Evolution of the number of recordings for a composer

MUsicBrainz requires a recording artist for each Recording. For classical music, the style guidelines (CSG) recommend to use the performers of a recording as recording artist instead of the composer. So cleaning up the page of the main classical music composers in MusicBrainz requires to change hundreds or thousands recordings (up to a hundred thousands for Bach) to the correct recording artist.

How did this number evolve, particularly for composers that had a "Community cleanup" organized (where this number should be close to zero) and how much work is left for the main composers (Bach, Mozart, Beethoven)?


In [1]:
%run startup.ipy

Last notebook update: 2018-06-07
Git repo: git@bitbucket.org:loujine/musicbrainz-dataviz.git
Importing libs
Defining database parameters

Defining *sql* helper function
Last database update: 2018-06-02

Python packages versions:
numpy       1.14.3
pandas      0.23.0
sqlalchemy  1.2.8
CPython 3.7.0b5
IPython 6.4.0

In [2]:
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1)

Extract edit information

Since we can't directly go back to a point in time to check what the number of recordings was for each composer, we had to compute the difference with today; edits changing the number of recordings for a composer are:

  • edits creating new recordings (with the composer as recording artist)
  • edits deleting recordings
  • edits merging recordings (where the composer was the recording artist at least on one of the recordings)
  • edits changing the recording artist on an existing recording

For each of those we need a SQL query to determine (for a given composer) how many edits of each type we have and what date they were created at.

In [3]:
# lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Constants.pm

def current_recording_count(artist_name):
    return sql("""
  FROM artist             AS a
  JOIN artist_credit_name AS acn ON a.id = acn.artist
  JOIN artist_credit      AS ac  ON ac.id = acn.artist_credit
  JOIN recording          AS r   ON r.artist_credit = ac.id
 WHERE a.name = %(artist_name)s
""", artist_name=artist_name).cnt[0]
def edits_from_new_medium(artist_name):
    artist_id = sql("SELECT id FROM artist WHERE name=%(artist_name)s", 
    df = sql("""
SELECT date_trunc('day', edit.open_time) AS date,
       edit.id                           AS new,
       edit_data.data->'tracklist'       AS tracklist,
       editor.name                       AS editor
  FROM artist
  JOIN edit_artist ON artist.id = edit_artist.artist
  JOIN edit        ON edit.id = edit_artist.edit
  JOIN edit_data   ON edit_data.edit = edit_artist.edit
  JOIN editor      ON editor.id = edit.editor
 WHERE artist.name = %(artist_name)s
   AND edit.type = %(EDIT_TYPE)s
    ;""", artist_name=artist_name, EDIT_TYPE=EDIT_MEDIUM_CREATE)
    df.index = df['date'].apply(lambda d: d.date())
    del df['date']
    df['new'] = df.tracklist.apply(lambda tl: [t['artist_credit']['names'][0]['artist']['id'] 
                                               for t in tl].count(artist_id))
    del df['tracklist']
    return df

def edits_from_standalone_recordings(artist_name):
    df = sql("""
SELECT date_trunc('day', edit.open_time) AS date,
       edit.id                           AS standalone,
       editor.name                       AS editor
  FROM artist
  JOIN edit_artist ON artist.id = edit_artist.artist
  JOIN edit        ON edit.id = edit_artist.edit
  JOIN edit_data   ON edit_data.edit = edit_artist.edit
  JOIN editor      ON editor.id = edit.editor
 WHERE artist.name = %(artist_name)s
   AND edit.type = %(EDIT_TYPE)s
    ;""", artist_name=artist_name, EDIT_TYPE=EDIT_RECORDING_CREATE)
    df.index = df['date'].apply(lambda d: d.date())
    del df['date']
    return df

def edits_from_recordings_changed_from(artist_name):
    df = sql("""    
SELECT date_trunc('day', edit.open_time) AS date,
       edit.id                           AS changed_from,
       CASE WHEN edit_note.text ILIKE E'%%\r\nGM script:%%' THEN 1
            ELSE 0
       END                               AS userscript,
       editor.name                       AS editor
  FROM artist
  JOIN edit_artist ON artist.id = edit_artist.artist
  JOIN edit        ON edit.id = edit_artist.edit
  JOIN edit_data   ON edit_data.edit = edit_artist.edit
  JOIN editor      ON editor.id = edit.editor
  JOIN edit_note   ON edit_note.edit = edit.id
 WHERE artist.name = %(artist_name)s
   AND edit.type = %(EDIT_TYPE)s
   AND artist.id = CAST(edit_data.data->'old'->'artist_credit'->'names'->0->'artist'->>'id' AS integer)
    ;""", artist_name=artist_name, EDIT_TYPE=EDIT_RECORDING_EDIT)
    df.index = df['date'].apply(lambda d: d.date())
    del df['date']
    return df

def edits_from_recordings_changed_to(artist_name):
    df = sql("""    
SELECT date_trunc('day', edit.open_time) AS date,
       edit.id                           AS changed_to,
       editor.name                       AS editor
  FROM artist
  JOIN edit_artist ON artist.id = edit_artist.artist
  JOIN edit        ON edit.id = edit_artist.edit
  JOIN edit_data   ON edit_data.edit = edit_artist.edit
  JOIN editor      ON editor.id = edit.editor
 WHERE artist.name = %(artist_name)s
   AND edit.type = %(EDIT_TYPE)s
   AND artist.id = CAST(edit_data.data->'new'->'artist_credit'->'names'->0->'artist'->>'id' AS integer)
    ;""", artist_name=artist_name, EDIT_TYPE=EDIT_RECORDING_EDIT)
    df.index = df['date'].apply(lambda d: d.date())
    del df['date']
    return df

def edits_from_recordings_merge(artist_name):
    df = sql("""    
SELECT date_trunc('day', edit.open_time) AS date,
       edit.id                           AS merged,
       editor.name                       AS editor
  FROM artist
  JOIN edit_artist ON artist.id = edit_artist.artist
  JOIN edit        ON edit.id = edit_artist.edit
  JOIN edit_data   ON edit_data.edit = edit_artist.edit
  JOIN editor      ON editor.id = edit.editor
 WHERE artist.name = %(artist_name)s
   AND edit.type = %(EDIT_TYPE)s
    ;""", artist_name=artist_name, EDIT_TYPE=EDIT_RECORDING_MERGE)
    df.index = df['date'].apply(lambda d: d.date())
    del df['date']
    return df

We basically sum these contributions (which are probably not 100% accurate but we don't care too much).

In [4]:
def recording_evolution(artist_name, editor='loujin'):
    current = current_recording_count(artist_name)
    df_new = edits_from_new_medium(artist_name)
    df_standalone = edits_from_standalone_recordings(artist_name)
    df_changed_to = edits_from_recordings_changed_to(artist_name)
    df_changed_from = edits_from_recordings_changed_from(artist_name)
    df_merged = edits_from_recordings_merge(artist_name)
    df = pd.concat([df_new.new.groupby('date').count(),
                    - df_changed_from.changed_from.groupby('date').count(),
                    - df_merged.merged.groupby('date').count(),
                   ], axis=1, sort=True).fillna(0)
    df['total'] = (df.new + df.standalone + df.changed_to + df.changed_from + df.merged).cumsum()
    df['total'] += current - df['total'][-1]
    df['userscript'] = - df_changed_from.userscript.groupby('date').count()
    df['userscript'] = df['userscript'].fillna(0)
    df['total_userscript'] = df.userscript.cumsum()
    df['total_userscript'] += current - df['total_userscript'][-1]

#    df_editor = pd.concat([df_new.new[df_new.editor == editor].groupby('date').count(),
#                           df_standalone.standalone[df_standalone.editor == editor].groupby('date').count(),
#                           df_changed_to.changed_to[df_changed_to.editor == editor].groupby('date').count(),
#                           df_changed_from.changed_from[df_changed_from.editor == editor].groupby('date').count(),
#                           df_merged.merged[df_merged.editor == editor].groupby('date').count(),
#                          ], axis=1, sort=True).fillna(0)
#    df[editor] = (df_editor.new + df_editor.standalone + df_editor.changed_to 
#                  - df_editor.changed_from - df_editor.merged)
#    df['total_' + editor] = df[editor].fillna(0).cumsum()
#    df['total_' + editor] += current - df['total_' + editor][-1]
        'data': [{
            'x': df.index, 
            'y': df[col],
            'name': col,
        } for col in df.columns],
        'layout': {
            'title': artist_name,
            'xaxis': {'title': 'Date'},
            'yaxis': {'title': 'Number of recordings'},
    }, show_link=False)
    return df


Let's test with a composer that never had too many recordings:

In [5]:
webern = recording_evolution('Anton Webern')

We can see the decreasing total (converging to zero hopefully) and independent contributions (all centered around zero). The "total_userscript" line filters edits which edit note suggests a userscript was used to automatize the edit (like my "Replace recording artist from a release page" script), it gives an idea how the contribution of this script to the global cleanup effort.

We can test other composers:

In [6]:
ravel = recording_evolution('Maurice Ravel')

In [7]:
debussy = recording_evolution('Claude Debussy')

In [8]:
chopin = recording_evolution('Fryderyk Chopin')

In [9]:
bach = recording_evolution('Johann Sebastian Bach')

In [10]:
brahms = recording_evolution('Johannes Brahms')

In [11]:
beethoven = recording_evolution('Ludwig van Beethoven')

In [12]:
schubert = recording_evolution('Franz Schubert')

In [13]:
dvorak = recording_evolution('Antonín Dvořák')

In [15]:
mozart = recording_evolution('Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart')