In [1]:
# Import useful things
%matplotlib inline
from numpy import array,linspace,sin
from kerr import newtonpoly
from import push_notebook, show, output_notebook
from bokeh.plotting import figure
# from matplotlib.pyplot import *
In [2]:
# Generate some data over which to interpolate
x = linspace(0,10,20)
y = 10*sin(2*x)
In [3]:
# Use teh raw data points to create a function object for the polynomial
P = newtonpoly(x,y)
In [4]:
# Define a domain over which to interpolate
xx = linspace(0,max(x),200)
In [5]:
# Plot the raw data and the interpolant
p = figure()
p.line( xx, P(xx) )
p.line( x,y,'or' )
In [6]:
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