DisReal"].describe()

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
BiasTo Run
100.0 3 8.0 82.887365 3.222597 78.260932 80.934940 82.823981 84.745920 87.890796
80.0 11 2.0 62.733651 1.233299 61.861577 62.297614 62.733651 63.169688 63.605725
84.0 0 1810.0 81.573071 4.397721 63.619471 78.594269 81.795106 84.909964 89.995285
86.0 3 882.0 82.822474 4.052563 65.034273 79.896663 83.165387 85.977443 89.910772
10 951.0 82.964238 4.060973 68.633851 80.160615 83.347635 86.014547 89.989719
90.0 3 335.0 84.887041 3.384858 73.144691 82.768863 85.425379 87.647414 89.927050
94.0 2 53.0 86.122329 2.146912 81.724445 84.209229 86.291091 87.938122 89.985835

In [7]:
a.query("Temp == 300 and DisReal > 60 and DisReal < 90").plot.hexbin("z_h3", "z_h6", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x108708278>

In [143]:
data = pd.read_feather("/Users/weilu/Research/server/mar_2018/eighth/force_0.03_rg_0.15_lipid_1.0_mem_1_go_0.8/rerun_3_30_Mar_135549.feather")

In [144]:
dic = {"T0":280, "T1":290, "T2":300, "T3":310, "T4":320, "T5":335, "T6":350, "T7":365, "T8":380, "T9":410, "T10":440, "T11":470}

a = data
a["Temp"] = a["Temp"].apply(lambda x: dic[x])
t = a.query("Temp < 400").groupby(["BiasTo","Temp"])[["DisReal","Run"]].mean().reset_index()
t["Diff"] = t["DisReal"]-t["BiasTo"].apply(pd.to_numeric)
t["BiasTo"] = t["BiasTo"].apply(pd.to_numeric)
fg = sns.FacetGrid(data=t, hue='Temp', size=8, aspect=1.61), 'BiasTo', 'Diff').add_legend()

<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x1a5dfe5470>

In [145]:
a.query("Temp == 300").plot.hexbin("DisReal", "Qw", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a3c44b0f0>

In [151]:
a.query("Temp == 300 and DisReal > 60").plot.hexbin("Qw", "z_h1", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a378a6240>

In [159]:
a.query("Temp == 300 and DisReal > 60 and DisReal < 90").plot.hexbin("Qw", "z_h3", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1abb88ba20>

In [161]:
a.query("Temp == 300 and DisReal > 60 and DisReal < 90").plot.hexbin("z_h3", "z_h6", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1abb84ffd0>

In [153]:
a.query("Temp == 300 and DisReal > 60 and DisReal < 90").plot.hexbin("DisReal", "TotalE", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a3c678c88>

In [139]:
b = a.query("BiasTo == '92.0'").groupby(["Run", "Temp"])["Step"].count().reset_index()
c = b.pivot(index="Run", columns="Temp", values="Step").reset_index()

Temp Run 280 290 300 310 320 335 350 365 380 410 440 470
0 0 NaN 12.0 20.0 30.0 70.0 120.0 294.0 387.0 477.0 435.0 407.0 248.0
1 1 NaN NaN 30.0 130.0 234.0 288.0 256.0 269.0 221.0 173.0 445.0 454.0
2 2 70.0 766.0 798.0 524.0 242.0 46.0 28.0 12.0 14.0 NaN NaN NaN
3 3 32.0 347.0 625.0 682.0 484.0 244.0 68.0 14.0 4.0 NaN NaN NaN
4 4 106.0 1083.0 657.0 390.0 190.0 52.0 20.0 2.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
5 5 NaN 10.0 54.0 94.0 174.0 262.0 316.0 255.0 231.0 492.0 270.0 342.0
6 6 NaN 4.0 38.0 90.0 202.0 377.0 299.0 267.0 313.0 289.0 271.0 350.0
7 7 NaN 14.0 88.0 220.0 422.0 426.0 422.0 362.0 328.0 116.0 44.0 58.0
8 8 6.0 60.0 138.0 238.0 318.0 348.0 418.0 363.0 243.0 314.0 54.0 NaN
9 9 2286.0 192.0 22.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
10 10 NaN NaN NaN 18.0 50.0 121.0 97.0 101.0 169.0 409.0 817.0 718.0
11 11 NaN 12.0 30.0 84.0 114.0 216.0 282.0 468.0 500.0 272.0 192.0 330.0

In [50]:
data = pd.read_feather("/Users/weilu/Research/server/mar_2018/eighth/force_0.03_rg_0.15_lipid_1.0_mem_1_go_0.8/rerun_1_29_Mar_152326.feather")

In [51]:
dic = {"T0":280, "T1":290, "T2":300, "T3":310, "T4":320, "T5":335, "T6":350, "T7":365, "T8":380, "T9":410, "T10":440, "T11":470}

a = data
a["Temp"] = a["Temp"].apply(lambda x: dic[x])
t = a.query("Temp < 400").groupby(["BiasTo","Temp"])[["DisReal","Run"]].mean().reset_index()
t["Diff"] = t["DisReal"]-t["BiasTo"].apply(pd.to_numeric)
t["BiasTo"] = t["BiasTo"].apply(pd.to_numeric)
fg = sns.FacetGrid(data=t, hue='Temp', size=8, aspect=1.61), 'BiasTo', 'Diff').add_legend()

<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x1a2dc35f98>

In [65]:
a.query("Temp == 300").groupby(["Run", "BiasTo"])["TotalE"].mean().hist()

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a4f577828>

In [133]:
a.query("Qw > 0.6 and Temp < 290 and TotalE < -990")

Step Run Temp Qw Energy DisReal z_average abs_z_average z_h1 z_h2 ... Lipid8 Lipid9 Lipid10 Lipid11 Lipid12 Lipid13 Lipid14 Lipid15 TotalE BiasTo
116510 18840000 2 280 0.651681 -973.605756 45.246300 0.148756 9.551204 1.124094 -3.992871 ... -2.703052 0.495357 -2.530598 -0.364433 -3.237033 -2.729304 -3.624784 -2.155443 -995.025333 72.0
227284 15764000 4 280 0.626426 -973.375255 37.755703 -0.555520 10.095031 -1.892137 -6.635557 ... -2.508930 -0.954845 -2.563165 0.897219 -4.293837 -2.788733 -3.992670 -0.173859 -996.479888 56.0
230944 16984000 4 280 0.649083 -962.695210 36.665209 0.190340 10.084901 0.036906 -4.740137 ... -3.524364 -0.638358 -3.080137 -0.269158 -4.396784 -3.346712 -4.098814 -0.933274 -990.305365 56.0
248084 12696000 8 280 0.707270 -968.042333 41.550612 -0.427444 9.560886 -0.254969 -4.339758 ... -3.566904 -0.273382 -2.340126 0.561161 -3.888762 -3.007515 -3.562026 -2.193626 -991.153214 80.0
250124 13376000 8 280 0.626848 -970.353394 42.423971 0.688762 9.902266 2.208203 -4.095562 ... -2.407560 0.106146 -2.555925 0.539598 -3.033658 -3.049666 -4.071697 -2.105982 -992.401839 80.0
581722 13908000 10 280 0.669184 -973.209918 38.271837 -0.434761 9.843593 -2.323659 -4.763673 ... -2.098812 -0.795175 -2.728212 0.802693 -4.033154 -2.839636 -4.007634 -0.620598 -995.952880 60.0
591538 17180000 10 280 0.657943 -973.900555 45.401346 0.198794 9.784665 0.869918 -3.586103 ... -3.153874 -0.018115 -2.549560 -0.091480 -4.349453 -3.039670 -3.698682 -2.109013 -997.325463 60.0
595762 18588000 10 280 0.722836 -984.938098 38.680115 -2.592895 9.462427 -1.003209 -7.124776 ... -3.186091 -0.207758 -1.685053 0.569298 -3.834692 -2.040544 -2.315779 -1.165337 -1001.889948 60.0
785443 11816000 7 280 0.671123 -975.361197 43.071795 -0.292515 9.599425 0.108806 -4.162789 ... -3.065892 0.740629 -2.748341 0.520972 -3.773925 -3.049437 -3.812082 -0.751952 -995.432748 82.0

9 rows × 43 columns

In [131]:
t = a.query("Qw > 0.6 and Temp < 290 and TotalE > -900")
t.query("BiasTo == '80.0' and Run == 8")
# t.query("BiasTo == '80.0' and Run == 8").to_csv("/Users/weilu/Research/server/mar_2018/05_week/pick_structure/highE.csv")

Step Run Temp Qw Energy DisReal z_average abs_z_average z_h1 z_h2 ... Lipid8 Lipid9 Lipid10 Lipid11 Lipid12 Lipid13 Lipid14 Lipid15 TotalE BiasTo
242936 10980000 8 280 0.654467 -878.860398 49.891140 -1.396999 9.839042 -0.176755 -5.506808 ... -3.410691 0.228234 -2.034347 0.902379 -3.587825 -2.222975 -2.681755 -1.382419 -896.186415 80.0
244112 11372000 8 280 0.627074 -876.258264 42.276749 -0.668414 9.545861 -0.996445 -5.577059 ... -2.717436 0.265708 -3.032061 1.271781 -3.419224 -2.207691 -3.924433 -0.469034 -894.216765 80.0
244580 11528000 8 280 0.648997 -872.296441 46.707707 0.677463 10.084530 1.854297 -4.316112 ... -2.432349 0.384855 -3.023286 1.021000 -2.823856 -3.300449 -4.067547 -1.966745 -893.456708 80.0
245720 11908000 8 280 0.620989 -876.730677 52.364991 -0.943755 8.908359 0.459709 -4.683310 ... -3.558660 0.943222 -3.158271 0.218266 -3.162755 -3.111003 -3.691390 -0.734057 -899.277037 80.0
245732 11912000 8 280 0.629269 -867.915425 50.569913 -0.904425 9.439564 -0.289903 -5.297319 ... -2.971138 0.552379 -2.765597 0.389584 -2.968056 -2.587142 -3.595373 -0.743723 -888.424643 80.0
246320 12108000 8 280 0.658000 -877.487692 49.535399 -0.166682 9.623644 0.002058 -3.645375 ... -2.022419 0.056618 -2.763514 0.278087 -3.992522 -2.455636 -3.634165 -2.544244 -899.176484 80.0
246596 12200000 8 280 0.619650 -875.617268 49.325082 0.583803 9.733635 -0.565840 -4.111346 ... -2.239154 -0.783695 -2.649914 0.520036 -4.056339 -3.622810 -4.312243 -1.641223 -899.759871 80.0
248312 12772000 8 280 0.636441 -870.962623 48.407565 -0.619904 9.364386 -0.772516 -3.715080 ... -3.292048 0.601004 -3.182550 0.263535 -3.041036 -3.733192 -3.995921 -1.654031 -895.593199 80.0
251456 13820000 8 280 0.645874 -871.156933 41.342366 -0.053555 9.809104 -0.539607 -5.523925 ... -3.059462 0.246812 -2.485885 0.992471 -3.373117 -3.179055 -3.968889 -1.434680 -892.437434 80.0
251660 13888000 8 280 0.616081 -869.368815 48.593936 -1.168735 10.113190 -1.516903 -6.554004 ... -2.324320 0.079943 -2.258178 0.373690 -3.033310 -2.649539 -3.150175 -2.248606 -888.121983 80.0
251792 13932000 8 280 0.631677 -859.614696 48.480317 -0.115169 9.644355 -0.014485 -3.728124 ... -2.706826 -0.132270 -2.196368 0.402515 -3.760600 -3.291891 -3.697585 -2.544642 -882.031071 80.0
252452 14152000 8 280 0.627789 -875.871156 50.891127 -1.118796 9.831101 -0.562543 -5.217012 ... -3.251996 -0.090167 -1.530295 0.370480 -3.308330 -2.195730 -2.644881 -1.735497 -893.703247 80.0
252752 14252000 8 280 0.654093 -862.899294 52.073177 -0.768573 9.352641 -1.009514 -3.397635 ... -2.474495 0.720664 -3.032459 0.676132 -3.835348 -3.142214 -3.648622 -0.951840 -883.677509 80.0
252956 14320000 8 280 0.636220 -870.338622 47.661973 -1.203440 9.213391 -2.689336 -5.264932 ... -3.039703 0.511191 -2.701884 1.164834 -3.919851 -1.900491 -3.676715 0.612432 -887.295249 80.0
253076 14360000 8 280 0.639331 -873.612720 46.815267 -0.965001 9.736778 -0.708156 -5.004082 ... -2.802019 0.541329 -2.381026 0.157832 -3.739040 -2.803549 -3.082179 -2.075691 -894.445051 80.0
255524 15176000 8 280 0.691849 -880.477269 51.720028 -1.660409 9.570034 -1.647948 -6.597089 ... -2.835131 0.063043 -2.302675 0.627193 -3.544638 -2.561688 -3.031450 -1.860409 -899.168717 80.0
255908 15304000 8 280 0.612670 -869.691093 45.758936 -0.455852 9.812757 -2.381887 -4.984444 ... -3.039857 0.132148 -2.884840 0.395382 -3.622968 -2.828013 -3.693517 -1.901732 -892.411482 80.0
255968 15324000 8 280 0.626242 -874.573055 51.732972 -0.695568 9.342828 -0.574431 -6.461140 ... -2.497333 0.113473 -2.646824 0.379298 -3.900597 -2.496284 -3.699909 -1.191739 -893.696798 80.0
256172 15392000 8 280 0.619007 -869.737539 50.410634 -2.185663 9.128290 -1.507892 -5.824518 ... -1.887600 0.185970 -2.203589 1.131785 -2.694107 -1.925533 -3.001029 -1.551952 -885.529617 80.0
256232 15412000 8 280 0.632788 -848.355077 49.003037 -0.031452 9.507160 -1.000312 -4.327698 ... -2.437075 0.569661 -3.098619 0.677144 -3.968349 -3.348784 -4.230533 -1.318073 -869.498004 80.0
256568 15524000 8 280 0.621727 -874.825706 50.222023 -1.424891 8.993267 -1.352932 -5.301945 ... -2.931712 0.040212 -2.383831 0.456835 -3.658929 -2.950980 -3.552231 -1.662475 -896.443829 80.0
257012 15672000 8 280 0.625679 -860.720478 47.634088 0.101407 10.079782 -0.917458 -4.459169 ... -2.972331 -0.174289 -2.136437 0.551337 -3.767965 -2.887349 -3.643260 -1.717689 -882.273115 80.0
257840 15948000 8 280 0.635833 -878.830796 51.263651 -0.180911 10.144580 0.910267 -4.875629 ... -2.503986 0.263429 -3.006108 1.023198 -3.612766 -2.573122 -3.667917 -1.622758 -898.330733 80.0
260024 16676000 8 280 0.609021 -882.756023 53.770602 -0.797937 9.472185 -0.132944 -5.117706 ... -2.597104 0.720357 -1.872239 0.128807 -3.577495 -2.243886 -2.918538 -1.161527 -899.826134 80.0
263168 17724000 8 280 0.649325 -859.718730 47.466260 0.011855 9.708442 -0.127825 -4.000812 ... -3.099567 0.675688 -2.884069 0.468077 -2.982980 -3.309761 -3.850058 -1.325282 -882.180987 80.0
263564 17856000 8 280 0.671864 -876.661276 49.017355 -1.474763 9.950344 -2.357018 -5.382513 ... -2.698923 -0.088648 -2.400285 0.653609 -4.086414 -3.214770 -3.391997 -1.538448 -898.537509 80.0
265676 18560000 8 280 0.612111 -873.182726 46.104543 -0.964337 9.947031 -0.304885 -5.140140 ... -2.510998 -0.003378 -2.512657 0.395965 -3.214407 -2.178635 -3.104977 -2.884640 -893.737247 80.0
266204 18736000 8 280 0.609856 -879.049140 47.224118 -0.636457 9.701513 -1.319084 -5.129153 ... -3.142233 0.180184 -2.509334 0.896545 -3.450383 -2.890359 -3.796566 -0.495979 -899.626284 80.0

28 rows × 43 columns

In [132]:
a.query("Qw > 0.6 and Temp < 290 and TotalE < -990").groupby(["BiasTo", "Run"]).count()

Step Temp Qw Energy DisReal z_average abs_z_average z_h1 z_h2 z_h3 ... Lipid7 Lipid8 Lipid9 Lipid10 Lipid11 Lipid12 Lipid13 Lipid14 Lipid15 TotalE
BiasTo Run
56.0 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
60.0 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ... 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
72.0 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
80.0 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
82.0 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

5 rows × 41 columns

In [124]:
a.query("Qw > 0.6").groupby("Temp")["TotalE"].describe().reset_index()

Temp count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
0 280 10711.0 -940.314127 17.016894 -1001.889948 -952.032393 -940.565536 -929.124338 -869.498004
1 290 1025.0 -924.141689 18.003698 -977.000209 -937.434948 -925.158895 -911.625125 -870.731806
2 300 140.0 -909.850813 19.174489 -955.324594 -924.037974 -910.451788 -897.136057 -851.386387
3 310 20.0 -888.671825 20.996457 -929.725103 -901.586328 -892.211168 -872.477937 -846.284623
4 320 4.0 -880.289889 20.942216 -905.735070 -887.683582 -880.464204 -873.070511 -854.496080

In [123]:
a.query("Qw < 0.6").groupby("Temp")["TotalE"].describe().reset_index()

Temp count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
0 280 79289.0 -899.108423 25.971777 -992.046508 -917.223791 -898.437120 -880.841987 -798.162770
1 290 88975.0 -871.067976 25.405091 -987.146328 -887.563231 -870.021002 -853.516139 -775.531914
2 300 89860.0 -847.105551 24.393808 -959.872883 -863.049942 -846.376230 -830.419552 -753.476022
3 310 89980.0 -824.338206 24.221931 -932.110735 -840.320271 -823.812008 -807.686212 -725.545875
4 320 89996.0 -801.956661 24.365900 -916.642688 -817.946837 -801.303341 -785.305072 -695.546943
5 335 90000.0 -767.837487 24.402628 -873.010053 -783.667762 -767.278149 -751.367469 -658.910049
6 350 90000.0 -733.973873 24.120450 -839.044535 -750.051279 -733.877538 -717.743245 -622.436539
7 365 90000.0 -701.070023 24.470637 -795.513722 -717.627711 -701.365330 -684.661803 -603.244369
8 380 90000.0 -668.832239 25.427055 -773.283466 -686.181286 -669.148004 -651.834381 -560.640026
9 410 90000.0 -601.004010 28.520725 -712.947718 -620.448059 -601.547587 -581.974506 -475.750013
10 440 90000.0 -528.515046 31.892757 -658.513692 -550.389129 -528.919896 -507.262656 -372.321317
11 470 90000.0 -451.609437 34.579112 -604.135363 -475.121044 -451.906115 -428.555292 -303.986237

In [97]:
tt = a.query("Qw > 0.6").groupby("Temp")["TotalE"].describe().reset_index()

In [98]:
lm_native = np.polyfit(tt.Temp, tt["mean"], 1)

In [120]:
x = np.linspace(280, 350, 100)

In [121]:
plt.plot(x, x*lm_native[0] + lm_native[1])
plt.plot(x, x*lm_original[0] + lm_original[1], c="red")

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1a3128a470>]

In [100]:

array([    1.5551834 , -1375.20868964])

In [99]:

array([    2.16783828, -1493.75050171])

In [104]:
a.query("Qw > 0.6").groupby("Temp")["TotalE"].describe().reset_index().plot("Temp", "mean")
plt.plot(x, x*lm_native[0] + lm_native[1])

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1a300da630>]

In [70]:
a.query("Temp == 280 and Qw > 0.6")["TotalE"].describe()

count    10711.000000
mean      -940.314127
std         17.016894
min      -1001.889948
25%       -952.032393
50%       -940.565536
75%       -929.124338
max       -869.498004
Name: TotalE, dtype: float64

In [69]:
a.query("Temp == 290 and Qw > 0.6")["TotalE"].describe()

count    1025.000000
mean     -924.141689
std        18.003698
min      -977.000209
25%      -937.434948
50%      -925.158895
75%      -911.625125
max      -870.731806
Name: TotalE, dtype: float64

In [44]:
a.query("Temp == 300").plot.hexbin("DisReal", "Qw", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a1e1f6d30>

In [107]:
tt= a.query("z_h6 < -10 and Qw > 0.18 and DisReal > 60 and z_h4 > -10").plot.hexbin("DisReal", "Qw", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

In [108]:
tt= a.query("z_h6 < -10 and Qw > 0.18 and DisReal > 60 and z_h4 > -10")

In [118]:
tt= a.query("z_h6 > -10 and Qw > 0.18 and DisReal > 60 and z_h1 < -10")
tt.groupby(["BiasTo", "Run"])["TotalE"].describe().query("count > 500")

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
BiasTo Run
100.0 10 2500.0 -904.036615 19.408390 -955.907423 -917.205035 -905.041113 -891.886834 -805.717816
56.0 2 1242.0 -837.880172 42.862831 -938.307993 -867.951560 -840.112179 -810.875465 -687.384838
7 1471.0 -835.484512 41.111325 -943.561499 -864.530377 -834.530855 -806.962564 -710.697695
11 1352.0 -843.096405 38.317129 -947.705744 -867.443829 -844.399312 -818.277306 -673.951751
58.0 5 1715.0 -839.889422 43.058199 -935.639786 -868.929963 -845.561256 -821.715602 -649.934942
78.0 5 2498.0 -841.703539 49.928976 -938.987280 -877.470535 -852.049236 -819.566321 -643.479815
86.0 7 2500.0 -899.220043 25.234951 -963.860364 -916.735467 -901.416095 -884.620485 -791.519901
96.0 2 2230.0 -887.776431 37.910163 -960.879289 -910.144982 -894.325794 -874.439476 -610.134680
5 2500.0 -891.759820 26.463012 -961.654822 -909.687218 -895.665074 -876.154146 -778.356987

In [119]:
# tt.query("BiasTo == '82.0'").query("Run == 2 or Run == 3").groupby(["Run","Temp"])["TotalE"].describe()

In [113]:
tt.groupby(["BiasTo", "Run"])["TotalE"].describe().query("count > 100")

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
BiasTo Run
64.0 7 585.0 -797.495197 54.635912 -925.119040 -838.594062 -802.323180 -755.105772 -657.244392
72.0 2 406.0 -871.783097 45.953241 -946.549531 -898.497855 -880.776244 -858.277716 -602.253977
76.0 5 1298.0 -850.935641 93.630361 -944.193458 -894.688377 -881.270179 -858.920013 -496.157296
82.0 2 1083.0 -720.216727 97.147174 -902.804196 -804.360709 -726.365397 -640.433983 -424.834262
3 1097.0 -869.901106 40.015254 -934.072056 -888.822476 -875.088049 -860.886282 -564.224547
94.0 9 2360.0 -872.839724 28.721152 -946.970221 -891.962929 -877.086823 -857.627406 -706.733069
96.0 7 862.0 -798.772690 63.609854 -910.044359 -841.901604 -816.722398 -781.366036 -557.278000

In [110]:
tt.groupby(["BiasTo", "Run"])["DisReal"].describe().query("count > 100")

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
BiasTo Run
64.0 7 585.0 67.395008 5.139090 60.014417 63.306679 66.397782 70.393069 83.572295
72.0 2 406.0 74.532009 5.287647 61.401832 70.499440 75.027002 78.456929 86.198196
76.0 5 1298.0 79.729157 5.116530 61.989823 76.412812 79.900802 83.016145 94.828783
82.0 2 1083.0 83.561909 6.496141 63.803403 79.062738 83.834037 88.138639 102.632345
3 1097.0 83.809071 5.092244 62.882858 80.411988 83.790532 87.513750 98.499468
94.0 9 2360.0 93.169767 4.548182 75.819436 90.244224 93.406118 96.247723 107.407268
96.0 7 862.0 96.118311 4.869819 77.931911 92.876898 96.208012 99.215215 115.006913

In [96]:
ttt= tt.groupby("Temp")["TotalE"].describe().reset_index()
lm_original = np.polyfit(ttt.Temp, ttt["mean"], 1)
tt.groupby("Temp")["TotalE"].describe().reset_index().plot("Temp", "mean")

[    2.16783828 -1493.75050171]
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a3024e898>

In [134]:
data = pd.read_feather("/Users/weilu/Research/server/mar_2018/05_week/unfold/29_Mar_230845.feather")

In [135]:
data.query("Steps < 1e7").plot.hexbin("Steps", "Qw", cmap="cool", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a4023f828>

In [2]:
data = pd.read_feather("/Users/weilu/Research/server/mar_2018/05_week/unfold/28_Mar_163824.feather")

In [27]:


In [29]:


In [9]:

Index(['Steps', 'Qw', 'Energy', 'Run', 'DisReal', 'z_average', 'abs_z_average',
       'z_h1', 'z_h2', 'z_h3', 'z_h4', 'z_h5', 'z_h6', 'Distance', 'AMH-Go',
       'Membrane', 'Rg', 'rg1', 'rg2', 'rg3', 'rg4', 'rg5', 'rg6', 'rg_all',
       'Lipid', 'Lipid1', 'Lipid2', 'Lipid3', 'Lipid4', 'Lipid5', 'Lipid6',
       'Lipid7', 'Lipid8', 'Lipid9', 'Lipid10', 'Lipid11', 'Lipid12',
       'Lipid13', 'Lipid14', 'Lipid15', 'TotalE', 'Folder'],

0.35 force unit is about the place where it unfold.

the Distance increases as force increases. From around 34 to 50

In [22]:
data.query("Steps < 0.8e7").plot.hexbin("Steps", "Qw", cmap="cool", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a1e07ba58>

In [17]:
data.query("Steps < 0.75e7").query("DisReal < 100").plot.hexbin("Steps", "DisReal", cmap="cool", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a28c3e320>

In [25]:
data.query("Qw < 0.4 and Qw > 0.2").plot.hexbin("Steps", "Qw", cmap="cool", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a28caed30>

In [26]:
data.query("Qw < 0.4 and Qw > 0.2").mean()

Steps            7.515164e+06
Qw               2.815010e-01
Energy          -7.972593e+02
Run                       inf
DisReal          1.660540e+02
z_average       -9.232891e+00
abs_z_average    1.185993e+01
z_h1            -1.933514e+01
z_h2            -1.036519e+01
z_h3            -4.331215e+00
z_h4            -1.065632e+01
z_h5            -4.844121e+00
z_h6            -4.834371e+00
Distance         1.657364e+02
AMH-Go          -4.097450e+02
Membrane        -3.179659e+01
Rg               1.563998e+01
rg1              1.256990e+00
rg2              5.326775e+00
rg3              1.548448e+00
rg4              2.370826e+00
rg5              1.441439e+00
rg6              3.695505e+00
rg_all           1.563998e+01
Lipid           -1.726516e+01
Lipid1           3.361988e-04
Lipid2          -1.861182e-05
Lipid3          -1.742701e-05
Lipid4          -3.912820e-06
Lipid5          -1.859926e-05
Lipid6          -4.302988e-01
Lipid7          -2.197791e+00
Lipid8          -1.599250e+00
Lipid9           1.186331e+00
Lipid10         -2.845200e+00
Lipid11          5.232464e-01
Lipid12         -3.652948e+00
Lipid13         -3.211712e+00
Lipid14         -4.102025e+00
Lipid15         -9.357901e-01
TotalE          -8.145244e+02
dtype: float64

In [ ]: