In [1]:
import os
import sys
import random
import time
from random import seed, randint
import argparse
import platform
from datetime import datetime
import imp
import numpy as np
import fileinput
from itertools import product
import pandas as pd
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
import seaborn as sns
from os import listdir

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
import matplotlib as mpl
from notebookFunctions import *
# from .. import notebookFunctions

%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10,6.180)    #golden ratio
# %matplotlib notebook
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

In [85]:
data = pd.read_feather("/Users/weilu/Research/server/apr_2018/fourth/force_0.04_rg_0.15_lipid_1.0_mem_1_go_0.8/rerun_0_20_Apr_001224.feather")
dic = {"T0":280, "T1":290, "T2":300, "T3":310, "T4":320, "T5":335, "T6":350, "T7":365, "T8":380, "T9":410, "T10":440, "T11":470}
a = data
a["Temp"] = a["Temp"].apply(lambda x: dic[x])
rerun0 = data
t = a.query("Temp < 400").groupby(["BiasTo","Temp"])[["DisReal","Run"]].mean().reset_index()
t["Diff"] = t["DisReal"]-t["BiasTo"].apply(pd.to_numeric)
t["BiasTo"] = t["BiasTo"].apply(pd.to_numeric)
fg = sns.FacetGrid(data=t, hue='Temp', size=8, aspect=1.61), 'BiasTo', 'Diff').add_legend()

<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x1a2707e470>

In [145]:
data = pd.read_feather("/Users/weilu/Research/server/apr_2018/fourth/force_0.04_rg_0.15_lipid_1.0_mem_1_go_0.8/rerun_1_20_Apr_001224.feather")
dic = {"T0":280, "T1":290, "T2":300, "T3":310, "T4":320, "T5":335, "T6":350, "T7":365, "T8":380, "T9":410, "T10":440, "T11":470}
a = data
a["Temp"] = a["Temp"].apply(lambda x: dic[x])
rerun1 = data
t = a.query("Temp < 450").groupby(["BiasTo","Temp"])[["DisReal","Run"]].mean().reset_index()
t["Diff"] = t["DisReal"]-t["BiasTo"].apply(pd.to_numeric)
t["BiasTo"] = t["BiasTo"].apply(pd.to_numeric)
fg = sns.FacetGrid(data=t, hue='Temp', size=8, aspect=1.61), 'BiasTo', 'Diff').add_legend()

<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x1a1658bf28>

In [35]:

Index(['Step', 'Run', 'Temp', 'Qw', 'Energy', 'DisReal', 'z_average',
       'abs_z_average', 'z_h1', 'z_h2', 'z_h3', 'z_h4', 'z_h5', 'z_h6',
       'Distance', 'AMH-Go', 'Membrane', 'Rg', 'rg1', 'rg2', 'rg3', 'rg4',
       'rg5', 'rg6', 'rg_all', 'Lipid', 'Lipid1', 'Lipid2', 'Lipid3', 'Lipid4',
       'Lipid5', 'Lipid6', 'Lipid7', 'Lipid8', 'Lipid9', 'Lipid10', 'Lipid11',
       'Lipid12', 'Lipid13', 'Lipid14', 'Lipid15', 'TotalE', 'BiasTo'],

In [148]:
rerun1.query("Temp == 410").plot.hexbin("DisReal", "Qw", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a1f25f9e8>

In [132]:
rerun1.query("Temp == 350").plot.hexbin("DisReal", "Qw", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a2091b4e0>

In [175]:
t = rerun1.query("Temp == 350 and Qw < 0.3 and DisReal > 80").plot.hexbin("z_h6", "z_h4", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

In [182]:
rerun0.query("Temp == 350").plot.hexbin("DisReal", "Qw", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a26a15b70>

In [186]:
rerun1.query("Temp == 350").plot.hexbin("DisReal", "Qw", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a30306630>

In [188]:
rerun1.query("Temp == 350").plot.hexbin("AMH-Go", "Qw", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a26bb8320>

In [197]:
rerun0.query("Temp == 350 and DisReal > 70").plot.hexbin("AMH-Go", "Rg", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a301ee3c8>

In [196]:
rerun0.query("Temp == 350 and DisReal > 70").plot.hexbin("AMH-Go", "Lipid1", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a40565080>

In [184]:

Index(['Step', 'Run', 'Temp', 'Qw', 'Energy', 'DisReal', 'z_average',
       'abs_z_average', 'z_h1', 'z_h2', 'z_h3', 'z_h4', 'z_h5', 'z_h6',
       'Distance', 'AMH-Go', 'Membrane', 'Rg', 'rg1', 'rg2', 'rg3', 'rg4',
       'rg5', 'rg6', 'rg_all', 'Lipid', 'Lipid1', 'Lipid2', 'Lipid3', 'Lipid4',
       'Lipid5', 'Lipid6', 'Lipid7', 'Lipid8', 'Lipid9', 'Lipid10', 'Lipid11',
       'Lipid12', 'Lipid13', 'Lipid14', 'Lipid15', 'TotalE', 'BiasTo'],

In [191]:
t.hist("Lipid1", bins=50)

array([[<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x1a21f34198>]], dtype=object)

In [192]:
t = rerun0.query("BiasTo=='98.0' and Run == '0'").plot("Step", "Lipid1")

In [199]:
t = rerun1.query("Temp == 350 and DisReal > 80")
# t.plot.hexbin("DisReal", "Qw", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)
t.groupby(["BiasTo", "Run"])["DisReal"].describe().query("count > 100")

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
BiasTo Run
100.0 0 236.0 99.748278 2.001669 93.289351 98.533787 99.579704 101.066487 105.166903
2 234.0 99.425793 1.941145 94.267375 98.207872 99.391083 100.665996 105.902665
3 332.0 99.639807 2.070898 93.532054 98.262460 99.567785 101.027263 104.627829
4 152.0 99.628620 1.837234 95.989571 98.169571 99.574896 100.820733 104.796666
5 262.0 99.464141 1.962675 94.204960 98.023583 99.431998 100.918360 104.015161
7 466.0 99.703890 1.921327 92.678673 98.332325 99.672319 101.095711 105.415549
8 141.0 99.478947 1.955755 93.810505 98.244368 99.541808 100.983448 103.573613
9 250.0 99.678765 2.011510 93.648888 98.297055 99.684999 101.107619 104.449694
10 220.0 99.432076 1.974972 94.397189 98.099803 99.221307 100.810565 104.685846
11 105.0 99.730452 2.251384 93.558403 98.590571 99.816052 101.173842 105.607929
80.0 0 130.0 81.488669 1.214482 80.005575 80.604560 81.133099 82.024097 85.029175
5 103.0 81.456628 1.086424 80.035077 80.654107 81.159645 82.066520 85.259811
8 101.0 81.396222 0.973623 80.001402 80.476319 81.397219 82.059689 83.744386
82.0 0 163.0 82.119272 1.418530 80.000380 81.083448 81.879936 82.835597 86.346804
1 306.0 82.363676 1.536804 80.026429 81.210793 82.153745 83.363631 88.767613
2 232.0 82.297247 1.475704 80.023416 80.988886 82.073309 83.285284 86.140774
4 239.0 82.378039 1.530862 80.021157 81.165360 82.230572 83.374137 86.835514
6 142.0 82.442191 1.408768 80.028441 81.330276 82.303186 83.462991 86.418236
7 181.0 82.202679 1.664079 80.000022 80.898487 81.802672 83.044087 87.756725
9 119.0 82.189214 1.481278 80.006945 81.023297 81.945907 83.186950 86.522417
10 211.0 82.349575 1.446882 80.036447 81.229237 82.203374 83.187955 87.485968
11 167.0 82.356146 1.475657 80.011772 81.238150 82.107133 83.209774 87.216619
84.0 0 392.0 83.711222 1.819850 80.020819 82.488101 83.536269 84.962280 88.811042
1 261.0 83.689185 1.991990 80.063119 82.198122 83.425054 85.032463 90.927598
2 108.0 84.080730 1.849742 80.099461 82.768610 84.171036 85.511638 88.728224
4 282.0 83.540998 1.860035 80.017462 82.233830 83.448368 84.703263 88.962759
5 200.0 83.697082 1.721007 80.128214 82.465662 83.608485 84.678996 90.343609
7 153.0 83.817332 1.776912 80.320528 82.406659 83.634804 85.098869 88.280014
8 232.0 83.922653 1.821465 80.062933 82.613507 83.691830 85.101860 88.731013
9 293.0 83.770044 1.859014 80.038324 82.522297 83.763421 84.994487 89.413122
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
94.0 2 342.0 93.853226 1.965906 87.641067 92.531534 93.737166 95.248089 99.664838
3 392.0 93.611751 1.978180 88.468352 92.165363 93.596445 94.966309 99.257008
4 158.0 93.900963 1.750683 88.669171 92.851321 93.776980 94.920944 98.567567
5 286.0 93.708945 2.007055 88.436646 92.417981 93.792186 94.996183 99.625757
6 166.0 93.678729 1.884903 88.199635 92.282317 93.907561 94.869947 98.035810
7 178.0 93.980557 1.931841 88.752794 92.549061 94.183657 95.334957 98.695136
8 188.0 93.952543 1.973318 89.452485 92.626327 93.821288 95.366364 99.489178
10 186.0 93.524860 1.933963 85.262761 92.195158 93.768983 94.734014 98.152153
96.0 0 215.0 95.638931 1.888397 89.135128 94.509669 95.629611 97.056505 100.750958
1 203.0 95.789660 1.928652 90.436318 94.219811 95.862375 97.083476 100.330893
2 192.0 95.697042 2.003067 89.781396 94.231152 95.665280 97.111738 100.706311
3 149.0 95.857770 2.047553 91.318035 94.460749 95.645094 97.199226 101.452346
4 273.0 95.845767 1.940208 90.846299 94.379451 95.800560 97.066163 102.513239
5 309.0 95.908908 1.858732 90.977395 94.509350 96.014937 97.132775 100.806948
6 257.0 95.848498 2.031837 89.878116 94.313387 95.878976 97.084496 101.364533
7 238.0 95.705409 1.974823 91.295522 94.314472 95.764350 97.036153 101.374401
8 132.0 95.629528 1.946917 90.964267 94.415550 95.657539 96.739845 100.629172
10 139.0 95.911601 1.811007 90.209395 94.878501 95.926065 97.037424 100.944882
11 315.0 95.721746 2.020691 89.311733 94.281728 95.735699 97.048683 102.363207
98.0 0 281.0 97.716929 2.004715 92.530067 96.284058 97.763227 98.974353 104.737571
1 168.0 97.988035 1.929249 91.567171 96.746930 97.910696 99.158523 102.556858
2 258.0 97.636339 2.045233 93.389394 96.171906 97.612940 99.130703 104.068386
3 295.0 97.587181 2.015335 91.247020 96.264643 97.454700 98.858161 103.390218
4 217.0 97.662183 1.893355 92.599196 96.417192 97.554725 98.943989 102.802688
5 175.0 97.785744 1.999414 93.090525 96.323910 97.738658 99.157681 103.268266
6 302.0 97.657412 1.962711 91.844420 96.218383 97.603508 98.830828 104.603927
7 286.0 97.699968 1.998930 91.361620 96.416975 97.712799 99.044159 103.515529
8 200.0 97.421749 1.953903 92.416897 96.057124 97.321125 98.820344 103.515044
9 188.0 97.782044 1.889542 92.798258 96.287348 97.793014 99.086415 102.912676
11 106.0 97.899595 1.906148 93.024683 96.535478 97.835380 99.113151 103.420263

104 rows × 8 columns

In [131]:
rerun1.query("Temp == 300").plot.hexbin("DisReal", "Qw", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a20f73f98>

In [ ]:

In [127]:
t = rerun1.query("Temp == 300 and DisReal > 70 and z_h6 < -10")
t.plot.hexbin("DisReal", "z_h6", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)
# t.mean()
# t.groupby(["BiasTo", "Run"])["TotalE"].describe().query("count > 100")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a1e049320>

check run 11, dis_76.

In [108]:
t = rerun1.query("BiasTo == '76.0' and Run == 11")

In [109]:
t.plot("Step", "Lipid10")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a3f302828>

In [84]:
t.plot("Step", "Qw")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a150ac390>

Two state are similar energy wise

In [111]:
t = rerun1.query("Temp == 300 and DisReal > 70 and z_h6 > -10 and Qw < 0.35")
# t.plot.hexbin("DisReal", "TotalE", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)
t.hist("TotalE", bins=50)
# t.mean()
# t.groupby(["BiasTo", "Run"])["TotalE"].describe().query("count > 100")


In [115]:
t = rerun1.query("Temp == 300 and DisReal > 70 and z_h6 < -10 and Qw > 0.35")
t.plot.hexbin("DisReal", "TotalE", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)
t.hist("TotalE", bins=100)
# t.mean()
# t.groupby(["BiasTo", "Run"])["TotalE"].describe().query("count > 100")


In [113]:
t = rerun0.query("Temp == 300 and DisReal > 70 and z_h6 > -10")
t.plot.hexbin("DisReal", "Qw", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)
t.groupby(["BiasTo", "Run"])["Qw"].describe().query("count > 50")

(1989, 43)
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
BiasTo Run
74.0 3 153.0 0.257173 0.014711 0.218977 0.245756 0.258235 0.266860 0.290964
5 166.0 0.254090 0.014398 0.213446 0.244164 0.252218 0.263386 0.291127
9 110.0 0.254683 0.015559 0.207127 0.244790 0.254800 0.266404 0.283658
10 200.0 0.257201 0.015775 0.213655 0.245394 0.258335 0.267594 0.297403
76.0 5 210.0 0.252722 0.015649 0.220435 0.242367 0.251920 0.261208 0.310943
7 336.0 0.253253 0.015453 0.204831 0.242601 0.252057 0.262831 0.305902
78.0 0 190.0 0.249693 0.041496 0.191180 0.231488 0.242453 0.256652 0.542488
1 218.0 0.254934 0.022388 0.217065 0.243336 0.252560 0.263680 0.470777
80.0 3 177.0 0.245409 0.027432 0.210091 0.235992 0.243159 0.252244 0.554859

In [116]:
t = rerun1.query("Temp == 300 and DisReal > 70 and z_h6 > -10")
t.plot.hexbin("DisReal", "Qw", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)
t.groupby(["BiasTo", "Run"])["Qw"].describe().query("count > 50")

(4164, 43)
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
BiasTo Run
74.0 3 250.0 0.256702 0.017841 0.200718 0.246328 0.255917 0.265662 0.331629
5 349.0 0.255141 0.014748 0.221380 0.245327 0.254024 0.265113 0.302110
9 391.0 0.255678 0.015723 0.211991 0.245248 0.255209 0.266482 0.310412
10 319.0 0.256427 0.014370 0.223025 0.246350 0.255328 0.267320 0.298841
76.0 5 329.0 0.254016 0.016608 0.212582 0.242237 0.253556 0.264144 0.309854
7 348.0 0.256630 0.015062 0.220253 0.246504 0.255476 0.267056 0.299896
11 395.0 0.254449 0.015331 0.212791 0.243958 0.254120 0.264375 0.302522
78.0 0 306.0 0.253157 0.014413 0.209317 0.243295 0.253105 0.262710 0.294116
1 297.0 0.250220 0.024535 0.193917 0.233951 0.251027 0.264496 0.324166
3 192.0 0.243962 0.015938 0.214576 0.233102 0.241955 0.253712 0.287055
10 361.0 0.253276 0.014735 0.216421 0.242084 0.252660 0.263188 0.298427
80.0 7 375.0 0.254054 0.016969 0.212829 0.242505 0.252240 0.264107 0.321972

In [16]:
rerun1.query("Temp == 300").plot.hexbin("DisReal", "Qw", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x111fff128>

In [168]:
rerun1.query("Temp == 300").plot.hexbin("AMH-Go", "Qw", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a400b8f28>

In [170]:
rerun1.query("Temp == 300").plot.hexbin("Lipid", "Qw", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a4021b400>

In [169]:

Index(['Step', 'Run', 'Temp', 'Qw', 'Energy', 'DisReal', 'z_average',
       'abs_z_average', 'z_h1', 'z_h2', 'z_h3', 'z_h4', 'z_h5', 'z_h6',
       'Distance', 'AMH-Go', 'Membrane', 'Rg', 'rg1', 'rg2', 'rg3', 'rg4',
       'rg5', 'rg6', 'rg_all', 'Lipid', 'Lipid1', 'Lipid2', 'Lipid3', 'Lipid4',
       'Lipid5', 'Lipid6', 'Lipid7', 'Lipid8', 'Lipid9', 'Lipid10', 'Lipid11',
       'Lipid12', 'Lipid13', 'Lipid14', 'Lipid15', 'TotalE', 'BiasTo'],

In [167]:
rerun1.query("Temp == 300").plot.hexbin("TotalE", "Qw", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a27549b00>

In [17]:
rerun1.query("Temp == 300").plot.hexbin("DisReal", "z_h6", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x111bbe390>

In [23]:
rerun1.query("Temp == 300").plot.hexbin("DisReal", "TotalE", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a21269240>

In [5]:
rerun1.query("Temp == 300").plot.hexbin("DisReal", "Qw", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10e30b978>

In [13]:
rerun1.query("Temp == 300 and Qw < 0.5").plot.hexbin("DisReal", "z_h1", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11195aba8>

In [9]:
rerun1.query("Temp == 300 and Qw < 0.5").plot.hexbin("DisReal", "Lipid1", cmap="seismic", sharex=False)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x111383518>

In [ ]:
pre = "/Users/weilu/Research/server/apr_2018/02_week"
temp = 400
location = pre + "/fourth/_280-350/2d_z_qw/k_0.2_force_0.2_temp410/"
location2 = location + f"pmf-{temp}.dat"
path, f = shortest_path(location2, start=(4, 14), end=(25,24), save=False, xlabel="z_H6", ylabel="Qw")
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/2d_z6_qw.png", dpi=300)
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/shortest_path.png", dpi=300)
location2 = location + f"evpb-{temp}.dat"
(xi,yi,zi) = plot2d(location2, zmax=150)
plt.plot(xi[path[:,1]], yi[path[:,0]], 'r.-')
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/2d_expected_dis.png", dpi=300)
f_on_path = [zi[tuple(p)] for p in reversed(path)]
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/shortest_path_expected_dis.png", dpi=300)

In [150]:
pre = "/Users/weilu/Research/server/apr_2018/02_week"
temp = 400
location = pre + "/fourth/_280-350/2d_z_qw/k_0.2_force_0.2_temp410/"
location2 = location + f"pmf-{temp}.dat"
path, f = shortest_path(location2, start=(4, 14), end=(25,24), save=False, xlabel="z_H6", ylabel="Qw")
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/2d_z6_qw.png", dpi=300)
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/shortest_path.png", dpi=300)
location2 = location + f"evpb-{temp}.dat"
(xi,yi,zi) = plot2d(location2, zmax=150)
plt.plot(xi[path[:,1]], yi[path[:,0]], 'r.-')
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/2d_expected_dis.png", dpi=300)
f_on_path = [zi[tuple(p)] for p in reversed(path)]
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/shortest_path_expected_dis.png", dpi=300)

<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object at 0x10b134e10>
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1a26d00780>]

In [144]:
pre = "/Users/weilu/Research/server/apr_2018/02_week"
temp = 350
location = pre + "/fourth/_280-350/2d_z_qw/k_0.2_force_0.2_temp350/"
location2 = location + f"pmf-{temp}.dat"
path, f = shortest_path(location2, start=(4, 14), end=(25,24), save=False, xlabel="z_H6", ylabel="Qw")
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/2d_z6_qw.png", dpi=300)
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/shortest_path.png", dpi=300)
location2 = location + f"evpb-{temp}.dat"
(xi,yi,zi) = plot2d(location2, zmax=150)
plt.plot(xi[path[:,1]], yi[path[:,0]], 'r.-')
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/2d_expected_dis.png", dpi=300)
f_on_path = [zi[tuple(p)] for p in reversed(path)]
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/shortest_path_expected_dis.png", dpi=300)

<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object at 0x10b134e10>
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1a2549c390>]

In [155]:
pre = "/Users/weilu/Research/server/apr_2018/02_week"
temp = 310
location = pre + "/fourth/_280-350/2d_z_qw/k_0.2_force_0.5/"
location2 = location + f"pmf-{temp}.dat"
path, f = shortest_path(location2, start=(4, 14), end=(25,24), save=False, xlabel="z_H6", ylabel="Qw")
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/2d_z6_qw.png", dpi=300)
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/shortest_path.png", dpi=300)
location2 = location + f"evpb-{temp}.dat"
(xi,yi,zi) = plot2d(location2, zmax=150)
plt.plot(xi[path[:,1]], yi[path[:,0]], 'r.-')
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/2d_expected_dis.png", dpi=300)
f_on_path = [zi[tuple(p)] for p in reversed(path)]
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/shortest_path_expected_dis.png", dpi=300)

<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object at 0x10b134e10>
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1a257ae8d0>]

In [162]:
pre = "/Users/weilu/Research/server/apr_2018/02_week"
temp = 340
location = pre + "/fourth/_280-350/2d_z_qw/k_0.2_force_0.5_temp350/"
location2 = location + f"pmf-{temp}.dat"
path, f = shortest_path(location2, start=(4, 14), end=(25,24), save=False, xlabel="z_H6", ylabel="Qw")
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/2d_z6_qw.png", dpi=300)
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/shortest_path.png", dpi=300)
location2 = location + f"evpb-{temp}.dat"
(xi,yi,zi) = plot2d(location2, zmax=150)
plt.plot(xi[path[:,1]], yi[path[:,0]], 'r.-')
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/2d_expected_dis.png", dpi=300)
f_on_path = [zi[tuple(p)] for p in reversed(path)]
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/shortest_path_expected_dis.png", dpi=300)

<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object at 0x10b134e10>
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1a3f541d68>]

In [143]:
pre = "/Users/weilu/Research/server/apr_2018/02_week"
temp = 350
location = pre + "/fourth/_280-350/2d_z_qw/k_0.2_force_0.5/"
location2 = location + f"pmf-{temp}.dat"
path, f = shortest_path(location2, start=(4, 14), end=(25,24), save=False, xlabel="z_H6", ylabel="Qw")
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/2d_z6_qw.png", dpi=300)
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/shortest_path.png", dpi=300)
location2 = location + f"evpb-{temp}.dat"
(xi,yi,zi) = plot2d(location2, zmax=150)
plt.plot(xi[path[:,1]], yi[path[:,0]], 'r.-')
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/2d_expected_dis.png", dpi=300)
f_on_path = [zi[tuple(p)] for p in reversed(path)]
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/shortest_path_expected_dis.png", dpi=300)

<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object at 0x10b134e10>
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1a282c3b00>]

In [130]:
pre = "/Users/weilu/Research/server/apr_2018/02_week"
temp = 320
location = pre + "/fourth/_280-350/2d_z_qw/k_0.2_force_0.0/"
location2 = location + f"pmf-{temp}.dat"
path, f = shortest_path(location2, start=(4, 14), end=(25,24), save=False, xlabel="z_H6", ylabel="Qw")
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/2d_z6_qw.png", dpi=300)
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/shortest_path.png", dpi=300)
location2 = location + f"evpb-{temp}.dat"
(xi,yi,zi) = plot2d(location2, zmax=100)
plt.plot(xi[path[:,1]], yi[path[:,0]], 'r.-')
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/2d_expected_dis.png", dpi=300)
f_on_path = [zi[tuple(p)] for p in reversed(path)]
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/shortest_path_expected_dis.png", dpi=300)

<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object at 0x10b134e10>
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1a1f983208>]

In [128]:
pre = "/Users/weilu/Research/server/apr_2018/02_week"
temp = 300
location = pre + "/fourth/_280-350/2d_z_qw/force_0.0/"
location2 = location + f"pmf-{temp}.dat"
path, f = shortest_path(location2, start=(4, 14), end=(25,24), save=False, xlabel="z_H6", ylabel="Qw")
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/2d_z6_qw.png", dpi=300)
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/shortest_path.png", dpi=300)
location2 = location + f"evpb-{temp}.dat"
(xi,yi,zi) = plot2d(location2, zmax=100)
plt.plot(xi[path[:,1]], yi[path[:,0]], 'r.-')
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/2d_expected_dis.png", dpi=300)
f_on_path = [zi[tuple(p)] for p in reversed(path)]
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/shortest_path_expected_dis.png", dpi=300)

<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object at 0x10b134e10>
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1a24e610b8>]

In [33]:
pre = "/Users/weilu/Research/server/apr_2018/02_week"
temp = 300
location = pre + "/fourth/_280-350/2d_z_qw/force_0.02/"
location2 = location + f"pmf-{temp}.dat"
path, f = shortest_path(location2, start=(4, 14), end=(25,24), save=False, xlabel="z_H6", ylabel="Qw")
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/2d_z6_qw.png", dpi=300)
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/shortest_path.png", dpi=300)
location2 = location + f"evpb-{temp}.dat"
(xi,yi,zi) = plot2d(location2, zmax=100)
plt.plot(xi[path[:,1]], yi[path[:,0]], 'r.-')
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/2d_expected_dis.png", dpi=300)
f_on_path = [zi[tuple(p)] for p in reversed(path)]
# plt.savefig("/Users/weilu/papers/figures/shortest_path_expected_dis.png", dpi=300)

<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object at 0x10b134e10>
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1a14aeec50>]

Make sure new lipid is correct

seems ok~

In [95]:
pre =  "/Users/weilu/Research/server/apr_2018/sixth/rg_0.15_lipid_1.0_mem_1_go_0.8/simulation/dis_32.0/1/DMPC_0/"
new = pd.read_csv(pre+"lipid.dat")
new.columns = new.columns.str.strip()

In [94]:
pre =  "/Users/weilu/Research/server/apr_2018/sixth/rg_0.15_lipid_1.0_mem_1_go_0.8/simulation/dis_32.0/1/original_0/"
old = pd.read_csv(pre+"lipid.dat")
old.columns = old.columns.str.strip()

In [99]:

0   -25.497257
1   -24.513594
2   -24.725570
3   -27.114650
4   -29.818947
Name: Lipid, dtype: float64

In [104]:

Steps      3.000200e+07
Lipid     -2.499478e+01
Lipid1    -3.342558e+00
Lipid2    -2.701749e+00
Lipid3     6.749951e-01
Lipid4     1.090353e+00
Lipid5     1.370368e+00
Lipid6    -1.264184e+00
Lipid7    -3.509540e+00
Lipid8    -2.708757e+00
Lipid9     7.981707e-02
Lipid10   -2.741665e+00
Lipid11    7.229237e-01
Lipid12   -4.018974e+00
Lipid13   -3.321257e+00
Lipid14   -4.194385e+00
Lipid15   -1.130163e+00
dtype: float64

In [105]:

Steps      3.000200e+07
Lipid     -2.741318e+01
Lipid1    -3.522936e+00
Lipid2    -2.868923e+00
Lipid3     5.460409e-01
Lipid4     9.624254e-01
Lipid5     1.244833e+00
Lipid6    -1.411097e+00
Lipid7    -3.692674e+00
Lipid8    -2.876547e+00
Lipid9    -5.641252e-02
Lipid10   -2.905453e+00
Lipid11    5.903865e-01
Lipid12   -4.225071e+00
Lipid13   -3.499094e+00
Lipid14   -4.422016e+00
Lipid15   -1.276637e+00
dtype: float64

In [106]:
new.mean() - old.mean()

Steps      0.000000
Lipid      2.418401
Lipid1     0.180378
Lipid2     0.167175
Lipid3     0.128954
Lipid4     0.127927
Lipid5     0.125535
Lipid6     0.146914
Lipid7     0.183134
Lipid8     0.167790
Lipid9     0.136230
Lipid10    0.163788
Lipid11    0.132537
Lipid12    0.206098
Lipid13    0.177837
Lipid14    0.227631
Lipid15    0.146474
dtype: float64

In [100]:

0   -27.923850
1   -26.887496
2   -27.124176
3   -29.555065
4   -32.341030
Name: Lipid, dtype: float64

In [98]:
(new["Lipid"] - old["Lipid"]).hist()

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1a42bec630>

In [101]:


In [102]:


In [103]:


In [ ]: